Is Wounded Warriors Project a complete scam?
2010-08-06 23:32:37 UTC
Im planning on starting a big fundraiser for this organization. I need to know if this organization is a complete scam or not, because me and my group are planning to put alot of work into this and I do not want our time and efforts wasted.
128 answers:
2010-08-07 07:10:43 UTC
My coworker just got hired in the Wounded Warrior Unit at Naval Regional Medical Center,San Diego,Calif. He works with the amputees. This unit is upscale with the last est medical advancements and staff.
2016-10-07 13:12:54 UTC
Wounded Warrior Project Scam
2016-12-11 19:35:40 UTC
Wounded Warriors Scam
Gayl McCauley-Suits
2016-01-30 12:46:40 UTC
My concern is that I have been donating for over 10 years. I am a disabled vet and even have this organization in my Will. Until this week when I saw 2 tv news reports and one written in the news about how only 60% of the donations go to the actual veteran needs. Supposedly at conferences an extravagant amount of money is spent. I can see possibly happening since I worked for the Federal Gov't and been to many conferences where extreme amounts of money was spent than I professionally and personally felt needed to be, especially the Public Affairs! Caviar is not what the tax payers need to be paying for. Also, apparently upper management as well as command level received paychecks that are astronomical. Why? For what purpose? This is a program committed to the veterans. Sounds like the government where we pay congress big paychecks. I know ARC, Goodwill and other businesses do the same, but come on! Bill O'Reilly contributes a substantial amount to WWP, so I am attempting to have him verify these accusations before I donate another cent!
John S
2014-05-26 08:06:10 UTC
I am a Alumni of WWP, and can tell you it is not a scam. There are a few areas of these comments that need to be addressed. First lets talk about the over 20 different programs that WWP has to offer it's Alumni. These programs are not cheap to run, and are at NO cost to Alumni. A lot of the programs are not meant to be stop gaps, but to provide life long support. It goes bad to the old saying "I can give you a fish and feed you for a day, or teach you to fish and feed you for a lifetime. Please take the time to research all the various programs, you may find one you could support locally and really see the benefits in action.

Next let's chat about salaries. WWP is a non-profit corp, and like for-profit corps has to have good leadership. What do you think the CEO of a $150 million for-profit company makes, its not less than $250K a year. This level of leadership is needed to help the organization grow.

Then there is the outsourcing question. Most companies don't do everything in house. They bring in experts in the areas needed. WWP is not a Marketing or Events company, so they may outsource we needed to those type companies so they can focus on there core objectives.

To date everyone keeps referencing (1) article written with unknown sources (some Col). Here is an another.
2016-04-10 16:17:29 UTC
The Wounded Warrior Project has issued a statement defending their fund raising and work. Apparently, the project does some actual good, maybe even critical good in the light of our country's failure to respond to veteran plight. But they still haven't addressed the fact that they spend 40% of the money raised on themselves. In that sense, their salary and fringe benefits not only make a mockery of charity, they also take funds away from the vets, funds that the donating citizens thought were going to help veterans. THAT is the scandal here. These people are scamming from the vets, but not taking all the money.
2016-01-11 18:29:48 UTC
Apparently these guys believe god helps those that help themselves and they themselves. I ws a member of the Vietnam Vetrans of America. We helped Vietnam vets. But is a ww2 or Korean or even an era vet needed help we gave it. This wounded warrior project helps the latest bunch exclusively. I'ts like a scam we ran into in Santa Barbara/Ventura. We saw so called vets setting up tables during Desert storm raising money for a supposed vets home somewhere in California. Turns out it was a scam. People will prey on the gullible with tear jerking commercials and use the money for themselves. Disgusting
2013-11-11 22:32:19 UTC
There are many ways to check the bona fides of any charity. The one metric I look at is the level of commitment of the principles. In the early days of fundraising and programs to help Vets, nary a penny was asked by the fund administrators. That has segued into $350 K salaries for the CEOs as though somehow they have worked to achieve this phenomenon. I beg you to view one site by a Vet who asks for nothing and indeed helps any who comes there free. No 501s, no donations-just a simple pay it forward as the old VSOs used to. Nowadays it is said it takes money to make money. Excuse me? $350 K a year with perks to do what? Write a check to a needy Vet for a paltry sum? This is insane and indefensible. Where do I sign up for a 501(c)?
2016-02-25 19:42:12 UTC
Charity Navigator rates not-for-profit organizations on the strength of their finances, their governance practices, and the transparency of their operations. Four stars is their highest rating. They have given Wounded Warrior Project a 4 star rating. While admitting some recent news reports were troubling, they say they have found nothing at this time to make them consider lowering the rating. Wounded Warrior Project also issued a rebuttal to the CBS news story clarifying information given in that report. CBS news never contacted anyone from the organization before airing their report. The rebuttal can be found on line if anyone wishes to read it. I will continue to give as long as Charity Navigator continues their 4 star rating.
Lucy Lu
2016-03-12 08:04:23 UTC
Apparently the recent firing of two top executives at WWP is confirmed and a black eye for what was or is a good program. I am a Certified Service Officer for the DAV and a 100% VA from Combat Vietnam. I am also a retired E9. I have been a Service Officer for eight years And me and my other two CSO's(former Marines female and male) for 4 counties in VA and when contacted, have not had any cooperation from the WWP. DAV does not discriminate against any veterans from any conflict or service. If they have a disability in combat or otherwise we take their claim and follow through. We are all volunteers at this chapter and all donations go to help any veteran/veteran family that has a legitimate need.

