Stephen, catch 22? I invite you to visit this awesome web-site I found researching this question...
People! We are in the middle of a religious war. There is nothing we can do to stop it. If we retreive; they are going to see it as weakness, follow us back and attack here and kill senior citizens, women and kids. Stop drinking Coolaid, and see outside the window. We are not fighting a war agains an ARMY in uniform. They are hidden and dangerous. And the worst thing is that they know that we all take it politically. This is not Left Vs. Right... This is Right Vs. Wrong! Stop being like hippies. You are not going to be draft. Just because you say that is not there is going to desapear! But off course, if you cover your eyes... You won't see what is really happening and you will continue saying that we should pull out, because they only attack us because we are there. Really? Where we there during the two different attacks to the World Trade Center? Check this list direct from the page... It's a lot easier to understand...
Date Country City Killed Injured Description
7/2/07 Afghanistan Khost 1 1 An education director is gunned down by religious extremists.
7/2/07 Thailand Yala 1 0 Muslim radicals murder a 47-year-old rubber tapper on his way to work.
7/2/07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 28-year-old villager is shot to death by Islamists.
7/2/07 Pakistan Mir Ali 1 0 al-Qaeda backed militants kill a Pakistani who resists kidnapping.
7/1/07 Chechnya Grozny 2 2 A landmine attack kills two Russians.
7/1/07 Iraq Baghdad 18 12 A suicide bombing and other Jihad attacks account for fifteen dead Iraqis.
7/1/07 Iraq Mosul 19 0 At least nineteen bodies surface around the country of civilians kidnapped and executed by the Mujahideen.
7/1/07 Afghanistan Helmand 1 4 A British soldier is killed by a suicide bomber.
7/1/07 Thailand Pattani 1 2 A woman is killed, and two other people injured when Islamic gunmen fire into a Buddhist tea shop.
7/1/07 Thailand Pattani 1 2 Muslim terrorists fire on a group of young students, killing a 58-year-old teacher and injuring two boys, ages 9 and 11.
7/1/07 Iraq Ramadi 7 20 Seven Iraqi police are killed in separate suicide attacks by Fedayeen.
6/30/07 Thailand Yala 1 0 Islamic militants murder a 53-year-old man.
6/30/07 Chechnya Vedeno 1 2 Holy Warriors ambush a security patrol, killing one member.
6/30/07 Iraq Baghdad 16 8 Sixteen Iraqis are murdered in various sectarian attacks.
6/30/07 Iraq Ferris 40 0 Children are beheaded as al-Qaeda massacres an entire village of Iraqis.
6/30/07 Iraq Muqdadiyah 25 22 A suicidal Sunni sends over two-dozen innocent people to the grave with a market blast.
6/30/07 Iraq Fallujah 4 0 Four people are beheaded by Islamic terrorists.
6/30/07 India Pulwama 1 0 A civilian is abducted and murdered by the Mujahideen.
6/30/07 Scotland Glasgow 0 5 Hoping for mass casualites, Islamic radicals ram a car filled with gas canisters into the main entrance of an airport.
6/30/07 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 Islamic militias assassinate a government official.
6/30/07 Iraq Asiriya 2 12 Two children are killed, and a dozen more injured, when Jihadis mortar a soccer field.
6/29/07 Pakistan FATA Region 1 0 An Afghan civilian is kidnapped and beheaded by Islamic militants.
6/29/07 Afghanistan Khost 1 0 Religious extremists kidnap and behead a language interpreter.
6/29/07 Pakistan Tirah 1 0 Laskhar-i-Islam militants stone a man to death.
6/29/07 Pakistan Larkana 2 0 A man shoots his wife and sister-in-law to death in an 'honor killing.'
6/29/07 Iraq Kut 11 1 A university professor is shot several time in the head and neck. Ten others are also murdered by Muslim terrorists.
6/29/07 Iraq Mosul 3 0 Three women are murdered by Islamic gunmen.
6/29/07 Iraq Baghdad 15 11 At least three women are among fifteen people shot to death or blown up by Muslim terrorists.
6/29/07 Iraq Mishada 8 5 A Fedayeen suicide bomber murders eight Iraqis.
6/28/07 Afghanistan Paktika 1 8 An 18-year-old Afghan civilian is killed by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
6/28/07 Thailand Songkhla 1 0 A 51-year-old village guard is shot to death by Jihadis as he is returning home.
6/28/07 Iraq Baghdad 25 50 Sunni radicals blow twenty-five innocent people to Allah at a bus stop.
6/28/07 Afghanistan Kabul 3 8 Two American civilians and an Afghan woman are killed by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
6/28/07 Thailand Yala 2 0 Two teenagers are shot to death by Muslim terrorists.
