Is it true I would only face a maximum fine of $500 if i were to vandalize a veterans memorial with eggs?
Sha'Nay Nay
2009-10-29 21:05:58 UTC
I heard if i threw eggs and smeared feces at veterans monuments and cemeteries and spray painted "Murderers" in red paint on a piece of cardboard, and placed the cardboard in front of the monument, I would only face a maximum punishment of a fine of $500, since the yolk and feces washed off in the rain, and the cardboard can be throw away. I checked the laws for my area, and I only can be charged with criminal mischief which carried a maximum fine of $500. I live in Arizona, I just wanted to double check if this was true. Is this true i would not face any jail time?
128 answers:
2010-04-08 04:18:15 UTC
I would hunt you down and beat your ******* ***.
2010-04-08 08:34:31 UTC

1) How about if they charge you with a HATE crime.. that's a felony in most states. See you are only looking at a single charge. You p*ss off the general public and a prosecutor will have a field day with your butt. Likely you would get community service PLUS..;

2) They will also charge you for the COST to send a crew to secure the area, wash it off and then return it to use. Figure at least a $1000 for the labor and materials because they will likely also polish it and improve it a bit.. all on your nickle since you do not have a choice.. oh.. an then there is ..;

3) Retribution... I bet at least a couple of those vets are going to be upset, and guess what. Your name and address just became public record because of your conviction. I am not saying it is legal, but I AM saying it is likely.

Jail time would be the least of your problems.

So.. bottom line.. grow up and grow a set of b*lls to realize that these people (Vets) may not have done what you like, but they believed in what they did and paid a high price for it. That is a good enough reason to honor ANY man or woman.

Respect has to be EARNED.. what are YOU going to do in your lifetime to gain it?... throw eggs?
2010-04-08 11:37:38 UTC
You have got to be on the wind up here!

This happened in France when the UK backed the US on the invasion of Iraq, French students had written on the British war graves / memorial '' dig up your rubbish and get out of here!!!"

The Frog President had to apologize to the Queen!

I can't think of anything more insulting to a country than what you are proposing, you are obviously a disturbed worthless individual the kind that Lee Harvey Oswald was, a sad sack of a person that only wants attention but has no friends in this world whatsoever!!!
2016-05-22 03:42:23 UTC
I could Google the laws in your state but I'm afraid you won't learn anything. Plus, I am not a lawyer. I will say this however. Civil disobedience is never a bad thing and at least you won't cause actual damage which could put you into a jail. Finally, if nobody is around to see you, then they are not going to launch an investigation into the crime when actual murderers are killing for pleasure or out of anger, or for whatever other reason, like drugs or to silence a witness and not in service to his/her country.
mad dog
2010-04-08 10:58:29 UTC
I might suggest you take your anger and do something else with it. You are not brave defacing a tombstone. If you want to be brave stand in front of the veterans monument with a placard that reads "Murderers" That is freedom of speech. Of course some Viet Nam vet may come along and kick your....well, you know. There is a right way and a wrong way. Know the difference. be creative.
2010-04-08 17:02:04 UTC
You simple-minded, ignorant fool. Do you truly believe that those veterans were the ones who chose to go to war? The military is another form of life. When the government chooses to go to war, they are given their necessary assignments from their higher-ups. Many likely don't want to shoot guns, but want are willing to put their own lives up for sacrifice to protect their country - something you obviously think is pointless and would never volunteer to protect your country and everything it gives you. I suppose you would think it more "humane" if America decided to not fight ANY of our enemies. Through your minuscule foresight, America would not exist. As long as damage isn't accrued and this is your first offense, I believe you cannot be sentenced to jail. But the vandalism will probably get you community service at the least.
2010-04-08 10:41:53 UTC
Well those may or may not be the fines or laws but if exposed to the public you may be facing death by the rest of the smarter population of the world. I am sorry you are so ignorant though cause I predict a harsh outcome whether you did tis or not
2010-04-08 10:10:07 UTC
I hope you go to jail you piece of crap. Those memorials are for people who gve thier lives fighting for your rights you idiot. Even if you are against the war in Iraq/ Afganistan, you are defacing monuments that are mostly to honor folks that faught in other wars, WWI and WWII. So you want to put down people who fought against Hitler's regime? You want to disgrace these Heroes? Do you realize most people who are in this war on our side are serving in the millitary only because they want something better for their family, like an education, a sign on bonus, or to learn a trade. HOW DARE YOU! Pig
2010-04-08 11:31:14 UTC
You would face the deep regret from knowing that someone was placed in a situation where they had to fight for you and your freedom and comfortable living. Without the voluntary soldiers, there would be a draft and it could be you buried six feet under the soil. War is a terrible thing, but you cannot blame the soldiers for following their orders.
2010-04-08 10:43:48 UTC
Some drunk guy up here in Canada got drunk and peed on a veterans memorial. One of the papers ran his photo on the front page. That's what you have to REALLY watch out for. He's going to spend the rest of his life unemployable and getting death threats from random strangers.

