Please tell me how we are losing the war in Iraq?
2006-11-14 06:26:31 UTC
This is a serious questions because I don’t get it.
I look at it like this. Iraq has been told for years that America was a bad country and Saddam was the man, of course they will look at us as being bad and some will want to kill us, they have been brain washed. It takes time. Its only been three years, so I don’t see the time factor as being a reason
Yes we are losing troops, but isn’t that what happens in war, so I don’t see that being a reason.
Yes I am like anyone else and don’t want to see anyone getting killed, especially American or allied troops, but we lose only three troops a day in a war country. In the USA we lose 43 Americans a day from homicides, so again I am not seeing the connection how we are losing.
We are catching more top ten wanted people in Iraq with a smaller number of troops then we caught top ten wanted in the USA with over a million people looking for them. So I don’t see how we are doing a bad job catching people.

I guess I am at a lose and don’t see how we are losing troops.

Tell me where I am wrong
Twenty answers:
2006-11-14 06:35:49 UTC
Its simple, its called the parrot syndrome.

See everything you say is true and makes a very good point and it shows why we are winning the war, but the reason we are losing the war is the Parrot syndrome.

The Parrot syndrome is basically you have a bunch of uneducated, unmotivated people in the United States who watch the liberal news. The liberal news doesn’t like our President because some of these media giants are backed by liberal idiots. So they bad mouth our president and the job he is doing. (if the same thing was happening with a dem president, the media would think they are doing a wonderful job with the war). Anyways, these people watch this liberal news and instead of using common sense or looking at the facts themselves, the just run around saying the war is going bad, they repeat what the news told them, this is the parrot syndrome.

So to answer your question we are not even close to losing the war on the front lines. Its back at home we are maybe losing the war and the terrorist know this. That’s why they don’t throw all there troops at us because they would lose in a sec. This way they can just poke at us until the liberals want out.

It’s a shame because all the troops lives may be lost because the dems don’t want to finish the job.
2006-11-14 08:04:11 UTC
Thoughtful question. I don't like the death of troops and the death by murder to be a valid comparison. Troops die as a direct result of political decisions and murders most often occur because of dope or alcohol or anger. It diminishes and trivializes the deaths (and wounding) of many, many fine young people.

But I think we are losing because we have lost control of the countryside. Regardless of what Bush says, there is a civil war going on. Americans are a target of opportunity, while Sunnis and Shiites are killing each other by the score for pure hatred. This is the problem - Saddam kept all these groups cowered and scared, hell that SOB would execute his mother if it kept him in power. Now, there is no restraint and they have run amok. 150,000 Iraqi deaths, the Iraqi government states. (Who's really got a clue about this?) And most of it Iraqi on Iraqi.

I don't know what to do. Damned if we pull out and they implode, damned if we stay and troops keep dying and the Iraqis keep killing each other. Bush as opened a Pandora's box here...
2016-09-01 16:19:23 UTC
Perhaps one must assess in what context Iraq is a struggle. iraq is an occupied nation. Occupied international locations quite often rally a resistence by means of their persons towards their occupiers. In this context how precisely does the sector 'terrorist' are compatible in? Were the French resistence in WWII terrorists in view that they battled the Germans who occupied their nation? Of direction many s**t disturbers have pored into Iraq which used to be top for civil and devout strife if anybody ever broke down the as soon as factor that united the persons of that nation - worry in their repressive govt. Iraq is certain to wreck into a number of international locations with Iran rising as a neighborhood vigor and the truly winner of this 'journey'. To you need to be so black and white and say they're terrorists who 'hate freedom' is apparent dull...they see this struggle as a battle for his or her possess freedom that's a exceptional irony.
2006-11-14 06:51:07 UTC
We have 2852 brave Americans dead in Iraq. We have over 30,000 wounded. In Iraq over 635,000 civilians are dead. 750,000 have left the country. Iraq is in Civil war now. That is fact. All sides want control of the oil money, that will not end. No one with even half a brain would think that a terrorist will stand and fight, they will not. They do the dirty work behind our backs. IDEs are killing our service men not face to face fighting. Terrorist are cowards.

There is one other issue you do not follow well. If our troops were not in occupation of Iraq. How many would die there? We need to end the occupation. To compare deaths in homicides or auto accidents is not valid.

The last issue you don't follow is that Bin Laden did the Sept. 11th. attack on America that killed 3000. He is in Afghanistan not Iraq. Is he on that top 10 list? BTW, it is a lie that Iraqis want us there. They have been ask and they want us to go home. The vast majority do anyway. Do you ever read any news from Iraq?

AP wire "BAGHDAD, Iraq - Gunmen dressed as police commandos kidnapped up to 150 staff and visitors in a lightning raid on a Baghdad research institute Tuesday, the largest mass abduction since the start of the U.S. occupation."

We have 147,000 troops in Iraq and Iraq has no security now.
david n
2006-11-14 06:48:56 UTC
The "troops" as you call them, are real people with real families and they are really dying so in the first place we have to ask ourselves "for what?", if we were really concerned about human life then why are we not in darfur?... In the second place we have killed and maimed a few hundred thousand Iraqi's, what do you think the rest of the World thinks of us?, if that isn't the best reason for terrorist recruitment, I don't know what is... In the third place, we are about 10 trillion dollars in debt, do you have any Idea what that means?, we could very well have the worst depression in American history, do you want to guess how many of us will die then?.
2006-11-14 06:40:59 UTC
You are wrong in that you are questioning the party line of the democrats. Politics and public opinion abhore someone who actually looks at the evidence and comes to a different (and, in your case, more accurate) conclusion.

