2010-01-04 07:29:54 UTC
"Being that I am in the Military, I am an atheist, and I have been subjected to prayer that was NOT by choice, I can honestly say it's not that big of a deal. Some of the people I work with are also atheists and they feel the same as I do. We understand everyone has different beliefs, and as I've been told, you have to pick your battles. This one is not one that I would care to fight. Enough is done to accommodate me and my personal beliefs that most of the time, I am ok with whatever other people believe. The only bad thing about the military is I feel that Chaplin's are over used. Anytime anyone has a problem they say go talk to the chaplin. What good, honestly, does that do me? As far as violating regulations, maybe this one: Military officials may not subject members of the armed forces to involuntary worship or prayers, particularly when the full power of the government backed by punitive action under the UCMJ* is employed to command their presence and participation."