Thanks for the 2 points, you useless hipster doofus.
2010-04-08 06:53:05 UTC
A $500 fine is not a tough enough punishment for vandalizing a veteran't memorial. I don't care if you agree with the wars we've fought or not..... these people risked their lives & gave up so much time with their families. They deserve respect.
2010-04-08 14:32:18 UTC
Depends. You might get $500 per egg. Plus trespassing. Plus creating a public nuisance. Plus disorderly conduct. Plus any other charges that some highly motivated and thoroughly knowledgeable folks might want to bring.

Also, your name and address, with details of your crime(s), would go in the local newspapers where anyone could read them.

You might want to rethink what the "maximum" might be.
2010-04-08 13:29:29 UTC
How sick are you!? why would you want to ruin the graves of poeple who defended our country! I hope the spirits of all the people that memorials you ruined HAUNT you!

U make me want to get you drafted into a war! (you'd probly get killed)

then we'd throw eggs and feces on your grave!

P.S. I reported so have many others why will this question not get removed YAHOO needs to delete this!!!!!
2010-04-08 13:55:40 UTC
I believe that would be a felony and you would get time in jail along with a very large fine, most likely. It's a federal offence. I don't recommended that you go doing that to find out though.

- Angela
2010-04-08 16:39:30 UTC
Maybe - but I'd whip your *** would it really be worth it? You worthless, pansy *** punk! How about be a real man, and try to smear an egg in the face of a living veteran and see if you walk away from it. Dumbass...
Emmy Lee
2010-04-08 15:19:18 UTC
You would face a lot more charges than that because it would be on a federal level if I remember correctly. That's comparable (but much worse legally & morally) to assaulting a police officer. Just don't do it. That's just WRONG! Those men & women risked their lives to save yours & to give you rights. If you don't respect them for that, leave our country. No one wants you here.

2010-04-08 16:37:02 UTC
You know what they do to "Al Queda" like you after you pay the fine, don't you? They smear eggs and feces all over them. Oh, wait, they don't waste perfectly good eggs.
2010-04-08 14:14:14 UTC
Uhm, I can think of one word: Idiot. I wonder...if I only got charged with a $500 fine, I'd probably go do the same to your house.
2010-04-08 11:55:19 UTC
Well, a guy in the UK got sent to jail for peeing on a war memorial, i'm pretty sure you'll get sent to jail too
2010-04-08 14:40:13 UTC
NOT IN MY CITY! We have lots of tough mountain boys here who served in Iraq and Afghanistan and they would remember your name and where you live. Your face would be rearranged every time you stuck your head out the door. They love meeting up with stupid people like you so they can mop up the sidewalks with your head.

