j dawg
2011-10-13 23:07:49 UTC
so I've been in the navy DEP since april and about to leave in december. On our last dep meeting, the people who were about to be shipped out soon had to meet with the chief and I was part of that since I'm leaving in about couple of months. Chief asked each of us about things like if we had some medical / dental done while we we're in DEP. so i said yes. i had some dental work done like having my 4 wisdom teeth being taken out. but that was around end of AUGUSTish (my last visit) little knowing that i had to to bring a copy of the dental documents (copy of what kind of things they did with my teeth) i told my recruiter about my dental works but he didn't mention bringing paper works from dental office (which i could've bring in right after all my dental appointments) until i had a talk with my chief this week. he told me to bring it as soon as i can WHICH I WILL DO SO TOMORROW.
I asked chief if there would be any issue with my dental works while in DEP regarding if i would get shipped out as what it says in my contract. He said there might be some problems since he said getting wisdom teeth taken out was considered to be surgical operation which i think he would try to talk out with a higher command. he said something about cause if it gets infected or anything. so he said that I SHOULD BE NERVOUS about it.... which scared me cause i want to leave on my ship date you know.. i've waited so long for my basic training and did all the hard work (being fit to be prepared for the training, studying the book they gave me) and all that..
my question is... is this really a problem and would it interfere me from getting shipped out to for boot camp? cause i don't know.. what came to my mind is that the chief thought that the surgical operations i had with my teeth might cause problems in the future i don't know if that's what he mean
***ONE MORE THING*** after those wisdom teeth were taken out.. i never had any problems or any implications and I'm perfectly fine and healthy PLUS i was never in any trouble during my time in DEP or never was in trouble my whole life:) I'm a good kid:D ( KID MEANING I JUST GRADUATED THIS PAST JUNE AND JOINED THE NAVY RIGHT AFTER:D )
**This is a serious question and serious answers ONLY please (Preferably from experienced sailors / recruiters in the navy)