which one do u think is better, the marines, the army, navy or air force?
2009-05-29 00:25:54 UTC
well, i think the air force, i mean, look at the man who said the words "one step for man, one giant leap for mankind" he did joined the air force. people who get out of the air force end up having good jobs like for the pentagon, NASA, etc. i mean, that's just my own opinion.
29 answers:
2009-05-30 18:26:52 UTC
Air Force by far best food house best looking women hoorah my boss my my chief retired he just got a job with NASA
2009-05-30 01:14:36 UTC

WELL FIRST OF ALL anyone can get a job at NASA and the pentagon. You don't have to be in the Air Force to get a job at one of those places. I was in the Navy and I was stationed at the pentagon for several years.

And for the most part if someone was in the navy they are most likely gonna say the navy is best and the same with all the other branches.



Another thing that I noticed when I was a recruiter is that a lot of 18 yr old kids end up joining the Air Force because thats what their moms want them to do. Because they think that their kids will be a lot safer in the Air Force rather than the other branches.

YOU MIGHT WANT TO DO SOME MORE RESEARCH ABOUT YOUR FACTS ABOUT NASA EMPLOYEES AND THE REQUIREMENTS TO WORK THEIR AS WELL. Basically you just have to have a college degree in the specialty they are hiring for. There is more civilians that work at NASA than military or prior military personell.

And for your comment about the PENTAGON. Every branch of military is stationed at the PENTAGON there is thousands upon thousands of people that work and are stationed there.

And anyone that has joined the military and that has gotten honorably discharged from the military. Has a better chance at doing more things than someone who has just graduated highschool.

If one person has a Bachelors Degree and military service they will defentaly be selected for a job than someone who just has a bachelors degree.

ONLY 9% of the total US population have been or are in the military. So that give you an example of how much you stand out after being in the military.
Shock and Awe
2009-05-30 10:16:35 UTC
Alot of good answers here. We are all bring something to the fight and no one is BETTER than the other. We are equally are as good and all necessary. Even the branch you failed to mention: the Coast Guard.

If your going by fame or who produced the most 'Rock Stars' then look at the Army. Almost every president has been a member (and this is not counting those who were in militias) and we didn't do too bad:

George Washington

Andrew Jackson

William Henry Harrison

John Tyler

Zachary Taylor

Franklin Pierce

Andrew Johnson

Ulysses S. Grant

Rutherford B. Hayes

James Garfield

Benjamin Harrison

William McKinley

Theodore Roosevelt

Harry S. Truman

Dwight D. Eisenhower

Ronald Reagan

Not to mention GEN Colin Powell to the film director Oliver Stone. There are many, many others. Just because you were in the Army (we do have aircraft and technical jobs), doesn't mean you are a loser and destined to wear houseshoes as a mall security guard lol. We even have astronauts too!

I've jumped outta dozens AF planes and jets in my 3 airborne units, been wounded serving with the 3/8 Marines in Ramadi, Iraq, had a GF who was a Coastie in the past, train Army, Navy and AF folks deploying overseas currently out here on FT. Riley, KS. It's too joint nowadays for these distinctions and biases. Who cares.

Just my 2 team, many fights.
2016-05-22 03:50:27 UTC
The military as a whole has the same objective. Protect America. The answer above me is hilarious. Please sense the sarcasm. EDIT**** I would love for any of you guys to tell me why the Marines are better. The only thing any of you guys ever come up with is that your boot camp was 3 weeks longer. Big deal. You also only deploy for 6 months instead of 12 like the Army does. You get shitty equipment which leads to shitty training. It takes forever to get promoted and Marine Corp schools have nothing on Army schools. All you got is what used to be. At onle point the Marines were super awesome and now you're all just regular military like the rest of us, so quit trying to seem harder than everyone else.
2009-05-31 19:48:04 UTC
First off, your an idiot because Neil Armstrong was a naval aviator.

The Air Force has the highest standards of living, and is arguably the most technical branch with the highest standards for enlistment (as far as ASVAB and personal records go). However, some people would prefer to be a Marine because of the pride and perseverance required to be one, despite the fact that they have among the lowest standards of living and currently accept waivers for some felons.
2009-05-30 18:02:07 UTC
They are all good and they all serve a purpose. The one thing they all share is to keep or Country safe. Being a former Marine and Soldier I can say that there a good and not so good people in all of the branches. People will say that just because a certain branch hires people for their brains doesn't necessarily make them good Warriors, which is what the Military is all about,(Bottom Line)

You have two elements in the Military, The Warriors and the Supporters. The supporters are very important for the Warriors.

Just depends on you.. Are you a Warrior or a supporter?
2009-05-29 18:54:29 UTC
Did you know the Marine Corps has an air force as advanced and more diversely capable than the U.S. Air Force? So does the Navy.

