Talk about people being "brain-washed".
Right now, what good the US is doing is far outweighed by the evil.
The U.S. is responsible for many of the problems we face today. It put Saddam in power to counter Soviet influence in Iraq. It drove the insurgents from Afghanistan, then left, allowing them to return; now we are in a battle to remove them again.
These are examples of U.S. political interference in other sovereign nations to suit its agenda. It is not charged for these interferences. Why? The countries that it interferes with are the ones that suffer, not the U.S.
By The Associated Press
CAMP PENDLETON, Calif. — Eight marines were charged Thursday in the killings of 24 Iraqi civilians last year in a bloody, door-to-door sweep that came after one of their comrades was killed by a roadside bomb.
In the biggest U.S. criminal case involving civilian deaths in the Iraq war, four of the marines were charged with unpremeditated murder in the killings in the town of Haditha.
The other four charged were officers who were not there but were accused of failures in investigating and reporting the deaths, the U.S. Marine Corps said.
Staff Sgt. Frank Wuterich, 26, a squad leader, was charged with the unpremeditated murder of 18 civilians, including six people inside a house members of his squad cleared with deadly force. Wuterich also was charged with one count each of making a false official statement and soliciting another sergeant to make false official statements.
What about homicides? Deaths while being interrogated, and homicide listed as the cause of death by American medical examiners? Could some of these be torture, even though America is not ruled by a dictator? Here's a report from Human Rights Watch April 2006, and another from September 2005. Also here's a freedom of information request on some homicides. You won't like the website, but the infor is from the federal gov't. Just read the left column that says cause of death. There were more than 30 as of March 2005, several soldiers have been prosecuted and dishonorably discharged already.
Human Rights Watch - Torture - Abuse of Detainees - Iraq - Afghanistan April 2006
"New Accounts of Torture by US Troops" Sept. 25, 2005
Autopsies Reveal Homicides of Detainees and Prisioners in US Custody in Iraq, as of March, 2005 Freedom of Information Act Request
Mon Aug 7, 10:59 AM
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - A U.S. military court in Baghdad heard graphic testimony on Monday of how three U.S. soldiers took turns raping a 14-year-old Iraqi girl before murdering her and her family.
The US and it's military are seen in a different light in different places.