6/28/07 Somalia Mogadishu 2 4 Islamic terrorists target a security convoy along a busy road, killing two members.
6/28/07 Iraq Baghdad 30 34 Several mortar attacks and shootings leave thirty Iraqis dead at the hands of Islamic terrorists.
6/28/07 India Ramban 1 0 A civilian is abducted and beheaded by the Religion of Peace.
6/28/07 India Pulwama 1 16 Lashkar-e-Toiba militants attack a security patrol, killing one member.
6/27/07 Somalia Bardhere 1 1 The driver of a vehicle is killed in a bombing attack by Muslim militants.
6/27/07 Thailand Yala 3 17 Muslims kill three people at a market, by hiding a bomb in a basket.
6/27/07 Iraq Samarrah 11 6 Eleven Iraqis are killed in at least two separate Jihad attack, here and in Kirukuk.
6/27/07 Iraq Baghdad 10 24 Islamic terrorists set off two car bombs, killing ten people.
6/27/07 Iraq Baghdad 21 0 Twenty-one victims of sectarian violence between Sunni and Shia are found bound and executed.
6/27/07 Iraq Al Khalis 19 28 Islamic terrorists barrage a residential area with mortars, killing at least nineteen innocents.
6/27/07 Somalia Mogadishu 2 2 Two civilians are killed when Muslim terrorists toss a grenaded into a market.
6/27/07 Somalia El-Berde 2 0 Two humanitarian workers, one a doctor, are brutally gunned down.
6/27/07 Iraq Mosul 2 0 Two Christians are murdered by Sunni radicals.
6/26/07 Bangladesh Nilphamari 0 10 Ten Christian converts from Islam are savagely beaten by a Muslim mob.
6/26/07 Somalia Mogadishu 6 9 Five cleaning women are among six killed by an Islamic bomb.
6/26/07 India Pulwama 1 0 Militant Islamists abduct a constable from his home and behead him.
6/26/07 Iraq Basra 1 0 A religious cleric is gunned down by Muslim rivals.
6/26/07 Thailand Pattani 1 4 A Muslim radical calmly fires into a Buddhist tea shop, killing at least one patron.
6/26/07 Somalia Mogadishu 1 3 Islamists detonate a roadside bomb, killing one bystander.
6/25/07 Iraq Baiji 27 62 Suicide bombers ram an explosives-laden truck into a gate, killing over two dozen innocents in the blast.
6/25/07 Iraq Mosul 3 42 Three civilians are killed when Islamic terrorists bomb a residential area.
6/25/07 Iraq Baghdad 16 3 Jihadis rack up sixteen dead Iraqis in various attacks.
6/25/07 India Doda 2 14 The Mujahideen toss a grenade into a bus stand, killing two people.
6/25/07 Lebanon Nahr al-Bared 2 0 A soldier and a civilian are killed by a Fatah al-Islam sniper.
6/25/07 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 Two middle-aged men are gunned down in separate attacks by Muslim radicals.
6/25/07 Iraq Baghdad 12 21 A Fedayeen bomber blasts a dozen people at a peace and reconciliation conference to death.
6/25/07 Somalia Hurwa 2 2 A woman and a man are killed when Islamic militias slam a rocket into their house.
6/24/07 Lebanon Dardara 6 2 Militant Islamists kill six UN Peacekeepers with a powerful suicide bomb.
6/24/07 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 Two Thai rangers are shot by Islamic terrorists while riding motorcycles.
6/24/07 Thailand Pattani 2 0 Two elderly Buddhist brothers are murdered by radical Muslims, who then burn their bodies.
6/24/07 Iraq Baghdad 14 6 The head of a childrens hospital is among fourteen people murdered by Islamic terrorists.
6/24/07 Iraq Mosul 2 0 Two women, including a female journalist, are gunned down by Muslim radicals.
6/24/07 Iraq Balad 1 0 Fundamentalists assassinate a feminist.
6/24/07 Iraq Khalis 3 3 Islamic terrorists kill three girls and injure their mother and father in a bomb attack on the family vehicle.
6/24/07 Afghanistan Kandahar 3 2 Religious extremists attack a police station, killing three Afghans.
6/24/07 Somalia Mogadishu 2 0 A man and a woman are shot to death by a suspected Muslim militant.
6/23/07 Pakistan Karam Kot 4 1 Four Pakistani troops are killed when terrorists bomb their vehicle.
6/23/07 Iraq Kufa 2 0 Muslim terrorists shoot a married couple to death.
6/23/07 Lebanon Nahr el-Bared 3 0 Three Lebanese troops are killed by a Fatah al-Islam bomb.
6/23/07 Afghanistan Helmand 2 0 Two Estonian mine-sweepers are killed in a Taliban rocket strike.