A lot of good answers here. Our first astronaut, Alan Shepherd, was a Naval aviator. The first to circle the globe, John Glenn, was a Marine, a veteran of Korea.
2009-05-31 04:21:13 UTC
This question gets old.

Depends on the mission, the job, training, all that stuff. If you want to work for NASA then yeah Air force would be better for you, duh. If you want to fly helicopters then the army would be better for you. If you want to be a ship captain then navy or coast guard. If you want to be on the front line and actually fight then the army and marines would be better. All depends on what you want to do. I can tell you the air force is a lot safer, and dont deploy nearly as long, for the most part.
King Of Battle
2009-05-29 03:01:30 UTC
any military pilot can apply for NASA. not just the air force

and just a heads up the first person to step on the Moon was Neil Armstrong . A Naval Aviator.. Not Air force
aaron b
2009-05-29 16:58:46 UTC
To the guy that thinks the Air Force flies the President around, stop and think. Why is the helicopter called Marine One that he does most of his flying on inside the US? The Navy though has to be listed as the best service. No other service is more diverse than the US Navy. We have Sailors that fly, sneak around under the water, assault onto shore instillation's, and generally maintain capabilities in all environments. No other service can realistically make that claim.
2009-05-30 05:04:01 UTC
better at waht?

waging a large scale war? army

taking a beach? marines

pwning the seas? navy

gaining air superiority so we could easily win a war? air force.

bettter for a carreer afterward? depends on what your dream-job is. if its to work for tiple canopy, army or marines. if its to walk on the moon, probably the air force. if its to have a ocean job? navy.

its not like NASA is the end all be all best job ever on earth
2009-05-29 00:40:25 UTC
Neil Armstrong was a Naval Aviator. The Other two were Air Force though. Alot of astronauts are Navy pilots
2009-05-29 00:41:16 UTC
I think the Air force is great at flying planes, but they kind of suck at driving ships or fighting land battles.

By the way, the guy that said those words, Neil Armstrong, was a Navy pilot. He was never in the Air Force.
2009-05-29 00:31:25 UTC
Depends what you mean by better. Air Force looks for the cream of the crop academically.

The army and Marines are more of a physical fighting force.

Army has some smart dudes in the engineers though.
2009-05-29 00:35:25 UTC
I love everything about the marines, but I'm biased my bf is in.

But I do have to agree people who join the air force seem like they've got there life under control.

God bless all of them though
2009-05-29 01:26:51 UTC
Im going to say the navy technicaly they got the Marine Corps and they definetly got a force by its self that could fight who ever they wanted and destroy them. The navy doesnt even need to put boots on the ground
2009-05-31 16:02:55 UTC
I think the Air Force is the best branch at defending our nation from the air.

I think the Navy is the best branch at defending our nation from the sea.

I think the Marines are the best branch at defending our nation from the ground.
2009-05-29 19:17:19 UTC
There is no BETTER BRANCH. Each branch of the U.S. Military has a specific mission and each one does a great job of doing that mission.

(USN, retired 1965 - 85/in-country Viet Nam vet)
Martinez USMC
2009-05-29 08:43:04 UTC
I agree that the Air Force is for some smart people. I would give them credit for their academics but physically I think not. I mean there are definately smart people in every branch. Being in the marines I would choose the marines as the best for the Army. The Chair Force or Air Farries. Forget the Gayvy
2009-05-29 05:49:14 UTC
Air Force. I am in the Air Force right now and i love it. I have been in for 6 yrs. now. my borther-in-law is in the army and he tells me he wishes he would have joined the air force. Right now my deployments are 4 months. Army and Marines are a year plus. Im not to sure about the navy but i know i wouldn't want to be stuck on a ship with a bunch of guys for a couple of months.
2009-05-29 01:49:50 UTC
Air Force. There is a reason why the Air Force gets the best of everything. They are the smartest. They don't have very many ground troops because they don't need them. They could blow the sh!t out of anyone from the sky or from space. Plus they own in cyberspace as well, their electronic warfare is unmatched. There is a reason why the Air Force has the most degree holding people out of all the branches. Brains win over brawn every time.
2009-05-29 13:07:11 UTC
Hello. The Air Force is by far the best due to the high standards it takes to go in. When one gets out of the Air Force a job will be waiting for you. What does the Army and Marines hold for a person? ( I drove a tank and killed people ) Go Air Force! The Navy is also good for civilian life. Good training in the Navy too.
2009-05-29 00:46:04 UTC
Ok, first, all the branches hold almost the same jobs. Unless is one specialized on the branch, i.e. tanker, pilot, gunner.

Second, the amount of benefits offered to the soldiers is important. The Army is the one that offers the most.

