What country's do you think WW3 will be in?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
What country's do you think WW3 will be in?
Ten answers:
2007-04-23 17:36:35 UTC
it will start in the middle well isreal has contemplated that if iran doesn't stop its uranium enrichment program that they may use force against them..iran says they wont america asked isreal last year to halt its preperations for attack..and also russia, and China, are sitting back and letting the iranians continue..i also think that russia and china are using iran as a set up to get a war started..b/c if ireal attacks iran, than iran attacks isreal, than turkey attacks iran,than iran asks russian and china for help, that will lead to the isrealies asking nato forces,and the American, and British gov't for help...and then N.korea hits S.Korea, than S.korea, Taiwan and Japan will strike back at N.Korea, than make a push into, china were they we'll meet russian and chines infantry..etc...
cthulhu will raise
2007-04-23 17:32:16 UTC
simple Israel i hope im wrong though it'll be a bath
2007-04-23 17:28:03 UTC
I would say that it's hard to tell where and if there will be a WW3, especially with all the turmoil in this world. You could say the Middle East or maybe Taiwan. I guess we'll have to wait and see.
J. W. H
2007-04-23 17:20:50 UTC
I would be willing to bet that if there is ever a world war 3 it will begin in the middle east.... started by the hatred between the Muslim and Jews... they are the only ones that are at risk... The Muslims can't even get along with themselves.. Sunni's and Shiites.. they hate each other all because of some religious difference over a holiday.. the only thing they have in common is their hatred for the Jews...oh and us Christians... I say it will start in Isreal and end in Iran..
2016-05-17 11:54:37 UTC
if its really going to ge that bad nowhere on earth Will be safe - try a moon base!! (sorry that's a james bond film isn't it). seriously if there is WWIII the fall-out would spread all over the planet so nowhere would be safe - that's one reason that its not likely to happen! but if it did it would escalate so quickly you wouldn't have time to pack let alone move somewhere safer! in terms of real daily safety Switzerland, New Zealand and Belgium has the lowest accidental and violent deaths and longest life expectancies. its like worrying about being hit by an asteroid so much you don't notice when you walk out in front of a bus..
Chris D
2007-04-23 18:52:50 UTC
Honestly, I think it will happen before Bush leaves office and will probably take place in the DPRK(the more likely) or Iran.
2007-04-23 18:14:46 UTC
It will be in many countries including the USA. ICBMs make that a sure thing. The big-mouthed pentagon has bragged about "full spectrum dominance". The Chinese takedown of a satelite (by "bunting" it) kind of put paid to that grand scheme. It's now a real science race, the synergy of the Russia-China axis versus the west whose college science programs are full of Asian nationals by the way.. Who wins the race achieves dominance. Both sides will be radio active for a long time and even decimated by bacteria and chemical weapons. Let us hope it never comes to that.
2007-04-23 18:10:33 UTC
Israel is the one. Israeli Fanatics want to keep occupying land that was never part of Israel.
2007-04-23 17:13:35 UTC
Already there. It just has not spread to the rest of the world in a way that most people can see. It has spread as terrorism.

Support our Troops and Civilian Contractors unconditionally
2007-04-23 23:20:15 UTC
If WW3 was in a certain place then the U.S and her patriots would say "nuke em" as they always have said.As you have seen in Iraq the enemy does not come up in lines and attack formally.They don't march with their old home made bombs,AK47s,morters and ofcourse their new anti helicopter weapons,they know the U.S fire power would pulbarize them that way.So they take it from war into war style crime spree,and carve it down into social divide and mass slaughter.There are a little over 10,000 terrorists in Iraq compared to the 150,000 U.S troops.We have learnt first hand what cowardice the terrorist tac tics are.But we have also learned how effective they are.

There is no real threat from Russia as of now,there is no real threat from China,both nations are some what cooperating with the U.S.But this small cooperation is nothing compared to the hatred they share of the U.S.A,and quickly that small cooperation can die off.There is currently no event that can do that in the near future except for one.And that is the invasion of Iran.As I said,convetionally there is no country that can cripple the U.S.There is only guerrilla tac tics,social divide and perhaps large scale nuclear war.If the U.S decides to strike Iran from the sky and through the army,there is no doubt that the U.S will succeed,but its the after effect of that crippling conventional strike which worries U.S Generals.Imagine 11 million armed men and WOMAN charging into Iraq and into the Arabian dessert ready to die for their fanatical cause and disrupt the U.S as much as people,Iran planned this,they have a after effect guerrilla force which can be put together and lead by their elite soldiers to wreck havoc in the Middle East.They themselves know their conventional military cannot defend their nation from the U.S.Their conventional force will be used to protect their guerrilla force and bye them more time to get into Iraq and the rest of the Middle East and slowly work their way up to Europe and cause social unrest and more terrorist attacks throughout the world.

