People who know absolutely nothing about what's actually going ON over there are the only ones who think that the Middle East will "fix itself" if we leave (the same can be said for "vx", who mistakenly believes that all or most of our oil comes from the Middle East--it doesn't.)
If we leave Iraq and Afghanistan hanging, they won't magically "fix themselves", and the terrorists nipping at our heels there won't magically "go away". The moment we leave--and probably before we even finish leaving--they'll be attacking us as we go and attacking the legimitate governments of those two countries. Neighboring countries, like Iran, will likely move in directly, or indirectly continue to meddle and make problems worse. The governments would likely topple and both countries would be carved up into warring fiefdoms, like in Somalia. Instability in that area would fester and the conditions for Iraqis, Afghans, and all of their neighbors would be far worse than it is now.
Also, to "vx"--most of our oil comes from THIS hemisphere. We get about as much imported oil from Mexico as we get from Saudi Arabia, and Saudi Arabia is our primary source of Middle Eastern oil--we get relatively little, if any, from any other Middle Eastern country. Most of our imported oil comes from Canada; and a HUGE amount of the oil we use is domestically produced. Do the research before echoing claims you hear on TV.