Is bush afraid of a REAL enemy?
2007-03-22 23:21:07 UTC
rumsfeld cheney & bush were all talking about WMD from iraq & their rapid strike capability & a mushroom cloud over a US city would be too late & we had to rush immediately to war, BUT iran is flaunting their weapons program to the world, daring us to act & mocking our foriegn policies they have no intentions of stopping so why cant we bomb them before they act on thier intentions? this is VERY SERIOUS they are a REAL threat to israel our last crusader stronghold & only ally in the mid east region, cant bush even at least talk tough to them or can he only invade countries without an army?
Sixteen answers:
2007-03-23 00:03:48 UTC
Issue Cost

1. Communism $13.1 Trillion

2. War on Terror $455 billion

Who would benefit from such spending?

Democracy has fallen to plutocracy.

Accenture Ltd.


Aerospace Center Support

Aerospace Corporation

Alliant Techsystems

Allied-Signal Inc.

AM General Corporation

American Petroleum Institute

Anteon International Corporation

Applied Research Associates Inc.

Argon ST

BAE Systems plc (U.S. subsidiary is BAE Systems Inc.)

Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp.

Ball Corporation

Bath Iron Works

Battelle Memorial Institute

BBN Technologies

Bechtel Corporation

Bell Helicopter (division of Textron)

BDM Corporation

Blazeware Inc.

Boeing Company

Boeing Sikorsky Comanche Team

Boeing SVS

Booz Allen Hamilton

Brashear (owned by Nextel)

British Nuclear Fuels Limited

CACI International Inc.

Carlyle Group

Carnegie Mellon University

Charles Stark Draper Laboratory

CNA Corporation

Concurrent Technologies Corporation

CSA Engineering

Computer Sciences Corporation

Decibel Research Inc.

DHB Industries

Digital System Resources Inc.


Edison Welding Institute

EDO Corporation

Electronic Data Systems Corporation

Electric Boat (division of General Dynamics)

Environmental Tectonics Corporation

Evergreen International Aviation

Exxon Corporation

F M C Technologies

Foster Wheeler Ltd.

Foundation Health Systems Inc.

Gemini Industries Inc.

General Atomic Technologies Company

General Dynamics

General Electric's Military Jet Engines Division

Geo-Centers Inc.

Goodrich Corporation


Georgia Tech Research Institute

Halliburton Company

Harris Corporation

Health Net, Inc.



Hughes Electronics Corporation

Humana Inc.


Institute for Defense Analyses


International Resources Group

ITT Corporation Inc.

ITT Research Institute

Jacobs Engineering Group Inc.

Johns Hopkins University Inc.

JPS Communications (wholly owned subsidiary of Raytheon)

Kaman Aircraft

Kearfott Guidance & Navigation Corporation

Kellogg, Brown and Root

Kollsman Inc.

Kongsberg Protech

L-3 Communications Holdings, Inc.

Lockheed Martin

Longbow Limited Liability Inc.

Loral Corp.

Maersk Line and Patriot Contract Services

Marconi Corporation PLC

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Maytag Aircraft Corporation

McDonnell Douglas Corporation (wholly owned subsidiary of Boeing)

MEVATEC Corporation

Mission Research Corporation

MITRE Corporation; also see ANSER Institute for Homeland Security

Mitretek Systems Inc.; see MITRE Corporation and ANSER Institute for Homeland Security


Motorola Inc.

NASSCO Holdings Inc.


Nichols Research Corporation

NLX Corporation

Northrop Grumman Corporation

Northrop Grumman Electronic Systems

Northrop Grumman Information Technologies

Northrop Grumman Integrated Systems

Northrop Grumman Mission Systems

Northrop Grumman Newport News (formerly Newport News Shipbuilding & Drydock Company)

Northrop Grumman Ships Systems

Northrop Grumman Space Technology

Northrop Grumman Technical Services

Ocean Shipholdings Inc.

Olin Corporation; also see John M. Olin and John M. Olin Foundation

Orbital Sciences Corporation

Pennsylvania State University

Pratt & Whitney (division of United Technologies)

Private Military Corporations

Private Federal Corporations



Rockwell International

RONCO (de-mining operations Horn of Africa)

Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC)

Shell Oil Company

Siemens AG

Sikorsky Aircraft Company


Spectrum Astro

SRI International

Standard Missile Company LLC

Stevedoring Services of America

Stewart and Stevenson

Sverdrup Corporation



Texas Instruments Inc.

Textron Inc.

The Titan Corporation

Tyco International Ltd.

University of Texas System

Unisys Corporation

United Industrial Corporation

United Technologies

URS Corporation

USmax Corporation

Verdian Corporation

Verizon Communications

Vinnell Corporation

Vinnell Brown and Root

Washington Group International

Westinghouse Electric Corporation

Worldcorp Inc.

Wyvern Technologies, Aerospace & Defense Contractors

Why would all these defense contractors wish the war to stop? War stops demand for arms decreases. Dont take my word for it take the word of President Eisenhower in his farewell address .
2007-03-22 23:29:33 UTC
Why bomb Iran?