6/23/07 Iraq Hillah 2 18 Two people are killed in an Islamic terrorist car bombing.
6/23/07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 42-year-old Buddhist laborer is brutally killed and then set on fire by Muslim terrorists.
6/23/07 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 A off-duty cop is gunned down by an Islamist.
6/23/07 Iraq Baghdad 18 2 Sectarian Jihadis rack up eighteen dead Iraqis in various attacks.
6/22/07 Thailand Yala 3 10 Three young boys are shot full of holes in the name of Allah at a tea shop.
6/22/07 Pakistan Bannu 1 30 Radical Muslims attempt to attack a religious festival with small-arms fire and a grenade. One guard is killed.
6/22/07 Pakistan Khar 1 0 Islamic extremists behead a man, then attach a note to the body.
6/22/07 Iraq Fallujah 5 57 A store bombing and a suicide attack on a telecom company net five dead Iraqis for freedom-fighting terrorists.
6/22/07 Thailand Yala 1 0 A 16-year-old Buddhist girl is shot to death by radical Muslims.
6/22/07 Thailand Yala 2 5 Muslim bombers target a Buddhist-owned teashop, killing three innocents.
6/22/07 Algeria Bouira 2 1 Two security guards are killed by two homemade bombs.
6/22/07 India Doda 1 0 The Mujahideen abduct and kill a civilian.
6/21/07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Muslim shoot a 29-year-old, then attempt to behead him. The man bleeds to death.
6/21/07 Iraq Bahraz 3 15 Sunnis kill three villagers in a sustained attack on a Shia town.
6/21/07 Iraq Soliman Bek 15 66 Suicidal Sunnis drive a truck full of explosives into a building, murdering at least fifteen people.
6/21/07 Somalia Mogadishu 5 10 An Islamic militant tosses a grenade into a market, killling five people on the spot.
6/21/07 Afghanistan Nangarhar 3 1 Three Afghan cops are gunned down in a Taliban attack.
6/21/07 Pakistan Khapianga 3 0 A roadside blast kills three farmers.
6/21/07 Pal. Auth. Nablus 1 0 A 32-year-old civilian is killed by Islamic gunmen.
6/21/07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 54-year-old Buddhist is shot to death by Muslim radicals.
6/20/07 Iraq Mosul 5 8 Two children and three women are killed in a mortar attack by Islamic terrorists.
6/20/07 Somalia Mogadishu 2 0 Islamic militias fire RPGs into a government building, killing at least two people.
6/20/07 Iraq Baghdad 34 9 Sectarian Jihadis rack up thirty-four more dead Iraqis in various attacks.
6/20/07 Afghanistan Khost 3 4 Talibanis enter a mosque and shoot three Afghan civilians to death.
6/20/07 Afghanistan Zabul 2 1 Religious extremists fire on a UN relief convoy, killing two Afghans.
6/20/07 Afghanistan Kandahar 3 0 Three Canadian peacekeepers are killed in a roadside attack by Islamic extremists.
6/20/07 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Muslim gunmen shoot an off-duty Buddhist policeman to death in front of his wife.
6/20/07 India Baramulla 1 2 A Harkat-ul-Mujahideen militant kills a homeowner with a grenade. The man's daughter and son are injured.
6/19/07 Iraq Tal Afar 2 0 A woman and a child are killed in a mortar attack by Sunni radicals.
6/19/07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 1 Islamists shoot a 27-year-old student to death in a drive-by attack.
6/19/07 Lebanon Nahr al-Bared 2 0 Fatah al-Islam radicals kill two more Lebanese troops.
6/19/07 Thailand Pattani 3 0 Thai Muslims kill three occupants of a vehicle with a roadside bomb.
6/19/07 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A female college student is shot to death by Islamic fundamentalists.
6/19/07 Afghanistan Uruzgan 14 110 Islamic militants attack a village, murdering ten civilians and four Afghan police.
6/19/07 Iraq Baghdad 87 224 Sunnis bomb an area outside a Shia mosque, sending eighty-seven souls to Allah and injuring over two-hundred others.
6/19/07 Iraq Baghdad 23 19 Jihadis kill two dozen Iraqis in various shooting and mortar attacks.
6/18/07 Iraq Falluja 5 25 Two Jihad bombings leave at least five civilians dead.
6/18/07 Pakistan Jundo 1 0 A man kills his daughter for marrying the 'wrong' man.
6/18/07 Thailand Yala 0 14 Muslims bomb a Buddhist-owned teashop, injuring fourteen patrons.
6/18/07 Iraq Baghdad 33 0 Thirty-three victims of sectarian violence are found in different locations.
6/18/07 Iraq Baghdad 9 25 Islamic terrorists bomb a gas station, killing nine patrons.
