Anything you take will be taken from you.
In boot camp at Paris Island for USMC, everything we had we put in piles with similar gear once we arrived in a classroom from the bus to begin paper work etc.
1) bras/underwear would all go in one ben.
2) toothbrushes and oral care go into another ben.
3) Socks into another ben
4) Perfume, deodorant in another ben.
The only thing you need to bring is the clothes on your body, social security card/photo ID in your wallet with a small bag.
Everything you need will be issued to you via the military. It won't be the exact brand you use or like. But do let them know of any allergies or allergic re actions you may have.
If you have glasses or contacts you will receive a new (ugly at that) pair in boot camp.
Do not bring rings or any other jewelery.
Take all piercings out.
I brought my duffel bag. My clothes/shoes was put in it, along with my ID's once wasn't needed any more. Wrapped up, sealed with tape with our name, address, number and military number. Then it would go into the storage locker shed where it would be stored til boot camp ended.