This is my view of how a war with Iran will escalate into the world's worst nightmare.I took my time to write all of it so please read!

Its 2008,13 santions have been imposed against Iran,they have built 6000 centrifuges and may already have a nuclear weapon.Diplomacy has failed and the U.S is at its last option.Iraq is currently still full of U.S troops and they are only coming out by the end of 2008 as planned.But sadly they might not even get the chance to come back...

The U.S has sent their force of F-18 Superhornets to defend the airfields between Iran and Iraq and between Iran and Arabia.The superhornets are from the two U.S carriers deployed in the Persian Gulf.B-2 Stealth bombers fly above Iranian nuclear sites and B52 bombers guard lower Iran from Iranian army movement.The strike begins as percision guided weapons dig deep underground and destroy any bit of the nuclear facilities as they can get.Hundreds of U.S Aircraft will be deployed over Iran to cripple their infastructure.Their Tor-M anti-aircraft systems which are considered to be equal to the patriot would destroy U.S aircraft and those especially include F-15s and F-16s which are more vulnerable.At this point Iran may have realized what is going on.In 1988 an Iranian warship was destroyed by the U.S.This lead them to believe the fact that their naval forces composed of warships are no match for the U.S and their far more technological fleet.So they decided to instead have large numbers of fast,small and advanced boats as well as anti-missile ships and small numbers of frigates in the case they end up in a future confrontation with the U.S.Their forces will be large and their vessels will be scattered.This is exactly what will be going on at this poing.Desperately Iranian generals will shout out the commands as their communication stations dwindle.Their 60 MIG 29s and 25 F-14 fighters will fly above the Persian Gulf and Iran-Iraq border to defend retaliate and to hold off U.S airpower.The battle is at high intensity.In the beginning of the Iraq war 20-30 U.S troops died every day during the first few days and this was Iraq.However this is Iran.Their airforce is dieing out fast and they know there is no hope for defending their nuclear sites.In the first two days of battle 50% of Iran's airforce will be crippled and thousands of their troops may have died during the strikes on military strikes and nuclear facilities.The civillian casualties will also be high since those locations are near civillian areas.Thousands of civillians may have also died.The Iranians know the war is hopeless for them in the first few days.Their military casualties will be over 2000 and the U.S will be in the hundreds since its very high intensity.MIG 29s with their local upgrades or whats left of them will komakazi into U.S vessels and into Iraq and parts of Oman.Their F-14s will fight boldly but the F22 Raptor may have been called out at this point and crushed whats left of their air support.Most and if not any U.S aircraft destroyed will be from the Tor-M anti missile and anti aircraft systems.The nuclear facilities are hopelessly destroyed within a few weeks and Iran's crippled airforce will habe Mig 27s (around 30) and F5s (around 50) but most will be destroyed.Whats left will unsuccessfully or successfully try to attack U.S locations in Iraq.Iran's Navy may be some what more successful.Their small vessels will be destroyed on sight by U.S warships but if a swarm of them approach and fire anti ship missiles then they can be a threat.Most of Iran's navy will carry out strikes in oil ports but most unsuccessfully as large numbers of U.S warships will be deployed there.It has been a few weeks and the losing battle is waged on and the U.S tries to attack the last bits of Iranian military bases which have not been called for duty.Iran has 25-100 Shahab 3 missiles.The U.S may have definetely took care of them but non the less Iran does have a large territory and many of the hidden ones will be fired off into Iraq,Israel or Oman and any part of Saudi Arabia thats reachable.In the Iraq-Iran border the battalion of Patriot missiles will destroy any Shahab 3 coming and the U.S Navy will destroy most of the Shahabs coming from the Persian Guld.The navy may not be as successful however but very few Iranian Shahabs will have met their targets.Any left over variants of the Shahabs they have like the Shahab 2 and Shahab 1 will be fired off and most of them destroyed.The ones that reach their target will inflict civillian casualties.The U.S has enjoyed the fun part of the war so far and it may have been a month.The Iranian forces may have a casualty of above 6000 and the U.S may have a casualty above 600.Units of U.S troops storm through southern Iran on APCs and Abrahms tanks followed by Apache helicopters.Iran's Army which may have spent the vast majority of the time digging pits and preparing itself to invade Iran will have done so at this time.Iranian tanks will guard the southern portion of Iran and face of against their more powerful adversary.Iran has the Zulfiqar MBT and Zulfiqar 2 MBT which are in the same age as the Abrams.There is a Zulfiqar 3 but less then 100 of them.These are 300 of Iran's best tanks.And ofcourse they will be the first line of defense.Iran's large quantity of surviving Cobra helicopters will guard them.Iran will also have the Boragh APC on the front line.Iran's best forces will guard them.The rest of Iran's force of 500,000 troops will be pouring into Iraq and as I said they will not do it formally.They will be scattered with small support from surving chinook helicopters,the helicopter Iran has long overhauled.Some of their forces will be on motorbikes with one driver and one RPG holder.They have prepared for this so the support they need is in pits scattered across the dessert.Desperately the U.S forces in southern Iran will have to get through Iran's tanks which which will try and prevent the U.S from getting further north and stopping the infiltration.Iran knows that the U.S has a much powerful Army and that their tank forces should not be in high density,which is a lesson learned from the 1991 Gulf War and Saddam's mistake.Their tank forces will be scattered but their little fire power will be focused on one place.Through struggle and another month of battle the Iranians may have another thousand military deaths but the U.S will have 500 for that month since the infiltration into Iran will take a toll on the U.S troops stationed there.The U.S troops will not get to come back from Iraq and will instead be stationed to protect the border.Terrorism and revolutionary change will be a major problem in Iraq at this point as a few thousand Iranian troops may have managed to sneak in.Iran knows their tank force cannot hold on much longer.Their older T-72 tanks will come into Iraq and the majority will try to hold of U.S forces in the south.The U.S aided by its airpower will destroy most of the supply lines going into Iraq.But they have long prepared for guerrilla war and have many pits underground for weapon storage.The surviving Tor-Ms will be moved to the west of Iran to protect the soldiers crossing into Iraq.Sa 7s will be a continuous threat to U.S Apaches.Iran will now induct 200,000 of the reserves to go into Iraq.Terrorist attacks will have a major increase in Saudi Arabia and Oman.

