Is that true US soldiers is the most cowardly solders in the world?
2015-01-07 10:08:27 UTC
Is that true US soldiers is the most cowardly solders in the world?
61 answers:
2015-01-11 07:25:07 UTC
Even though the US has the numbers, money and technology, it doesn't mean best soldiers. For quality of training, id have to say the British Army are the most quality and bad *** soldiers. They can stay in military training for up to 2+ years before they're allowed to actually get in. Everyone knows that 1 for 1, the British are far more superior.
2015-01-09 00:25:16 UTC
The american soldier (a new kind of soldier created just before this nation was)is #1 in the ability to hold ground against overwhelming odds not in fear of being shot a deserter or theres nowhere to run. he does it because he knows the lives of others depend on it. Phil said it "their volunteers"Feed a man lies long enough he'll drive a car bomb into a wall or an airliner full of innocent people into a building. thats ignorance not bravery
2015-01-09 09:52:11 UTC
NOOOOO!!! opposite is true A Whole. Ever here of D Day, The Battle of the Bulge, and Iwo Jima and Concord, even Gettysburg just to name a few battles untold of heroics by US solders.
2015-01-08 06:40:59 UTC
No, absolutely not. American soldiers are the best training military in the world. I'm enlisted in the marine corps and leave for boot camp in May, and I literally can not wait to start my military career.
2015-01-08 02:04:49 UTC
I don't think "cowardly" is the word but Muslim fighters definitely have an advantage as far possessing a warrior ethos which idolizes and rewards those who die in battle. I know that Hitler wished Islam had taken over Germany (Muslims were defeated in France, Battle of Pointers). He claimed Christianity made his soldiers weak but that their "superior race" with a Jihadi mentality would allow them to conquer the world. I once saw a video of a Muslim driving a truck bomb into a security wall, just so the second truck bomb could pass through and strike the barrack ; I seriously doubt many American soldiers would surrender their life just to take out a wall.

American soldiers possess an advantage in regard to training and technology.
I Am A Stranger Here
2015-01-10 22:14:30 UTC
Hmmm. Compared to whom?

I remember my history and Americans have stood their ground against overwhelming odds. Vietnam, Korea, and many others. It's not just the Marine Jarheads either. Army has done it too. In WWII they charged onto beaches that was nearly suicidal and many lived against all odds. Wave attacks of Asians were blunted against Americans. To me, it would be a tough call to say that the Germans, Japanese, or Americans were braver in their determination to hold their ground.

If you mean against ISIS, or whatever name they are called today, I don't think it's the men. I hear them talk and I think it's the handlers holding the chains. Obama and others are dancing in and out, not the men. I've seen too many friends come back shot up to think this was from running.

ISIS is fighting a different kind of war. Like Nam. Boobytraps (IEDs) are a cowards weapons, as they used to say. They can strike anyone, anytime, regardless of side. Men and women, even kids, walking into crowded areas with bombs is worse. We used to call them Sappers. Human bombs. Usually doped up and sent into battle to die. In the American Civil War, the South used boobytraps. We were condemned for it. Honestly, this is the way to fight, within limits. It keeps your guys alive and makes the other guy die for his belief/nation. But, to strike innocents, that is wrong, and there is no other way to put it. I'm sure America could produce thousands of suicidal bombers for the right incentive. Look at the number of men and women who willingly walk into combat every day. But, it's a waste. It takes more to live than to die. As history has proven, it's a last ditch effort to make every round count. Japan did it as the war came home to them, before the bomb was dropped.

Me? I'm all for dropping another one, or two, to wipe the terrorists out. Why? Well, they are more of a threat than the Nazis and Japanese combined in WWII. They don't mind killing innocents or anyone who disagrees. They sell into slavery women and children. And, if they keep going like they have been, it may not be long before the rest of the world decides that it is the lesser of two evils to drop bombs on them. Thousand of innocent Muslims may die, but it could save many times that over from being raped, tortured, and murdered in the name of Allah/G-d. These terrorists are a minority that is giving all Muslims a bad name. And, worse, the innocent Muslims are suffering for what ISIS does. This is not the will of the G-d I know, but the will of one far darker than even the green god of America.
2015-01-07 19:24:44 UTC
No. I'm sure many would rather not stop a bullet but when it comes down to it they do the job they trained for and get paid for. Same goes for UK forces. And many others besides.

Those coalition trained and expensively equipped Iraqi army fellows though..... not often you hear of soldiers metaphorically taking a dump on their own colours.....
2015-01-08 01:29:34 UTC
US soldiers are all volunteers. That alone makes them the bravest and the best. There is no truer a friend than that of the person who will volunteer to lay down his life for another. It is not about bravery, its about willingness to sacrifice oneself for the protection of those who cannot defend themselves.

US soldiers are truly heros. Even when they are sent to help others in foreign lands that probably neither appreciate or deserve the help we try to offer.
2015-01-07 21:46:47 UTC
No. Every community with a military base nearby has taverns adopted by various units

you can take your opinions into for the exercise of free speech and find some answers.
Fernando Messina
2015-01-08 05:57:23 UTC

The US soldiers are the most envied of the world, including by you.