Donations obtained stay locally to help all veterans.. NO ONE IS PAID A SALARY. AND WE SUPPORT OUR TRAINING FROM CHAPTER FUNDS. We have to account to our Regional Office for all funds received and expended. We are completely transparent. Our three local CSO's handle well over 125+ case submitted to our regional office & the VA and 60 to 70 phone inquires ever month. We make home visits when a veteran is

disabled to the point of not being able to travel and also those in hospice.
2014-11-13 18:01:48 UTC
First of all Wounded Warrior Project is not part of The Wounded Warrior Program. Two different entities. The Wounded Warrior Program is paid for by American Taxes that you pay for. Wounded Warrior Project does not pay for medical cost, rehab, or disability pay to Veterans. That comes from The VA. The Wounded Warrior Project pays its CEO close to half a million dollars and his cronies get about 150,000 a year. Pretty good bucks. They dont help any veteran prior to 9/11. You dont rate prior to that. Sucks for the people that need help. They put on a big show of what they are doing and help a couple of vets to stay legit. There are only a few out there that really help and want to help Vets and Wounded Warrior Project is not there for the Vet. Ask them to do it for free and you will get that deer in the head lights look.
2015-03-12 10:08:16 UTC
Every thing I read points to Wounded Warrior Project...........being a complete scam. I was ready to give money and received an email from a close friend, just by chance, who also was giving money; he stopped giving when he finally did an "in-depth research" of who was being paid what.... hardly ANY % of millions were going to veterans... money was being syphoned off to administrators... Worse than Good Will or others! DONT GIVE THIS GROUP A PENNY!
2015-12-08 14:46:42 UTC
I am a veteran of 21 years service; disabled but not classified a Wounded Warrior. I do get some compensation for service related disabilities. I will not say the WWP is a scam but I have a really uneasy feeling about it, All of these organizations will press me for donations although I tell them they're talking about me, I'm a disabled veteran. Just the other day, a solicitor for the WWP, at least that's what he said, called me and asked for a donation and without thinking, I told him I only had $20.00 until Social Security. Now get ready for this. He said well, how much did you want to give. I told him I didn't know. He said something, nice and hung up. I wonder if I had told him I would give $10 of my $20 if he would have sent me the payment envelop.
2014-04-15 16:02:14 UTC
I have donated several times. I had read the article and heard that I had been scammed but when I read their financials it appears that they employ many people that work with the vets. I'm no accountant but it appears to break down that way. I hope I'm reading it right. Perhaps someone the can decipher the financials and not just the first part can comment. The financials are available at their site. I have compared the HSUS Humane Society of the US and their financials read way different and in my opinion the HSUS is a scam.
2014-01-22 14:30:13 UTC
I dont know if this organization is a complete scam but something is terribly wrong. I'm a 100% disabled Vietnam Vet. I emailed Wounded Warriors asking for assistance. Three emails later I was told that because I was a Vietnam era veteran they couldn't help me. Apparently this charity is set up to only assist "other" veterans. I guess I don't qualify. As a Vietnam vet I'm a little sick and tired of "your not worthy" attitude of these charities. I would encourage everyone who reads this comment to not be taken in by those groups who practice this sort of discrimination. INCLUDE all of us Wounded Warriors. We ALL need help. Until they agree to include ALL of us please don't donate a nickle.
2014-12-31 18:51:22 UTC
Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was in the news when they found out millions were being used to buy yachts, country club memberships with high end condo's and salaries more than some ceo companies. It was found that vets were given used shoes and M & M's. The DOJ and other federal agencies went in arresting many people and all the board and took everything and sold it off and made sure the vets got what they needed. With tens of millions of vets there are so many scam organizations out there, even paying big money for actors and artists to do commercials. It was found that from children funds to vet funds, they keep 80% for so called operating expenses and 20% goes to the people applying.
Colonel’s Robert and Lisa
2015-03-05 11:18:21 UTC
As a disabled American veteran, I am sad to report to you that YES all veteran outreach programs are scams against the American people. I am 100% disabled and a veteran of both the Cold War and Desert Storm. I have contacted every veterans assistant program for assistance in purchasing a track chair that would enable me to get outside of my home and enjoy the mountains of Kentucky. Every one of them has an excuse as to why they can not assist me. Every veteran I have discussed this matter with has found the same thing to be true for them. Even the old organizations (that are worth millions of dollars) have a reason they can not provide veterans with assistance. I am talking about The Disabled American Veterans (DAV,) Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW,) American Veterans (AMVET's,) and the American Legion. Sadly, all veterans organizations are preying on the American people by exploiting America's love for her veterans. Ask your self this question: "why are there so many veterans outreach organizations claiming to be helping America's veterans when the veteran population is only .04%.") And the number of veterans that truly need some form of assistance is in fact miniscule (say 1% of the .04%) when compared to our reported population of 319 million in the 2014 census. Just look up any vet group that you would like to support, and look at how much the CEO makes annually. If you want to help a veteran, help them directly!.
2015-01-22 18:28:09 UTC
The bottom line here is if you really want to help a wounded warrior send the money to him or her directly.Don't give it to some outfit you know very little about.They could be a wolf in sheeps clothing if you know what I mean. That way you can avoid being scammed and the vets get 100% of the help they need not 5 or 10% this so called WWP gives them
2016-03-18 12:13:43 UTC
I've known for years that most charities are scams, but being a Viet Nam veteran myself I wanted to help other vets. So in good faith I began to contribute to the Wounded Warriors Project, and I felt very good about being able to help my brothers. Then the inevitable happened and a couple of greedy goons ruined it for me and many of the rest of us. I have withdrawn my support and plan to never support another organized charity of any kind. Many of them begin well, but then the greed kicks in and they turn out like all the rest. I'll help others on an individual basis, but I'm done with charity organizations.
2014-08-09 16:37:31 UTC
YES it is put politics based on who and when you served and how much of your money they can get out of you. I am a 100% combat related Vietnam veteran. When I asked if I could join I was told NO! I have an outstanding war record many medals (including but not limited to 2 Bronze stars) citations and an Honorable discharge. What the hell is wrong with this picture? Was all the fighting I did in Nam now worthy of the wounded warrior people? Why must we Vietnam vets still be considered unworthy? Do not donate a dime to them. Find a homeless Nam vet and buy him a meal...
2015-04-02 20:18:47 UTC
I have heard about the scam so I have done a cursory check on Charity Navigator. I find that they are using about 57% ($91,000,000) for Vets, paying $375,000 to their chief exec, and spending abut 36% ( $57,000,000) on fund raising. A large portion of what is taken in is held in reserve ( net assets of $166,000,000). I do think that some Vets are being helped but the organization seems a bit top heavy.

An organization that I support is run by Marine Col. John Folsom. It is a smaller organization but rates high for their work. You can find them at .

