2011-10-31 20:32:15 UTC
I went to the recruiter a few weeks ago (navy) and we talked but said I cant sign any papers until I am at a right weight. He told me to look at some of the ratings I liked.
The only ones I like are
AW- Aviation Warfare system Operator
SECF- Submarine Electronic Computer field
AW- I really like the rating because It allows me to travel. I would also like the chance to attend SERE. The main thing though is that there is alot of variety, I can be on land with an aviation unit or I can be out to sea (which I would love to do). I also like the fact that it gets out out and about a bit. The thing about this rating that I am worried about is the fact that I dont want to work on a p-3 and sit infront of a computer watching for subs and ships. I want to be on a C-2 or a Helo as a loadmaster Aircrewman. I also have a friend who is an AW on both a C-2 and a Helo and LOVED it, he got to ride on planes, see the world and when his carrier was inport, he always got to get liberty because his helo would most likely land at a local airport.
SECF- Nearly Every male in my family were or are on submarines, If at ANY reason I cannot go on helicopters or C-2 (like if I find out there is a 95% chance that I will NOT go to a HS squadron) then I would like to go into the SECF program. I would like to do Sonar, this is the only way that I would LIKE to do sonar (I feel that sonarman keep the boat running in the right direction). I also like the brotherhood and tradition along with the submarine service. The stories that my dad tells me sound like it could be something that I would enjoy as well. The thing that I dont like is that I would like to handle weapons as well as have a general technical experience (I only plan on serving 6-8 years at a minimum) and I dont think that Sonar tech would give me any time with the weapons (rifles, machine guns, and sidearms)
Which one would you pick and why?