But you don´t need feel that. If you´ll be a good boy.I will send to you a warship toy for you play in the bathtub.
2015-01-07 22:46:50 UTC
During the first war in Iraq it wasn't the U.S. military service members who were crying and waving white flags of surrender. No, clearly this is a troll question.
2015-01-12 06:58:11 UTC
It's a mix everywhere, some units you've got cowards while other units you've got brave and courageous people....depends really.

The muslims you see doing jihad/suicide bombings are actually ex-criminals and doing such action washes their sins away and grants them paradise with 72 virgins.....hopeless motherfuckers in short
2015-01-08 01:36:04 UTC
I'm not sure but I don't think so because when you look at the news, the about Iraqi soldiers that are fighting ISIS when the ISIS troops come near the soldiers run away and leave every single weapon and vehicle that they have.
2015-01-07 23:38:43 UTC
Most soldiers in the modern world don't take part in hand-to-hand-combat. The US govt does most of it's killing at remote control via bombers, drones, etc., so the personal courage of individuals is not an issue.
2015-01-07 20:20:37 UTC
A few were. Very few. Most did there duty and were willing to die. Some were heroes. That was at a time when we still had the draft. Not all were the best. Some were truely great.
2015-01-08 19:45:00 UTC
American soldiers are very brave. They sacrifice their lives for our freedom, something that can easily be taken for granted. Although, accidents happen, like with Pat Tillman.
2015-01-08 18:23:59 UTC
Sounds like you are someone who lives in a country with a weak military who has an inferiority complex.
2015-01-08 01:57:45 UTC
It is NOT! But they suffer with years of malnutrition be for going into the armed services. Their hearts, bodies and souls tend to let them down because of the inferior malnutritions foods that they have eaten all their lives. They are NOT cowardly.
2015-01-08 06:42:40 UTC
I am not an American but history shows that American soldiers are amongst the bravest in the world.
2015-01-07 17:29:22 UTC
No they are Men and Women of honor, you are just getting vindictive because you are DQ, Uncle Sam don't give a flying f*ck about your asthma or your mommy, its just that they are in and you're not.

your choice, find a rewarding Civilian Career or continue being a unemployed loser insulting our service members.
Shawn Robin
2015-01-12 11:24:27 UTC
No, they're the most dependent on technology.

They don't like doing anything without air, armour and artillery support.

And naval support too if they can get it.

They'd rather sit back and pound targets with air and artillery strikes than close with and destroy the enemy.

The US doesn't even teach their soldiers how to fight with bayonets anymore, either. So God forbid US troops ever have to make or face a bayonet charge. (Those still happen in modern combat, by the way. Most recently by US allies in the Afghan War.)

The difference between the US and other nations is that America trains its soldiers to USE weapons while other nations focus on their troops BEING living weapons.

Weapons for whom having assault rifles, air support and etc are just bonuses, not essentials they can't function without.
Julie B
2015-01-11 09:42:37 UTC
Sounds to me that someone has his wires in his/her brain crossed

and he rather stay in mommy's then that the place where he needs to stay. One man's opinion, but the American military is the best in the world and I am proudly protected by them.
2015-01-09 09:44:29 UTC
Short answer - no it's not true at all.
2015-01-09 08:21:41 UTC
Yes it is true that US soldiers fought only with large defence population they have not any dare that they fight without weapons
2015-01-09 00:49:32 UTC
I dare you disrepect OUR MEN ..........who go out there where-ever they are needed to save us from political dictators, world church, no freedom to believe in our own FAITH, and lose an arm or two, one leg or two, just so we can live where we want to........and not keep looking over our backs......shame on you. I pray you aren't an AMERICAN........if so, move to a dictatorship country.........where they tell you what to do in all ways.........
2015-01-08 16:50:00 UTC
2015-01-08 13:48:44 UTC
I was a soldier during the war in Nam, we were train to do a job and we did it. Some men died saving others and there were some that live who saved lives, some were scared but they did their job. So no American soldiers are not coward nor are they cowardly. They are people doing their job. God bless our service men and women.
2015-01-08 11:20:58 UTC

But we are very much overwhelmed at home to keep our high honors.

The NEO GEO CONSERVATIVES put us in jail against statutes for the least "violation".


but, we keep generating ever larger lists of silver stars bronze stars and even CMoH recipients and NAVY CROSS recipients - proof of increasing gallantry.

