Army wearing marine combat patch?
2007-09-25 19:21:43 UTC
Okay question which I've had alot of trouble finding an answer too. I'm in the army and served in Ramadi, Iraq 05-06. I'm authorized the 1st Armored Division patch. My question is whether I'm authorized the 1st MEF (Marine Expeditionary Force) Patch. We fell under them while in Ramadi. Some people (including my PSG) wear it and he gave me one. He said there are orders authorizing it. I asked if he had a copy. He didn't. I didn't wear it. I'm out of 1st AD and at a new unit. I was contemplating wearing it but I'm not sure. I mean we did fall under the Marines and worked along side them daily but there's no orders that I can find authorizing it. Any thoughts? Anyone in the same situation? Trying to figure out if I can or not I guess. It's no biggie if I can't, just trying to see if I can because it'd be nice to wear somthing different than the stupid 1 AD patch.
21 answers:
2007-09-29 13:59:56 UTC

2007-09-25 20:24:32 UTC
The only Army Soldier authorized a 1st MEF patch are those who spent at least 6 months under the direct opperational control of the 1st MEF. This is outlined in AR 670-1. Like all awards It also requires the publishing of official orders authorizing the wear.

Incidentally, Marines who saw combat with the 1st MEF and then join the Army (usually in the Guard or Reserves) are NOT authorized the combat patch. It must be earned while being a member of the Army attached to a Marine unit.

MP US Army is wrong. I don't care if he is a CPT. I have orders published to wear the the 1 Cav and 3rd ID as my "former wartime service insignia" or combat patch.
2014-02-20 01:17:57 UTC
Go to the 1-37 AR website that has the published orders for this patch- dated 4DEC2006. Pages two and three specifically spell out which Army units are authorized the wear of the 1st MEF (forward) Logo as Shoulder Sleeve Insignia-Former Wartime Service (SSI-FWTS). Good luck.
2016-04-06 05:19:21 UTC
The Army has tightened restrictions on the wear of Marine Corps logo patches as the shoulder sleeve insignia for wartime service, or “combat patch,” on soldier uniforms. Soldiers who are authorized to continue wearing a Marine patch as their combat patch include those who served with Marine Corps units during operations that qualify for an Army combat patch, as prescribed in Army Regulation 670-1, and who have written approval from the Army chief of personnel or a delegated representative. However, under a policy change that took effect June 11, soldiers in Army units at the company level and higher who are attached to, or under the operational control of, deployed Marine units no longer are eligible for the policy exemption that allows them to wear Marine logo patches as combat patches. The change is designed to preserve the heritage of Army units, according to a directive from the Office of the G-1. Soldiers who serve with a Marine headquarters staff as an individual augmentee are still eligible to wear Marine Corps logo patches. The waiver policy for the wear of Marine patches dates to 2004, when the G-1 at the time, Lt. Gen. Franklin Hagenbeck, responded to a request from the Army chief of staff and approved their wear as an exception to longtime policy. Since then, Army units routinely were serving under larger Marine Corps units, such as the 1st Marine Division, which has the Guadalcanal logo patch, and the 2nd Marine Division, which has the “Follow Me” patch.
2015-01-12 22:41:17 UTC
Its really easy. If you have orders authorizing you to wear a patch; you can choose which patch you want to wear. I served under the 101st, 1st AD, AND 1 MEF from 05-07. Got orders for all three. Some WEAK Commanders want you to wear their patch, but that is not their choice. You have the opportunity to wear whichever patch you want as long as you have orders to wear that patch. Or you can wear no patch at all(my favorite) and wear your CAB. But I'm a crusty old SFC(RET). I love to challenge what people think to be the truth.


