Unfortunately a big fat YES. I work in a bar in Australia and we just had a small ship of Marines come through. I met 2 guys, of whom I was intimate with. One told me he was married and his wife died during child birth along with his unborn child. I later found out from guys that I made friends with, that he still is married. These guys didnt know him well, and only found out after I asked them to get his email off him again as the one he gave me didnt work.
The other guy, flat out lied. We spent 2 weeks together. Again I found out later that he was greeted in Japan by his wife and children when they got back.
Some actually wear their rings but are still willing to cheat. I made friends with some trustworthy married ones and they were saying that after a trip to Thailand half of his platoon came to him with funky stuff happening down stairs. The majority of them were married and obviously had unprotected sex whilst in Thailand. They had to get fixed up before they went home to their wives.
I wouldnt trust any of them that get deployed. They are men. They think about sex all the time. For most of them, its their first time to Australia. They love our accent as do we theirs. Women throw themselves at them here. They just have to say one word and they can get sex. Especially when they are all cashed up as well. Australian men dont buy women drinks. American men dont care about money when they are here. They spend thousands. They get drunk every night. And they are so polite to us. Money + the accent + politeness = sex.
It is great for our economy and great of single overweight ladies that dont get a second look from Australian men.
But im telling you now. I would make your husband have a STD check when he gets home. Some of them are faithful. Alot are not. Alot use condoms. And alot dont care.
Sorry babe. But this is the reality. I felt sick when I found out that these guys were married.