It doesn't cost any more to ship to an APO
then it does to you...using the USPS...
and that is the only way you can ship to an APO/FPO...
There also has to be a US Customs Document filled out
for each package sent...listing the Contents...
That is probably where the extra charge comes in...
If the Vendor is used to shipping VIA UPS
then there is a lot of extra hands on to ship
it an APO...
a) Would have to package for an APO...
(Overseas shipment...)
b) US Customs document...
(Available Free at the PO...)
c) Would have to Hand Carry it to the PO...
d) Wait In Line...
(and NO they are not trying to rip you off...)
If they are used to shipping UPS...
All that is done automatically...(Except the Customs)
and is picked up by the UPS Drivers...
You are lucky that they even agreed to ship it
directly to an APO...90% do not...
Most will only ship to your confirmed address...
So you can Argue with anyone you want...
It isn't going to change a thing...
I have been through it for years...
Even had to have it sent to me and then
I had to ship it to the APO/FPO...