First off I find the Old Drop a Frag down the hatch of a Tiger Tank(and G.I.'s claimed all enemy tanks were Tigers) to be Mythological in nature. How did he trick them, wander up and say "Candygram"?
22"Suicide" Missions? I call BS on that as well. Maybe 22 Patrols with other men from the unit, but I find it hard to believe he was sent alone.
Shooting a Garand isnt heroic, Many Soldiers of all races have done it with similar results.
Finally, I'm not convinced Racism towards Indians was totally prevalent, then why did these Men get the Medal of Honor:
Lt. Van T. Barfoot- Choctaw
Lt. Ernest Childers- Creek
Cdr. Ernest Edwins
Lt. Jack Montgomery- Cherokee
Pvt. John Reese jr.
In addition, these native Americans:
Raymond Harvey. Captain Harvey, a Chickasaw, was commanding officer of Co. C, 17th Infantry, 7th Infantry Division during the Korean War. When Harvey's company as pinned down by automatic weapons fire from several well-entrenched emplacements, he braved bullets and grenades to advance to the first North Korean machine gun nest and killed its crew with grenades. Rushing to the edge of the next emplacement, he killed its crew with carbine fire. Captain Harvey then moved the 1st Platoon forward, but it was again stopped by automatic weapons. Disregarding the hail of fire, he charged and destroyed a third emplacement. Miraculously Harvey continued to lead the assult through the intense crossfire. After spotting a well-camouflaged enemy pillbox, he moved close enough to sweep the emplacmeent with carbine fire and throw grenades through the openings killing its five occupants. Though wounded and in agonizing pain, he ordered his company forward and continued to direct the attack on the remaining hostile positions. Harvey refused evalucation until assured that the mission would be accomplished.
William Stewart. Sergeant First Class Stewart, a Crow, was wounded during the battle for Christmas Hill (Korea) and also saw action with the 45th Infantry Division.
Jerome Adams. Private First Class Adams, a Devil's Lake Sioux, served with the Army's 2nd Infantry Divsion in Korea and was evacuted after receiving gunshot wounds in th back, chest and arms and also shrapnel wounds in both legs.
Mitchell Red Cloud Jr. A Winnebago from Wisconsin, and a Corporal in Company E., 19th Infantry Regiment in Korea. On 5 November 1950, Red Cloud was on a ridge guarding his company command post when he was surprised by Chinese communist forces. He sounded the alarm and stayed in his position firing his automatic rifle and point-blank to check the assault. This gave his company time to consolidate their defenses. After being severely wounded by enemy fire, he refused assistance and continued firing upon the enemy until he was fatally wounded. His heroic action prevented the enemy from overrunning his company's position and gained time for evacuation of the wounded.
Charles George. A Cherokee from North Carolina, and Private First Class in Korea when he was killed on 30 November 1952. During battle, George threw himself upon a grenade and smothered it with his body. In doing so, he sacrificed his own life but saved the lives of his comrades. For this brave and selfless act, George was posthumously award the Medal of Honor in 1954
All recieved the MOH in the Korean War.
I havent even looked for USMC winners yet
My Grandfather once told me he had fought a Wolf, it didnt make it true....