If a soldier in any military force is reported missing or absent (I'll need to have the answers use the standards used by any branch of the United States armed forces and/or the British armed forces for the purposes of international recognition and that as an Australian citizen I don't think our designations would be too different to either of those two forces), sometimes they get reported MIA if they don't come back from an assignment and they know the person is not deceased, but if a soldier runs away from the base and does not come back he usually is recorded as AWOL. Now, what exactly happens if a previously missing soldier is reported as co-operating with the enemy? Obviously that's treason, but do such individuals get recorded as AWOL, or do they get accorded a separate designation regarding outright traitors?
Just research, I'm a bit of an amateur speculative fiction writer, sometimes setting a piece of fiction in the context of some sort of war, and I want to get my terminologies down pat.