Tried to join army little over 2 years ago. I am now 19 and still wanting to join army or airforce. When they dq me my recuiter told me to try again if i wanted but after being at meps 6 times for consults and appointments, i didnt want to try anymore. The dq was for having custom orthotics given to me when i was 13 and stopped wearing at 16. If i was to join airforce i would want to be pararescue. If i was to go army, i would do calvary scout. Which branch do you think i would have a better chance in? If i were to actually make it in airforce, would i have to choose a non special ops job first and then qualify for pararescue? Also would they consider my orthotics in qualifying for pararescue? I really would like to join the army.My dad was talking to a guy from work who tried to join the airforce around 5 years ago but denied because of an assult charge, he tried with the army and didnt say anything about it and got in.Was considering that but they have my finger print at meps. Parents keep telling my to go to dallas or Chicago with family and try there and dont mention anything of medical history. Any thoughts comments or suggestions? Thanks