This is 1000% a SCAM fr so many reasons. You are talking to a Nigerian scammer using stolen photos of a soldier
1 - A soldier CANNOT resign. A soldier returns home when his tour is over
2 - I can guarantee you've never had a single Skype video chat with this person or you'd know he wasn't the man in the photos. If he can email you, he can Skype you as the computers on base are all equipped with webcams to chat with friends and family back home. So don't believe he can't Skype you
3 - I can guarantee the IP address of his email will verify he is NOT anywhere near Afghanistan. The IP address is the physical location of the computer sending the message. -- if the IP address shows up as anywhere but Afghanistan that's all the proof you need
4 - Soldiers DO NOT pay for ANYTHING to come home. You really think the US Army would send a soldier to a sh*thole like Afghanistan then make them pay to leave?? Of course not
5 - there is NO such thing as a Notary Card
6 -there is NO such thing as a BTA. That is a term invented by Nigerian romance scammers
"BTA (Basic Travel Allowance) - One of many fees that scammers try to collect from victims. This is the money a scammer might require before he can travel to meet with the victim. "
"Lets get straight to the point – There is no such thing as a “Basic Travel Allowance” or BTA! This is a dating scam used by the scammers as a pathetic attempt to justify why you should send them money. This scam is otherwise known as the Personal Travel Allowance, Travellers Allowance Fee, Travellers Assistance Fund or Travellers Assurance Fund. Basically anything involving an individual who is stuck at the airport and is unable to fly unless they pay an upfront fee."
"Basic Travel Allowance / BTA is invented by scammers
Please remember: there is NO such thing. There is NO such requirement, in any country of the world. This is an invention of the scammers. "
You need to immediately cut off all contact and file a report with the FBIs IC3 division so they can inform the real soldier whose pictures were stolen. Also report to whichever agency in Australia investigates cybercrime