The Russians pulled out of their nuclear deal with Iran this week because they have not been paid in several months. Some people speculate it is actually because of pressure from the west.

Story from the Nasdaq website.

Russia Delays Indefinitely Opening Of Iranian Nuclear Reactor

Tuesday, Russia announced that it was postponing indefinitely the opening of Iran's already delayed nuclear power plant as Tehran has failed to make timely payments.

The announcement followed the breakdown of three days of talks last week to settle a disagreement over payments. The move comes as the six major powers indicated that a draft resolution on imposing further new sanctions against the Islamic republic over its nuclear defiance was imminent.

Last week, the Atomstroiexport company announced its decision not to send its nuclear experts to Iran to complete the Bushehr nuclear power plant over non-payment. The Russians was to deliver the nuclear fuel for it this month.

A statement from Atomstroiexport said the project would be delayed indefinitely.

"The time frame has been moved and so the launch cannot happen in September. We simply cannot do it," a spokeswoman for the company said adding "If we cannot launch the station in September, then we cannot deliver the fuel according to the old timetable either."

The Russians claim the Iranians have paid only a fraction of the $US25 million a month needed to cover construction costs.
2007-03-23 07:01:25 UTC
President Bush is not afraid. Instead he is simply following an integrated strategy against Iran that 1) has effectively neutralized Iran militarily; 2) has Iran isolated diplomatically; and 3) is strangling Iran's economy.

Just because President Bush does not do the Clinton-style useless but highly visible cruise missile attacks - does not mean that he is not dealing with the problem.
2007-03-22 23:25:14 UTC
Iran is dangerous and must be treated seriously by the Bush administration before an attack has been launched that is too late for the Americans to react just like what happened on 9/11.
2007-03-22 23:36:01 UTC
Even if the white house wanted to go to war with Iran, they would succeed. We do not have the necessary men equipment and money to do so. It is impossible. The only reason Iran is dangerous is becasue mr bush took out saddam who kept him in check. We do not have the army to taske out Iran. Although if isreal was attacked, you bet the U.S. would get the permission to finish the Iranian military off. In a nutshell were bogged down in Iraq, Afghanistan and couldnt pull it off. At the same time were trying to better our relation with te world and another war would put us in the worst position since hitler.

And NOOO it doesnt justify war becasue we went to war with the damn wrong people. The people who crashed into the WTC were not from Iran or Afghanistan. Bush just wanted to sway the public for his agenda--Iraq...
2007-03-23 00:17:36 UTC
ts media that's creates fear in the mind of people through out society in a way of creating hate towards fellow man through video ,music and TV .Its economic progress that's stops the bomb as who wants a country that is un live-able through the means of terror .Calling people pigs makes no difference .Its positive reinforcement through good intent in the media and TV that will also stop the fear of threat and will create a terror free society Its not communist to have positive reinforcement through media outlets to even stop the threat of children picking guns and taking them to schools or streets to kill the innocent .The people at the negotiating tables are the ones that must have good intent to understand what other people as saying as different races talk differently and express themselves different as well .Back in the 50's everybody had there nicknames and way of talking through what was around them as some people of today still talk like this .So what I'm talking about is to stop the threat of war understand your country then you can understand others country's and customs .No politician should fear custom but embrace it as teaches what is wrong and is also an others teachings.
mr bliss
2007-03-22 23:49:37 UTC
You have to ask yourself what does Israel want out of all this really. What is their agenda. I know they are stacked here in the good old USA. We see quite clearly what they did to Lebanon. So do we play follow the leader here or do we lead. With all do respect to Saudi Arabia, and our friends in the middle east. We need a genuine pow wow a group hug. A get together maybe a cocktail party! This is a great country I hate to see it go to hell because of bad leadership, and grown men thinking only about themselves.
2007-03-23 01:17:17 UTC
I think you'll discover that if push comes to shove, Mr. Bush will react as strongly as Jack Kennedy did. A coward he ain't.
2007-03-23 01:06:59 UTC
some times people need to be evaluated for their mental health, perhaps that can reveal what he is really afraid of or its just a mushroom over his celebral
2007-03-22 23:35:03 UTC
its not about bush , if it were up to bush he would nuke em all, its the pansy dem. who would rather cut funds and run. here is a taught .WW1 We were never attacked inside the u.s ,WW2 we were never attacked. Vietnam we were never attacked. 911 we were attacked . does that justify WAR??
2007-03-23 02:01:36 UTC
war is the last option
2007-03-22 23:25:57 UTC
Another Democrat proving once again - that terrorism is no biggee ..
2007-03-22 23:29:26 UTC
yes i guess what his name suggests, Pres. Bush will always hide from the bushes
2007-03-23 00:36:05 UTC
Are u?
2007-03-22 23:29:44 UTC
He doesn't have enough sense to be scared
2007-03-22 23:25:42 UTC
no he cant..... he has no guts to do it, he has no enemy, that's is what i know....he just afraid of himself or his own dark shadow

sorry if i offense u, but that is what i really think..

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