2012-04-11 19:08:23 UTC
On Thursday he left with a kiss and an I love you to go visit his family while I stayed at home and worked on school work and stayed with our dog. Friday night he didn't call to say good night like he usually does, and he never replied to my good night text message or missed call. I still hadn't heard from him on saturday and was starting to get worried. He never answered a single phone call or called me back and just replied "I am out with dad talk later", but he never called me.
At this point I was getting really upset, he still never called me or replied to any of my texts until Easter Sunday when I finally got in touch with him and was crying because I had no idea why he was ignoring me. He said we needed to talk in person and he didn't want to talk on the phone and that he was out with friends. I of course pressured him into telling me at least what he wanted to talk about and that was us breaking up.
He came back home, refused to hug me, can not look at me in the eyes, and "hopes we can be friends one day" I keep asking him why he broke up with me and why there were no warning signs, or why we don't just call the wedding off if he was stressed and work on us. I am totally ok with taking a step back and not getting married before he deploys (I thoughthat'sts what he wanted).
He said it is to late and that he just doesn't care any more. When I asked why he will not look at me then, he said its because he knows how much he is hurting me and it hurts him too because he still cares about me and a part of him still loves me.
I can never seem to get any straight answers out of him of why such a drastic step especially right before he deploys. I don't understand how he can be making wedding plans with me and then in 4 days decide he doesn't even care or want to work on the relationship anymore when we didn't even talk for those days. I don't know what happened to him, he is not acting like himself any more and he is avoiding me at all costs as well as avoiding the topic every time I bring it up so that I can get answers, he says he needs space and time. I tell him I need answers to start understanding the situation and he refuses.
I don't know if this helps or not, but he said earlier before all this happened that he had a gut feeling he wasn't going to make it back. He also told me he didn't think we would get back together.
I can't get a straight answer out of him, and I would like an opinion of someone who has been in his shoes or mine.
Is this all because of the stress from the deployment or is there something more he is avoiding?
Should I give up on him, or should I keep reminding him of how I am always here for him and how much I love him?
How should I approach this to get some sort of idea of why this is happening so quickly and without warning, and at least have some sort of closure if this really is the end of us?
Thank you for all of your help I really need it