Third, everyone get paid the same, i.e. anE-5 in any branch get paid the same. But the Army and Marines are the fastest promotion givers.
2009-05-29 00:37:03 UTC
Five primary component branches comprise the United States armed forces.

U.S. Air Force

U.S. Army

U.S. Marine Corps

U.S. Navy

U.S. Coast Guard

All are within the Department of Defense except the Coast Guard which is within the Department of Homeland Security. During time of war or national emergency, the Coast Guard functions as a specialized service under the Navy.

Each service has both an active and a part time Reserve component. Two services (Army, Air Force) also have state components operating under the National Guard Bureau.

Service Area of Operation

The services have operated in the three theaters (sea, land, air) and now there is a fourth (space).

If you want to fly, Each service branch has an aviation wing. The Air Force, Marines, Navy and Coast Guard all utilize both helicopters and fixed wing aircraft. The Army insignia appears primarily on helicopters, but it has the largest helicopter wing of all the services.

If you want to be a land-based service member, The obvious choices are the Army or Marine Corps. However, in keeping with their name, Marines operate off Navy craft at sea. The Air Force, Coast Guard, and Navy also have job specialties which can operate on land including both support functions and their elite Special Forces units.

If you like the sea, The Navy certainly fills that need, but there is also the Coast Guard which protects the nations ports and coastline.

If space intrigues you, Both the Air Force and Navy function in that area.

Service Missions

Air Force and Air Force Reserve: The primary mission of the USAF is to protect and defend the nation's interests in air, space, and cyberspace. The Air Force utilizes long and short range aircraft to transport troops and equipment and conduct air warfare. The Air Force is also identified with high technology, electronic warfare, and space. The Air Force has 4 job categories with a total of 144 individual enlisted job functions.

Air National Guard: The Air National Guard is a separate reserve component of the United States Air Force. The Air Guard is administered by the National Guard Bureau with dual federal and state missions. The Air Guard has total responsibility for air defense of the entire United States, and must maintain well-trained, well-equipped units available for prompt mobilization during war and national emergencies, including natural disasters and civil disturbances.

Army and Army Reserve: The largest of the military services, the Army is the land force that moves in to an area, secures it, and instills order and values before it leaves. It also guards U.S. installations and properties throughout the world. The Army includes the largest helicopter wing among all services for transport of troops and air support. The Army has 10 job categories with a total of almost 200 individual enlisted Military Occupational Specialties (jobs).

Army National Guard: The Army National Guard is an elite group of warriors who dedicate a portion of their time to the dual mission of protecting life and property in their home states and defending the United States and its interests worldwide. Each state has its own Guard, as required by the Constitution; in fact, it is the only branch of the military whose existence is actually required by the Constitution.

Coast Guard and Coast Guard Reserve: With its distinctive blend of military, humanitarian, and civilian law-enforcement capabilities, the Coast Guard’s mission is to protect the safety of the nation’s coasts, ports, and waterways. This includes maritime safety and rescues, maritime law enforcement, maritime mobility, national defense, and protection of natural resources. The Coast Guard has played a vital role in Homeland Security. The Coast Guard has 4 job categories with 18 individual enlisted Ratings (jobs) to select from.

Marine Corps and Marine Corps Reserve: The Marine Corps is known as the U.S.’ rapid-reaction force. Marines are trained to fight by sea and land, and take great pride in being elite warriors. They are usually involved in the most challenging situations. Marines also provide security for the nation's embassies overseas.

Navy and Navy Reserve: The Navy is recognized as the sea-going service as it protects the oceans around the world to create peace and stability, making the seas safe for travel and trade. While identified with the sea, the Navy has a large air wing and provides some of the most elite warriors (SEAL teams) around. The Navy is usually first on the scene in trouble spots to protect America's interests. You will get to travel if you join the Navy. There are 29 enlisted job categories and with three major operating groups (surface ships, submarines, aviation) these expand to over 1,000 potential enlisted and officer career specialties.

Visit the websites of each service to learn more and then start discussions with the nearest recruiter to determine if there is a fit for you.
2009-05-31 11:53:22 UTC
Hey douchebag, Neil Armstrong was a NAVAL aviator. **** you, idiot
2009-05-29 07:07:21 UTC
Air Force! Anyone will tell you they have the best quality of life standards.

I joined 12 yrs ago and I don't regret it. It's a great place to be!
2009-05-29 00:33:56 UTC
Air Force. Who does the Army call when they get stuck? Who flies the President around? Who can fly around the world in the dark in absolute silence and secrecy and blow the crap out of a target and be back in the U.S. by dawn?

2009-05-29 00:44:17 UTC
you answered your own question,why even ask, its like you talk just to hear yourself.
2009-05-29 04:17:24 UTC
Which has 90% SF of all four branches, Army.

Not cut out for special forces? I would join .................. pick- one.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.