6/18/07 Lebanon Narh al-Bared 3 0 Three more Lebanese soldiers are killed by Fatah al-Islam militants.
6/18/07 Pal. Auth. Erez 1 3 Hamas gunmen open fire on Palestinians huddled in a tunnel, killing at least one.
6/18/07 Somalia Bakara 1 1 A civilian is assassinated at a local market is a suspected Islamic militia attack.
6/18/07 Somalia Mogadishu 2 7 Islamists manage to kill two children with one bomb, hidden in a garbage pile.
6/18/07 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 23-year-old soldier is killed in an ambush by Muslim militants.
6/17/07 Afghanistan Herat 2 0 The Taliban attack a remote police post, killing two officers.
6/17/07 Somalia Baidoa 1 3 A child is killed when Islamists toss a grenade into a bank.
6/17/07 Afghanistan Kabul 35 35 Three dozen Afghans are blown to Allah by Islamic bombers in an attack on a transportation hub.
6/17/07 Iraq Kirkuk 3 4 Sunni bombers kill three Kurds.
6/17/07 Pakistan Peshawar 1 0 The Taliban shoot a suspected narcotics dealer to death.
6/17/07 Afghanistan Kandahar 4 0 Three soldiers and an interpretor are murdered in a Taliban roadside attack.
6/17/07 Iraq Jizani al-Emam 17 0 Seventeen villagers are killed during an attack by the Islamic Army of Iraq.
6/17/07 Iraq Fallujah 8 16 A pregnant woman and her husband are among eight innocents killed in two attacks by Islamic terrorists.
6/16/07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 An 82-year-old man is shot to death by Muslim terrorists.
6/16/07 Afghanistan Kabul 4 6 A suicide bomber sends four Afghan civilians to Allah.
6/16/07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Muslims shoot a middle-aged civilian four times in the chest.
6/15/07 Thailand Pattani 3 1 Radical Muslims stop a group of villagers on the road and then open up on them with automatic weapons fire, killing three.
6/15/07 Thailand Yala 7 1 Islamists stage a brutal ambush on a Thai security patrol, killing seven members.
6/15/07 Somalia Baidoa 4 6 Fundamentalists throw grenades into a movie theater showing a foreign film, killing four innocents.
6/15/07 Afghanistan Uruzgan 9 7 A suicide bomber kills five children about 12-years of age and four adults.
6/15/07 Iraq Baghdad 25 7 Twenty-five victims of sectarian hatred within the Religion of Peace are found, bound and executed.
6/15/07 Iraq Ramadi 13 0 The bodies of thirteen members of an athletic team are found shot to death by Muslim militants.
6/15/07 Iraq Mosul 4 0 A young boy is among four people killed by Jihadis.
6/15/07 Ingushetia Nazran 3 2 Two civilians and a police officer are killed in an attack by suspected Islamic extremists.
6/15/07 India Sopore 2 7 Two Indian soldiers are killed in a Mujahideen ambush.
6/15/07 Somalia Mogadishu 4 10 A suicide bomber on a motorcycle slaughters four innocent people.
6/15/07 Thailand Pattani 2 0 A young Buddhist man is among two civilians murdered by Islamists in separate drive-by attacks.
6/15/07 Philippines Davao 10 18 Moro Islamic Liberation Front terrorists leave a bomb on a bus, blasting ten passengers to death.
6/15/07 Lebanon Nahr el-Bared 4 6 Four Lebanese troops are killed when Fatah al-Islam terrorists blow up a building.
6/14/07 Somalia Shibis 1 0 A man is shot to death by a suspected Islamic militia.
6/14/07 Iraq Baghdad 14 0 Fourteen Iraqi policemen and soldiers are executed on video by terrorists shouting 'God is Great'.
6/14/07 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 The Young Mujahideen Movement kill at least one civilian in an automatic weapons attack.
6/14/07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 54-year-old man is shot to death by Muslim radicals as he is riding a motorcycle.
6/14/07 Pal. Auth. Rafah 7 0 Hamas round up seven Palestinian men and shoots them to death in front of their families. The gunmen then kneel in prayer.
6/14/07 Iraq Balad 2 3 Islamic terrorists shoot two farmers to death.
6/14/07 Pal. Auth. Gaza City 2 0 Two unarmed peace activists are shot to death by Hamas gunmen at a rally.
6/14/07 India Kupwara 1 0 A man is shot to death in his home by the Mujahideen.
6/14/07 Pal. Auth. Gaza 3 0 Hamas gunmen walk into a hospital and murder an injured patient as well as two women visiting him.
6/14/07 Pal. Auth Gaza 2 0 Two employees of the UN refugee relief agency are murdered by Hamas terrorists.