Old Grunt
2015-02-13 13:44:54 UTC
I receive a Wounded Warrior Project mailing every week asking for money. As a veteran myself and also retired from the Department of Veterans Affairs, from the largest regional office in the United States. A veteran that has received injuries while on active duty will receive benefits from the VA if they file a claim for benefits. Don't send this organization any money !!!!!.
2014-01-06 10:26:25 UTC
The wounded warrior project has been shown to be a legal scam where the veterans it's suppose to help aren't getting used to make rich men richer. The problem with many of the answers shown here are many programs are being listed. is an outstanding organization. is totally different.
2015-07-23 14:58:57 UTC
I set up monthly payment plan to WWP. I am now inundated with mailings, 10 to 12 a week, usually with some king of trinket included. I also learned from their financials that an inordinate amount is spent on administration and fund raising. I told them to stop sending me the crap. The answer was 4 mailings in one day. I am also a Vietnam Vet. I escaped unscathed, and I owe my life and health to my fellow vets who paid a higher price. It really frosts me that "my" war is excluded from the program. With huge respect and gratitude for the vets of the more recent conflicts, it's no secret that the level of service received by vets today, while still inadequate, far exceeds what was available to my generation, when PTSD and Agent Orange weren't even recognized as issues.

I've cancelled my payment plan. All future junk mail will go directly into the trash bin.
2016-01-26 15:57:03 UTC
Of course it is a scam. ALL charities are scams. They take in tons of money and use most of it for themself -just like insurance companies do.

There was just a CBS investigation of Wounded Warrior where they show the lavish parties they have.

If you want to help a veteran, just do so directly. Whereever money is involved in ANY organization, there is misuse and theft. Period.

By the way, where did you learn English?? "Me and my group are planning..."??? Wow.
deedee k
2014-12-03 21:30:00 UTC
You just need to be aware that most of their donations go to pay themselves salaries and commercials they DO NOT support any VETs injured before 9/11. Don't get me wrong everyone is important but to leave out all VETS before 9/11 is horrific! when you do NOT tell people that! YOu have commercials etc that show older VETS whom they DO NOT HELP! it is all for show and money. So just know that going into it. Meanwhile my husband suffers from being sprayed with Serin gas in the GULF war, a Wounded WARRIOR that this organization says is NOT eligible for any help from them. SAD. HORRIFIC
2015-10-16 06:26:30 UTC
This is just horrible. Do these actors know that most of the money does not go to the Vets. I will never donate to any of these organizations again. How do you find a Vet in need? I just donated a wheel chair to the place where we purchased another chair. I own a company and I make less than $40,000 a year. These CEO of these companies are making too much money, when the workers below them make so much less. I am a Union company so I have to pay decent wages.
2014-11-06 05:53:27 UTC
I have attended WWP events and I have also consulted with their VSOs. From my experience they are legitimate. The events that I've attended like the Soldier Ride was very comprehensive, and got this wounded veteran back to riding a bicycle; to me that was life-changing. I don't see any scam in that. As a VSO, they gave me better advice than the American Legion, and that's saying something because I love the American Legion. I do not know where all of this venom is coming from amongst my fellow veterans, but it sounds like a lot of perception, not actual experience to me.
2015-12-26 15:13:25 UTC
First of all.. I am a Iraq combat vet with 3 tours under my belt and I have been awarded a VA disability rating. For the first 6 months after getting out of the military I found it hard to cope with everyday life. There were many organizations that I took advantage of and one of them was WWP. They were there for me and lots of people that I deployed with. They are not a scam and are helping the veterans that have come home from Iraq and Afghanistan. They provide free trips for veterans and their spouses to get away and have some catch up time after deployment. They provide trips to sporting events, amusement parks, go skiing, go fishing... etc. to help veterans forget about the things they have endured over in combat. They also help veterans find employment when they are ready to go back to work They helped me get my resume straightened out and helped me get my first job after separation from the military. I would encourage you to go research them further and you will see that they are not a scam. Nobody is forcing your hand to donate, that is your own choice. The VA is good, but it has its faults too.. such as veterans that can barely walk waiting 2 years for their claim to go through, only to be denied and having to appeal the decision. Everyone just thinks that because vets get service at the VA that they are all taken care of... not the case!!! Unless you are over 50% disability rating you do not get full coverage, under 50% and you will only get care for your combat related injuries and pay copays just like everyone else. The VA system is very slow and disorganized, causing veterans to health to get worse while they wait months to get scene. If the general public only knew the half of it... Ignorance is not always bliss!!! I can give you a list of 30 people I know personally that benefited from the WWP and the IAVA organizations. Not every organization is meant to benefit every individual. Social Security Administration for example will not give retirement to a veteran that is 100% Permanent & Disable and is medically retired, but you have people that are on Social Security just milking the system.. but you all pay into that as well. Research an organization and their mission before you go tearing it apart out of shear ignorance.

Grey Lady
2016-12-05 16:04:30 UTC
How do you get help from the Wounded Warrior Project. Do you have to know someone. They will take your money but don t give out any help to a Veteran! They make sure they have a lot of places that someone can donate monthly but how do you get help>
Evelyn Groom
2015-01-11 16:54:03 UTC
Yes, I saw an articles written by two different people about how the CEO and others are taking the money for themselves and only 3.5 % is spent on wounded warriors!!!! It's definitely a scam!!!
Desiree Goble
2016-01-22 17:27:59 UTC
I became a disabled vet by old age, I tour dav hospitals entertaining, last yr I covered 7 states, the wife and I travel in an old dodge sleeper van with a couple of chiwawa's (who the vets all love) last yr I ran into car trouble in rapid city south Dakota, I needed help quickly as I was to be in valentine neb. in 2 days. I contacted the wwp to see if they could help. wow// what an *** chewing I got. we do not put out money for such things, or for private goals. the wife and I accomplish our service on our ss checks. the vfw in marblefalls texas came to our rescue to complete the tour when I returned I did 12 free sat.shows then I saw what the ceo of wwp gets per yr and again I was blown away. all I needed was 200 dollars for gas. I have done nearly 30 dav hospital shows for dav's, (every dav hospital in the state of texas) the rest of the body is failing but the voice is still strong and as long as the wife can get me there I will keep on entertaining our dav's across America. the Alaskan timbertramp
2016-01-26 17:59:30 UTC
Im a 21 yr vet. when i saw our vets returning home wounded as they were our veterans administration takes well care of our vet. they will give them everything they want and need and doing a good job. Then all these programs sprung up looking for donations to support the vets. I feel that they all should be investigated for tax purposes and prosecuted them to the fullest extent of law. I feel there are a few other out and enjoying and making a living off our disabled veterans. If they want to do something do as the VA does take care them for the of their lives
2013-12-19 12:47:15 UTC
I t just seems strange to me that wounded warrior gives gifts to donators that are made in china. If they are truly interested in the veteran then buying American made products would help support not only veterans but their children in years to come, by helping keep workers here in America working. Our warriors fight for Americans, not for the chinese.

