2006-11-14 06:26:31 UTC
I look at it like this. Iraq has been told for years that America was a bad country and Saddam was the man, of course they will look at us as being bad and some will want to kill us, they have been brain washed. It takes time. Its only been three years, so I don’t see the time factor as being a reason
Yes we are losing troops, but isn’t that what happens in war, so I don’t see that being a reason.
Yes I am like anyone else and don’t want to see anyone getting killed, especially American or allied troops, but we lose only three troops a day in a war country. In the USA we lose 43 Americans a day from homicides, so again I am not seeing the connection how we are losing.
We are catching more top ten wanted people in Iraq with a smaller number of troops then we caught top ten wanted in the USA with over a million people looking for them. So I don’t see how we are doing a bad job catching people.
I guess I am at a lose and don’t see how we are losing troops.
Tell me where I am wrong