Short summary: the poor guy is undertaking this relatively pointless war mostly since he needs to back-up his ego. He needs the war as an excuse for all the other things he can't handle at home (economy, security, etc.). His tactics are grossly miscalculated and Machiavellian and, as a result, many nations fear him more than they do respect him or consider his decisions wise.
Not only does he feel the need to back-up his ego concerning his father's legacy in the oil business and in Desert Storm against Iraq, but as a tough, consistant "real" man (especially compared to, say, the inconsistency Kerry was blamed for).
His image became the war: when American jobs went down he blamed the war, when oil prices rose he blamed the war, when the security budget went through the roof he blamed the war. Not to mention all the shady oil business innuendo and allow the Bin-Laden family to leave the country just after 9/11 (see Michael Moore's "Fahrenheit 9/11" movie for more details).
Without the war he'd likely be revealed for who he really is: a man who, though certainly not dumb, is grossly incapable of putting the right people and policies in the right places to ensure America's success.
And, in short, this is a war he can not win. Even if he gains control of Iraq he will do so by killing several more thousand Americans and tens of thousands of Iraqi's (including many completely innocent ones as well)...and polls already indicate of 80% of Iraqi's resent America so strongly they would rather resort to anarchy then accept his "government monopoly".
And, even as a fully blooded, well-educated American like myself (masters degree), you can't blame them, especially when even case studies bring up flaws in his policies. Indeed, Bush has given them (the Iraqi people) plenty to hate....