My boyfriend is joining the marines, what do I need to lookout for? Honest answers please. No sugar coating.?
Persia Woodard
2016-07-26 07:16:26 UTC
I've heard horror stories about cheating and strip clubs and I need to know what all goes down and does every marine cheat?
Fourteen answers:
2016-07-26 07:46:41 UTC
Okay, no sugar, only bitter almonds. At least Robert knew two men that were faithful. I knew ZERO. They ALL claimed to be so much in love. But the few times I went out with them. EVERY SINGLE Marine was hound dogging every skirt they seen.

I'm sorry miss. You're talking about 18-22 year old's. In uniform or out, with cash in their pocket. Plenty of Marine "bunnies"(groupies or whatever you'd like to call them)chasing them. What do you think will happen when your S/O is 1000 miles away ?

I broke up with my girlfriend when I went in. I was smart enough to understand everything I wrote above BEFORE I enlisted. It's best to move on miss.
2016-07-26 14:27:52 UTC
Cheating when your boyfriend-girlfriend!? Is this serious?

There is no cheating when you are dating. That is the whole purpose of dating. If you guy goes out with another girl, then that means it did not work out. Move on. That is exactly why you date.

People take this too seriously. YOU'RE DATING. Dating is to measure compatibility. And dating is for fun. Remember that? Having fun? Just be glad you weren't married.
2016-07-26 15:31:34 UTC
My division had 150 Sailors I only knew of one that was 100% faithful. While most of us headed to China Seas Club on base before our trip to Adult Disneyland in Olongapo City. Petty Officer Young spent his liberty on base at Grande Island never once did he go off base, not once. Our last liberty to Subic Bay Mr Faithful received a "Dear John" letter from his wife. Seems she been dating "Jody" his best friend for several months. Needless to say his guy turned into a fcking machine. Short time, long time, all the time. So don't worry about your Marine being faithful, Hell he could be Okinawa married to a cute little local but he will come home to you slightly used........
2016-07-26 08:08:49 UTC
well, in all honesty I must concur with Robert .

In my time in the Navy........cheating was sadly a pretty every day occurance, both by husbands AND the wives, when the ships were away . (Oh yeahhhhhhh, the wives cheat too, ya know? )

But in foreign ports.......let's face facts.,'re not around.........he's got a pocketful of cash.........first stop off the ship is the first bar they pass.........20 or 30 beers later.........they move on to the red light district....and there's *Always* a red light district ......where he will spend the rest of his paycheck....and then tell you he lost it in a poker game.

Yeahhhhhhh , STRIP poker maybe......but there were no cards involved.

and like Robert.........the guys that actually stayed loyal to their wives, were so rare, you could count them on one hand.

I knew ONE guy, in Japan..........who had a Japanese wife, as sweet as could be........and he was madly in love with her, and didn't want to hurt her.

The dude was a saint. He would come with us.............drink a little, but then behaved .

I'll never forget, in one bar.......he actually started helping the hostess bus tables, and helped cleaned up.

If someone got drunk......he was the dude who walked him back to the ship. Like the designated sober person.

He was a class act.

Unfortunately, that was indeed quite rare . Most, headed straight to the red light district, and banged the first hooker they could find. I was single, and enjoyed seeing the sights, rather than drinking myself blind in some grubby hellhole........and picking up local babes the good old fashioned way, when possible

But the thing is............most port visits aren't long enough for all that.

Strict cash transactions expediate matters for most. ----especially those with zero game.

The booze first helps them screw up their courage.

many of these port's like going to a candy store, and telling the guy not to touch the candy.

get real...............of course he's gonna sample the matter what's waiting for him back home.

But one, or two.........MIGHTTTTTTTTT be that one guy, that actually has morals and is a decent Joe.

That's the truth, unfortunately .

I knew a few guys............who's girlfriends basically said............ "Go! Go sow your wild oats......but then, come back to me. "

Maybe they did............maybe they didn't. Who knows?
2016-07-26 09:08:29 UTC
you either trust him or you don't. would you be asking these questions if he was about to attend college across the country?!

the fact is 99% of all high school romances are OVER before the fall semester of college starts. same with new enlistees. they may still be nominally together at the end of basic, but by the time they get to their first duty station 1000 miles away, he's moved on.
2016-07-26 08:39:10 UTC
NO every Marine does NOT cheat, just Ike every spouse doesn't. If it is going to happen it will happen whether civilian or military, apart or coming home to each other every night. It is about TRUST and a solid relationship.
2016-07-26 08:03:41 UTC
Cheating - It happens. But it also happens in civilian life. He could be going off to the Marines wondering if you will cheat on him just as much as you wonder if he will cheat on you.

Strip clubs - What's the problem with strip clubs? He likely will be going to them with his buddies, especially if he's young. He will watch ladies dance on stage and take their clothes off. He will likely be spending a lot of dollar bills on it. And at the end of the night, he will be going back to the barracks with his buddies that he went to the strip club with.
2016-07-26 21:23:30 UTC
I'm in the military now and I don't know a single person that hasn't physically or emotionally cheated on their s/o. Males AND females.
2016-07-26 08:10:02 UTC
I cheated on my girlfriend countless times while I served, at least over 40 times. Now we are happily married with children. You'll never know what he does so don't worry about it.
That Guy
2016-07-26 16:31:16 UTC
There's a much greater chance that he could cheat on you being out there, but it all depends on the person.
2016-07-26 21:09:01 UTC
He'll be away for quite sometime...long distance relationship ship comes to mind and whether or not yall could sustain.
2016-07-26 18:48:42 UTC
In all likelyhood you will get cheated on.
2016-07-26 08:54:38 UTC
oh, those stripclub horror stories...

i cant begin to tell you...
2016-07-26 07:31:37 UTC
That he might be killed.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.