6/13/07 Iraq Baghdad 29 10 Jihads slaughter twenty-nine Iraqis in various attacks, including kidnapping, torture and executions.
6/13/07 Pal. Auth. Gaza 17 30 Two separate ambushes by Hamas ("Islamic Resistance") leaves close to twenty victims dead.
6/13/07 Thailand Pattani 2 8 Islamists bomb two groups of school guards, killing one in each party.
6/13/07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A Buddhist salesman is beheaded by Islamic radicals, who then leave the body and head in separate bags.
6/13/07 Afghanistan Mizan 1 0 The Taliban send an RPG into a house, killing a 7-year-old girl.
6/13/07 Iraq Ramadi 4 11 Four Iraqis are killed by a suicide bomber at a police checkpoint.
6/13/07 Thailand Yala 1 0 Muslim terrorists kill a 44-year-old man and set fire to thirteen schools.
6/13/07 Iraq Mandali 5 10 A Fedayeen suicide bomber sends five souls to Allah.
6/13/07 Lebanon Beirut 10 11 A prominent anti-Syrian lawmaker and his son are among ten killed in a car bombing.
6/12/07 Afghanistan Lashkar Gah 1 0 A religious extremists blows himself up on a bicycle, killing a nearby police officer.
6/12/07 Thailand Yala 1 0 A 60-year-old teacher is shot in the back by Muslim radicals.
6/12/07 Pal. Auth. Gaza 4 0 Hamas militants attack a home with rockets, killing three women and a 14-year-old boy.
6/12/07 Afghanistan Logar 2 4 A female teacher and a 13-year-old girl student are savagely murdered by religious fundamentalists.
6/12/07 Lebanon Nahr Al-Bared 8 20 Eight Lebanese soldiers are killed over the course of two days by Fatah al-Islam militants.
6/12/07 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 Two Buddhists are brutally murdered by angry Muslims.
6/12/07 Iraq Baghdad 33 20 Sectarian hatred within the Religion of Peace accounts for thirty-three bodies in multiple attacks.
6/12/07 Iraq Khalis 4 4 Jihad gunmen take down four Iraq civilians, including two on a minibus.
6/11/07 India Ramban 2 1 A civilian and a cop are murdered by Islamic radicals.
6/11/07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 56-year-old Buddhist is shot to death by Islamists while riding a motorcycle.
6/11/07 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 Two female Buddhists teachers are shot to death by Muslim radicals who invade the school with assault weapons.
6/11/07 Iraq Mosul 5 0 Islamic gunmen storm a home and murder four women and a man.
6/11/07 India Pulwama 1 0 The Mujahideen capture a soldier and slit his throat.
6/11/07 Lebanon Nahr al-Bared 2 1 Two Red Cross workers are killed by Fatah al-Islam militants.
6/10/07 Pal. Auth. Gaza 1 0 Hamas ("Islamic Resistance") operatives throw a man to his death from a tower.
6/10/07 Iraq Tikrit 14 42 A Fedayeen suicide bomber sends fourteen souls to Allah.
6/10/07 Iraq Baghdad 20 26 A "coffin bomb" adds to the misery as Islamic terrorists kill twenty Iraqis in various attacks.
6/9/07 Afghanistan Kandahar 1 0 Religious extremists kill a man as he leaves a barbershop.
6/9/07 India Pulwama 2 0 A man and his son are shot to death by Islamic militants.
6/9/07 Iraq Baghdad 30 15 Two car bombings and various other Jihad attacks leave thirty people dead.
6/9/07 Iraq Hilla 14 30 A Fedayeen suicide bomber sends fourteen Iraqis to Allah.
6/9/07 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 Muslim radicals gun down two villagers riding a motorcycle.
6/9/07 Somalia Mogadishu 2 2 Two Somalis are killed by a bombing attributed to the Islamic militias.
6/9/07 India Bejbehara 1 0 The Mujahideen gun down a cop.
6/9/07 Afghanistan Murghab 2 0 The Taliban ambush an Afghan security party, killing two policemen.
6/9/07 Iraq Camp Bucca 6 50 Six Iraqi prisoners are killed in a rocket attack on a prison by "insurgents."
6/9/07 Pakistan Mardan 1 0 A woman's family stones her to death on suspicion of adultery.
6/9/07 Iraq Kanaan 5 0 Five family members are stopped on a highway and brutally executed by Islamic terrorists.
6/8/07 Thailand Yala 1 22 Islamists bomb a tea house, killing a woman and injuring two dozen others.
6/8/07 Pakistan Hub 3 7 A bus bombing leaves at least three people dead.
6/8/07 Iraq Daqquq 24 30 Two dozen people are killed when radical Sunnis bomb Shiite mosques.
6/8/07 Afghanistan Laghman 1 3 At least one Afghan is killed in a Taliban bombing.
