Hmmm. Compared to whom?
I remember my history and Americans have stood their ground against overwhelming odds. Vietnam, Korea, and many others. It's not just the Marine Jarheads either. Army has done it too. In WWII they charged onto beaches that was nearly suicidal and many lived against all odds. Wave attacks of Asians were blunted against Americans. To me, it would be a tough call to say that the Germans, Japanese, or Americans were braver in their determination to hold their ground.
If you mean against ISIS, or whatever name they are called today, I don't think it's the men. I hear them talk and I think it's the handlers holding the chains. Obama and others are dancing in and out, not the men. I've seen too many friends come back shot up to think this was from running.
ISIS is fighting a different kind of war. Like Nam. Boobytraps (IEDs) are a cowards weapons, as they used to say. They can strike anyone, anytime, regardless of side. Men and women, even kids, walking into crowded areas with bombs is worse. We used to call them Sappers. Human bombs. Usually doped up and sent into battle to die. In the American Civil War, the South used boobytraps. We were condemned for it. Honestly, this is the way to fight, within limits. It keeps your guys alive and makes the other guy die for his belief/nation. But, to strike innocents, that is wrong, and there is no other way to put it. I'm sure America could produce thousands of suicidal bombers for the right incentive. Look at the number of men and women who willingly walk into combat every day. But, it's a waste. It takes more to live than to die. As history has proven, it's a last ditch effort to make every round count. Japan did it as the war came home to them, before the bomb was dropped.
Me? I'm all for dropping another one, or two, to wipe the terrorists out. Why? Well, they are more of a threat than the Nazis and Japanese combined in WWII. They don't mind killing innocents or anyone who disagrees. They sell into slavery women and children. And, if they keep going like they have been, it may not be long before the rest of the world decides that it is the lesser of two evils to drop bombs on them. Thousand of innocent Muslims may die, but it could save many times that over from being raped, tortured, and murdered in the name of Allah/G-d. These terrorists are a minority that is giving all Muslims a bad name. And, worse, the innocent Muslims are suffering for what ISIS does. This is not the will of the G-d I know, but the will of one far darker than even the green god of America.