why is it that liberals just don't get it?
mikel m
2006-07-16 10:05:54 UTC
why is it that liberals and people of that ilk just dont understand that some times you half to stop talking and kick a little a**
29 answers:
2006-07-16 10:11:20 UTC
I think your first answer defines the liberal mindset perfectly.

Maybe they forget the lesson of what happened after Chamberlain went to Munich.
2006-07-16 10:51:59 UTC
Would you think yourself ill-used if someone who objected to your use of the phrase 'liberals and people of that ilk' kicked your butt? As a liberal, I would, in a heartbeat, kick your fanny for the profound blindness your question declares. Clearly, you need to have your attention drawn to the possibility that 'liberals' can be as bloodthirsty as you are. And you could have no objection to the action: after all, sometimes you have to stop talking, etc.

Soften the approach, friend. Liberal thinkers are not necessarily opposed to good ideas proposed by conservative thinkers--et vice versa.

I suppose that the idea you think poorly understood by liberals is Mr. Bush's expedition in Iraq. I am a liberal thinker, and I favored unilateral military action against Saddam Hussein's government. At the time, I believed that an expedition to topple that regime, however ugly 'invasion of a sovereign land' might seem on the international radar, was warranted--simply because S. H. was clearly a Stalin/Hitler-wannabe. I still think that true, and I do not decry the initial invasion as wrong, despite that it was 'justified' with lies; I do not object to a judicious lie now and then (although I prefer a judicious benign lie that is not born of contempt for the People, which I detect in Mr. Bush).

However, the prolonged (and almost certainly futile) exercise at 'building democracy in Iraq' is fundamental error; the commitment of U. S. armed force to a political sideshow is strategically questionable; the lack of a coherent U. S. foreign policy is thrown into high relief by this episode; etc.

The analysis of the war in Iraq by intellectually honest liberals or conservatives should lead to much the same conclusion: the Iraq adventure is strategically risky, and offers few possible gains to balance that risk. It may be prudent to abandon the project; I think it worth honest study to determine the value of the project. Don't you?

"Stay the course" isn't analysis, nor is it the only option. It might be right--but I suspect that a better option can be found. Hell, I could find one by crapping in the snow and reading that plan.
2006-07-16 10:22:23 UTC
Not all liberals think that way.I am very left wing and you'd probably consider me loony left if you knew my position on a lot of the issues but I understand sometimes it's time to kick a** as you put it.

I'm pretty sure we disagree when such action should be taken.For me the invasion of Iraq for instance was a big mistake and not necessary.

I also feel it undermines the power of our respected Allie;the USA in dealing whit real threats as North Korea and Iran.

If you mean pacifists,well they genuinely believe in non violence whatsoever out of the naive idea that every country will be just as nice.

Pacifism is like burglary protection by leaving all doors unlocked and leaving a message on your window or door we're not at home.It's just absurd.

Violence is sometimes necessary and even essential in the interest of good.

You can regret it,and I do,but to deny it is just plain nutty.
2006-07-16 10:17:01 UTC
For starters they just don't get the line of Government BS and spin that most of you are swallowing hook, line and sinker. Second if all, when the talking stops,, our Administration's lack of diplomacy and macho posturing, fueled by corporate greed is driving us to a possible 3rd world war.

Now you and your ilk can yell 'bring'em on' as much as you want, but remember this time you may bring it too far! Right home to our own innocent civilians!
2006-07-16 10:08:24 UTC
Because unlike many who oppose civil liberties (that being the definition of a non-liberal), liberals think that dialog and discussion are good.

They generally prefer to understand the problem, and find an actual solution to it, rather than just going in guns a-blazing.

Kicking azz is fine, if it's done intelligently and with an achievable purpose. But an haphazard poorly-planned military action that kills thousands of troops and tens of thousands of civilians, without any end in sight is neither intelligent nor rational.

I would rather see our efforts, and our troops lives, be committed to something that will do our country good in the long term, rather than trying to change thousands of years of political culture in a country that can't even feed itself.
2006-07-16 10:17:27 UTC
Liberals have taken the time to STOP and take a long hard look at the toll that violence, war, "carrying the biggest stick",and hatred have gotten us as people of the World. Innocent lives lost, children killed, greed, hatred for hatred's sake,genocide, all have been done in the name of being "right." What is right for one person may not be right for others - what is right for one nation may not be right for ALL nations.

