Those who BELIEVE that Bush is KILLING innocent Iraqis, how do they have RESPECT for the Military ?
2007-03-02 08:40:43 UTC
Those who BELIEVE that Bush is KILLING innocent Iraqis, how do they have RESPECT for the Military ?
29 answers:
2007-03-08 17:25:43 UTC
In love and war all is fair, and this is not love. Patton said it very succinctly, "The object is not to die for your country, it is to make the other SOB die for his. It is very unfortunate but Saddam was a sadistic dictator that murdered thousands and we are at war and the object of war is to WIN. Collateral damage is a neat way of saying innocent people die, but that is the name of the game. So be it. The life of the average Iraqi is better, even with the war under way, less die now than when there was no war. It is a fact that this regime had weapons of mass destruction, They used them on their own people, it is a matter of record, haven't you been following this ball game and keeping score.

I cannot help but think this question is a little biased.

wayne_rudall is jingoistic your new pink panty word for the day.
2007-03-10 03:51:18 UTC
I see some typical US citizens response here. Lets carpet bomb them, for example. What? Are these jerks playing video games and strung out on meth? Seems a popular American soldier's pass time.

So what we have here is that we are going in to spread Democracy and, to do so, we will carpet bomb the whole bloody country (perhaps the neighboring one as well).

Cooth(sic) just dribbles here.

Yes, it is an illegal war not to say that all wars are not legal.

And yes all the soldiers are also doing criminal acts. Look at the Nuremberg trials. You can't commit a criminal act even when ordered to.

The military is a law of its own but it must be controlled by the people it serves.

Unfortunately people think of it as a big fly swatter and can be used indiscriminately -- without care or conscience.

This is really too bad; because so many good people will be killed. Yes - a lot of good people were killed in 9/11. And many more were killed in the war in Iraq. and the people in Iraq that were killed had nothing at all to do with 9/11.

Bush has killed many innocent people in Iraq and the American people seem this to be an easy burden to carry. What do the American people think? Are these women and children - fathers and brothers so different from us that we accept them growing up in war that most of them having no idea about. Why are these people subjected by bombs from the sky upon a rumour that Saddam or whoever might be there in that restaurant or home. Wouldn't it be cheaper and kinder to go into an area to help people to do what they do and not push crap at them they do not understand.

Iraqis have smaller and smaller respect for the US military. The photo ops they feed to us at home look really cutsy but really, these pics are for laydies at home to be comforted that all is going well and look how nice our slodiers are and isn't that nice that they are being so nice to these poor t children so nice -- meanwhile thier parents have been shot.

Where is the news media? They cover the photo ops and a bit of the struggle here and there, but where is the real news that comes back saying that what is happening is HORROR.
2007-03-02 08:55:22 UTC
In warfare, it is inevitable that innocent people will be killed. It is a tragedy that the government tries to spin by calling it "collateral damage". I think people are upset by this because this war is so unjustified and innocent people are getting killed for no reason. I read a quote from a newspaper from a soldier in Iraq who was explaining that there is a policy to open fire on ANYBODY that comes within 50 feet of a military convoy. Therefore, if it is an innocent Iraqi family seeking help, they are forced to kill them. I'm sure that no soldier wants to have to do that. I fully support and respect our military but don't agree with putting them in harm's way unless absolutely necessary.
2007-03-09 05:28:34 UTC
So many answers:so jingoistic!

Please consider

1. Why are the "Defence Departments" of Countries really the "Aggression Departments" of Counties.

2. Has America an honourable role in warfare when it is so easy in America to commit crimes and get away with it because "they're our boys and girls and that's what happens in the stress of war. American war crimes go unreported because Americans are prevented from facing the International Court of Justice on war crimes in The Hague. Americans are too arrogant to allow their nationals to be tried by "them foreigners" who are, because they're not American sure to be inferior low life.

3. Do most personnel know what they are fighting for or against.

4. Does the US government deal well with vets especially regarding post traumatic stress syndrome?

5. Does crime on the streets increase when brutalised service people come home?

I respect the military no more or less than the Nazi SS in WW2. I think we should all buy "terrorists" uniforms and see if we can tell one group from the other.

Some wars are necessary. Most are not. So making war when it not necessary is criminal by both the decision makers and the functionaries.
2007-03-07 03:28:35 UTC
Because we know that this war was started based on a lie. It was launched on a country that never posed a threat to us. We respect our military, but it's knowing that this President deliberately put them in harm's way. Iraq didn't do anything to this country. Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. Our military is supposed to protect us from any threat.

Tell me how did Iraq pose a threat to the United States?
Kenneth W
2007-03-02 08:55:14 UTC
What an interesting question, and here is an answer for you. They dont respect military members. Most people who are against the war fall back and say it is an illegal war, if it is an illegal war then every soldier, marine, airman, or squid over there is breaking the law and committing war crimes. They will for the most part say they support what the guys, and gals in uniform are doing while over there, at the same time they are saying its an illegal war. Reality is if its an illegal war, then everyone serving is following an illegal order by deploying overseas into a combat zone.