My brother was killed in Iraq and I take your stupid comments personally.
2010-04-08 09:59:18 UTC
why would u do that? that's so disrespectful... and so is ur profile picture... he suffered for ur sins so u could hav a chance to live eternally and u repay him this way? well i hope u chose to hav a relationship with him cuz when time comes and u knock on the gates of heaven... will he recognize u? will he KNOW u? or will he say 'i'm sorry... i gave u a chance... many chances... and u turned ur heart away from me'? good luck with ur life......
2010-04-08 12:59:21 UTC
Under the Obama doctrine, of caring for burial grounds, of those who served and fought on behalf of our nation, it may well be okay, in his eyes, to vandalize a military grave, but ask yourself one very important question before you try I really feel like having my @$$ kicked, by a very large group, of family members and military personnel, just for even attempting it? Cause it's a fairly good possibility, that you just might end up in such a situation. Just food for thought though.
Tiny Dan
2010-04-08 06:36:53 UTC
depending who saw you , you could get beat up or shot and then the 500 dollar fine , oh and the bad karma that you get for those kinds of things.

people who do stuff like that have either already ruined their future or will be doing it real soon.
2010-04-08 14:15:07 UTC
I'm sure you'd face jail time! You are a mocker of Jesus and the sacred soldiers that fought for us! How could you defame them? You should be reported.
2010-04-08 09:47:42 UTC

If I found the person who would do Anti American things such as that. I would gladly go to jail so that they would ONLY have to live with an *** beating of their life
2010-04-08 07:41:05 UTC
Your right the fine would be just $500.00, a fraction of what the hospital bills would be if your ran into a Seal, Forced Recon, or Ranger while you were doing it you Scumbag.
2010-04-08 05:32:36 UTC
That is perhaps the maximum penalty you would face in court for a first offense. It would not be the only penalty you would face however
2010-04-08 14:08:44 UTC
by law yes, however if a VETERAN see's you disgracing our history and serves members like that $500 dollars will be the least of your problems..
2010-04-08 07:20:57 UTC
I think you should do it and then turn yourself in. That would create a win win situation for everyone. You get to be the obvious bad *** that you are and find the answer to your own question, while the rest of society gets to see you f$#k your life up. win win let us know how it goes ;0)
2010-04-08 06:37:37 UTC
that and you would be severely injured by all the smart people around you. They gave their life to protect our country and you want to vandalize their monument? Wacko.
Melissa Me
2010-04-08 04:29:34 UTC
I don't know if you are a troll or not, but apparently hypothetical questions are officially off limits here.

people are soooooo sensitive to what is essentially nothing but a question.

personally, I find some of the "fines" we have to pay for vandalism interesting and think they maybe need to be updated or increased.

But in all seriousness, the cops who arrested you would likely beat the crap out of you if you did this.
2010-04-08 17:22:39 UTC
Wow the guy who wrote this questioned should be castrated, he should not be allowed to EVEr reproduce. This person needs to be removed from the gene pool.
2010-04-08 05:30:30 UTC
Don't do it, they have died in war. Show a little respect for your fellow humans. I hate war, but I would never throw eggs at grieving family members. These people are not your enemies.
2014-05-24 19:55:48 UTC
2010-04-08 13:03:37 UTC
First of all we know you are just trolling

Second you are neither man enough or even smart enough to pull this


I hope, I really hope someone tracks your IP down, finds you and makes you eat a big sack of **** with corn in it.
2010-04-08 09:38:19 UTC
that may be the only legal consequence you would face, but in reality, you would incur the wrath of police and veterans, they would give you their own brand of retalliation, and if you reported it to the authorities, nothing would happen.

but really, go ahead. do it. see what happens.
2010-04-08 11:47:37 UTC
Give it a try. You'll probably get beat up by some veterans.
Margaret A
2010-04-08 02:45:59 UTC
don't know about usa but 6 months ago a similar thing happened in uk a drunken young man urinated on the local war memorial, i think he ended up with community serice but it wasn't half as bad as the humiliation and anger he got from the media, and the public at large, his i'm sorry i was drunk at the time just didn't cover it.
2010-04-08 16:52:42 UTC
If it were up to me you'd be doing jail time. What a sicko to even ask a stupid question like this...get real dude.
2010-04-08 14:45:15 UTC
I dunno about you, but personally I wouldn't use the word "only" before $500... Is it really worth that amount of money to egg someone's stuff? Think of how much you could actually do with the cash if you kept it for yourself instead???
2010-04-08 05:03:47 UTC
go for it troll... just don't let any service members see you.. should make a law punishable upon instant death for trolls like yourself... unfortunately, some people, like yourself, are alive only because it is against the law to do away with you... move along, bell just rang...
2010-04-08 01:51:34 UTC
Depends what country you are in. But if you feel so passionately about all the murder, shouldn't you be putting your efforts into something more useful than throwing eggs at a memorial which is basically just going to piss everyone off but will ultimately bring absolutely no change to society, basically rendering you a useless pest to the world
2010-04-08 17:50:25 UTC
Not sure... but how about you try that out and then come back and tell us how that works for you... o.o