6/8/07 Iraq Qurna 12 33 Holy warriors bomb a bus station, killing a dozen civilians.
6/8/07 Sudan Mutu 2 0 Janjaweed militias rack up two more dead African villagers in a raid.
6/8/07 Iraq Baqubah 14 3 Fourteen people are killed when al-Qaeda gunmen invade a policeman's home, including his wife and children.
6/8/07 Pakistan Alikhel 1 0 The Taliban videotape the torture and execution of a local tribesman.
6/7/07 Iraq Mosul 5 0 A female journalist is brutally gunned down in her home by Sunni terrorists. Four others are killed elsewhere.
6/7/07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A policeman is shot in front of his wife 14 times at point-blank range by Muslim terrorists at a crowded market.
6/7/07 Pal. Auth. Rafah 1 5 A Fatah cadre is killed in a home by Hamas gunmen.
6/7/07 Iraq Baghdad 37 15 A Jihad bombing and various shooting attacks leave thirty-seven Iraqis dead.
6/7/07 Iraq Rabea 10 35 A Fedayeen bomber sends ten innocent Iraqis to Allah. Thirty-five others are maimed.
6/7/07 Afghanistan Zabul 1 0 Religious extremists attack a police post, killing one Afghan.
6/7/07 Thailand Yala 1 0 A Buddhist rubber tapper is shot to death in his home by Islamists.
6/7/07 India Doda 1 0 Islamic terrorists abduct and murder a civilian.
6/7/07 Algeria Beni-Ksila 3 7 al-Qaeda-backed fundamentalists bomb an army patrol, killing three Algerians.
6/7/07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 40-year-old man is murdered by Muslim radicals in a drive-by.
6/7/07 Lebanon Beirut 1 0 Muslim bombers take out one Christian civilian and injure four others.
6/6/07 Iraq Balad 2 1 Two small girls are killed in a roadside attack by Islamic terrorists.
6/6/07 Thailand Yala 1 0 A 15-year-old boy is murdered by Islamic radicals.
6/6/07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 21-year-old man is shot to death by Muslim radicals while returning home on a motorbike.
6/6/07 Algeria Tizi Ozo 1 8 Salafists bomb a courthouse, killing at least one Algerian.
6/6/07 Iraq Baghdad 39 35 Nearly forty Iraqis lose their lives to sectarian hatred within the Religion of Peace in various attacks.
6/6/07 India Doda 1 0 A teenage boy is abducted and murdered by the Mujahideen.
6/5/07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A traveling vendor is shot three times in the torso by Islamic gunmen.
6/5/07 Afghanistan Parwan 1 0 The female head of a girls' school is shot to death by religious fundamentalists in front of her 8-year-old.
6/5/07 Iraq Baghdad 33 0 Thirty-three people are killed in sectarian violence between Religion of Peace factions.
6/5/07 Afghanistan Kandahar 1 0 Sunni extremists capture and behead an Afghan doctor.
6/5/07 Iraq Fallujah 19 25 Nineteen attendees at a market are blown to Allah by a Fedayeen suicide car bomber.
6/5/07 Iraq Basra 9 0 Nine barbers are killed by Islamic fundamentalists in three separate attacks over three days.
6/4/07 Somalia Bakara 2 0 Two policemen are shot to death by an Islamic militant.
6/4/07 Lebanon Nahr al-Bared 2 0 Two Lebanese soldiers are killed by Fatah-al-Islam radicals.
6/4/07 Pakistan Gudar 4 0 Four people are shot to death by a Muslim court for the crime of adultery.
6/4/07 Iraq Baghdad 5 8 Jihadis bomb a residential neighborhood and shoot two brothers to death in a separate attack.
6/4/07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 2 A security guard escorting teachers to school dies in an Islamic bombing.
6/4/07 India Poonch 1 2 A civilian is killed when Muslim militants lob a grenade in his direction.
6/4/07 Pakistan Peshawar 1 0 A government official is shot to death outside his home in a sectarian attack.
6/4/07 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 Islamists hiding their faces murder a visiting mayor.
6/3/07 Pakistan Tehsil Salarzai 5 0 Five people are killed in a roadside blast believed to be linked to the Taliban's anti-humanitarian drive.
6/3/07 Afghanistan Paktia 1 0 The Taliban execute an Afghan government official after keeping him hostage for two days.
6/3/07 Iraq Mosul 4 0 Islamists shoot a Catholic priest and three other Christians to death as they are leaving a church.
6/3/07 Iraq Baghdad 31 5 Thirty-one victims of sectarian hatred within Islam are found scattered through the city.
6/3/07 Iraq Baladruz 9 25 Jihadis blow nine Iraqis to Allah with a car bomb.