Liberals have looked at "getting along", love, ending injustice through peaceful means, arbitration, mediation, and co-operation and decided that these are far better tools than annihilation, killing, bloodshed, violence, maiming and war.
2006-07-16 10:17:01 UTC
A person with a liberal point of view would rather find a peacefull way than to start a killing of innocents.

A person with a Liberal view is more inclined to ask why than to blindly and unkowingly follow a madman into the dismantling of all civil and human rights that US Citizens are granted in the Constition.
2006-07-16 10:24:15 UTC
Because Liberals tend to transcend instinct. They also understand that while some a** kicking proponents are having it good on their yatchs, golf courses, private jets with all their family members and friends, other people's sons and daughters are dying kicking some a** for them. Isn't it the conservatives who pretend not to get it?
2006-07-16 10:10:29 UTC
I don't like the tone of your question and have decided to just forgive you for the mocking and mean treatment of Vietnam Vets. I lived for three years in a bamboo cage on my knees. I was eventually released by a sweep that was done by the military. I am now permanently disabled and I used to be fabuloous ball room dancer. Ahh those days are all over. Remember to be kind and friendly to everyone online for you do not know who has served and been beaten by the Viet Cong while living as a prisoner. Thanks
2006-07-16 10:11:22 UTC
Why is it that conservatives just don't get it that violence isn't the only answer? I agree that sometimes it's the only option when there's a genuine threat, as in World War I and World War II, but so far Bush hasn't given us one compelling reason for invading Iraq (even though he's changed his story several times).
2006-07-16 10:10:18 UTC
You are so clueless. I really don't even know where to begin. A little *** kicking (I assume you mean starting wars) has probably killed billions of people over the years for what? Some land, some oil, some money, some ridiculous disagreement over religion? That *** kicking you and your neo-cons love giving out will come back and bite us all in the *** one day. we will be our own exterminators...
2006-07-16 10:14:57 UTC
Are the Mongol hordes riding into Minnesota or California? Who really has to battle who? We could ignore the Middle East all day, they couldn't do a thing to us, Iran, Syria, whomever. We have many more weapons than those fools anyday. Why are we going to get involved in their crap and waste my tax money?

What kind of navy and air force does Iran, North Korea and Iraq have? Why are we so worried about them? We're the baddest dog on the block. Nobody messes with the baddest dog, the baddest dog messes with you when he wants something you have!

Get it?
2006-07-16 10:08:36 UTC
As a Liberal... yes its true that sometimes you have to react with force because it is all an enemy understands. Now, why can't you conservatives understand that its not the United States' place to rule the world?
2006-07-16 10:16:27 UTC
why is it that idiots like you don't get that in the last several thousand years, violence and war have solved precisely nothing? War is NEVER the answer. Marvin Gaye said only love can conquer hate. If war was the answer don't you think something would have been achieved by now? Honestly, i don't understand how people like you just don't "get" it.
2006-07-16 10:10:16 UTC
OK well, I'm a liberal, and I get that concept. When someone kicks you in the jimmy, you beat them into oblivion. The concept I have trouble with is if someone threatens to kick your on-again-off-again buddy in the jimmy, why bloody your knuckles?
2006-07-16 10:09:56 UTC
I know plenty of liberals who are ready to completely kick some neocon ... because they feel the time for peaceful protests are over. When peaceful protest don't get you equality sometimes you HAVE TO TAKE IT.
2006-07-16 10:52:46 UTC
I HATE the Liberal and Conservative debate. Neither of the two have a clue of what is going on today. It is time for a third party.
2006-07-16 10:13:57 UTC
Liberals understand *** kicking, we just don't understand unjustified invasions and suppresion.

No country who has used their might as their primary diplomatic tool has ever long survived. Our founding fathers understood this, why don't modern conservatives?
2006-07-16 10:11:51 UTC
Because this country is not a school yard, we don't settle problems by bullying others.