(truly I will keep my fingers crossed and hope you get arrested in the process you heartless moron, )
2010-04-08 16:36:26 UTC
dam if you did all of that if you threw a egg at the veterian you would pay double.....

and they probally took 500 because they fout you where a rebal

but the right is 300 dolers
Allan S
2010-04-08 15:03:53 UTC
If I found you doing that, you'd face more than a fine, and jail time would look pretty good to you. I'm talkin' several months HOSPITAL TIME!! you lil snot-nosed puke...
2010-04-08 12:34:35 UTC
You would face that fine only if the police got to you first. Otherwise, it would be a much greater price....FAIL
Eric Cartman
2010-04-08 02:42:14 UTC
Sounds like your already guilty of the crime and now you are a scared little jerk now afraid to pay for the consequences. To all those people who live in Arizona, you might want to check your loved ones monuments.

On behalf of all the vets "F You"
2010-04-08 13:29:09 UTC
Yes, but i would fine you by crapping in your mouth while you're forced to watch midget porn with a broom stick up your butt!

What a dumb *** you are!
2010-04-08 02:27:09 UTC
IF that is the way you feel about it that is your business.

Just remember dont do it if you cant handle the consequences. All this garbage about karma is junk.

If you wanna do it why did you come on here and rat on yourself?

It is messed up to do that to any dead person, but to each his own.
2010-04-08 11:17:42 UTC
why would you disrespect ppl that gave there life for this country. if i knew you id kick your azz just for asking this question. those veterans have more balls then youll ever dream of having
Craven Morehead
2010-04-08 07:13:57 UTC
If he was reported all these times, how has this question stayed on for 5 months?
Country Boy
2010-04-08 14:33:23 UTC
You have problems dude.. You really shouldnt be on Yahoo andsew.. Reported. Punk.
2010-04-08 16:57:57 UTC
Mother Fvcker, Why not go to American Legion, VFW or any miltary/veteran organization and ask them in person?!

If you are lucky, You might end up in a body cast, if not........................ YOU get to see your buddy, Satan up close and personal!!!
2010-04-08 12:42:33 UTC
i know that if i was on a jury there is no way i would convict any of the people that beat you to a bloody pulp if you every tried any of this nonsense.
2010-04-08 07:49:14 UTC
How has this question been up for 5 months? 15+ people must have reported it!
A7X Girl
2010-04-08 17:07:55 UTC
What kind of a sick demented azzhole would vandalize a veterans memorial???

Is disrespectfull....and nobody's going to think your funny if you do that. Is the kind of crime all people frown upon.

Oh, and I have no idea. You should go to jail. but idk
2010-04-08 15:20:20 UTC
If you are serious, you sound exactly like the Typical Liberal.

2010-04-08 01:12:33 UTC
Its $500 per 1cm by 1cm. So an egg is about $5000 fine. And as it drips down, your fine might reach $5.million.
2010-04-08 13:42:13 UTC
If I caught you I'd have to smack you around a bit. You probably wouldn't like that.
2010-04-08 05:35:45 UTC
yes you will. it is a national landmark. if you vandalize it with eggs, you will definitely get a fine (probably more) and you could go to jail for about a year.

read through the criminal code:
Android Model 101
2010-04-08 13:06:00 UTC
Whether we be pro military or anti military it doesn't really matter because everyone in this world is word controlled and brainwashed, lock...stock....and barrel.
2010-04-08 12:54:17 UTC
It would depend greatly on the judge.