6/3/07 Iraq Baqouba 10 7 Ten people are killed in two separate attacks, including the brutal machine-gunning of minibus passengers.
6/3/07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A teacher is shot to death by Muslim radicals.
6/3/07 Thailand Narathiwat 0 17 Seventeen men waiting to play soccer are injured by a Muslim bomb.
6/3/07 Algeria Kabylia 1 0 Islamic fundamentalists kill a security guard.
6/3/07 Somalia Mogadishu 7 2 Seven Somalis are murdered by a suicide bomber, including a student.
6/2/07 Algeria Tizi Ouzou 1 10 An Algerian soldier is killed in a bomb attack by armed fundamentalists.
6/2/07 Iraq Shirqat 5 0 A Fedayeen suicide car bomber takes out five Iraqis.
6/2/07 Iraq Baghdad 26 23 Random Jihad attacks leave at least two dozen Iraqs dead.
6/2/07 Afghanistan Ghazni 5 0 Religious extremists attack a man's home, killing his wife, two sons and two other children.
6/1/07 India Nihama 2 3 Mujahideen militants hurl a grenade at a group of Indian police, killing two.
6/1/07 India Baramulla 1 5 A policeman is killed in an attack by Lashkar-e-Toiba on a training school.
6/1/07 Iraq Uweidla 5 25 A suicide truck bomber sends five Iraqis to Allah.
6/1/07 Iraq Baghdad 25 30 Jihadis rain down mortars on an Iraqi neighborhood, killing at least ten civilians. Fifteen others are killed elsewhere.
6/1/07 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 A female journalist is murdered inside her home by religious fanatics.
6/1/07 Saudi Arabia Tabuk 1 0 A man is beaten to death by Saudi religious police for inviting an unrelated woman into his car.
6/1/07 Afghanistan Kunar 2 5 The Taliban kill two women in a rocket attack on a series of homes.
6/1/07 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 Islamists gun down a government official.
5/31/07 Thailand Songkhla 7 0 Seven people are gunned down by radicals in front of a mosque.
5/31/07 Pakistan Guman 13 2 Pro-Taliban militants invade a home, killing thirteen occupants that included two women and many from the same family.
5/31/07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A police officer is shot at point blank range by a Muslim radical pretending to be a customer at a market.
5/31/07 Lebanon Nahr el-Bared 1 0 A solider is killed by a Fatah al-Islam sniper.
5/31/07 Thailand Yala 12 0 Muslim militants bomb a truck full of Thai soldiers, killing all twelve.
5/31/07 Iraq Ramadi 5 15 A suicide bomber kills five other human beings.
5/31/07 Iraq Fallujah 25 50 Twenty-five Iraqis are blown to bits by a suspected al-Qaeda suicide bomber.
5/31/07 Iraq Khalis 4 0 Four farmers are gunned down in their orchard by Islamic terrorists.
5/31/07 Iraq Baghdad 29 0 Twenty-nine victims of sectarian hatred within the Religion of Peace are found bound and executed.
5/30/07 Somalia Huriwa 1 0 A government official is shot to death by two Islamist gunmen.
5/30/07 Afghanistan Helmand 2 1 Fundamentalists kill two Afghan guards at a private security firm with a bomb.
5/30/07 Pakistan Quetta 1 8 A grenade attack on a barbershop leaves at least one patron dead.
5/30/07 Afghanistan Uruzgan 4 1 Taliban extremists kill four highway guards with a bomb.
5/30/07 Iraq Fallujah 8 36 Eight people are killed in Jihad mortar attacks here and in Mahmudiya.
5/30/07 India Doda 1 0 A police chief is assassinated by the Mujahideen.
5/30/07 Iraq Baghdad 24 15 Sectarian violence within the Religion of Peace claims the lives of two dozen civilians.
5/29/07 Iraq Baghdad 38 53 Jihadis bomb a bus, killing thirty-eight passengers and passersby.
5/29/07 Somalia Mogadishu 2 0 Islamic militias kill two civilians in an overnight grenade attack.
5/29/07 Lebanon Nahr el-Bared 1 0 A Lebanese soldier dies from injuries suffered at the hands of a Fatah al-Islam sniper.
5/29/07 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Islamists gun down a 50-year-old man driving his wife to work.
5/29/07 Iraq Baghdad 30 0 Thirty victims of sectarian hatred are found bound and executed by the police.
5/29/07 Iraq Baghdad 20 85 Twenty patrons of a car parts market are blown to bits by the Religion of Peace.
5/29/07 Pakistan Peshawar 1 8 Militants bomb a non-Sharia court building, killing at least one.
5/29/07 Thailand Songkhla 1 12 A victim of a series of bombings from two days earlier dies from injuries - the first fatality.