I ask them about it and they said they just get the cheapest stuff available. So I stopped my contributions to them, I will help wounded warriors another way. My husband is a Viet Nam vet, and he was outraged at them spending all that money in china, instead of here in the USA.

Buy American made or from our allies, is what I look for when I buy.
2016-01-28 13:13:37 UTC
USO and the Salvation Army - You will never go wrong donating to them.

My son is a Wounded Warrior and I am a Retired US Marine Vietnam Veteran.

However lofty its initial vision the WWP has lost its real vision and has, like so many others, become all about the money.
2014-12-29 19:48:49 UTC
I feel that if you want to help our military and veterans, fine. If not, that's fine too. But, please, don't pull this 'the Wounded Warrior Project is a complete and total scam' bit.
2015-12-24 05:54:20 UTC
I have been directly helped by Wounded Warrior Program. I called them to simply get information on a referral to a psychiatrist/psychologist in the area where I lived to see who had direct experience in dealing with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder diagnosis and treatment - I was going to use my private insurance to pay for it and then pay out of pocket for anything that wasn't covered. Within 2 hours I received a call back from WWP with not only the name and contact information on a doctor but also with pre-authorization for a large series of visits and consults to be paid for via WWP. I didn't ask for such support but it was freely given. I had been and still am fighting with the VA to receive help on PTSD - when I retired from the Army I was given a cursory screening for PTSD by the VA and told I was GTG. However, I knew that wasn't the case. With a formal diagnosis of PTSD from a certified (private) doctor stating clearly that there is a "greater than 51% chance that my PTSD was directly a result of military service it will more effectively help me with the battle with VA. WWP also followed up with me to help shape the resubmission to VA for reconsideration of their initial diagnosis. I have read in other pubs and postings that WWP spends a greater share on marketing than support and this should be looked at carefully - I can only tell you my small slice of experience and it was very positive.
2014-04-07 12:46:08 UTC
Yeah, they give 85%...of the little left over (not much) after all the "expense" payments and executive compensations (the big piece of the pie). It's another scam. Why was I not surprised when this was made public?

The Bill Gates foundation is another huge scam to funnel earnings and avoid taxes.
2014-12-23 07:15:21 UTC
I believe it's a another BS SCAM like all those other adds putting starving children, abused animals, and ex-soldiers with body parts blown off and caring people caring for them. The majority of the money goes to the CEO's and their cronies. Capitalism at it's best!
2015-07-23 11:17:53 UTC
I know they say they pay a lot to the people in charge but they have helped me with my disability claim and went on a retreat. I think they do their best to help all wounded warriors even if they do get big salaries
John H
2014-10-09 10:05:24 UTC
It is better to donate to a specific group helping wounded war veterans - Signed, Mrs. John H Burke
2015-12-30 14:14:15 UTC
The WW group appears to be "funding" the management of the fund, and any thing left over (scraps) are doled out with great fanfare to a few veterans. If you are interested in a very excellent veterans org., try the Simper Fi Fund. I am not sure if they are exclusively for the Marine Corps and Navy, but they use most of the donations to help the veterans. Their expenses go for advertisements and reasonable administrative expenses. Please check them out, I have and they cooer too legit. Harold Bagnall Sgt (E4) USMC 1953 thru 1957
2015-07-18 13:39:04 UTC
I've seen plenty of negative reports re WWP--and I wondered about the veracity of this outfit--(I give an automatic donation every month)--then I heard Bill O'Reilly of Fox news--(who, it is well known gives a lot of money to a lot of military charities) speaking about some bad reports he had heard. He had his staff extensively check them out--and I heard him say on TV that this outfit is fine--yes--they have expenses--they all do--but all in all they do a very good job of charitable giving to the Vets.

