Who is John McCain Kidding?
Me, Too
2008-07-26 19:18:45 UTC
I guess more than 50,000 dead American soldiers wasn't enough, now he is saying "we should have stayed in Viet Nam." John McCain spent five years in a P.O.W. camp. He wasn't wading through the jungle heat, trying to figure out whether a villager hid a bomb under his shirt. He missed the big battles, the carnage, the piled up bodies of the dead.

We lost the War in Viet Nam, just as we are losing the War in Iraq, because no matter what is attained, we have lost our integrity. We attacked a nation for the resources it could give International companies who were drooling at the thought. As a matter of fact, these International companies, despite sanctions, are still doing business in Iran.

General Wesley Clark said, "Being a Prisoner of War does not mean a man is qualified to be leader." Injured in battle himself, I believe Clark is right. Do you think John McCain is a foolish old man who is trying to use his limited experience in battle to present himself as a mighty warrior?
24 answers:
Just call me Joe
2008-07-26 20:29:12 UTC
I understand your comment about McCain, war is hard on civilans and they often do not know what to think or what is really going on abroad. I do not want McCain as our president, the reason i do not is because I fear the only reason people will vote for him is because he is a seasoned senator, a war vet, and looked on as a hero who people think would be a better leader. Obama is a very smart man, new still to politics but a better fit for what the nation needs right now. People are not looking deep into McCain's beliefs because honestly everytime I see McCain on the television all he ever has to say is something about the war or going on the offensive about Obama not knowing anything about the military. It is going to take more than that for me to vote for someone.
2008-07-26 23:00:02 UTC
Do you think that McCain and the other POWs had a cushy life in the Hanoi Hilton? And do you realize that if the war lasted longer, he would have spent more time in captivity?

BTW. McCain was not shot down on his first mission, so he had more than "limited experience in battle". And he nearly lost his life during the fire onboard USS Forrestal.

Who are you kidding with this rant?

PS. Wesley Clark is the biggest political hack general since Maxwell Taylor.

>"Eddie"- How is being shot down by a SAM the pilot's fault? And one of McCain's planes that was destroyed never left the flight deck; it was destroyed on USS Forrestal by a faulty Zuni rocket. Clearly none of these ranters have ever served in the Navy; every sailor for the last forty years knows about USS Forrestal.
christine m
2008-07-26 20:03:52 UTC
John McCain comes from that traditional American line that believes if we do go to war, we go to WIN not lose. He was a son of a Naval Commander.Trained and graduated from Annapolis Naval Academy.We have not lost our integrity just some have lost their balls and common sense.I haven't lost my integrity neither has our dedicated men and woman in the Armed Forces or their families.History will in the future explain the cause of the war in Iraq to ones that don't understand it now.Some of the greatest President's have had a life changing trauma,grew from that and were exceptional leader's.If anything McCain's P.O.W experience was one such trauma.Where on earth do you get your information on the cause of attacking Iraq,we attacked Saddam,remember?Ask our brave men and women in Iraq and Afghanistan who they would want to be their Commander-in-Chief.They would know more about it than you or me.McCain is an old warrior that has an understanding of how to win the battle(the Surge and listening to General Petraus an exceptional General)McCain has never done a foolish thing in his life.
darrell m
2008-07-26 19:59:51 UTC
the Government lost the war in Vietnam, in much the same way the Democrats are trying to do with Iraq.

i would like this explained to me, because i have missed it somehow. how is Iraq a war for resources? first off it would be a war for a resource as Iraq only has one, oil. second off if we went there for oil we would be using it and profiting from it, neither of which we are doing.

we can't control what these international companies do in Iran, or did in Iraq, we can only influence,and punish companies in the USA, not French companies, or Russian companies as a example.

as for Wesley Clark, does being injured on the battle field qualify him to judge any ones leadership ability? probably not, which is a good thing, because his attempt at leadership didn't go very well.
2008-07-26 20:16:02 UTC
We didn't lose the war in Vietnam. We never even lost a single battle. Within weeks of the infamous Tet Offensive of 1968, the Viet Cong had been removed from the order of battle as an effective fighting force. From that point on until the politically ordered withdrawal of U.S. troops, the enemy consisted of North Vietnamese regulars.

In August of 1974, Richard Milhous Nixon resigned as President. His successor, Gerald Rudolph Ford, had never received a single Electoral College vote as either Vice President or President. He had been the Minority Leader in the House of Representatives. So, the Congress which was dominated by the other party knew he had no chips on the table. Given that, they "rolled" him and passed a measure to cut off all funding to the Republic of South Vietnam that Autumn. On April 25th of the following year, the government of South Vietnam collapsed.

General Clark sought the nomination as his own party's candidate for President. So, his "military opinion" is not exactly free of partisan taint.

From the time of his graduation at Annapolis in 1962 until his release from captivity in 1973, half of those who John McCain attended class with, paraded on the drill field with and attending athletic and social events with in his graduating class had died on active duty. That does not present the picture of a "mighty warrior" or a "war monger" to me.
2008-07-26 19:27:56 UTC
The proper question is Who are you trying to kid! You don't have an idea of what it's like to be a prisoner of war..

Dear lady, have you read the news lately...we are not losing the war in Iraq...better check your news before you hand out loose talk!

