I'd go Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. You can work on a degree with them while in the Army.
Who knows what will happen when you get deployed. Yes, there is a chance that you might come back with a psychological problem. There's also a chance that you could get killed or injured. Most likely you will be fine, but there is always a chance.
I asked a Mental Health Specialist about his job. One thing he said he's had to do is counsel soldiers who have seen their buddy blown up and/or also had to clean the blood and gore out of the vehicle.
Suicide is also something that sometimes happens
Theses are thinks that you need to take in to consideration when joining. The Army does have psychologist and chaplains that you can go see if you feel like you are having problems or you just need to talk. Don't be afraid to seek help if you need it!
My husband is Army and I am in the process of enlisting. I think that the Army is a great career if you are up for the challenge. It has it's good points and bad points, but I think that the good out weigh the bad.
Yes, my husband was diagnosed with PTSD. Not because he ever saw combat, but because he doesn't really deal with stress, he just tends to ignore and bury it. It was causing him breathing problems, he had a short temper, and we were getting into fight over little things. It actually took them awhile to diagnose him with PTSD because he didn't have obvious signs you associate with PTSD. We both talk to a psychologist. He's a lot better now and he and his unit are getting ready to deploy soon.
As an Army wife it is hard being away from him. It doesn't matter if he is gone for a week, a month, or a year; I hate being away from him. But being apart from one another is something that happens in the military.
The military is a great community. It's easy to make friends with the people in the unit and their families and also the other people you met around base (people that live in the same building/area you live in; people that take the same gym class as you; people taking the same college course as you).
There are also plenty to do and see on or around the post.
What is military life in Mannheim Germany like?
The Army life can be tough, but it is well worth is. I am joining because of the befits the Army will provide me and my family. I will have job security; they will pay for college; I will have free housing, medical, dental; we have tax free shopping on post; I will get to see different parts of the US and World; etc.
I wish you the best of luck with whatever you choose to do.