Ultamitly you have to decide for yourself. You have to live what ever life you choose.
I wasn't an officer, and I didn't have any degree nor was I close to being an honors student when I enlisted...although I did meet with some negitive resistance with friends and family. "What's a nice girl like you wanting to join the military. Get married and have a nice family." or "No man will want you if you join." or "Do you know what type of woman joins the military?"
I didn't listen to any of it. I joined and found it was a good decision for me. I grew up and found out what I wanted. I am out of it now, and have graduated college. I did finally make honors after being in the military. I think it helped me focus in school and I am a better person for my service.
After all was said and done the people who were my real friends are still my friends...and my family got used to the idea and are very supportive of me now.
Nothing worth while will ever be easy nor will it be a waste. I can't promise you that if you join that everything will magically work out. You will have ups and downs. You might have a few "why am I here?" moments...but if it is what your really want and what you desire then you should go for it.
I've been to 11 different countries. I've ejoyed my self beyond what I could have done if I hadn't joined. I am now working at a VA Hospital and I love taking care of fellow veterans. Some people tell me I could do better at another hosptial..but I love what I do.
That is what the whole point is...you have to like what you do. You have to do something that is meaningful to you. Sucess can not be bought. If you aren't happy then no amount of money will buy it...and nobody is going to give it to you.
The military is not for everyone..but it is not a waste. It is a noble job. Poeple do it everyday and most people there do not feel as though they are wasting their lives.
I think you would make a fine officer, if that is what you want.