Wesley Clark is next to being an incarnate to Benedict Arnold.

John McCain is a long way from being a "foolish old man",

as you would do well should you attain a third of his knowledge and apply it to something more constructive than running your mouth and showing your ignorance!
2008-07-26 19:34:24 UTC
Oh, he missed all the dead bodies and all of that - what was McCain behind the lines like Wesley Clark --- NO HE WAS BEING TORTURED and he REFUSED to BETRAY his COUNTRY like you Libs would do in a heartbeat.

Who is Wesley Clark kidding saying obama is a better man for President - where has Clark been since he retired?

John McCain also served his country proudly in Congress for how many years??

How about Wesley Clark? Or obama? (4 yrs < in congress)

Question is were you wading thru the jungle heat or have you served your country in Congress and/or a military career? (Doubt it)
~*Mrs. GM2*~
2008-07-26 21:10:29 UTC
Who is Obama kidding? McCain is what I consider the lesser of the two Besides, either fight it there or fight it here. Would you rather have an old guy who has military experience as president or would you rather have a left wing hippie with no military experience or concern for that matter, and who has communistic ideals?

I'll take the old military guy any day!

Kellie D
2008-07-26 19:35:25 UTC
You're the one that must be kidding. Are you really trying to discredit being a POW like it was nothing????? Seriously you have any idea what it would be like to be a prisoner for 6 years and tortured constantly?????? You are seriously deranged. I suppose you were in Vietnam??? No ..what about Iraq? Since you seem to have all the infinite wisdom about what is tough and what isn't. Of course we could have won the war in Vietnam ..we can win any war as can the enemy.. 2 sides someone wins.

As for Iraq ..keep up with current affairs as WE ARE WINNING. My source , My husband and the 80 guys who served with him. They went on special missions and I take their word as well as the drop in casualties and Gen. Patreus's word ... we are winning , over yours. We did not attack Iraq for resources.... I think John McCain is more of a Patriot than you will ever be. When you walk in his shoes then you can come back with your liberal nonsense.
2008-07-26 19:24:18 UTC
McCain is right we could have won that war. We lost because of the fifth column traitors in our own country. These traitors gave the enemy comfort by not supporting the war and pressuring for surrender. Just like the same traitors today that want us to lose the Iraq war. They hate their own country and want to damage us any way they can. There is no other country that can defeat the USA we can only be defeated from the inside by our own homegrown traitors.
2008-07-26 19:28:54 UTC
You are mostly right, being a P.O.W. doesn't qualify you for much. However that is probably much harder that fighting, I don't know what conditions he faced, torture or whatever.

Most businesses ignore ethics and the opinions of the people. For example, American businesses helped sponsored the rise of the Third Reich and the rise of Hitler. So this is by no means a new policy of them.
Blub blub blub
2008-07-26 22:54:57 UTC
ill get back to this question in 5 years after american gets attacked again because of ignorants who think the world is a fluff ball of cotton candy.
2008-07-26 20:23:38 UTC
The question posed here is actually DO YOU WANT FOUR MORE YEARS OF GEORGE BUSH? Because that's what you are going to have with McCain who has given every indication that he intends following the policies of Bush.

John McCain is a war hero and a good man. But he is not presidential material. I personally think we need to give Barak Obama a shot at it.
2008-07-26 20:10:51 UTC
Your first mistake (among many) is listening to & believing anything Wesley Clark says.
michael jim sawyer charlie LIZA
2008-07-26 19:26:46 UTC
Well, In all honesty, McCain knows a hellofalot more then Obama, who has no experience with actually being a soldier.
2008-07-26 20:00:23 UTC
Who is McCain kidding?

According to the latest polls....about half of America
2008-07-26 19:24:53 UTC
General Wesley Clark was fired from his job because he was dishonest by Bill Clinton's standards. And you would listen to him?
2008-07-26 19:26:29 UTC
John McCain was not a very good student and he destroyed five of OUR airplanes. It was his own fault that his plane was shot down in Vietnam. He has no regard for the rules. The only people that he could be fooling are those that have little use for facts or the truth.

As far as Iraq, we've practically destroyed this country and it had nothing to do with 9-11-01. McBush have admitted that this war was about oil. So the surge has done some good - that's of little comfort when you consider the lives lost and the destruction we've caused.

Bush says that the terrorists hate us for our freedoms, I guess that's why he's taken so many of our freedoms away and trampled the Constitution.
2008-07-26 19:35:07 UTC
Go and smoke your bluntz with Wussy Clark!
Appono Astos
2008-07-26 19:21:46 UTC
Well Obama has NO battle experience, or leadership experience for that matter...he's only a junior senator.
2008-07-26 19:22:19 UTC
If anything, it will not be McCain who wins the election, it will be Obama who loses it.
Voting IsUseless
2008-07-26 19:21:12 UTC
I agree. And Obama wants to expand the war in Afghanistan. I wish we could have a Presidential Candidate that wasn't a warmonger.

Wow! Eight thumbs down for telling the truth. You people are definitely morons.
a person
2008-07-26 19:41:04 UTC
i guess Clark could be right

but Vietnam is one word
sports guy
2008-07-26 19:34:03 UTC
you are so very wrong. I don't even know what to say to you. enjoy your freedoms and your welcome.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.
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