He's gotta learn somewhere, everyone who knows how to command a march did. Anyhow Here we go.
Step 1. Stand at the position of Attention (all your commands with the exceptions of a few will be at attention, or while marching at attention) and call your flight/squad to fall-in.
Step 2. Remember all marching commands have two parts, preparatory and command of execution. (I.E. you prep them then you tell them to do it.) So Forward March. Forward is the prep, say it loud, and with authority. Then March, to tell them to actually start moving. You always start off with your left foot, so everyone should be in-step for the first step.
Step 3. Cadence: if everyone starts off correctly (left foot) you should be able to call it based off of that. I say "left, left, left right left" or you can do hut two three four, every odd number should be left foot.
Step 4. ok so your marching in a straight line and everyone is in step. It is important that everyone (especially the front people are in step before you call a command. All commands are called on the left foot, except for those requiring you to turn, those are called on the foot you are turning. left foot left turn right foot right turn)
Step 5. Flanks: a flank, the entire squad does a faceing movement while continuing marching... so right flank is "Right" (preperatory command called on right foot) Flank (command of execution also called on right foot) This means that you call the prep command on right foot, they take 1 more step with left foot, then on right foot again you call command of execution. This is the same for a column. Column right (prep), March (execution)
Step 6: to the rear. A little more trickey then flanks and columns. it is called on right foot, "To the rear" (prep) "March" (execution) on the "March" the squad takes one half step forward with left foot, then pivots 180degrees, and continues back to full normal steps.
Step 7. Columns: touched on theese on flanks, Column left will be... "Column Left" (prep) March (execution) since you are going left, it is called on left foot for both commands. with columns the fireteam/element leaders (people in front of formation while marching) all have different angles. the guy furthest left does a left flank (90 degree left turn) and goes into half steps. the middle column does two (45 degree left turns) and then goes half steps. furthest right column takes three-four (pivots) and then goes into half step. Once everyone is back on line, you give the command "Forward March"
That should be all of them. You have counter-column march, change-step, present arms, and a few other things you can do while marching, but the basic rules are the same, (prep and then execute) give your guys time to do the command. If you mess up, say "disregard" and continue on with new command. you can always tell your leaders to "guide left or right" which just is a informal way of saying slide over a little or dont run into something when you are new at marching. also remember everything is called on right foot, except left turns (flanks and columns) which are called on left foot.