The war has gone from the first and second stage to the third.It went from the war for Iraq to the war for Iran and now it is the war for the Middle East.Iran rapidly losing ground stregnth will go for their final solution involving missiles.The Fajr 3.The left over nuclear material from their now obliterated nuclear program will be used to make dirty bombs.Another month of bloody warfare has passed.Casualties of civillians in Iraq will be in the 10 thousands and many hundreds and even a thousand may have been killed in Arabia.Iran will still have 800-1000 military deaths but the U.S will be lowered at 400.Israel and coalition forces like Britain will take part in protecting the Iraq border.Oil supplies will have hit an all time low and the cost will have reached $4.50 as previiously predicted in the U.S.The U.S will be something out of the Vietnam War and there will be protests on the streets and the nation will be torn apart.The draft will be raised.Hundreds of thousands of U.S troops are now stationed in the Iran-Iraq border and in southern Iran.Refugees will pour into Saudi Arabia,Jordan and Syria from Iraq.Iran will unleash the big gun and fire the Fajr into Iraq,Saudi Arabia and maybe even Israel.This missile is the most advanced in Iran's arsenal and they may have hid it.They have 20-50 of them.The missile is capable of having low detection and can avoid anti-ballistic missile systems.It can carry 3 different warheads but with low weight.However the areas where the missile hits along with the radioactive payload will hundreds in small towns and villages to thousands in the cities in Saudi Arabia who will launch mass participation in the war at this point.The oil crisses is great and Russia,China annd India as well as other industrialized nations will be angered by this,to the point where they will cut diplomatic relations.The U.S is in a big problem now.The U.S and coalition forces may have destroyed most of Iran's tanks.Iran's leadership is unstable and its leaders may be hid,finding them will take a long time since their area is much larger then Iraq (reffering to Saddam's capture),but once they are captured they will be no use since they have no control now.Iran's forces are mostly commanders and elites leading the millions of draftees,reserves and surviving Army troops.Iran's tanks and APCs will be crippled but millions of terrorists are now in Iraq and moving into Saudi Arabia as well as small factions supporting Hizbollah going to Syria and into Lebanon.Syria will have given support to the terrorists in Iraq and even given weapons,since they are a close ally of Iran.They may have sent small numbers of soldiers into Lebanon to attack Israel and others into Iraq.In the border between Iran-Iraq,Iran will put to use its artillary and whatever is left of it like their truck launched missiles and home made arsenal will be set off.The U.S has hundreds of thousands of troops in Iran desperately trying to get a hold of the nation and get the terrorist minority factions to fight the dominant government.Iran will be an absolute hell with hundreds of civillians starving or being murdered every day,similar to Iraq.Terrorists and members of the Iranian parlimantery resistance will wreck havoc to the U.S forces.The U.S will resort to more bunker busters and even mini nukes in the Iran-Iraq border.They will be useful but not useful.Iran will set of numerous dirty bombs in Iraq and some may even get into Israel and Saudi Arabia.Guerrilla units are making their way to the northwest of Asia and maybe into Europe.Terrorist attacks will be common in Europe.Iraq will be in complete hell.Hundreds to a thousand civillians will die every week and the government will begin to collapse.The Shiite militias in Iraq will join in on the Iranian assault and slowly everything begins to fall apart.Repeatedly whatever is left of Iranian anti ship artillary will be fired by its small rugged group of naval ships.The Persian Gulf will have daily tragedies involving ships being blown up and robbed.The Chinese and Russian economies which depend on oil from Iran will start to fall.The U.S market will not look too good either.In the first 6 months more then 2000-3,000 U.S troops will be killed,Iranian militant and military casualties above 12,000 (low compared to Guf War casualties against Saddam).Iran has lower casualties then Iraq could ever dream of in 1991 because of their guerrilla tac tics.Civillian deaths in Iran may be above 10,000 because of the killings and starvation.Iraq will have had more then 15,000 civillian deaths including the ones it already suffers every month so Iraq's civillian casualties are at 30,000 in only 6 months.Saudi Arabia will have a few thousands and hundreds and if not thousands will be killed in continuous terrorist attacks around the world.Coalition forces like Britain,Iraqi Army,Israel and others may have casualties to 1,000 combined.Especially from the border raids by Iran.This estimate was made with Iran war scenario sources which determined casualties around the Middle East if there is war with Iran.As a result of the U.S occupancy in Iraq and Iran 50,000 will have died 6 months.For the next set of months the casualty will increase as more artillary is fired and more Iranian guerrillas make their war throughout the Middle East,now their religious groups will be intent on getting into Israel.As many U.S patriots say you can nuke Iran and "git" over with it,this will not work,the enemy is everywhere,not in a nation,not in a city,but everywhere.And if you do nuke Tehran it kills civillians but these massive amounts of guerrillas will still be there.

