i graduated from high school in may, and in the following september, all of my friends that enlisted in the military knew they were in for something that they never could have seen coming.
i have several friends that have served overseas, and out of 7, only ONE OF THEM feels that any of this war is justified. we've lost more Americans in this war than we did in the 9/11 attack (which was conducted by Saudi Arabians under directions from Osama, NOTHING TO DO WITH SADDAM OR IRAQ), and there will be more lost every day.
i can respect all of the men and women that serve our nation, and i pray that they all come home safely, and that they are also healthy mentally, not just physically. they're doing a job that they have no say in, and many of them believe that what they're doing is the best thing they can do for the world, whether thats right or wrong is anyone's guess.
more and more soldiers are coming forward and saying that they disagree with the war, but its like being a cop who catches a poor person stealing food, you know they had no other options, but you cant pick which laws you want to obey, you need to follow them all (i just with someone would have taught that to a young George W back in the day, instead of letting him waltz through life failing everything and buying his way out of it with family money).
all i'm saying is, it comes with the territory, you cant be a soldier and then just obey what you want to obey. you're in entirely, and though you and i know that the war is wrong, several of these men feel that what they're doing is the best thing for the country, even more feel its wrong, but if they refuse their orders, they've just destroyed their own future. its a no win situation.