I have a friend who is in Afghanistan and I want to send him something. What do they need most over there?
The Audette
2007-06-30 14:36:44 UTC
Please post serious awnsers and not complaints about the war.
21 answers:
2007-06-30 14:42:04 UTC
2007-07-01 14:47:39 UTC
I have been sending boxes of goodies to the troops for three years. In Afghanistan The px's are few and far between. I send Personal hygiene products. Snack/junk food. Snuff ,hard candy. chewing gum. Do not send candy bars this time of the year , nothing that will spoil. Check with your friend, Ask him/her what they need. When you mail the package get a flat rate priority box from the post office. The postage is $8.95, they have three sizes. If you use any other box it will cost an arm & leg. No matter what you use always send it priority, it will get there in ten days. Boxes sent by GROUND can take a month. Do not send anything in an aerosol can or a glass container by priority They might blow up. if you want to send alcohol send the little airline bottles. Wrap them in bubble wrap, the same goes for glass. send them by GROUND. If a bottle of whiskey breaks ,leaks & is found ,youand your friend will answer a lot of questions . Do not buy Insurance or delivery confirmation. That stuff is only good till the package leaves the U.S.A.. I hope this helps.
John T
2007-06-30 22:07:48 UTC
Home made brownies! (Always welcomed anything that has that special touch and I'm not talking about special ingredients.)

His favorite candy. What was it that he bought at the store?

A letter expressing gratitude and caring. Pictures.

Porn. (Playboy, etc.) He hasn't seen a real woman in a long time. (Army uniforms do not make women look good, even if he is around a few, and the oldest woman without a veil is 12.)

Anything he liked back home.

They also have these microwavable cakes and brownies now. Those are great. Microwavable popcorn. Microwavable (dry) meals. All of this allows him some variety from the mess hall, MRE's and T-Rats (not really rats, but they taste like it) depending on where he is at.

OH yeah, hard candy and good ole pencils, maybe even some small stuffed animals. These are great for giving out to the kids. That was always one of my favorite activities there. Driving down the road throwing out goodies to the kids. (never while stopped)

If you want to spend some money Oakley M Frames (not the fake ones, it's more than a fashion statement.)
operation m
2007-06-30 21:53:18 UTC
baby wipes, some of those hand warmers (it gets cold there) depends on what your friend does really. If he is a fobbet (does not leave the wire) then he really doesn't need anything other then porno (you can't really get it anywhere and you can get into trouble for haveing sex) but if he go out on missions then some "D-rings, some tan oakley boots (the winter/tempret ones. A tought set of gloves. Blackhawk dot com has alot of that kind of stuff. And usstanderedissure dot com is good for oakley stuff. I would say some Endust, but its actully forbidden someplaces for soldiers to have it. Anyway good for you for wanting to send something tangable.
Curtis B
2007-07-01 00:32:01 UTC
Anything they would need here, they need there. Look at it this way, even if he can get toothpaste easily, that would save him money he could use to buy something not easily sent through the mail. Don't send food that needs to be refrigerated, melts in high heat, can get crushed, or has an expiration date. Movies, games, and CDs are always acceptable, although they can get burned ones for $3 a piece. Like I said, anything they need here, they could use there.
Heather H
2007-06-30 22:13:39 UTC
My husband is currently in Afghanistan. Believe it or not its everyday items that we dont think about. From baby wipes to toothpaste. But if you really wanted to send something out of the ordinary, movies, cd's, microwavable food, some food that would not be in every box. Beef Jerky is in every box, chips and salsa/cheese are not. Socks are also important, as well as undies. Its amazing how much they miss the little things. I pray your friend comes home soon. Our prayers are with him.
2007-06-30 22:50:54 UTC
Condiments. Ketchup, Mustard, Hot Sauce, BBQ sauce, etc. Stuff that you can ship without it getting spoiled. I think the best thing I got was a bunch of different kinds of Tabasco Sauce and canned chili, pickled jalapenos, etc.

For some reason I also loved the package of Ramen Noodles and Cup-O-Noodles I got. I guess it reminded me of home when I was in college. Weird.

UPDATE: Oh yeah, cans of Lysol and Bug Spray. Preferably sent separately from the food stuff.
2007-06-30 22:54:37 UTC
What ever you decide on just remember that it's like 130+ degrees over there. Don't send anything that will melt. Really, just a letter from a friend so he won't feel forgotten by the world.
2007-06-30 21:40:30 UTC
Aside from your prayers and support, something like an ipod or an xbox is always a good choice. Wrtie him and ask what he needs
2007-07-01 03:16:32 UTC
They just need about anything you send them.Where in Afghanistan is your friend in I have a friend over in Afghanistan also.
2007-07-01 14:49:21 UTC

No glass or metal containers

No pork products

No pornographic materials

No liquor

Put soaps,deodorants, scented products or items which could leak or melt in

zip lock bags (double bag them if it's highly scented or pack them separately

from food).

Perishable homemade foods like yeast rolls, etc. will mold, but cookies do

fine. Chocolate melts.

Fill extra space with trash bags wadded up, wash rags, towels, flat rolls of

toilet paper etc.

double tape all seams with strong packing tape.

Mail "parcel post ". ( once out of the country, all mail travels at same no sense spending more than necessary.)

At the Post office you fill out a list of your items (for customs) sign &

date. No need to put a value on the slip.

