War: USA versus the Rest of the World. Which side would win and how?
2009-08-28 12:54:05 UTC
- No nukes allowed.

- Rest of World overall commander: British Field Marshall
- Rest of World Land forces commanded by a German General.
- Rest of World Air/Space Forces commanded by an Israeli General.
- Rest of World Naval Forces commanded by a Russian Admiral.
- The French would be in command of catering services only, no need to fight.
25 answers:
2009-08-28 13:12:33 UTC
The US Army is struggling to contain one region of Iraq with the support of NATO forces and the Afghan Army.

Afghanistan having a population of 30 million, similar to that of Iraq which has a population of around 32 million.

The US struggled to overcome forces in Vietnam over a 15 year period and that was in the days of conscription and a relatively large Army, and the same was true in Korea where there were also substantial causalities.

So please explain how the US in a Conventional War would be able to defeat the whole world with a population covering 6.5 Billion people spread out across several massive continents and then maintain these areas against constant terrorist attacks and insurgents.
2009-08-28 13:32:48 UTC
Meilien's answer is basically what would happen

also ww2 showed that technology does not win wars the German's were the most technically advanced their equipment was too advanced for total war as is America, the m1 abrams tank has more wiring than the average American home. and its way too heavy. The Russian tactic of mass producing large, efficient, easy to use and easily repairable equipment is what the u.s would need to win and by the time they would realise that the war would be over (times ten ) :D the question is ridiculous imagine a 1000 bomber raid on n.y or l.a millions dead in minutes. The clean-up operation would be the only difficult part the mop ups of disbanded national guard units and what not would be messy but easily do able with the unlimited man power.
2009-08-28 13:12:51 UTC
The war would be over before it even started, and America would loose big time.

The middle East and South America would shut off the oil and gas, and China would shut off the consumer goods. The US stock market would collapse over night, people would panic buy, and the economy would collapse in maybe 2 weeks.

The American people would fictionalize depending on who they blamed for the crisis, and there would be a state of near civil war that would destroy America as a super power. People complain loudly enough at 2c per gallon on the price of petrol, imagine what they'd do if there was no more petrol for them?

The government would need to bring the troops home just to keep the country together. All this without anybody having to actually attack America.

If there was an actual war America has the advanced technology but it's vastly out numbered and out gunned. America does not have enough bullets to kill that many people.

There are countries such as France, Germany, Israel, Japan, Britain and China that have powerful military forces that are either equally advanced as Ameirca in terms of weapons or who are only a little bit behind. There are even many countries who actually use the same weapons as America. Israel and Japan both use the F-16, and Britain and Israel both have Apache helicopters. So it would be an even fight in many case.

Why would the French do the cooking? A lot of people don't like French food, it's too rich. They also have excellent special forces and the foreign legion.

What about India and China. India has the fourth most powerful navy in the world. It has sufficient missile ships to shred a couple of carrier task groups in seconds. China also has a growing navy with some powerful ships and subs, as well as an army large enough to defeat the US based on sheer weight of numbers, yet you haven't included them. China also has anti satellite lasers and missiles, they could destroy the US GPS network and communications satellites which would render a lot of US systems useless or at least less effective.
2009-08-28 13:02:55 UTC
Does this even need to be asked?

The rest of the world would Win Obv.

The Thing most americans dont understand is that they have More troops, Its not because the Soldiers are the most skillfull, Its just the majority. The americans wont stand a chance especialy without Nukes. The americans Always need some one on there side to Win a war tho, So its hard to tell how they would do on there own.

Wouldnt even take the whole world to take them out, America V.S Russia would be a very good fight to see. My guess is the russians would win.
Uneducated Voter
2009-08-28 14:12:12 UTC
It depends greatly on whether the United States was invading the rest of the world, or if the rest of the world was invading the United States. According to Colonel David Hackworth, a defending army requires only 1/6th of the man power than that of the attacker.

The US of A would probably "lose" either way, but, you have to imagine with not only the size and sophistication of our military, but the number of armed citizens, we would pose a formidable threat. All in all, if the rest of the world was attacking, they would most likely retreat after suffering severe causalities.
2009-08-28 13:06:39 UTC
First off, Russia's army is in complete shambles. The German Army is so caught up in beurocracy it cant function properly. The Israeli and British armies are great armies.... if they were larger. And the Asian armies are all numbers and no technology (except for South Korea, Japan, and Taiwan).

