First, there are different types of UN resolutions. There are Binding UN resolutions and Non-Binding Un resolutions.
Binding Resolutions ( Chapter VII )give the security council the ability to use force to inforce.
Non-binding Resolutions ( Chapter VI ) do not give the security council the ability to use force.
Examples would be, SC resolution 678 that authorized member states to use all necessary means to bring Iraq into compliance with previous Security Council resolutions. ( the first gulf war resolutions)
Example would be, Un resolution 1710 that places sanctions against Iran, it does not authorize force to be used to impliment the resolution.
The Security Council has passed 88 Chapter VI Resolutions against Israel since 1967.
The General Assembley has passed 429 Resolutions against Israel since 1967.
The most serious UN Security Council Resolution concerning Israel, is SC Resolution 242.
Termination of all claims or states of belligerency and respect for and acknowledgement of the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of every State in the area. Calls on Israel's neighbors to end the state of belligerency and calls upon Israel to reciprocate by withdraw its forces from land claimed by other parties in 1967 war.
That is the UN resolution that calls for Israel to withdraw from Gaza, West Bank and the Golan Heights, but it also calls on Israels neighbors to end thier state of belligerency.
A List of all UN Resolutions against Israel is on the link below.