Having served I can honestly say that they should pull out carpet bomb Iraq and make it into a big parking lot, or give it to Israel
2007-03-02 08:47:17 UTC
I believe that there have been innocents killed in war. Show me a war when that hasn't been the case. The military today takes more care in preventing collateral damage than ever before. It's a unfortunate consequence of war. The Military in general are just people like you and me that do the job they are told to do. We learned that lesson in Vietnam. Would you have us spit on the men and women that risk their lives doing only what they are told?
2007-03-07 22:03:44 UTC
Go to scroll down till you get to the articles: GI Refuses To Return "Why I Fled George Bush's War"

U.S. Female Soldiers In Iraq Face Constant Rape-From GIs

Army Recruiting More and More with Criminal Records.
2007-03-02 13:48:26 UTC
i couldn't disagree with "sgreger1" more. that answer makes no sense to me.


lets take an example. if the police arrest you and send you to prison charged for drug possession, but you never had the drugs, and they KNOW you didn't have them, they're illegally abusing their power. if you start a war based on WMD's and then the country finds out that it was a lie, which Colin Powell admitted to the U.N., that's illegal. anyone that thinks otherwise is living in a fairy tale.

and just because you don't agree with the war doesn't mean your for the other side. i just read Hellion210's answer to another question, and it gave a good example. if your kid steals, and you want to beat him, but your wife wants to punish him less severely, that doesn't mean she supports him stealing, it means she feels there's a better way to solve the problem.

i hope you have the time of your life in Iraq, btw, because everyone i know that's been there said it sucks, and once you get there and see the faces of the men and women that just want to live their lives from day to day and have nothing to do with war or radical extremism, i bet its gonna be a lot harder for you to pull the trigger.
2007-03-02 09:03:15 UTC
I do believe Bush is responsible for a policy that has resulted in the deaths of many innocent people. However, it is NOT the fault of the men and women who serve in the military. When they enlisted, they did not get the option to say " I will serve my country when and where I choose." I respect them for their service and their desire to do what they feel is right under the circumstances - which is to follow the orders of their commanders. I also respect the humanitarian missions they are involved in. Last week, I personally mailed 165 pounds ( 8 large boxes) of school supplies to a friend's unit in Afghanistan who is rebuilding a school. How can you NOT respect that?
2007-03-10 06:29:19 UTC
You're talking about respect...first you have to learn what's respect of Human beings....

A General has been killed like even worst than an animal in a facken jerk....a low grade in the US Army..a guy without a decent education...a frustrated lost man..who found a refuge in the Army...this US troop soldier had no bloody regrets..when he was a professional journalist...what will you do to this animal...all his future life....showed killing...and beating...Iraqi must be proud of your US troops....

By I said....real American...didn't accept it..and reported it..and spread it on the Internet...

What do you think...?.................................................
2007-03-07 19:13:01 UTC
It's easy. The Grunt doesn't get to choose his war. He goes where he is sent and does his duty as his superiors explain it to him. For the most part our troops have been doing an admirable job.

But what do you do when they tell you to degrade, humiliate and torture?

That is why I can NEVER forgive the Bush Nazis, they know better an had the pwer to prevent it.
2007-03-02 12:24:49 UTC
I don't believe Bush is killing innocent Iraqis. So I respect the military. However, I do not respect terrorsts that kidnap and behead, detonate bombs in front of Mosques, hospitals and schools.
2007-03-02 08:56:14 UTC
i graduated from high school in may, and in the following september, all of my friends that enlisted in the military knew they were in for something that they never could have seen coming.

i have several friends that have served overseas, and out of 7, only ONE OF THEM feels that any of this war is justified. we've lost more Americans in this war than we did in the 9/11 attack (which was conducted by Saudi Arabians under directions from Osama, NOTHING TO DO WITH SADDAM OR IRAQ), and there will be more lost every day.

i can respect all of the men and women that serve our nation, and i pray that they all come home safely, and that they are also healthy mentally, not just physically. they're doing a job that they have no say in, and many of them believe that what they're doing is the best thing they can do for the world, whether thats right or wrong is anyone's guess.

more and more soldiers are coming forward and saying that they disagree with the war, but its like being a cop who catches a poor person stealing food, you know they had no other options, but you cant pick which laws you want to obey, you need to follow them all (i just with someone would have taught that to a young George W back in the day, instead of letting him waltz through life failing everything and buying his way out of it with family money).