Deep into the war now and perhaps finished with 80% of it there are guerrillas and death squads in the hundreds of thousands to millions throughout the Middle East and even in southern Europe.Britain and other coalition forces will have withdrawn a lot of their troops and put them in more strategic locations like their home land or in Saudi Arabia where there is oil.In the year more then 700,000 U.S troops will be in the Middle East and an average of 200-300 will die every month.With 10,000 terrorists in Iraq right now 2-3 die a day and probably 60-80 monthly,but we are talking about millions of terrorists.The U.S will be torn with protests.China and Russia and maybe even India will build up their forces especially to deter the U.S since oil prices have hit an all time high.At this point anywhere from $4.75-$5.00.Gruesome murders and theft will happen in the U.S as a result of this.The world looks like its on the brink of a major war.This time Saddam's dream and if not his last wish of one million Americans dieing as a result of invading Iraq (which paved the way for Iran to invade) will look like its coming true.Through 1.5-2 years of war the U.S death toll will be in the 6000s and the insurgent-Iranian military death toll at 20,000.Deaths around the world and in Iran will be 200,000.There will be mass starvation and constant death squad killings.Syria is now funding militants and is living up to Iran-Syria agreement.Military rows and small arm incidents will be common with Syria and Israel.Hizbollah will have carried out a lot of attacks and Israel will respond by invading Lebanon.Many hundreds of foreigners will probably be killed because of this.Syrian troops will be on high alert and launch artillary shells.The inflow of Hizbollah into Syria and Syria protecting them will result in small scale battles between Israeli and Syrian forces,this may or may not escalate into all out war.But the large presense of Iranian based and sunni and shiia millitants in Lebanon and support from Syria will result in war.This will be a mass event.The U.S had planned for this to happen since Syria had been supporting militants and by the situation as it is the militants were causing enough harm,even without support.Syria like Iran has state of the art air defense systems.So Israel's intitial invasion will have casualties.But Israel will be able to quickly cripple Syria's Air Force since they have much more advanced planes.Many of Syria's 42 MIG 29s will get into Israel but will be shot down by U.S patriot missiles.Syria will barrage Lebanon and Israel positions there.Leading up to a ground conflict which will result in thousands of military and civillian casualties over a few months.The U.S will station 5,000-10,000 troops in Israel to protect it.Palesteine will now have the chance to send in its terrorist units.Desperately fighting with all its might Israel has a low quantity but high quality force.F-16s and F-15s will soar over Lebanon and Palesteine.Syria will send its troops into Iraq and into Lebanon and Israel.Mekava tanks of the Israeli Army as well as U.S artillary and air support will protect them.Syria over months will have 10s of thousands of military deaths while Israel and the U.S will have thousands in the area.The battle is now full scale throughout the Middle East.Syria is now crippled based on infastructure.They have thousands dieing in their nation from killings,air strikes and food reduction.Israel is now in a tight situation.They are in gruesome fighting in Lebanon where many thousands will have died and even 10 thousands over the months.Damascus the capital of Syria will suffer from major Israeli airstrikes.Syria's military infastructure is crippled.Syria.Iran,Lebanon and Iraq are in ruins.The burning smoke of war and bombs fills the sky as terrorists and coalition forces battle threw the wreckage,men,women and children are dieing all around.Through 3-3.5 years of the conflict the U.S forces will have 15,000 deaths