So--I've concluded that until I hear differently I will continue to donate to this charity--and God Bless our wounded and disabled vets--
2016-04-22 09:42:59 UTC
I am a 100% VA Disabled Veteran of Viet Nam. Recently while going tom Florida I spotted a man at on of the Florida rest stops dressed in military clothing, had his little folding table up with a sign that he was collecting for Viet Nam Veterans. Gave away a little streamers for a donation. I asked him where he was stationed and he mumbled something about he was in a hospital in the states during most of the Viet Nam War. I informed the people at the welcome desk and they said he came there often.
jone 5
2014-07-14 17:03:01 UTC
I am a 100% disable and the wounded warrior project is a complete scam because if u have a family and a wife who does most of the household work has no time for events I believe they neglect the severely injured vets because they can't attend those events and most of the event that they provide are donated anyway were the millions of dollar they receive there ads are everywhere
Chris S
2015-04-02 08:47:15 UTC
When I signed up for a monthly $19 per month, 84% of funds went to veterans.....then it went down to 54% and I cancelled. I, now donate every month to The Intrepid Fund and Fisher House...both rated A+ by Charity Navigator. The same outfit that list every charity you can imagine, and rates the VFW, DAV, AMVETS, The Military Order of the Purple Heart and Paralyzed Vets of America....a rating of F!
Marty W
2014-07-15 06:04:56 UTC
I have gone through these statements and, I am just Fn' astounded with what has happened to the Dam country I defended. I was put on 50% in 2013 then 8 months latter jumped up to 70% service connected and I am waiting for 30% more increase. My "VSO" whom is with the VFW works I am sure for the VA in an attempt to discredit me and all others. I think this WWP might be a scam and all the MF's claiming to want to help us are sending our money to the over seas nations full of scum or spending it on there 6 digit income CEO who are careless and heartless MF's. I am a life member of DAV but they even treated me in Las Vegas like I was a piece of dung until I got all the guys in our PTSD that had experience with the a hole to write in and she was removed almost a year latter. I am a Vietnam Vet with PTSD, Brain Trauma, a list of other life hindering aliments and the VA denied me in 1986, then the same claim in 1989, and the same claim in 2002, then the same claim accepted after 3 years on my 4th forced refiling was accepted in 2013. I approached WWP and they told me since I was Vietnam Era I could not be helped since they were only working with OIF and after. This might be fake and I will look into it more.
2016-02-04 21:31:56 UTC
Sadly, yes, a "charity" that was caught red-handed wasting over $27 million of donations on high salaries, extravagant conferences,,5 star resorts, big liqour bills, prostitutes for execs, hiring expensive PR agencies for their image, hiring expensive lawyers to sue former vet employees who speak out and even suing other vet charities ...yeah, WW project is a scam. Instead, please focus your time on great vet charities, such as the DAV. Look up DAV.
2015-09-09 13:45:30 UTC
When I go on line and find this much evidence against this organization I would have to be a gullible fool to send them another red cent but I do appreciate the free stamps they keep sending me. I will put them to good use somewhere else. Unfortunately there are heartless people in the world who prey on others to the detriment of their own souls. It is good to help others and one of the organizations which helps not only veterans but people in general who need help is The Salvation Army.
2013-11-16 16:39:55 UTC
With so much conflicting info on this group, I would check into it more thoroughly. Maybe BBB would be of help. Or go with an older organization, American Legion, Vet of Foreign Wars or look into the many other out there, trying to help our soldiers.
2015-01-27 10:16:46 UTC
Any organization that resorts to pathetic begging on TV is a pure scam. For what I am paying for TV service, the last thing I want to put up with is being begged at.
2015-03-18 13:19:01 UTC
I gave a one time donation of $100. There after I have received mailing saying, I need to donate $19 a month. I don't like people telling me how much to donate. Gary
2014-01-19 11:53:55 UTC
I am a 100% disabled veteran who contributes to WWP. If I find out that WWP is scamming vets like the VFW, DAV and other veterans organizations they had better find a big rock to crawl under. We are not dead yet.
2015-03-02 19:33:46 UTC
I joined 3 years ago to meet up with other veterans. They send a list out every month of activity's you can sign up for in 3 years I signed up for multiple events but only got 1 invite to a Movie. I discontinued my membership. This is one of the biggest Scams out their! Veterans beware. Please don't give these guys your money!! Give it to DAV or VFW
2015-03-06 17:42:38 UTC
As a Viet Nam vet as well, I now feel like a fool for donating.

Ha, I even ordered an Under Armourâ„¢ WWP shirt.

Profiteers, or decide.
2015-09-12 08:13:00 UTC
The truly sad part of this is the simple fact that it's allowed.Our government allows it.....our media allows it....and the people allow it. What's the world coming to? We are no longer the nation or the people that we once were. When it comes to making a dollar...anything goes. The banks and the wealthy have taken over the government and they make all the rules.....before it's over, they will make slaves of our children. Greed will be our undoing and future generations are going to suffer in terrible ways.
2016-07-20 16:49:57 UTC
I am a navy widow on a low income, my daughter and son in law do the obstacle course, when I was in need the wounded warrior program helped me. They are an honorable organization, to even help a widow, when we are also forgotten. Is deeply appreciated. This is my personal experience, so I believe in them. Not hearsay.
2015-12-22 18:57:52 UTC
yes, its like most scams, they get paid 1st and give the change to the vets.

Please note that all positive comments in regard to this charity are done by WWP operatives. Please check Fisher House and other veteran nonprofits before you plan to help Iraq and Afghanistan veterans. WWP simply spends too much on their corporate officers, and corporate offices. Check out their mid-town Manhattan office and you'll see what I mean. There isn't much left for the vets when they are done writing checks to themselves, and their corporate offices. Churches take note: WWP refuses to take donations from religious organizations.
Curious George
2016-03-12 09:00:40 UTC
I've donated more than once; to think this may be a scam is SO sad -- I'm inclined to increase my donation to the Salvation Army. God bless our service men and women.
Richard D
2014-05-12 11:17:51 UTC
These wounded warriors were working for us when they put their lives on the line to fight for our country. Mostly to guard our country from communists and socialist countries that are dictatorships. I believe that our Government should be responsible for their well being. They should not have to beg for money!
2016-04-26 20:25:48 UTC
u need to consider there is costs in all of this commercials, the fundraisers ,,,...etc the vets dont have to raise any money hell they have gone through enough....(my best to all the vets love u all thanks) i bet the country singer that was doing the commercials was getting paid aloooot u know and i know he wasnt "donating " his time. i know this company has done alot for these vets new ceilings in their house new steps, handicap acessbility, providing transportation counseling ...etc so yeah they use some money to pay the cost of fundrive they have....every dollar counts and adds up the more ppl help the more it helps and helps alot. every organization gives some away that how it works guys this is the reall world

Im a Paid Fundraiser
2013-12-20 07:38:48 UTC
Professes to be a charitable organization and yet only 36% of funds donated are actually used to benefit the wounded warriors. That's a heck of a lot of overhead.
2013-10-19 15:50:09 UTC
WWP is a total fraud. Check their IRS tax forms posted on their web site. In Just a few years of existence they have amassed over 100 million in cash and investments. Call your congressman and tell them to have the IRS look into investigating a REAL non-profit scam. Everybody wins but the wounded vet.
2016-01-26 15:49:04 UTC
CBS News tonight reported that much of the money raised goes to parties and expensive trips. Last report showed 48% used for trips etc.

They do good work but they could do much better if less was spent on parties and trips.
2016-01-27 04:45:17 UTC
BIGGEST SCAM around! Millions and Millions of Dollars never make it to the Veterans that deserve help. Who needs $350,000 salaries. Time to post their phone #'s for FREE PIZZAS.
2015-06-22 11:51:40 UTC
I have been making them my main project but now realize I need to know more. These comments have me worried! I think the safest thing for me to do is donate through Bill O'Reilly FOXNews. He supports the all terrain vehicles which I have been excited to support!
2014-02-28 09:06:49 UTC
Saw the IRS nform online. $154 M received and of that $95 M was salaries and expenses. That leaves about 36% to actually help people.
2015-09-24 04:10:12 UTC
I was just about to donate until I read about the high salaries of WWP executives.. But this is not limited to just them; there are other charities that have over paid executives. Sadly, our government allows business as usual.

