Can you describe a credible scenario in which the U.S. could be successfully invaded and occupied?
Stalking the truth
2012-01-30 18:27:16 UTC
I have tried and I cannot come up with anything that would be remotely possible. Even if China and Russia joined forces, they don’t have the capability.

First, with satellite imagery, there would be no chance of a sneak attack. Even if they just start mobilizing forces, we would know and could take defensive or offensive measures.

Even if they could some how mount an attack, say by knocking out our satellites and somehow neutralizing our nuclear capabilities, forgetting for a moment all the nukes we have on subs, they would need a massive armada, many times larger than the Normandy invasion. This is unless they did a northern invasion from Russia through Alaska and Canada and finally to mainland USA. I’m not even sure it would be possible to move an army like that through the arctic. It certainly would be no fun. All during this invasion, they would have to contend with our air attacks. It is highly doubtful that China and Russia combined would be able to achieve air superiority. In a naval attack, you would also have subs and battleships to contend with. Either way, the invading force would be decimated.

If they did manage, somehow to get their army to the continental U.S., they would still have a massive ground fight on their hands versus our military and national guard. In the unlikely event they would be successful at defeating our military, they would need an enormous occupation force. The standard troop density for occupation is 20 troops per 1,000 population. This would mean the occupation force would have to be at least 15 million troops. The cost of this occupation force would be astronomic. The cost of our occupation troops in Iraq is about $615 per day per troop. Even if they did it extremely cheaply, say $50 per day per troop, that’s still $22 billion per month. This would quickly cripple the economies of both China and Russia.

Also, even if they were able to pull all this off, we still would have subs out there with nuclear missiles that could be launched in retaliation. We also have other countries allied with us that would also retaliate.

Given this and many other factors, my conclusion is that it is impossible for a foreign power to successfully invade and occupy the U.S.
Seven answers:
2012-01-31 00:52:20 UTC
America is much to large, our military is to strong, and the fact that over 80 million Americans own guns and many would use them against an invading force means that any invading country would have hell of a time trying to conquer us. No, the only real way America will fall is from within.
2012-01-30 20:41:08 UTC
"somehow neutralizing our nuclear capabilities" - and this is when the war is lost for the USA. the idea of mutual destruction is gone. now we can nuke you all we want until you give up. Don't rely that much on your allies. With nukes we can completely destroy the USA in less than an hour, your allies would go down even faster. Allies are allies, but they are not really in our league, I don't even think they would dare to attack both Russia and China to protect the nuke-less USA. And even if we somehow forget about the subs (which is impossible to forget) your subs still won't be enough: too much land to bomb, too little missiles; while we have thousands of them. But yeah we'll probably have to sacrifice several cities, we can afford that if it's really that important.

Neutralizing your nuclear capabilities is the only possible scenario to win the USA, but it is a very unlikely scenario, I'd say it's pretty much impossible. And really there'll be no use in that victory, as most the land would be destroyed and all the radiation... meh.

And why would we want to occupy the USA? There's nothing there. no oil, no fun. And anyway no one would declare a war against a country that has nukes. the price is too high. that would be just nuts.
2012-01-30 20:44:40 UTC
Here, have one.

A leader comes to power in China who starts deliberately and faithfully impersonating the prophesied Antichrist. (Won't work in Russia which is Christian and will be freaked out too; the bulk of the Chinese likely won't even notice the "end-time prophecies" getting fulfilled left and right).

Then, as a credible impression of an impending end of the world is created in the minds of the American public, a powerful, previously unknown or little-known religious group springs up somewhere in the US and quickly gains followers. The whole thing ought to be done while a Democrat is in the White House and there's the usual fear-mongering about him (or her) being an atheist traitor etc. etc. The US president doesn't actually have to be a marionette for this to work, just somewhat weak and all over the place. As a sense of urgency increases, the doomsday cult starts forming a militia. Suspiciously too well-armed all of a sudden, but who's going to notice... As they prepare for their final battle with Satan, they also become a kind of small-time Taliban to their local communities, harrassing those they perceive to be "Godless" and "depraved" on a daily basis.

Next thing, a counter-militia springs up and attracts many secular Americans who don't believe the end-of-the-world nonsense and wouldn't like to see the US collapse into religious tyranny. They, too, are surprisingly well-armed almost overnight...

Next thing, the US army is dispatched to stop the street war. They honestly try to stay impartial for as long as they can, which is not forever. Everyone's got values and everyone's got family somewhere. There are now two US Armies, the Army of God and the Army of Liberty, and a conflict previously limited to SMGs and RPGs is now fought with tanks and aircraft.

The Chinese, masters of stratagems for millennia, eventually may not even need to show up in person. On the contrary, a scenario that'll suit them the most will be using their Christian fundamentalist proxies (inside and outside the Army of God) to fend off an invasion of America by its NATO allies backing the outnumbered, outgunned, out-of-breath Army of Liberty (there'll be Libya-style talk of anti-fundie "rebels" and of the duty to "restore freedom" in the USA). On the other hand, going too far with the "civil" war and getting America to nuke itself would kinda defeat the purpose.
2016-10-05 03:06:19 UTC
u . s . could desire to effectively invade North Korea, yet profession is yet another count number fullyyt. North Korea's nukes could be of little effect previous the 1st couple of days in a conflict. they don't have a huge arsenal and time-honored objectives could be geared in direction of destroying their potential to produce greater. Occupations are basically effective whilst the inhabitants is docile in direction of your presence. that's demanding to declare how the North Koreans could react on a civilian point to such an action, yet i think of it could be silly to believe that there would not be resistance. Edit: u . s . did no longer lose in North Korea. This substitute into the 1st of u . s .'s political wars which resulted in a ceasefire. there substitute into no renounce and actual no defeat of forces. basically a loss of political will to end the combat.
John U
2012-01-30 18:31:15 UTC
You seem to have a lot of time on your hands.

Look up CAIR

Just don't come back here and post another mini essay about it Ok. Talk to your friends and amongst yourselves and if you have no live, living friends that you can touch and smell their bad breath unlike your computer screen then make some. Then discuss.
2012-01-30 18:37:00 UTC
no impossible. america is great because we put the citazens over everybody and the people choose everything.

also you froget. there are more civilians with guns in usa than all the militaries in the wordl
2012-01-30 18:41:44 UTC
the 99 % has become economic slaves to the zionist agenda of greed of wall street , corporations , and the bankers . in the last dozen years we have seen the largest transfer of wealth in human history , from the middle class working man , up to the top 1 % . for the first time ever , banks own over 50 % of the equity of all americas homes . wall street analyst are saying that , in 2011 publicly traded corporations ( those that issue stocks ) made thee most profits , ever , in history . they are sitting on trillions of dollars in ' reserves' . yet they are not creating jobs . they are not giving cost of living raises . it's just sitting . the working man is still sucked dry .

it has come from within .

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.