Address the box same way as you would a letter, put your return name &

address on top left corner. Some will send you a thank you note. Include your email

address in your box if you would like a faster reply.

In the Bottom left corner write "REDIRECT: To any commander or chaplain of


The soldiers share their items with each other so its ok to send a quantity

of just one item if you want to. Remember sand gets in EVERYTHING. Send items

packaged individually if you can. They have no storage places as some are on

the move.

Letters, cards and "words" of encouragement are very appreciated. You

may want to include a self addressed envelope in your box with a note

requesting them notify you when they receive the package.

If you can send them something

every few weeks, even just a card, they appreciate it so much.

Sandstorms begin right after January. Troops are asking for lightweight tan

color cotton strips

10" wide and 36" long (tee shirt type material). They will tie them around

their nose, mouth and ears and tuck into their collar to keep sand out. THIS IS


For Winter they are asking for

dark work socks, thermals, and gloves to keep warm in the night, along with

Shoe Inserts that they can cut to fit their boots. The sand wears out the

bottoms of their boots.

**** = Items that are a hot commodity

1. Toilet Paper (take out cardboard and flatten.

2. Insect Repellant, Aloe Vera Gel

3. Magazines, Jokes & comics

4. Light weight tan or Army green colored cloth 10" X 36" (sandstorm season

is upon us)

5. Small flash lights or book lights

6. ****Paperback books or novels

7. Local Newspapers, post cards from your home town

8. Tooth brushes and toothpaste

9. Dental floss and Mouth Wash

10. Disposable Razors & shave powder

11. Baby Wipes and Refills, hand sanitizer

12. Keri lotion (not oil based for faces)

13. Chap Stick or Carmex, Talcum Powder

14. Wash Rags, Big fluffy towels (for the Ladies), Facial cleansing


15. Nail Clippers, files, Nail Polish (neutral colors)

16. Disposable Cameras

17. Deodorant, Shampoo, Bar Soap, Body Wash (full size)

18. Feminine Hygiene products

19. Hair bands, clips, Brushes and Combs

20. ****Eye Drops

21. Inner soles for boots & shoes

22. Black Boot socks, Foot Powder. Cotton balls,

24. Frisbees, Nerf footballs, basket balls, electronic hand held games, CDs

& players, DVD movies, hackie sacks, Yo-Yo, squirt guns to keep dust

down, Walmart-Sam' s Club-or AT&T phone cards

25. Envelopes and Paper, pens.

26. Batteries any size

27. Kleenex, Saline nasal spray,

28. Sewing Kits

29. Small Mirrors

30. Plain Black sunglasses

31. Clorox wipes

32. Zip lock bags

33. Powder laundry detergent, dryer sheets

34. Twin Size Sheets

35. Socks, t-shirts, underwear (various sizes)

36. Contact lens cleaner

37. Liquid hand sanitizer

38. ****After shave Lotion (no glass)

39. Crossword, word search puzzles, Ink Pens/Pencils

40. Boxes of Assorted Greeting Cards

Food Items

1. Instant Soups

2. Instant Oatmeal or Grits

3. Tea Bags

4. Dried Fruits

5. Dried Meats Jerky

6. Slim Jims (They Go Fast)

7. *** Powdered Gatorade {no longer needed, Govt supplied)

8. Cookies in package or Ziploc bag

9. Crackers,

10. Chex Mix

11. Small Pringles {do not ship in summer}

12. Gum, Hard Candy, Tic Tacs, Breath mints

13. Trail Mix

14. Microwave Popcorn

15. Granola Bars

16. Tuna

17. Spices, condiments

18. Summer Sausage {Beef only}

19. Power Bars

20. Kool Aid (with sugar)

21. Dry Cereal (individual boxes)

22. Little Debby Snack Cakes

23. Kraft Easy Mac

24. Ragu Express

25. Powdered drinks / juice boxes

26. Sunflower seeds

Your love and support and most of all encouragement...Laura Nimitzmom
2007-06-30 23:22:08 UTC
all of that garbage that they named off sounds great, but keep in mind that there are PX's you can buy that stuff at. Send him whiskey. No joke, thats the only thing i want sent to me.
2007-07-01 00:24:17 UTC
i spent 8 mos in afghanistan the food is terrible i also spent 20 mos in iraq major difference in food send him some snacks beef jerky is always welcome and things like that
2007-07-01 00:39:12 UTC
Baby wipes, beef jerky, calling cards, boxes of cookies, etc.

That stuff was always good when I got it.
2007-07-01 00:20:06 UTC
everything that has to do with hygeine and some homey things too, my dad is over in Iraq and they say everybody really needs smething that reminds them of home....
2007-06-30 21:41:09 UTC
Sunglasses, SPF lip protection, socks, and of course, support and prayers.
2007-07-01 03:47:39 UTC
if he's in infantry. send him silly string. it's used fot detecting trip wires and dental cleaning tools. for cleaning sand out of his weapon. if not hard candy,or tiolet paper and baby wipes. no porn, no alcohol.
2007-06-30 22:34:18 UTC
i just got back and idk about your friend but i got so much stuff over there, like the lil things, maginzes were always good though, the best thing any1 got over there was a rum cake mmmmm we loved that thing
Master Chief
2007-06-30 22:00:18 UTC
send him a cake!!! Or some other goodies, he would LOVE you
2007-06-30 22:55:05 UTC
a one way ticket home. how can you be serious.
Open your eyes
2007-06-30 21:40:08 UTC
A ticket home.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.