What a shame.
2015-05-26 09:10:38 UTC
I telephoned them, asking their administrative costs and how much actually went to the veteran. They would not answer. I found out that they spend 35% in advertising, commercials, salaries. This is FAR TOO HIGH for a non-profit.
R. Stillwell
2015-04-05 15:07:39 UTC
Better to give to the Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund, which Charitywatch gives an A+. WWP gets a C+. Not good enough.
2014-07-21 13:58:17 UTC
I agree with John S. Here in Texas they are giving great moral support also to the men who are now permanently injured fighting on other shores so we don't have them fighting here. Get realistic. You can't do this on a shoestring or without top notch people running it. And they have plenty of volunteers too. Why do people want to give money to people from Guatemala but don't want to take care of our own.
Dennis G
2016-01-09 14:35:51 UTC
I think it is a scam all of the people are actors including those asking for donations are previous drunks and down and outers
Michael L
2016-03-13 12:14:51 UTC
AFTER what i have heard i am disgusted, they blow millions ,no remorse, i am a DAV, 2 weeks ago i lost my house and car too a fire, i kind afeel bad for myself but i feel worse for all my brother DAVS,who deserve more, most of these scams, these rotten eggs somehow avoid jailtime and think they dont stink. i will survive slowly thank too all my brother vets out their, be safe
2016-03-08 14:43:22 UTC
This is sicking , I had two Brothers that were in Vietnam and to think that there are people out there that would refuse to help a VET of any kind after all that they did and suffered for the U,S ., There ought to be somewhere that we can help our VETS without them being SCAMED
2015-10-06 13:04:51 UTC
Being a Vietnam Veteran, I was going to give to this program. When I contacted them to ask their "administrative" costs and IF they took care of ALL veterans, I was told; (1) they could not tell me the costs and (2) that Veterans from Vietnam and back are "too old" and need to go the VA.
Kevin D
2016-02-13 08:21:27 UTC
In order to be classified as as "Non Profit," the organization must use only 51% of all proceeds towards helping those in need. That means 49% can go to overhead costs and payroll...
2015-01-13 09:48:57 UTC
Over paid exec. and 15 vice pres. would indicate a full blown scam
Peggy D
2015-10-16 21:21:32 UTC
2014-08-08 09:10:58 UTC
If you really want to help your veterans and 100% NON Profit...Give to your Local VFW Posts and Auxiliaries in your communities. Contact them at Local, State and National Levels which all can be found on the internet,'Join if you are a Service member, wife, sister, mom or Grand mother of a veteran.

Be a voice in truly helping our veterans. They gave all and we give 100% back to help those who Help Keep Us Free
johnny b
2016-01-28 09:50:46 UTC
the amount of money being spend on executive salaries, lavish conferences, etc. is a crime. With this amount of money at stake, $300 million raised in 2015, we need an unbiased fraud audit of WWP so we can know the facts.

Johnny B
2014-03-24 11:47:45 UTC
Look at all the money they spend on commercials. Look at the executive salaries, and look at their investments. THEN decide, like I did, that indeed, your money would be better spent on something else. They are a scam.
2013-12-24 16:32:35 UTC
he 100% disabled vets do not need any money I get plenty of tax free disability payments monthly and free health and dental. These charities are run by crooks. They get enormous pay as well as all of their staff and they will go to a hell worse than the hell I was in in Vietnam.
2015-01-27 08:21:56 UTC
If you want to help a Veteran that fought for your country I would suggest that you donate to the American Legion or Veterans of Foreign Wars. They actually help the people that were injured!
2016-01-28 22:29:02 UTC
total scam...has been since day one. in the world of big business, it's become fashionable to play on the bleeding hearts crowd....especially with a military twist. I avoid every military based charity...because they are ALL fraudulent...and corrupt.
Carol B
2013-09-28 08:30:34 UTC
The Wounded Warrior Project is one of the greatest programs for returning vets. My son is involved very heavily with them and I have seen a vast change in him since he became involved with them. He suffers from PTSD and Brain Trauma. I have seen him laugh again, smile again and most of all enjoy life again. In my book the Wounded Warrior Program is my hero
2014-03-05 18:06:50 UTC
(One of two)

Full disclosure 100% Disabled Vet (Wounded Warrior) and have previously participated in their events.

Scam? Well, it depends how you look at it. It has been my experience that they go out of their way to select visibly wounded such as amputees and those with service dogs.

Back to "scam."

Here's how WWP ranks against similar charities according to Charity Navigator's 2012 rankings:

Wounded Warrior Project – FL 54.39% 3 stars

USO – VA 53.79% 3 stars

DAV – KY 61.25% 4 stars

Homes for Our Troops – MA 68.97% 4 stars

Fisher House Foundation – MD 69.62% 4 stars

Here is their 2012 Tax Return:

WWP TOTAL REVENUE $154,958,901

EXPENSES (Adjusted)

Program Expenses $55,386,953

Administrative Expenses $5,412,693

Fundraising Expenses $34,711,903


EXCESS for the year $59,447,352

That means they had $60 million in the bank and only spent $56 mill of their $154mil on "programs." You can be the judge if that sounds right for a "charity."
Gray Wanderer
2010-08-07 00:01:27 UTC
No, it is not a scam, they do lots for the soldiers in the "Warrior Transition Units". One example is the fishing trip my wife is going to be going on, along with several other wounded warriors. Another thing they do is help set up houses for those who are permanently handicapped. Of the money collected by the WWP, 83% of the money goes to the programs and support for the wounded warriors.


@ Leatherwreck,

You have no reason to feel guilty, you have earned the respect.