You might just end up in a hole in the ground.
2010-04-08 17:35:21 UTC
i would think that the maximum fine would be a good *** whopping in jail.
2010-04-08 15:03:57 UTC
Your busted! The feds will track you down with this post! You are one sick individual!
2010-04-08 07:01:41 UTC
Well that plus the fees for your funeral after everyone who has responded to your question gets through with you.
2010-04-08 14:16:03 UTC
It depends on who catches you at it stupid! It could cost you some physical embarrassment.
2010-04-08 12:22:24 UTC
I can't believe you even ask that question what fkin f@g.

I hoped you get raped in jail betch.
2010-04-08 05:12:40 UTC
Don’t worry, go ahead with your protest no one will take any notice of you in a mental institution
2010-04-08 07:10:44 UTC
$500 minimum.
2010-04-08 17:43:43 UTC
just disrespectful! rot in hell where you belong. How can you possibly disgrace those who prtected your crappy and pathetic life! F*** YOU!
2010-04-08 14:46:03 UTC
White Power.. You disrespectful black scumbag.
Dazzling by Design®
2010-04-08 16:05:12 UTC
Only? What's wrong with you, you should never vandalize anything.
2010-04-08 08:02:31 UTC
Now that's the way to say thank you to the people who fought and died to preserve your freedom by desecrating their final resting place.

2010-04-08 15:15:51 UTC
Your mind is jacked up.

Proud to be in the US NAVY
Subversive Change
2010-04-08 14:23:50 UTC
Yes and shot if I see your sorry azz.
2010-04-08 12:23:09 UTC
2010-04-08 11:57:30 UTC
do it and ill personally come over there and give you a stone cold stunner to you and your family.
2010-04-08 06:23:09 UTC
Only if the police find you first.
2010-04-08 14:07:31 UTC
It's not the fines I would worry about if I were you.
2010-04-08 07:38:18 UTC
You do that you B*tch I promise I'll hunt you down and beat the crap out of you
2010-04-08 12:58:52 UTC
this is a question for your local by law office. they will help you out
2010-04-08 16:31:45 UTC

Two points!
mason proffit
2010-04-08 12:43:00 UTC
and don't forget the good and deserved as* kicking your gonna get
2010-04-08 01:22:12 UTC
Actually, a better idea would be to voice your disdain to veterans at some function where you can meet them. I suggest a SEALs reunion or a Marine Corps gathering.

It's more manly to face people directly than in secret, as your inquiry implies you may wish to do.

Good luck.
Kanye West
2010-04-08 00:29:41 UTC
Yes. This is true. As is the fact that if you did do this, you'd end with a punctured lung and two shattered legs. But all of this would irrelevant since you'd be in a coma.
A Leo _n_
2010-04-08 00:10:48 UTC
;-[] Now why would you want to do something so0 sick!?! So0 rude !?! & dis`respectful ??? Furthermore why do'nt you even seem to put a measure of faith in God !?! & the fact that since you do'nt seem to respect the de-ceased & or God !!?!! why go so0 far as to ask something like this ?... "WE ALL AT SOME POINT WILL HAVE TO HAVE A FINAL RESTING PLACE !! which is the common grave !!!... Now if at all possible.. Would you rather face the law of the land because you've done something like this ? or ??.. Oh wait: You are here asking this !! What do you care you brave/sTupiD one ??.. You really wo'nt care will you ? because you'll be aleep in death anyway right .?. you just seem that you are admitting to being << COW'ard-ice >> <-_n_oun-> !! ;-{} r'`R`'r
2010-04-08 09:12:49 UTC
Two words, police brutality.
2010-04-08 07:49:06 UTC
R u that STUPID

There are MURDERS in JAIL

and ur talkin about VETERANS.
2010-04-08 16:15:32 UTC
why would you even do that without them we probably wouldn't even be here

show some ******* respect
2010-04-08 09:20:43 UTC
no you wont mate dont worry, you will receive my foot up your @ss and a screwdriver in your mums pussy
2010-04-08 17:43:19 UTC
dude thats messed up. dont be a jackass
2010-04-08 15:00:10 UTC