ONLY to find said heroes are murdered at home by taxation fanatics.
2015-01-08 04:44:21 UTC
2015-01-08 02:27:26 UTC
No. I disagree with you here.
2015-01-08 10:42:23 UTC
I served between 1972 and 1982. I, like everyone else that has been in the service of this country took a oath to defend it. Both foreign and domestic. I have done things and seen things you could not even begin to understand unless you have been a combat solider. To be quite frank we seldom peek about it ourselves. We are highly trained and have a job and a responsibility not only to our Country, but to each other as well. I have never seen a coward in any branch of service. There is a high price to be paid for the freedoms we all enjoy in the free world. Every service Man and Woman knows what that price may be. Cowards you say? When you have to take the lives of others or cause mass destruction of a target because it is hostile and you have no other course of action. You carry that with you the rest of your life. It haunts you. Cowards you say? When the people you serviced with don't make it home because they were killed protecting friends they cared about more than there own life. Cowards you say? All gave some and some gave all. No cowards in my book. Please enjoy your freedoms thanks to the Men and Women that have served and are still serving today. You are free to call us cowards because of it.
2015-01-08 06:23:03 UTC
Only a Super Cowardly MUSLIM TERRORIST or MUSLIM TERRORIST SUPPORTER would stupidly say or think such a thing of American soldiers who if they had their way and there was no Politics nor Political Correctness involved would have all MUSLIM TERRORISTS and their supporters DOA !
Hin Long
2015-01-08 06:00:49 UTC
Why join when you will be punished into a noob
2015-01-07 17:24:39 UTC
Not really. Judging by recent conflicts against insurgency in the Middle East, the US army and other coalition forces have been shown to be the ones that actually have the "balls" to fight the enemy directly. Unlike those Haji motherf***ers that indoctrinate children in order to use them as suicide bombers and kidnap young girls only to mutilate them, rape them and then force them to press a button resulting in the death of themselves and a bunch of civilians. The real cowards are those sandal wearing, primitive idiots that bury IEDs so that they can have a chance at killing western soldiers; actual trained soldiers with skillsets that insurgents could only dream of. Soldiers with a family to go home to, a family that they don't feel the need to exert their dominance over; a family with a female that is allowed to venture outside without the presence of her husband.

So, to answer your question; the word "soldier" tells us the answer. No. They are not cowardly, they are soldiers. To risk ones life for your country and beliefs is never cowardly, unless you happen to be a primitive monkey that rides a goat and has no clue how to handle a firearm, or anything for that matter.
Purple Haze
2015-01-08 06:25:29 UTC
Seeing the eyes of the enemy and going from house to house to find the hidden enemy is being a coward???
2015-01-07 19:19:12 UTC
Last time I checked US Soldiers aren't cowards, they have a set of balls like no other, they confront adversity with pride and patriotism, willing to through hell to make sure we stay free, USA all the Way!
2015-01-08 09:50:14 UTC
I would really like to see you call them that to their faces. Then we'll see who the coward is.
2015-01-08 14:38:00 UTC
No you should respect anyone that give there life to service freedom at any cost
2015-01-07 12:02:29 UTC
The best place to find out is in a bar near a Army

Base just drop in tell them you are doing a Poll &

ask them your question..

Be sure to come back and Post their answer..
2015-01-07 10:44:45 UTC
This is why US soldiers have business only with other cowards? Right?
2015-01-07 11:41:35 UTC
You can't categorize an army like that. There are cowards and extremely brave men in every army.
2015-01-07 19:04:47 UTC
It might seem that way but its not the soldier its the commander and chief !!!
2015-01-07 22:19:10 UTC
any soldiers that Urinate on the dead enemy cant be that brave Oh I see 2 Non Military types stealing Valor Believe it is

so when You Die can I urinate on you as well

and to date since My Involvement in Vietnam never met any member of the USMC who was any Braver than anyone else
2015-01-08 12:25:35 UTC
UK soldiers are the best haha... we win all the wars....
2015-01-08 11:03:21 UTC
You must have the US confused with France or ISIS.
2015-01-07 17:39:46 UTC
Battles say differently. YOU seem to be hiding like a coward behind a "question".
2015-01-08 12:40:34 UTC
yes its true, the recent study proves this
2015-01-07 15:01:21 UTC
Damn...another one that couldn't make it past the Recruiter...LMAO
2015-01-07 18:37:37 UTC
You are a waste of space even for a troll
2015-01-08 07:22:45 UTC
hmm they are fighting for the freedom YOU don't deserve
Will B
2015-01-07 11:38:20 UTC
Why do I get the feeling that you couldn't meet the standards for enlistment?
2015-01-07 10:23:37 UTC
What a ridiculous , disrespectful thing to say.

What army drops their weapons and runs when the going gets tough...the Iraqi Army
2015-01-07 10:23:17 UTC
Muslims wear masks...that's chickenshiit.
2015-01-07 11:33:38 UTC
If you consider shooting a quarter million dollar missile off a 3 billion dollar ship at a guy who makes about 2 quarters an hour holding an ak47 then maybe
2015-01-07 10:19:52 UTC
Our volunteer military is the best among us, and deserve our respect.
2015-01-07 10:13:07 UTC
Um, how are you measuring that?
2015-01-07 10:42:25 UTC
No. That would be pretty much any Arab Soldier

Notice I said Arab. Not Muslim.

Arabs are biggest bunch of cowards on the planet
2015-01-07 10:16:28 UTC
Well, they actually go out and fight instead of hiding in deserts, caves and civilian buildings. So I'd say they're braver than most that they fight.
2015-01-07 10:09:45 UTC
muslims hide behind citizens and kids. lose every fight.
Ichiban Danger
2015-01-07 22:20:32 UTC
2015-01-07 10:45:46 UTC
Yes ..... you are correct

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