The war would be over before it even started, and America would loose big time.
The middle East and South America would shut off the oil and gas, and China would shut off the consumer goods. The US stock market would collapse over night, people would panic buy, and the economy would collapse in maybe 2 weeks.
The American people would fictionalize depending on who they blamed for the crisis, and there would be a state of near civil war that would destroy America as a super power. People complain loudly enough at 2c per gallon on the price of petrol, imagine what they'd do if there was no more petrol for them?
The government would need to bring the troops home just to keep the country together. All this without anybody having to actually attack America.
If there was an actual war America has the advanced technology but it's vastly out numbered and out gunned. America does not have enough bullets to kill that many people.
There are countries such as France, Germany, Israel, Japan, Britain and China that have powerful military forces that are either equally advanced as Ameirca in terms of weapons or who are only a little bit behind. There are even many countries who actually use the same weapons as America. Israel and Japan both use the F-16, and Britain and Israel both have Apache helicopters. So it would be an even fight in many case.
Why would the French do the cooking? A lot of people don't like French food, it's too rich. They also have excellent special forces and the foreign legion.
What about India and China. India has the fourth most powerful navy in the world. It has sufficient missile ships to shred a couple of carrier task groups in seconds. China also has a growing navy with some powerful ships and subs, as well as an army large enough to defeat the US based on sheer weight of numbers, yet you haven't included them. China also has anti satellite lasers and missiles, they could destroy the US GPS network and communications satellites which would render a lot of US systems useless or at least less effective.