Stand-up philosopher. It's good to be the King
2007-09-25 19:44:29 UTC
The link indicates a new AR 670-1 Mar 07. The letter does not support wear of the patch if I interpret it right. Could not find the new 670-1 in print on other Army sites.
2015-12-25 01:18:59 UTC
I had served in the military for 23 years, during my deployment to Iraq 05/06 my unit was also attached to the 2nd marine expedition, as well as to the 155 heavy brigade combat team,we was issued both combat patches as well. Besides those ones ,I happen to earned few more, I understand the regulations of combat patches, if we earned it ,use it.
2007-09-25 20:21:11 UTC

I've got a buddy of mine that wears the 1st MEF patch. In fact he also got his in Ramadi in 05-06. Cool stuff. I agree, no one likes to be sandwiched between patches.
2007-09-25 19:27:05 UTC
You're part of the unit, you are authorized to wear the patch, just the same as the Navy corpsmen who serve with the MEF.
Crys L
2007-09-25 19:32:09 UTC
There are a couple of guys in my unit that served with the marines. They were their marine patch all the time. Our commander said they were not authorized to wear it and they showed him the order you speak of that authorizes it. You served with a component of the military it doesn't matter what it is that is your combat patch and you are authorized to wear it (according to my commander after being corrected). If i were you i would wear it proudly!
Frederich S
2007-09-25 19:28:22 UTC
I was with 3rd Battalion 1st Marines in Iraq and we had some Army intel guys attached to us and was wearing our patch. I guess just check with you chain of command and make sure they won't say anything. As far as I know you are authorized but each command is different.
2016-10-26 14:37:15 UTC
1st Marine Expeditionary Force
MP US Army
2007-09-25 20:03:04 UTC
The new rules regarding the Combat Patch is you wear what you had on your left shoulder at the time. I don't think this came out yet by the time you were over there so you could be allowed to wear it. (this makes since to me because I would want to wear the patch of the unit I was a part of.)

Bottom line is it doesn't matter. If you want to wear it, wear it. Combat patches are not on your ERB/ORB and orders are not published so no one will know the difference. But if someone tells you to take it off, take it off.
2016-04-03 05:11:02 UTC
For the best answers, search on this site

I think the Marines will take exception to your wearing anything that says Marine. You may be attached to the Marines as are Corpsmen, but they do not claim to be Marines.
2007-09-26 02:05:21 UTC
Nope, you wear the patch of the unit you were assigned to.

It doesn't matter if your unit was assigned to another larger unit.


If you were in the 101st, and you company was assigned to the 82nd for your entire tour.

You would wear the 101st combat patch, not the 82nd combat patch.

Army Regulation 670-1

The new guidance states that when echelons below company level deploy, Soldiers in those units may now wear the combat patch of the lowest-echelon command they deploy with, as long as it's at company level or higher.

So, you wear the patch, of the Company you were assigned to.
James the Just
2007-09-25 20:07:08 UTC
You need documentation to wear a combat patch, if it's not documented and approved my the Secretary of the Army then you can't wear it simple as that. Look it up in the regulations, I AM RIGHT!!!!
2007-09-25 21:42:48 UTC
As always make sure you hae documentation of where and when you served. Also, ask that unit to give you something in writing.

Orders are always preferable. Commendations and citations help.
2014-06-09 07:49:52 UTC
My first thought is directed at Marines: You were told in Boot why the Corps eschews patches. Division patches were disallowed after an order issued from HQMC in 1947.

If you ended your tour with the Marines and subsequently joined the Army, then you should follow Army regulations and wear whatever you're authorized. While I personally find patches to be unnecessary, the Army has found a need for them. So be it.

But my question is for the Soldiers: I grew up with someone who joined the Army about 6 months after I went in the Marines. HE was proud to be a soldier, as much as I was proud to be a Marine. My question then is why you would want to wear a Marine patch in the first place, authorized or not?

This is a serious question and if it is taken as a flame, it is NOT meant to be that way. But I would like to know the logic behind displaying another branch's unit insignia on your uniform.
2007-09-25 19:48:15 UTC
From the sound of things, you can wear it.

To verify, the best thing to do is ask you PAC. They can verify any orders or contact your PAC back at 1AD.
2007-09-25 19:29:24 UTC
The answer would be no. That stated, if you were attached to them and worked with them, you should be eligible for a Joint Service Commendation Medal

You have to deal with the "stupid" Ist AD patch..........
cthulhu will raise
2007-09-25 19:54:37 UTC
why would you want to?

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.