Why do we insist on bullying and imposing our interests in other countries? This country is seen as a silly imperialistic country. We are like a spoiled brat who insists on getting it his way. And its not "half", its have......Why don't you go back to school and get an education.....
2006-07-16 10:07:59 UTC
I suppose it's because liberals notice that we're pissing off countries we -aren't- fighting; countries whose support we -really- need if we're going to continue participating in the global market. Or, you know, countries whose support we'd want if the third world war happens in our lifetime.
2006-07-16 10:08:31 UTC
Maybe if we spent more $ on education and less on "kickin a**" you'd know how to spell "have to." Get a life, kiddo. Let mom and dad get on the computer and do something worthwile.
2006-07-16 10:12:42 UTC
Because they are disorganized, and full of hatred. Oh, and I think they share a brain and feed off of what the media says.
tough as hell
2006-07-16 10:16:37 UTC
You can not understand it because you have a brain washed mentality of violence........please learn to read ..and explore other news sources than fox
Mark W
2006-07-16 11:25:43 UTC
Yes we created many things during the Cold War, but nobody is placing any of the blame on the former Soviet Union either. The world was to be divided, and we had to have allies. We did not choose the leaders of those countries, but we supported the ones in place to stop the Communist Aggression (yes, even Saddam was aided-especially against Iran--or did you forget the 444 days?).

We do not choose violence, it chooses us. In order for me to fully believe that you believe violence can be ended, start with your own small piece of the world. Stop all violence and crime in your own town. Stop Drunk Drivers, Robberies, Rape, Torture, Child Abuse, Reckless Drivers....the list goes on. People have a desire to break the law. I'm sure you have INTENTIONALLY drove faster than the speed limit, crossed a street against a red light (even if nobody is there, it is still illegal)..something illegal yourself.

Wars are started when people develop power and use it to further their greed, hatred or beliefs. World War II was a result of Hitler hating Jews and being greedy. He spread throughout Europe amassing riches AND exterminating Jews at every turn. The War on Terrorism is a simple case of our survival. To compare it, we are Hitler's Jews, but we are fighting back. Al-Qaeda does not have borders, they are a fanatical, religious extremist group bent on the utter destruction and extermination of all Judeo-Christians in the world. They are attacking the strongest first (USA and Isreal) in order to exterminate anyone raised in that culture of infidelity, even American Muslims will be killed. After us, the world will fall without the great protector to save them. "There is but one God, and Allah is His name." This is not a war of politics, borders, is a war to annihalte us, and to save our very existence. Osama even offered to pull all of Al-Qaeda ("insurgents") out of Iraq, "leave them to govern themselves, if we pulled all troops out of Iraq, then we could continue our battle in the streets and towns of America" to keep it going. Do you want to wake up to a Saber to YOUR throat because you are an American? The very rights and freedoms you have, that allow you to choose YOUR religion, or even a lack of it, are the reasons they want YOU dead. Hezbollah are religious terrorist from many countries, hiding in Lebanon, using Lebanon as a base to attack Isreal. Do not hate the Isrealis for killing innocent Lebanese, hate Hezbollah for forcing the Isrealis to chase them in to Lebanon and starting the fighting. Lebanon and Isreal actually get along.

We are not being violent, we are defending our right to exist. If you want to help their cause, end your own life now, and that will be one less for them to kill. If this upsets you, to know they want your entire family to die, your sisters and brothers beaten and killed, your mother's head sawed off, then do something to stop all of this. Raise awareness, enlist and defend, volunteer around your community, talk to something, but don't listen to those that are sympathizers and getting rich from this war.
First Lady
2006-07-16 10:09:18 UTC
I ask the same thing about conservatives.
120 IQ
2006-07-16 10:07:46 UTC
Liberals rule, conservatives suck!!
carl l
2006-07-16 10:11:54 UTC

Are you even old enough or educated enough to know what a liberal or conservative is? Judging by your statement - NO!
Paul S
2006-07-16 10:12:41 UTC
because usually you don't. and those that think you do are too stupid to take seriously
2006-07-16 10:09:20 UTC
maybe because politics are stupid

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