@ Leatherwreck & Verbal Spartan,

Thank you for your service.
2014-10-07 04:40:28 UTC
My personal experience to date is that it is not a scam. They have been very attentive to me and I am a Viet-Nam disabled vet at 70%. They have obtained my documents to assist me in employment. Rob
2014-08-10 06:40:45 UTC
I have heard percentages thrown around ranging from 85% down to 25%. And all manner of allegations of it being a scam but not one fact has been referred to. One says it had been proven to be illegal but no mention of upcoming prosecution or where it occurred or what law was violated. If you are America haters or military loathers you are damaging those who have been damaged enough. For you. They put their lives on the line to protect your freedoms.
2015-05-30 18:04:12 UTC
the truth wwp soldiers returning I feel sorry these guys where sent over there under some bull that g w bush said but g w bush dick Chaney and all them scumbags that got rich from the oil they took from iraq ok go after them for your pay not the American citizen we been taxes enough
2010-08-06 23:55:26 UTC
No it's not a scam, I belong to it as a PH recipient. I'm fortunate that I was able to rtd in less than a month and I still have all my parts, I feel like an jerk though because some of those who've received it will never be the same again and I just feel guilty because I don't have as sever injuries like they do. Anyway here's the official link.
John H
2016-01-27 13:48:41 UTC
CEO make how much??? 300K + and who are they big retired wheels in the military or private sector making a bunch as it is??? what a bunch of crooks, if so and more and more evidence is saying it is so.. BS
2015-12-24 14:49:06 UTC
Think about all those millions spent on tv ads and administration! I don't trust them at all.
2014-03-06 13:18:32 UTC
2016-07-01 13:30:26 UTC
Complete scam.
2015-05-24 03:44:54 UTC
I donated to the project in feb. 2015. I was supposed to receive a blanket for my donation. The end of Aprol when I seen the advertizement again I called the number and they said they couldn't help me but gave me another number which no one ever answered. It's May 24,2015 and still no blanket. I don't need the blanket. It's the idea if you advertize something and don't follow thru you ruin it for the real groups out there.
2013-11-15 07:36:58 UTC
There's a guy saying they are a fraud now because they wouldnt let him sell his book at one of their sites they had set up for donations.It sound to me like a guy that's just pissed off because they won't help him make money.He didnt have a problem with them before his rejection and now that he was turned down he's making fraud accusations.I don't buy it.
2015-11-29 10:11:11 UTC
I am a Korean War disabled vet. The only organization that has helped me is the VA.
2015-01-08 19:54:46 UTC
It seems like it. Not going give any real explanation why or give you any bad experience I had with them (im not a vet). It just seems sketchy to me. Gut feeling.
2013-12-10 20:50:47 UTC
So i was planning on giveing to the wonded worrier,s program but i,m hereing it,s a scam ? if it is shame on you all .Shame on you .i hurd About it on Facebook it,s all over the place
2014-08-08 04:41:47 UTC
Absolutely not a scam. Look it up on Charity Navigator.
2016-01-27 18:19:36 UTC
It really pisses me off that I gave them money. Not much, but all the same I had a bad feeling about them so I stopped.
2014-03-26 19:15:27 UTC
I have donated , but I resent them wasting my donations on free stuff and postage soliciting more donations. I am removing them from my charity list.
2014-10-05 05:28:33 UTC
Absolutely, The Ceo is making a 6 figure incime, and the services they provide are purely cosmetic.
2016-01-27 18:09:27 UTC
Doesn't our Government take care of the vets? I'm confused?!
2015-08-23 23:35:21 UTC
You know the old sayng, if it's too good to be true, it more than likely is. Check it out.
2014-08-14 07:30:45 UTC
To the Vietnam Nam Veterans:

I get the sense of frustration and betrayal. Please look into Vietnam Nam Veterans of America. I don't know what services they provide .
2015-04-01 13:45:51 UTC
Real McCoy
2014-07-30 17:20:37 UTC
I just want to say I am a wounded warrior from the OIF conflict and severed multiple tours in Iraq. I have been working with the wounded warrior organization and can say from first hand experience as a wounded veteran who has been assisted that they are not a scam and are hands down have been the only group to provide me the help I need when I needed it. Here is the catch, if you are some grab-***-tic piece of $h!+, and do not want to put for the effort to be involved then you are not going to get anything. There a thousand of people who want a hand out but want everything done for them. Flush out your headgear and pick up the phone and ask what you need to do to get involved. If you need transportation then ask them for it, if you need help going to school them apply for it. WWP has many programs that are available but no one is going to hold your hand, they have to many people to help. If you haven't visited your WWP local or regional office then put a lid on it and go.
2014-09-23 05:40:34 UTC

2015-04-05 19:00:51 UTC
a correction there are 23 million vetrans
2015-10-10 20:48:09 UTC
Just look up their form 990. It has it all listed.
2015-08-14 14:11:38 UTC
Heard negative #s & comments. How do they get celebs to sponsor them? Are they paid? How much & what for?
2014-08-10 06:44:46 UTC
WWP has a high rating amongst charitable organizations. What most people do not understand is that IT COSTS MONEY to run any business, even a non-profit charitable organization. WWP was put together to serve the OIF/OEF veterans, not veterans from previous wars. (there are other charities for that) Another thing to remember is there are THOUSANDS of wounded veterans that need and are asking for help and any charity has to sort through all the requests they get each day and check to see which ones seem legitimate. There are a lot of people just looking for handouts and to get something for nothing. If organizations like this just handed out money and services to all the mooches looking for a handout, the charity would be dried up and out of business before it even got started.

Check out the link below to see for yourself how they rate. It took me all of 3 minutes to sort through the B.S. and find a legitimate website that rates charitable organizations. Opinions are like *** holes, everyone has one and they all stink. Facts however, can not be denied.
Verbal Spartan
2010-08-06 23:56:23 UTC
The Wounded Warrior Project, by all accounts, is an outstanding charity. They donate over 85% of all proceeds.

In recent years, the wounded vet scam has grown in popularity. Some "charities" were keeping as much as 92 cents of every dollar brought in for "operating costs".

I have not heard of ANY complaints about the Wounded Warrior Project or their financial practices.

On the contrary, I personally know wounded OIF vets that have been helped immensely by the group.

Thanks to you and your group for considering the men and women who have given so much to this country, and asked so little in return.
2016-01-26 16:55:34 UTC
Do not invest in this project.They piss away more money than contribut to the woanded
2015-01-03 17:38:15 UTC
yes. no decent charity spends more on its 'employees' than on the people it claims to help. disgusting - but cleverly designed to appeal to the dumbest among us...
2015-06-22 07:04:13 UTC
Try Fisher House.Look it up.
2015-04-28 10:40:34 UTC
ask to see the income and expense ledger. that will tell you everything. If they don t want to show you, well?

