Well “Charles”, the problem is a record is NEVER ‘completely’ expunged! It is NEVER actually ‘deleted’ from both state and local agencies or from the FBI and national agencies? What on EARTH are you smoking?
the short your answer is YES, the military will find out about it! the government will ALWAYS have access to and see those records. Always!
“…in my state (Virginia) an expungement means they have the FBI and national agencies also delete it completely, not just the state and local agencies. “ Seriously? So you are going to try to claim that a STATE law has the power to tell the FBI and other FEDERAL agencies to ‘delete it completely’? boy, are YOU delusional! You should read this thing called the US Constitution and pay attention to a little section called the ‘supremacy clause’, which in essence says federal trumps state. In other words, Virginia’s ‘law’ has no effect –let me spell it out n.o. e.f.f.e.c.t. – on deleting records at that level. Nice try, thanks for playing! Do not pas go, do not collect $200. Virginia’s law just keeps civilian agencies from being able to check it or you not having to report it, and I think those are BAD LAWS. An potential employer has every RIGHT to know about the character of a person they are hiring! But thanks for that laugh! MY SIDES HURT!
Let’s look at the rest of your ‘rant’, shall we?
“This was a stupid crime too btw- my dad chased me with a bat when I had just woken up (my father was abusive) and he cornered me about to swing the bat, so I punched him once to stop him from swinging and then ran past him out of the room, out of the house, to school. “ WHY does this story sound familiar? Didn’t you ask this as another user some time ago, and you were told you had NO CHANCE then? this question seems so familiar! So dad chases you with a bat. Ever hear of a phone? Ever call 9-1-1? Ever let him connect on you so you have this thing called EVIDENCE? Ever here of self-defense? ;killing’ in self defense is a defense in court, and if you feared for your life, probably would have worked.
“no I am not "violent"” … yet you ounched him. No, that’s not ‘violent’ at all.
“I'm a good kid, good grades, did sports, etc.” no one cares. I did sports in high school and graduated top of my class. No one offered me a cookie, but good for you!
“this happened at age 17 and was charged as an adult I think. I am 22 now. It was a misdemeanor assault/battery charge. “ this alone is a problem. you have a CONVICTION for assault against a family member. That is probably a Lautenburg violation, and that’s the end of the road for the military.
“Anyway, the point is, it was dismissed with prejudice (anger management) and I am thinking about going to get it 100% expunged. I have no other criminal record so I think it would be a good idea.” -- actually, no. ‘dismissed with prejudice’ means it is dismissed WITHOUT conditions. You had ‘anger management’. That was a condition. The military views that as ‘adverse adjudication’ or a CONVICTION of the original charge. If it was just a misdemeanor – you can ask a judge to consider an expungement, but I don’t know if the conviction is old enough yet to be considered, or, for all I know, there may be a statutory deadline for dealing with expungement requests, and you may be past that. Depends on your state, and a judge is under NO OBLIGATION to consioder or grant it, and I don’t think that will help you anyhow, because the military will STILL SEE the conviction and it is going to require a waiver at a minimum, and I do not see that happening in this recruiting climate. Not for this, and if it is considered a lautner violation – will never happen.
“Also: I KNOW THE MILITARY SAYS TO BE HONEST. But I know for a moral fact that I did nothing wrong I simply saved my own life. He did this cuz I was 5 mins late for school... and hes now in jail on unrelated violent charges. “ - that’s why you were charged and convicted. Because you did nothing wrong. Morally, perhaps, but the time to argue that has long since passed. And for being 5 minutes late? Come on! I hear a drama king here. Lesson learned: get up earlier! With all the power kids have in calling child protective services, telling school counselors about abusive parents, I do not buy for a SECOND you did not have options!
1) What are my chances of getting the expungement? “ - hit or miss at best. Up to the judge in the judicial district where you were CONVICTED. A judge may or may not even consider it. there is no obligation to do so at all.
“2) Will the military see if its totally expunged? How? “ - yes. It is never totally expunged that’s why. It stays with you for LIFE!!!
“3) If I simply don't mention the charge after successful expungement, what are the chances it never comes up on their background check?” - 100%. (1) an expungement will do you NO GOOD at all. (2) failure to mention it at all shows you are not trustworthy or of good character, and the military doesn’t want people like you that aren’t going to be honest. Enough said. The only thing that MIGHT help you would be to have the conviction SET ASIDE and request a new trial based on the evidence. BUT, for a misdemeanor? Not likely. there are all kinds of strings attached to getting a new trial. The appellate court has to be involved, there has to be new evidence that was left out of the first trial, has to fall within certain time deadlines, I have a better chance of flying to the moon than you do of getting that past the DA.
“Update : Also I'm not a delinquent, I made it thru 2 years of college and am successfully in a career in Sales right now. I am still in great shape. 98 score on the ASVAB when I took it before. IQ of around 134. “ good for you. but no one cares. You have a ‘successful career in sales’ – stick with that. The military is not going to be happening for you.
“My dad is now in jail on other charges of violence, he's an a**hole and my entire family is afraid of him and he lied to the cops to get me arrested, to their face. He said he never had a bat. “ – well the time to argue this has passed. Your lawyer should have brought this up at your trial or hearings. The state has to PROVE your guilt, not you prove your innocence. If you laid the claim to self defense, then that’s the horse you ride.
“So don't think I'm being immoral by trying to lie, I wanna serve my country and I got f*cked hard.” -- based on some of your other questions, I think you like it hard. You’re going to have to find another way to serve your country. Wearing the uniform is not going to be one of those options though. The sooner you accept that, the sooner you can move forward in life.
“Update 2: Once I got in, if I got in,” (you won’t get in)…”I would never have any problems like this….” (so you say)…”This is literally the only time of violence in my life….” (didn’t you say earlier you weren’t violent? But now you admit you were? Huh?)….”I've always gotten along with people. I would work hard, as a team, love my fellow soldiers (in a heterosexual brotherly way lol, im straight)…” (good for you, but it won;lt score you any points)….”I would do everything right. I just wanna be a U.S. Marine. A lot of my friends are in it too. But I wanna go in because of the lifestyle, I know it would be hard but its what I want.” -- well. If wishes were fishes, we’d all have a fry.
I don’t see this happening for you chuck. Recruiting is too good and many people that have NO BAGGAGE AT ALL are going to get turned away because we are downsizing and there is just no room. Focus on your civilian life. Military is not going to happen.
I am trying to be nice, but I won’t sugar coat it either. I think you have some other SERIOUS issues pal. Look at your questions!
You are concerned about some girl that says she squirts and it smelling like p-e@e, women disrespecting you for your height (and you should NEVER be with someone who doesn’t respect you for YOU…but height? How flaky is that?), you thinking you are all that and a bag of tricks (great in bed, can bag anyone…please!), women sending you pictures of their private parts and saying “it aint yours” – and why would any MAN tolerate THAT??? everyone telling you that you can do better than those sk-an-ks you hang with; but I won’t. I DON’T think you can do better! I think you have zero self esteem, all wrapped up in ‘looks’ and I have news for you – father time is going to drop that stuffed chest of yours about 8 inches over the years and you’ll have no one because your personality is NOT something women are going to want to snuggle up with at night!
Give up on this idea of getting in the military and seek some professional counseling… please!