Anti-Bushers look at power shortages in Iraq and claim that is a failure. Others look at the power shortages and realize that they are caused by an unpresidented number of Iraqis having the prosperity necessary to buy increasing numbers of electronic gadgets, thus putting a strain on a power grid that barely existed (if it existed at all in the area) a few years ago.

Anti-Bushers look at the death toll and complain that tens of thousands of civilians have died and thousands of troops. Others look and see that fewer soldiers have died in several years of Iraq than died at the Battle of Marathon (490 BCE) over the course on a few hours. They also see that the US has gone to extraordinary lengths to protect Iraqi civilians, often times placing our own soldiers in greater risk, and over the last several years of war fewer civilians have died than under Saddam's reign.

In short, you are wrong because you are right. Some people just can't handle that.
2006-11-14 06:45:57 UTC
Whenever you do anything based on a pack of lies you are doomed for failure, and this is what happened in this case.

Young Americans were sent to fight and die in Iraq for nothing but Bush's desire to control Iraq's oil.

You say: "we lose only three troops a day" - How would you feel if it was your son or daughter, brother, sister, cousin or friend that was among the 3 today?

Since you feel so strongly about this matter, why aren't you enlisting, or advising your close family members to go over there?
2006-11-14 07:03:14 UTC
Loosing isn't really whats happening. At some point this war shifted from the tradition style of war our mainline military forces are trained to fight to a civil war with the Kurds, Sunnis and Shi"ites fighting each other and our troops caught in the middle
2006-11-14 06:32:13 UTC
The vast majority of citizens in Iraq are happy we're there. What we are seeing is the Sunnis and Baathists allying with outside terrorist organizations in an insurrection against our troops. Honestly, if we hadn't tried to fight a politically correct war, we wouldn't have had this problem.
2006-11-14 08:13:45 UTC
First of all you failed miserably in winning the hearts and minds of the Iraqi people. Where were the DOD living the last 12 years. First U.S. always best freinds with Saddam. Illegally give him chemical weapons. Then duhtel gives Saddam satalite photos 2 or 3 days old, shows Irainians in Kurdish towns. By the time Chemical Ali gets back from MISSION oh well **** happens.After 8 years of war Saddam broke, owes all arab countries money. Kuwait is slant drilling. A design drawn up by one of Bush Sr. war planners.(who happened to be a partner and patent owner of slanty drilling) Then after telling O.K. to invade. They demonized him in press. After country smashed. Shiates told to rise up. They do. U.S. troops ordered not to let them have their own weapons and republican gaurd allowed to use U.S. hellocopters to slaughter them. This is demoralizing for U.S. troops thinking they were liberating these guys. That was not the plan. The real plan was to punish and weaken Saddam for saying one time that he was thinking of chaging currancy from dollar to euro. Next 12 years of punitive sanctions causing over half million Iraqi children to die. Madame Albright says it is worth it.So you are over their killing apopulation that does not trust you. They were still willing after all that to give you a chance, but their was no plan in place for peace, only for selling off of national oil.No security, electricity, NIL. so who are you after. their was no alcada when you left for war. Saddam would never allow another power base within the country. So go home or slaughter every innocent man woman and child you have been tormenting for almost 2 decades. Now of course people are trying to defend themselves and want the occupation to end.
2006-11-14 06:33:48 UTC
Three words.

"Read Iraqi history".

Iraq has had a long history of religious problems. I think Americans don't read history as they are a very new country (relatively speaking) and they think history didn't exist before the American Independence day. I tell all my students to read history. Be informed. Study past mistakes and past successes. Then come to a decision.
2006-11-14 06:52:42 UTC
That's true. You're not loosing. You got the technology not to loose a war. It's impossible for the USA to loose a war (and i mean it). It's just sad that so many americans take pride on having a warrior country.

Unfortunately it's not the only one, so i feel out of place critizicing you.

Just to inform you, Americans get brainwashed too, as do venezuelans, so you might want to put yourself in the place of iraquis.
2006-11-14 06:37:01 UTC
USA is not losing in the war against Iraq, many said it but i think its not true, coz in every war thousands of soldier must die, they must be heroes of their country for peace and unity. later on i believe USA could pass through it and will roar like a lion and iraq will fall on its hand....... from the Philippines your brother nation.
2006-11-14 06:30:13 UTC
Because the mass media,, and the democraps say we are. Therefore, we are.

DYK, we lost more men on the first day of fighting on Iwo Jima than we have in three years in Iraq.
2006-11-14 07:29:57 UTC
war is hell. But compared to WWI & II, the current war is a day in the park. If we fought today like we did in I & II, we would already be out of Iraq.
2006-11-14 06:33:05 UTC
How nice, only 3 a day, + how many shot up + how many mentally screwed up + 500 billion and counting + 500 billion est. will cost VA to maintain those shot up over their life time + (guess) 300+ billion to rehab military hardware.

Why do I suspect you've never and will never serve a day in the military.

You are at a loss!
dixie twain
2006-11-14 06:40:56 UTC
because our army killed more than 200,000 iraq people .we just want oil , not the peace.

so the iraqi hate us . we lose , just like we in Vietnam 35 years ago .
2006-11-14 06:44:16 UTC
The_Cricket: Thinking Pink!
2006-11-14 06:34:20 UTC
Simple: We aren't losing.
2006-11-14 06:32:07 UTC
You can't win a war that you shouldn't be in to begin with.

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