compared to Syria,Iran,Palestiene terrorist force having a death toll of 50,000.Especially from Syria who does not use guerrilla warfare and conventionally was crippled by the U.S and Israel forcing them to send terrorists and guerrilla units to wreck havoc in Lebanon,Iraq and lower Turkey.The Coalition forces like Israel will have deaths in the 10,000 with Israel contributing to a lot of it.Civillian casualties will be in the millions at this point.Most from Lebanon.The Middle East is hell now.The U.S divived,China and Russia and even India cutting relations and the global economy falling.Poverty,corruption and famine has spread around the world.Terrorist attacks are commonly happening.Israel is now in the threshhold of releasing its nuclear arsenal since they are budged in by Syria and Palestiene and Islamic violence dominates their lands.And eventually Israel unleashes its arsenal of an estimated 200 nukes at Syria and Palestiene and into Iraqi insurgent areas.The Middle East is suffering a nuclear fallout and war is going on every where.Millions are dieing and Syria,Iran,Lebanon,Iraq and parts of Israel have fell as a nation.The world is something of a nightmare.The U.S prepares its nulear arsenal as well as other major world powers.As economy collapses and famine happens they will blame the U.S.The violance has spread into Jerusalem and Mecca.The Middle East is in ruins as I have said many times.More then 20 million will have died over 4 years and now its 2012.This is when Nostradamous intended world wide battle to happen.The stock markets collapse and the world is on the brink of self destruction.The U.S has lost its superpower status with its forces spread out so much.Pushing it into a wider conflict.Nations will fight each other now.The U.S is desperate for oil and goes into Alaska and even attacks Saudi Arabia which is fearsly matched.Russia is angry over the hell that has happened for 4 years and readies its forces.China and India cannot be world powers now.All the countries are turning against each other and the death toll is at the 100 millions.Famine and starvation is starting to effect the U.S.Forces are still deployed in the Middle East.But now its not country vs. country.Its people vs people.The last days have arrived.World economies are collapsing and everyone demands the U.S fix it.The war went from Iran to the Middle East and now to the world.

Oil dependent nations struggle to adapt to the situation.And the U.S demands Saudi Arabia to give its oil supplies or whats left of it atleast.Countries start to fight over resources and finally the day comes when all out battle begins over oil and resoures.The world in famine,starvation and poverty sees no use to exist and its all the fault of the U.S.Russia and China launch their ballistic missiles.As does the U.S.The leaders of the U.S are relocated to Colorado springs and Area 51.After 45 seconds the unbelievable happens.In the sky residents of major U.S cities will see flashes of lights.In the movies the missiles come in a slow pace,and explode.But this is not the real case.Immedietely after seeing the light everyone will die before hearing it.The missiles come down 30 times faster then sound on atmospheric re entry.The U.S retaliates and major nations shoot their missiles at each other.Collapsed the world is.The planet is in darkness and death.Hope lies in the south where the survivors head.The northern magnetic fields attract radiation and air as well as the cold climate from the nuclear winter,2/3 of mankind has perished.The survivors head south and colonize the hot troical areas in search for hope,the thing man has always looked for,hope,new nations and new races will arise.This is WW3 my friend.This is where it happens.In the world.Not ina country,but in people.

This very long peace of writing is intended for those who say "lets nuke em and git over with it".I like writing so I took the time to write this.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.