Good evening Popcorn,
“Who won Tet”? The North Vietnam won, and YES I can EXPLAIN! You win a war by any means necessary. The purpose of the 68’ Tet Offensive was to win the war. And YES, YES, YES, the Tet Offensive won the war. General Giap’s plan worked as he planned it. Any combat soldier will tell you no plan goes perfect, and he explains.
(QUOTE) In 1989 General Giap:
We paid a high price [during the Tet offensive] but so did you [Americans]... not only in lives and materiel.... Do not forget the war was brought into the living rooms of the American people. ... The most important result of the Tet offensive was it made you de-escalate the bombing, and it brought you to the negotiation table. It was, therefore, a victory....
The war was fought on many fronts. At that TIME the most important one was American public opinion. (UNQUOTE).
In 1967 the Vietnam War was at a stand-still. General Giap needed something, anything. The plan of the 68’ Tet Offensive was to bring a third party into the fight; that third party meaning the American people, politicians, and public opinion. General Giap knew the American People were turning against the Vietnam War.
The Tet offensive was actually in two (2) parts. The first part was to concentrate North Vietnam’s forces on Khe Sanh. He was very successful (yes or no?). Khe Sanh was CLOSED shortly after Tet.
The battle at Khe Sahn was to distract the Americans while setting up the 2nd phase of the Tet Offensive. The second phase was to hit over 100 cities at one time.
WHAT, ONE HUNDRED CITIES AT ONCE? ONE HUNDRED CITIES AT ONCE!!!!!! The American people, politicians, and every military soldier were totally shocked. After Tet less than 30% of Americans supported the continuation of the Vietnam War, and an almost completely hostile press corps accompanying this portion of the war. The American press had a field day. The press used a new word. They called it “Vietnamization” of the war. In other words, General Giap’s plan worked as he planned it.
Years after returning from Vietnam, I saw a television interview with the Great Vietnamese General Giap. He stated, “We knew we would win the war. It was just a matter of time. It could take ten years or twenty years.”
This next question floored me because I was a Special Forces Intelligence NCO. Every military soldier should read it. I call it LIVE & LEARN:
They also asked General Giap about his military intelligence. He looks surprised, “What military Intelligence? We had no need for military intelligence. We always knew where to find the Americans. We knew they would always be on the highest mountain.”
When the American people don’t know any better it a hard to change what you do not know at the time. I would have taken the high ground. So would everyone who answers this question, because this is how we are trained and taught.
Americans are also taught “body counts” wins war. This is the reason General Westmoreland lied and was replaced over “body counts”.
Ho Chi Minh once said of the French whom he had fought before the Americans, “You can kill ten of our men for every one we kill of yours. But even at those odds, you will lose and we will win.” Clearly Ho Chi Minh had a better idea of what is real. Body counts were never his measure of success.
It is very hard for Americans to admit losing the Vietnam War, because they only see and understand war in terms of “body count”.
Let me explain. At the end of Tet 68’, I remember talking to one old lady. She said, “VC come kill papa son, baby son, and many friends.” She talked about life and death as if it were nothing or an everyday currents or events. “I (eye), I (eye), very bad” she said while walking away to start her work. An American woman would be off work for a month and crying as she told this sad but true story.
The facts: All the people in Vietnam have seen nothing but war their whole life. To them, this is what LIFE was about. Countries have fought over Vietnam for over a thousand (1000) years. In other words, the value of life to them is “cheap”. “Body counts” would mean NOTHING.
Americans never really grasp the facts. People who use such simple indicators begin to believe these numbers actually reflect reality. It is made worse when such indicators like “body counts” is not used by your enemy as the indicator of a successful war.
Live and learn; Do you still believe the Tet Offensive of 1968 was a defeat for North Vietnam? In that case, why do the “West Point” text books compare/place the surprise of the 68’ Tet Offensive on a par to the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor in WW2?
Popcorn, thanks for your question. I wish you and your family a beautiful day. Peace, from Los Angeles.