all i'm saying is, it comes with the territory, you cant be a soldier and then just obey what you want to obey. you're in entirely, and though you and i know that the war is wrong, several of these men feel that what they're doing is the best thing for the country, even more feel its wrong, but if they refuse their orders, they've just destroyed their own future. its a no win situation.
2007-03-02 08:45:39 UTC
I still respect the Military. Because they are just doing their job. A soldier's job is obey their orders no matter if they are reasonable or not. So they are respectful because they are obeying their orders and doing a very good job with what they have to do. It's the real bad that don't deserve our respect!
2007-03-02 08:44:18 UTC
Well first off you don't connect the "commander and chief" to the military. They signed up to serve there country and don't get to choose their duties. You respect those men/women because of the sacrifice they are making. Yes there are some jerks in the military but there are a lot of great men/women. My husband was sent twice and almost lost his life once. He was stabbed and came close to bleeding to death. Don't be such a jerk. Support those men and women...
billy d
2007-03-02 08:45:41 UTC
If someone believes that the military is blindly killing innocent civilians under Bush's orders than they should not have any respect for the military...........they should also check themselves into a mental institution for believing something so stupid; perhaps you can give them the contact info for the mental institute you stay at.
2007-03-03 13:59:03 UTC
Another know nothing, parrot civilian spouting off what they haven't a clue about. BUSH is killing NO ONE! And our troops don't go out looking for civilian Iraqis to kill! Are you really stupid or is this some inbred game you're playing?

Go play with your Barbie dolls.

(USN, retired)
2007-03-08 13:49:06 UTC
Are you insane? Lots of soldiers are getting killed for doing their job so you & the rest of us can sleep, why don't you grow a real set of balls and step up to the plate... Dumbass... I can't believe people like you..
2007-03-02 09:59:53 UTC
Respect for the military is one thing. Those who serve in good faith and perform their duty are not to be blamed but instead admired even if they carry out Bush's failed foreign policy.

.......and yes I was there (Iraq.)
2007-03-02 08:49:35 UTC
I served for eight years, 1 and a half in combat I NEVER saw an American kill a civilian. However, I've seen quite a few suicide bombs set off near mosks, markets, etc. It's not us doing that.

Reading these responses, I'm friggin heart broken that I fought for you people, don't worry someone elses son or friend will go in your place, chock on your freedom you cowards.
2007-03-02 09:30:42 UTC
You have respect for the military because they signed up to do what YOU were afraid to do. Fine, you think its all Bush's fault than blame bush, we had a standing army before this war and all those poeple signed up to go to war if there was a threat, its not their fault if Bush sen them to this war you think is illegal. Second of all, you people are too used to "laws", there is no legalness to war, politicians sign all these contract to make it look that way but when there is an enemy we fight them, laws or not.

The difference between us and the insrugents, regardless of which side you think is right is that we keep our humanity. We do not not specifically target mosques and markets to kill civilians, we are not at "total war" with Iraq, hoever when fighting a guerilla force it is hard to distinguish the enemy. They are evil because they blow up their own people in mosques and marketplaces and in car bombs and IED's just to create chaos. We kill people but do it to restore order, whatever you think about Bush you must admit we are the better of the 2 fighting forces.

2007-03-02 11:42:37 UTC
it is true that a lot of innocent iraqis , women and children are killed by US soldiers, it is also true that US soldiers raped and killed women in Iraq as reported by the US press , so what RESPECT are you talking about ?
2007-03-02 08:56:01 UTC
Don't take this answer the wrong way, but you have to realize it's all about money & power, that's all the government cares about he doesn't give a dam about our people in the service, to the government their all exspendable sucker's!! The Bush family alway's wanted to create a war and they got their wish when we voted them into office! Our country has enough supply of oil to make gas that it would last our country a duration long after life on earth! I don't pity the FOOLS who join satan's little government, they really don't know do they??? "FOOLS"!!!!!
2007-03-08 18:18:46 UTC
I really don't think he does see this is why I'd like to have a girl presidant she would be nice and caring like a mother caring for there children, but not babied!
2007-03-07 22:13:32 UTC
Hang in there, Centurion. Not all of us feel the way of what you read. Thank you for your service. With deep regards, Thank you.
2007-03-02 08:50:20 UTC
Well for once i do not have any respect for the biggest aggressor army in the history of the world...............This army has a taste for using nuclear bombs , napalms bombs and daisy cutters on civilian population......... they regularly attack a soverign nation every 5-10 years on one pretext or the other.......... they run Guantanamo bays and abu ghuraib jails........ they torture and kill innocent civilians and when the locals try to fight back the US Army starts whining.........So i do not respect a terrorist miltary outfit like US ARMY
2007-03-02 09:30:03 UTC
YOur question is not clear.Add a little info.
2007-03-02 08:50:18 UTC
why should anyone respect people who kill people for their living? they are not patriot! definitely not! the war on iraq is not relevant! it is unnecessary and it is caused by hidden agenda bush and the jew who sponsored him. if it is true that saddam hussien is guilty, then why dont they just assasinate him!

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