I received a donation form and letter from an organization named "WOUNDED WARRIOR PROJECT", and was considering sending a $25.00 donation. Then I read the letter part of the package, It Just down right ticked me off, starting with the tear off donation section. "Here's my gift to the Waimea Wounded Warrior Project® Fund Drive". The Population of Waimea, HI on the island of Kauai is about 2,200, with roughly 800 being children. I checked around, the P.O., which maintains about 1,100 P.O. boxes. the library, the Historical Society and I've walked and drove around our lovely community (6 miles round trip), and didn't discover anyone who anything of Waimea WWP Fund drive. Several thought that they heard of the organization, but they had no info of a Fund Drive. So, there's a good chance that the, probably overally paid Executive Director Mr. Steven Nardizzi who signed the letter/story portion (which I'll comment on soon) of the package has no knowledge of my Waimea. It's a good possibility that the Executive Director has been to Hawaii', and maybe, just maybe even driven through (but a good bet not stopping) Waimea, on his way to gaze at OUR, Beautiful and Magnificent "Grand Canyon of the Pacific", (so it has been referenced), The Waimea Canyon. But that is unlikely, too many Class golf courses to pass. Oh, and he (Steven Nardizzi) personally attached a "49" cent (foreever) Purple Heart stamp with a paper clip (not cheap), let alone time consumming. Can you imagine, 1,100 stamps and paper clips, I'm thinking he had some low life volunteers tend to that task.
The story ! Very dramatic, which almost all combat injuries are, if you never experienced it, you can't come close to imagining the terror. it's about Jeremy Feldbusch, who is a Army Ranger, wounded by shrapnel entering into his brain through, which looks like his right eye, from the photo inserted in the letter. Who ever wrote the letter has probably never been in a warlike combat situation, just the way it was written and my feeling. And they certainly have never been in My Waimea. For their information I've only seen, perhaps 8 or 9 vehicles with the mentioned "Support Our Troops" magnetic ribbons stuck on the rear of their cars/trucks, and they may not have even lived in Waimea, but the way they wrote it up made it sound like there was 2,200 magnetic ribbons tagging behind. I had five down the side of my 1991 Dakota p/u at the beginning of the "wars". I thought at the time thats all we needed. But now there is only one left after they blew off. Just wanted to explain the BS in parts of the story/letter. Then there is the second photo suppossedly of Jeremy on the back/second page. Maybe it's my mood, age and eyes, but I don't see it, sorry.
Well Mr. Executive Director Steven Nardizzi, you ask us to "just think about these tragic injuries" to these young men and women, and donate our money, to what, that maybe 25% gets to were is mostly needed. I don't have to think about it, I see it almost weekly sometimes more, at the Kausi VA Clinic and when I have to fly over to Tripler Army Medical Center on Oahu, to have a Total Right Knee Replacement in 2013 and waiting for the day in 2014 to have my Left one done. Both due to injuries received. And in between I thought I'd have my cancerous Prostate & 13 or 17 Lymph Nodes removed from something we didn't even see coming until 20 years later when it kills my brother. But I've never seen you (WWP)there. I'm there with Hundreds of other old, young being inflicted on the Boldest, Bravest men and women this Great Country has, to volunteer, put their limbs and lives on line, leaving devastated families to wonder, what happens now. The only times we John Q. hear from the .ORGS, is when they picked our names off of a list the paid who knows how much money for. Then the envelope stuffing is probably automated, which was another couple million dollars well spent. Because now you able to get to more potential donors who will overfill your quatas, the board rewards you to a huge bonus, which the directors, CEO's or whatever they're called filteer a small ortion of that bonus to the pets (AKA AKs). Enough of that.
You know, it wasn't until I stumbled into this site, that, that Proverbial light bulb turned on at full wattage. I was aware that at least, more than half of all those dollars donated or collectd went into the operation the Organizations Operating Cost (OOC), saleries for the CEO's, CFO's.
For practically half of my life I donated twice a year to veterans charities, DAV,PAV,VFW, USO, Gold Star Mothers etc. Some of the most respected and one would think especially deserving, concidering what one must go through to be needing of their services. But most operate in the same manner WWP I would think. Keep the $$$ coming in, we need to scratch out a living. As of this day I QUIT giving. At least until I find one that is useful and does some honest to God Good, for our service people, who risked everything, believing they were doing something honorable for someone else. Boy, there's a novial idea, have "Good" and "Honest" (?) lawmakers disban all Arm Forces charities and have the American People select " 1 " organization to help Our HEROES. YAHOO!!!