2010-04-08 14:02:42 UTC
i would probably travel to your state and kick your ***. then PT you till you die.
2010-04-08 12:50:07 UTC
I hope you die. For the record.... your a douchebag!
Gothic Bug
2010-04-08 08:29:39 UTC
And possibly shot.
2010-04-08 08:14:33 UTC
im not sure, but we could probably help you more if you posted your name and address.
Peter R
2010-04-08 13:51:04 UTC
my wqarning is to not to even try it
2010-04-08 16:32:31 UTC
srry i cant answer your question but i am in desprate need of help myself

answer mine please???
2010-04-08 05:58:08 UTC
Maybe, I don't know. You are such a bright egg, please tell us what else you plan to do.
2010-04-08 10:28:38 UTC
2010-04-08 09:04:39 UTC
Who knows?
iron chef
2010-04-08 15:43:12 UTC
if you survive my shoving a grenade up your a.s.s.
2010-04-08 13:56:26 UTC
Arthur Potter
2010-04-08 12:02:30 UTC
2010-04-08 08:47:44 UTC
those people died for your country, you ungreatful sht!
2010-04-08 03:09:02 UTC
yer this is true but if any more damage is cause the fine could soon raise
Adib P
2010-04-08 02:43:45 UTC

What's wrong with you?

But yea, you're probably right about just the fine.
2010-04-07 23:46:12 UTC
I don't know if your actually saying you are going to do this, and if so that's pretty messed up.

Personally I seen this as your thought that the punishment is not good enough, in which case I would totally agree.

I wouldn't really know the answer to the question but just thought I'd add my say.
2010-04-08 07:19:27 UTC
ummm what kind of question is that.... a lie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

if you have a computer then you probably wouldn't be doing this stuff
2010-04-08 00:28:45 UTC
You also run the risk of getting your *** beat by a bunch of veterans.
Sha Nay Nay
2010-04-08 11:22:14 UTC
You could **** on it too.
2010-04-08 08:53:56 UTC
Why a memorial? Think bigger. If you see a vet crossing the crosswalk outside the VA hospital, push him into the street or trip him. Make sure to scream obscenities at him on his way to the ground. Then, piss on him. Literally.
2010-04-08 00:00:30 UTC
karma's a ***** i'm sure youll get worse than a $500 fine
2010-04-08 13:45:23 UTC
ya its illegal
2010-04-08 11:02:28 UTC
You suck
2010-04-08 01:38:37 UTC
I am sure if you spray painted yes, but I think throwing eggs is less perminant than spray paint.
2010-04-08 12:26:49 UTC
**** u
2010-04-08 10:00:55 UTC
Don't even think about doing that!!!!!!! LOSER!!!!!!!!!!!!
2010-04-08 04:05:24 UTC
Where is the answer? What is the issue?
2010-04-07 23:57:16 UTC
that is after you pay for your hospital bills, and deservedly so
2010-04-07 23:41:54 UTC
You would get sentenced to an extended hospital visit courtesy of my feet and my fists.

If I was feeling nice I'd give you back your teeth.
2010-04-07 23:40:14 UTC
Some People were just not blessed with a heart brain or any self respect

i pity people like you
2010-04-08 10:07:17 UTC
WTF YOU SHOULD BE DEPORTED who cares if you were born here, you dont belong
2010-04-07 23:55:15 UTC
You need to be careful of the animal rights activists . They don't like people to misuse the eggs !

Those eggs contain little chickens !
2010-04-08 00:53:13 UTC
what's a troll?
2010-04-08 00:05:05 UTC
Haha, too bad this guy is gonna get banned, idiots can't take a joke.
2010-04-07 23:22:55 UTC
Even if those veterans were war criminals, you should respect the dead.
Soccer Nerd
2009-10-29 21:35:55 UTC
I have no idea...but what kind of sick *** hole would want to defame the sacred graves and memorials of heroes who gave their lives for the good of this country?

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.