2014-08-10 18:20:26 UTC
I just found out they will not take money from a church. so I will not every give them a dime. that is so un-American. trash
2016-01-27 13:14:36 UTC
hell yes if some one a vet. getting screwed what the hell is it ihave gave iam avet,it is the same as sticking gun on you
2016-01-29 07:43:14 UTC
thank you for telling us the truth. I have given regularly,but they wont get another dime.
2016-01-04 15:31:18 UTC
How do I drop my donantion
2016-02-06 14:57:01 UTC
Is it or isn't it?
2016-01-27 09:55:44 UTC
This is all very heartbreaking.
2014-04-21 21:07:34 UTC
TOTAL SCAM. If you look at what the actual employees of WWP do and what they pay themselves, you will know right away they are a scam. They literally outsource to other organizations (VSOs, For-profits, etc.) all of those wonderful activities and benefits they claim they provide the veteran. The very little work they actually do themselves is negligible. I have been to the NYC WWP office over the years and can count the number of veterans employed there on one hand and it's also funny how every single time I go there, there never seems to be a single person working. They just all seem to be standing around shooting the ****. I have been in there on a few occasions around 3:30 in the middle of the week and a good 90% of the staff have already left for the day. If you actually calculate the REAL amount of money they spend on really helping veterans as well as the real work their employees actually do, it will be an abysmally low percentage that they truly spend on helping vets. Now, if you really think this sort of abhorrent behavior and downright laziness justifies the top echelon of WWP paying themselves nearly 400K a year, then maybe it's not scam. The blame also lays with these lazy, ignorant donors who continue to contribute to this scam without question. The sweet irony of it all is that WWP was founded by NON-VETERANS. And most of the vets on the executive and managerial staff are not post 9/11 vets. Use your brain folks.
2014-02-15 15:27:23 UTC
So, what does the VA do?
2014-04-24 03:26:13 UTC
I received a donation form and letter from an organization named "WOUNDED WARRIOR PROJECT", and was considering sending a $25.00 donation. Then I read the letter part of the package, It Just down right ticked me off, starting with the tear off donation section. "Here's my gift to the Waimea Wounded Warrior Project® Fund Drive". The Population of Waimea, HI on the island of Kauai is about 2,200, with roughly 800 being children. I checked around, the P.O., which maintains about 1,100 P.O. boxes. the library, the Historical Society and I've walked and drove around our lovely community (6 miles round trip), and didn't discover anyone who anything of Waimea WWP Fund drive. Several thought that they heard of the organization, but they had no info of a Fund Drive. So, there's a good chance that the, probably overally paid Executive Director Mr. Steven Nardizzi who signed the letter/story portion (which I'll comment on soon) of the package has no knowledge of my Waimea. It's a good possibility that the Executive Director has been to Hawaii', and maybe, just maybe even driven through (but a good bet not stopping) Waimea, on his way to gaze at OUR, Beautiful and Magnificent "Grand Canyon of the Pacific", (so it has been referenced), The Waimea Canyon. But that is unlikely, too many Class golf courses to pass. Oh, and he (Steven Nardizzi) personally attached a "49" cent (foreever) Purple Heart stamp with a paper clip (not cheap), let alone time consumming. Can you imagine, 1,100 stamps and paper clips, I'm thinking he had some low life volunteers tend to that task.

The story ! Very dramatic, which almost all combat injuries are, if you never experienced it, you can't come close to imagining the terror. it's about Jeremy Feldbusch, who is a Army Ranger, wounded by shrapnel entering into his brain through, which looks like his right eye, from the photo inserted in the letter. Who ever wrote the letter has probably never been in a warlike combat situation, just the way it was written and my feeling. And they certainly have never been in My Waimea. For their information I've only seen, perhaps 8 or 9 vehicles with the mentioned "Support Our Troops" magnetic ribbons stuck on the rear of their cars/trucks, and they may not have even lived in Waimea, but the way they wrote it up made it sound like there was 2,200 magnetic ribbons tagging behind. I had five down the side of my 1991 Dakota p/u at the beginning of the "wars". I thought at the time thats all we needed. But now there is only one left after they blew off. Just wanted to explain the BS in parts of the story/letter. Then there is the second photo suppossedly of Jeremy on the back/second page. Maybe it's my mood, age and eyes, but I don't see it, sorry.

Well Mr. Executive Director Steven Nardizzi, you ask us to "just think about these tragic injuries" to these young men and women, and donate our money, to what, that maybe 25% gets to were is mostly needed. I don't have to think about it, I see it almost weekly sometimes more, at the Kausi VA Clinic and when I have to fly over to Tripler Army Medical Center on Oahu, to have a Total Right Knee Replacement in 2013 and waiting for the day in 2014 to have my Left one done. Both due to injuries received. And in between I thought I'd have my cancerous Prostate & 13 or 17 Lymph Nodes removed from something we didn't even see coming until 20 years later when it kills my brother. But I've never seen you (WWP)there. I'm there with Hundreds of other old, young being inflicted on the Boldest, Bravest men and women this Great Country has, to volunteer, put their limbs and lives on line, leaving devastated families to wonder, what happens now. The only times we John Q. hear from the .ORGS, is when they picked our names off of a list the paid who knows how much money for. Then the envelope stuffing is probably automated, which was another couple million dollars well spent. Because now you able to get to more potential donors who will overfill your quatas, the board rewards you to a huge bonus, which the directors, CEO's or whatever they're called filteer a small ortion of that bonus to the pets (AKA AKs). Enough of that.

You know, it wasn't until I stumbled into this site, that, that Proverbial light bulb turned on at full wattage. I was aware that at least, more than half of all those dollars donated or collectd went into the operation the Organizations Operating Cost (OOC), saleries for the CEO's, CFO's.

For practically half of my life I donated twice a year to veterans charities, DAV,PAV,VFW, USO, Gold Star Mothers etc. Some of the most respected and one would think especially deserving, concidering what one must go through to be needing of their services. But most operate in the same manner WWP I would think. Keep the $$$ coming in, we need to scratch out a living. As of this day I QUIT giving. At least until I find one that is useful and does some honest to God Good, for our service people, who risked everything, believing they were doing something honorable for someone else. Boy, there's a novial idea, have "Good" and "Honest" (?) lawmakers disban all Arm Forces charities and have the American People select " 1 " organization to help Our HEROES. YAHOO!!!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.