What do soldiers need to buy for themselves when they're in Iraq (Camp Taji to be exact)?
2007-09-27 08:07:36 UTC
I was under the impression that the Army would take care of their basic needs? However, my husband takes out about $1200 from our joint account on average each month, and after bills (which automatically come out of the account) that leaves me with about $40 if I'm lucky-- not enough for groceries, gas, doctor co-payments (I'm 6 months pregnant), or to buy stuff to set up a nursery for our baby, etc. (Luckily, my parents let me use their food stamps, and they pay my $20 co-payments for me, but they can't afford baby stuff).
The FRG hasn't held meetings since 5 months before my hubby deployed, and the FRG leader hasn't answered any of my questions.
Twelve answers:
Christy S
2007-09-27 18:04:33 UTC
My husband and I were both deployed last year. I was in Kuwait and he was in Afghanistan. Between the two of us being deployed for the whole year there was no way on earth that we spent $1200. I would like to suggest that you ask him what he is doing taking all of that money out of the account. There is nothing in Iraq to buy. If you do not get a satisfactory answer I think that you may want to let his command know what is going on. Best of Luck to you.
2007-09-27 08:32:29 UTC
It's the Army, they feed you and give you your uniform, thats about it. Keep calling the FRG and look around for different venues for support. They are military organized, might try a group that has multiple branches of the armed forces that are represented. I would stay away from groups of Army wives just getting together as bad stories get shared with the good.

Nothing that expensive. I was at Balad for four months and even if I had nothing to do, you can only buy so much, although the larger bases do have quite the selection (xbox games, folding chairs, AC units) and there are usually stands that the locals set up at more permanent bases that sell things from Cuban cigars, pirated DVD's, to used Russian bayonets. Next time he calls, just casually ask him to leave a little more in the account next time and see what happens. If he gets defensive it might be a red flag. No one stateside can comprehend the stresses that the men and women fighting oversees are put through, so be sure not to press the issue to hard. If push comes to shove and he will not do anything about it, take some of your check and put it aside for the bills and food.

Good luck and hang in there.
2016-05-20 03:19:08 UTC
I do think the surge has accomplished a lot of what it was intended to, as far as bringing down violence, but I remain unconvinced that "a free and independent Iraq is right around the corner." Despite the fact that violence has gone down, and at least created an environment where political progress could be made, it just seems to be at a standstill, all these factions have a lot to work out, and can the US help them, sure, but there's only so much we can do, a lot of it is on them. I'll freely admit that I made the wrong call on the surge, I thought it was hopeless, but I think after the mismanagement of the past three years we had reason to be cynical. And even though I never supported the invasion, I sincerely hope it works out for them, although I think that's very questionable. It may get to a point where we have done all we can do, we trained the army, fended off the terrorists, but political progress is a lot trickier. Well, regardless of who is the next President, I hope they go into it with an open mind.
Randy W
2007-09-27 08:23:33 UTC
I don't want to get a war started between you and your husband but he doesn't need all that money. I spent 8 years over sea's for the Army, sure I have to buy my soaps, and pay to do laundry and a few nights on the town but $300.00 a week is a bit out of hand.

First you need to confront him, if he doesn't provide you with a straight answer contact his Commanding officer, This will most assuredly get you some help.

This is I mean the last resort, his CO will come down on him like a brick if he finds out that you are pregnant and there isn't enough money at home to properly take care of you because your husband is take money from home.

Your hubby can eat breakfast at the mess hall each morning if he gets out of bed to do it.

I'm sorry to hear you are having this problem, but talk to him first, and if he is a butt head tell him up front your calling his CO.

Well that should take care of it.

Also if you are truly in need contact the Red Cross they will help those that have Military members stationed outside of the US.!
2007-09-27 08:21:36 UTC
You need to talk to your husband about this. I'm not sure about Camp Taji but the only place to spend money is at the PX and $1200 sounds like a bit much.

Have you all checked your credit reports? Maybe someone gained access to your account. You should call your bank and request a statement to see where the money is going.

Or you can pull up his LES if you have access to his pin and make sure you are all getting paid as much as you thought you were.

You can also check with they have lots of useful information about budgeting and all kinds of support.
2007-09-27 10:22:11 UTC
Sounds like he is spending the money on PX stuff, DVD, CD, etc etc etc. I know the bordom that happens while deployed, having done it myself 3 times and it's hard not to spend money. There is nothing to do except spend money. Get in touch with ACS and they will jerk a knot in the chain of that FRG. I'm guessing you have a long way to go before he returns home and it's only going to get worst. Good luck.
James W
2007-09-27 08:19:49 UTC
I was in Camp Taji. I know that I spent about $200-300 a month on miscellanious stuff. I can not imagine what he would need $1200 a month for. If you are having problems financially, contact the rear detachment commander and let him know your situation.
2007-09-27 08:59:10 UTC
Every thing a soldier needs is provided. On my first tour I went to Camp Cook(Now Camp Taji) about twice a week. There is a large PX and several haji shops. If he is spending $1200 a month it's on merchandise he doesn't need. Example: fake Rolex watches, bootleg DVDs, computer games, electronics. You can go to the nearest military installation and get help at the family readiness center. They will contact his unit and deal with him. it is wrong of him to put such a finical burden on you while spoiling himself.
2007-09-27 08:22:59 UTC
That's a lot of money...I would ask him what he was buying...if it is the first month or so he is their he may be buying a TV, DVD player, or stuff like that...on all my deployments I ended up saving a fair good amount each time I may want to ask him what he is doing...if he is not giving you money to live off of, you can talk to his Command, but it sounds like he is paying bills, so they are not concerned about you having spending money...why are you paying co-pays...TRICARE pays for everything, even if you do not go to an Army Hospital...heck my wife just had a baby and my Civilian Insurance payed for everything...
2007-09-27 09:34:42 UTC
Honey if hubby won't tell you were the money is going, you need to involve his 1SGT because he dos not need to leave you with barely nothing and your pregnant on top of that or at least let him know that if he does not start leaving you enough money to live off of, you will inform his chanin of command that you cannot live like that, he is suppose to provide for his family and if he is not doing this, then it is your right to inform his chanin f command that he is not doing his part to provide for you, this includes if he is beating you or not financially providing for you or if he is taking drugs.
2007-09-27 08:13:08 UTC
Uh....$300 a week for stuff he buys at a discount? His food and rent are paid for.

So ask your hubby....WTF are you buying?

I support our troops and all to the max....but hubby might be spending a little much while in Iraq.
♥ missing a soldier in Iraq ♥
2007-09-27 09:09:42 UTC
i know they can but stuff like snack food,dvds,phone cards,and for their haircuts. other than that he shouldnt really need that much stuff. casually ask him what he is spending his money on. it seems a little steep to me.

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