I think it would a close match, but the U.S. would win. And my choice has nothing to do with my patriotism/nationalism. America simply has a larger and more advanced military than anyone in the world. America literally spends more money every year on its military than the next top 10 nations COMBINED. Also, the general population of America has about 6-8 guns per person. So invasion of America is out of the question.

And then, you must think of America's espionage network which is by far the largest and most advanced in the world.

Edit: And im sick of people thinking China and Russia are superpowers. Russia is hopeless without its nukes. And China has hardly any modern technology in its over-sized military.

Edit 2:
2009-08-28 16:02:38 UTC
I think the American people would decide Big Macs, Kentucky Fries and Coke (with or without) would be a better end. Spain could stay neutral again. Those 'picadors' make a most unfair (fight) - yet it's our Fox-Hunting with hounds which get banned. Fair !! something needs bleaching.

Quite right. No need to fight.

(I'm on bbc 1 - just in case) bbc2 now. I had a seiesta !!
2009-08-28 13:35:44 UTC
Being as America hasn't got a very good track record of actually fighting and winning a war 'on it's own', I think it would fair very badly against the rest of the world and lose badly. I can only look at history over the last 200 years as evidence. Apart from the 'odd' invasion of Panama and Grenada that were successful, Vietnam, went pretty pear shaped, and the Bay of Pigs (Cuba) escapade was an absolute disaster!. Successful wars were only won by them when countries like Great Britain held their hand.
Roy <
2009-08-28 13:11:16 UTC
I don't think that the USA has any chance in a conventional war against the rest of the world - they are heavily outnumbered and their supply chain is non-existent. This would mean that they would quickly run out of resources.

However, one must never under-estimate the resolve of the underdog ....
2009-08-28 15:04:31 UTC
USA vs Rest of the World... Hmm... Let me think...

Still thinking...

Yeah. I've thought. The USA would collapse in the first hour.

Any American who thinks the USA could win is some sort of idiot. The mighty US military can't defeat third world countries, if it came up against a real power it'd be annihilated. Whether defending or attacking the outcome would be the same.
2009-08-28 13:04:03 UTC
Considering that the USA has not "won" a war in in over a century, although they have started most of them. Plus the fact that they cannot control even small rogue states such as Iraq, Iran, North Korea, Afghanistan. I think the "rest of the world" would stand a fair chance of winning.
2009-08-28 16:07:03 UTC
Russia and the UK together could take the US. So how would the US stand the whole world? I would predict a few weeks - month max before US gave in.
j A 3
2009-08-28 12:57:09 UTC
The rest of the world need not even fight . . .

Just cut off the OIL !
2009-08-28 13:01:42 UTC
Lmao love the french would be caterer's bit haha

America would have no chance!
Mr NiceGuy^2
2009-08-28 12:58:53 UTC
Can we use light sabers and TIE fighters too!!

Your theoretical war would inevitably end with nuclear holocaust, at which end, there is no "winner"

There never is a winner in war. People get killed. It's not a board game.
2009-08-28 13:10:29 UTC
if ive got to have the french on my side then im going to america and im taking the british with me
2009-08-28 12:58:51 UTC
unless usa use nuclear weapons i think rest of the world since theirs over superpowers like china and russia who have alot of military strength
Rock Or Something
2009-08-28 13:05:18 UTC
"War" isn't a cage match, dude. You can't put two groups into a mason jar, shake it, and 'see who wins.'

I see these questions posted every day by people who don't know the first damn thing about it...and answered by the same. It's really annoying...right up there with "Who is the most hardcore special ops unit."
2009-08-28 12:59:34 UTC
Nobody wins in a war. Everyone loses. Peace is best if possible.
2009-08-28 13:00:16 UTC
we would be out numbered but we could knock out nations with just a push of a button. we may not even have to put boots on the ground. just launch nukes at the nations that are against us. we have the most nukes out of any nation even russia so we would when but if we fought it would be quick
2009-08-28 12:57:46 UTC
the US would last about 5 minutes

any American that says otherwise is delusional
2009-08-28 12:57:52 UTC
World would win.

2009-08-28 12:58:55 UTC
you are out maned out gunned and quite an easy target
2009-08-28 12:58:00 UTC
It would be nasty, it's hard to say, but we'd be terribly outnumbered.
2009-08-28 12:57:48 UTC
uncle sam

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