2007-01-19 17:52:23 UTC
I believe the war in Iraq is about oil but after reading some answers from previous questions i asked which say it was about UN resolutions i want to ask these questions.

How many UN resolutions did the Iraqis ignore before they were invaded ?

How many UN resolutions have Israel ignored & how many more do they have to ignore before they are bombed and invaded ?

I know Israel have ignored some but how many

This is a serious question i am not trying to wind people up this time so please give serious answers because all i hear is hypocrisy when i read and hear what the American & British goverments say about the war in Iraq.
Thirteen answers:
2007-01-20 05:49:21 UTC
Information on resolutions can be found on the UN,S website.

I agree with the poster who says the UN is a joke. That accusation is backed up by the UN,s inability to pass resolutions against Israel thanks to the US propensity for vetoing same. The vote usually looks like this for -140 against -2 Israel and US. That of course is due to the lopsided influence of the Israeli lobby AIPAC. Read Norman Finkelstein,s new book on that subject. The title is "Beyond Chutzpah" and is a brilliant expose of Israeli influence in American politics and consequently Resolutions vetoed in Israel,s favour and the UN,s inability to enforce.As to the number of resolutions I have as many others lost count ,As to those who choose to use semantics in interpreting res 242 you should look at the ICJ ( International court of Justice, the legal arm of the UN, ) opinion of July 2004.See ICJ website.They reassert the validity of 242 describing Israel as occupying the Palestinian Territories and should retreat to their pre 1967 borders. no Ifs , ands, or buts
2007-01-20 05:28:05 UTC
Iraq had ignored UN resolutions, but at the time of invasion was co-operating and complying with the UN. Israel has ignored several UN resolutions, the main difference however is that most states and people accept the fact the Israel has only ever acted in a defensive capacity and has displayed no unprovoked aggression against her neighbors. Several of Israel's neighbors are undemocratic to the point they are verging of the barbaric. Israel, like any other county in the world has the right to defend herself. Iraqi was attacked for it's oil, that is undeniable, but the fact that it had a deeply of fence regime curtailed some one the outrages against this. the unprovoked attack on a peaceful and democratic society like Israel would be beyond the pale. Israel has never and is unlikely to ever be a threat to anyone else.
sean e
2007-01-19 18:03:28 UTC
The UN is a joke so we treat them like a joke.

The Resolutions against Iraq were put in place to deter Iraq from another aggressive attack against its naborer like Kuwait which we pushed them out of and Iran which they invaded in 1980 starting an 8 year long war.

On the other hand the resolutions against Israel are all garbage brought to life by evil Arab and Muslim despots and the allies to create(perpetuate) bad blood between the Arabs and Israelis.

Any one that can't see this is blind. But more likely they are just an anti-Semite like you.

However, this should lead one to ask the question:"Why should a free-people tolerate a union with despots and wicked dictators?"
2016-05-24 03:08:21 UTC
Israel does not practice apartheid. Every Israeli citizen has full and equal rights under Israeli law, and there are Christian and Islamic members of the Knesset. As for the UN, Israel was officially a racist state from 1975-91, when a Nazi war criminal was Sec Gen. Anti-Semitism (ie Jew-hatred) is the only form of ethnic hatred the UN doesn't condemn. The UN condemns Israel on a regular basis, but says nothing about Sudan, Rwanda, China, Lybia, Cuba, Syria, Saudi--some of which sit on the UN Human Rights Committee. (How's that for irony?) Oh, and it took the UN 60 years to recognize the Holocaust. I would never use the UN as a credible source for anything.
2007-01-19 18:04:28 UTC
You were right the first time. The resolutions were placed there by the U. S. Daddy Bush owned some of the mineral rights to the wells that Saddam set fire to during Desert Storm. When Bush was investigated during his Senate and CIA terms, it was well known about his investments in Iraqi and Kuwaiti oil. They had to be in others names but were still his without a doubt. He vowed to get Saddam for setting the fires and he did it through his kid. This is all truth and can be back up with facts if you do your homework and look in the right places.
2007-01-19 18:07:40 UTC
I know of at least 1. Saddam wouldn't let UN inspectors search where ever they wanted to look for WMDs. Which is kind of a big deal.

There isn't any ONE reason for the war in Iraq. But I think a big one is working towards a peaceful Middle East. It won't be easy and it will take a LONG time, but it is a good step. And it will help keep Iran in check. Iran is the biggest threat to the world at this point.
jack w
2007-01-19 18:01:27 UTC
sUN resolution, 12 I believe. Isreal will ignore as many UN resolutions as are needed to survive. Isreal hasn't used poison gas on its own people or Iran.

The Palistinians had an opportunity to have their own country just after World War II, just like Isreal, but they refused and the other Arab countries opposed the idea too.

If the war in Iraq is only about oil, why did the Iraqi people take to the streets and destroy all the momuments of Saddam after coalition troops controlled Bagdad?
2007-01-19 21:02:16 UTC
First, there are different types of UN resolutions. There are Binding UN resolutions and Non-Binding Un resolutions.

Binding Resolutions ( Chapter VII )give the security council the ability to use force to inforce.

Non-binding Resolutions ( Chapter VI ) do not give the security council the ability to use force.

Examples would be, SC resolution 678 that authorized member states to use all necessary means to bring Iraq into compliance with previous Security Council resolutions. ( the first gulf war resolutions)

Example would be, Un resolution 1710 that places sanctions against Iran, it does not authorize force to be used to impliment the resolution.

The Security Council has passed 88 Chapter VI Resolutions against Israel since 1967.

The General Assembley has passed 429 Resolutions against Israel since 1967.

The most serious UN Security Council Resolution concerning Israel, is SC Resolution 242.

Termination of all claims or states of belligerency and respect for and acknowledgement of the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of every State in the area. Calls on Israel's neighbors to end the state of belligerency and calls upon Israel to reciprocate by withdraw its forces from land claimed by other parties in 1967 war.

That is the UN resolution that calls for Israel to withdraw from Gaza, West Bank and the Golan Heights, but it also calls on Israels neighbors to end thier state of belligerency.

A List of all UN Resolutions against Israel is on the link below.
2007-01-19 17:59:48 UTC
Iraq ignored many UN resolutions and it was bombed because the UN is influenced by its greatest contributor-the US.

Israel is never bombed because it is even supported by the US which is very influential in the decision of the UN. Thus, it will never be bombed even when it disregard UN resolutions. There can be even no UN resolution issued against it if US wants.
2007-01-19 17:58:31 UTC
There's one little difference between Iraq & Israel. Israel the #1 US ally in the world (and they sit on the holy land) so it doesn't matter how many UN resolutions they break or ignore.
2007-01-19 18:41:27 UTC
There are hundreds of resolutions against Israel, many of them ignored in the face of the earth because of thier holy-arrogance. around 400 in the GENERAL Assembly, and maybe 80 in the SECURITY COUNCIL. To find out which ones theyve actually complied with and which ones they havent you would need to sig deeper.
2007-01-19 17:55:39 UTC
israel will never be invaded and i think iraq ignored 15 , not sure though
2007-01-19 17:58:05 UTC
Actually, because of the sanctions, Saddam was in compliance at the time of the invasion.

He hadn't had wmd's since the mid-1990's.

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