Okay question which I've had alot of trouble finding an answer too. I'm in the army and served in Ramadi, Iraq 05-06. I'm authorized the 1st Armored Division patch. My question is whether I'm authorized the 1st MEF (Marine Expeditionary Force) Patch. We fell under them while in Ramadi. Some people (including my PSG) wear it and he gave me one. He said there are orders authorizing it. I asked if he had a copy. He didn't. I didn't wear it. I'm out of 1st AD and at a new unit. I was contemplating wearing it but I'm not sure. I mean we did fall under the Marines and worked along side them daily but there's no orders that I can find authorizing it. Any thoughts? Anyone in the same situation? Trying to figure out if I can or not I guess. It's no biggie if I can't, just trying to see if I can because it'd be nice to wear somthing different than the stupid 1 AD patch.