5/29/07 Iraq Baqubah 21 0 Twenty-one victims of sectarian hatred are found bound and executed.
5/28/07 Thailand Songkhla 4 23 Two children are among four killed when radical Muslims bomb a marketplace.
5/28/07 Iraq Baghdad 24 90 Two dozen people are blown apart by a Jihad truck bombing.
5/28/07 Pakistan Tank 1 1 Islamic militants open fire on a security checkpoint, killing one officer.
5/28/07 Iraq Amiriyat al-Falluja 3 0 Gunmen enter a reporter's home and drag him and his father and brother out to an orchard, where they are shot to death.
5/28/07 Iraq Baghdad 29 81 A female university student killed by a sniper is among thirty people who lose their life to various Islamic attacks.
5/28/07 Pakistan Tank 2 6 A Fedayeen suicide bomber rams into a truck carrying Pakistani soldiers, killing two.
5/28/07 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 A young Islamist shoots a local judge twice in the head.
5/28/07 Ethiopia Jijiga 6 40 al-Ittihad Al-Islami is thought responsible for a hand grenade attack on a crowd.
5/28/07 Iraq Uwaireeg 12 0 A dozen Iraqis are kidnapped, tortured and murdered by Muslim terrorists.
5/28/07 Afghanistan Kunduz 2 1 Two civilians are killed by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
5/27/07 Israel Sderot 1 1 Another Israeli civilian is killed in his car by a Palestinian rocket attack.
5/27/07 Afghanistan Kandahar 6 0 Religious extremists bomb a police vehicle, then open fire on the survivors.
5/27/07 Iraq Ramadi 7 12 Jihadis car bomb a marketplace, killing seven civilians.
5/27/07 Iraq Baghdad 4 0 A noted calligrapher, two farmers and a Kurdish singer are shot to death by radical Islamists in separate attacks.
5/27/07 Iraq Baghdad 44 0 Forty-four victims of sectarian hatred within the Religion of Peace are found dumped.
5/26/07 Pakistan Tank 3 7 Three soliders are killed in a roadside attack by al-Qaeda militants.
5/26/07 Somalia Mogadishu 1 4 A teenage shoe-shiner is killed when Islamists detonate a bomb along a street.
5/26/07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 77-year-old rubber tapper is shot to death by Islamic terrorists, who also kill a 23-year-old in a separate attack.
5/26/07 Iraq Baghdad 29 42 The Religion of Peace car bombs, mortars or shoots to death nearly thirty Iraqi civilians.
5/26/07 Afghanistan Ghazni 5 2 Five young children are killed by a bomb planted by Islamic fundamentalists.
5/26/07 Afghanistan Kandahar 2 3 Two Afghans are killed in a Taliban attack on their vehicle.
5/25/07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Muslim radicals assassinate a village head.
5/25/07 Thailand Yala 2 0 Two teenagers are savagely gunned down on the side of the road by Muslim radicals.
5/25/07 Iraq Baghdad 24 15 Islamic terrorists kill two dozen Iraqis in various sectarian attacks.
5/25/07 Thailand Yala 1 0 Muslims shoot a 40-year-old man in the head and torso. He succumbs to injuries a day later.
5/24/07 Iraq Sulaiman Bek 6 6 Militant Islamists bomb a police vehicle, killing six Iraqis.
5/24/07 Somalia Mogadishu 2 5 Two civilians are killed by a bomb planted by suspected Islamists.
5/24/07 Afghanistan Paktika 7 0 Seven Afghans are blown apart by Islamic fanatics.
5/24/07 Iraq Baghdad 24 15 Two dozen people are murdered in sectarian violence within the Religion of Peace.
5/24/07 Iraq Hdad 13 4 Sunnis stop a bus carrying Shias and machine-gun eleven to death. They then place a bomb among the bodies that kills two additional civilians.
5/24/07 Iraq Nahr al-Bustan 6 0 Muslim terrorists open fire on villagers, killing six.
5/24/07 Iraq Fallujah 35 36 Holy Warriors set off a car bomb at a funeral, massacring three dozen mourners.
5/24/07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 The bullet-riddled body of a 38-year-old man is found a day after being killed by Muslim militants.
5/23/07 Iraq Mandali 22 13 A suicide bomber kills twenty-two people at a café in a horrific massacre.
5/23/07 Thailand Yala 1 0 A 48-year-old Buddhist is murdered by Islamists on his way to work.
5/23/07 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Islamic radicals kill a 40-year-old Buddhist in a drive-by shooting.
5/23/07 Afghanistan Maymana 2 4 Two people are killed by a suicide bomber.
5/23/07 Afghanistan Kabul 2 2 A Fedayeen suicide bomber kills two people near a road construction site.
5/23/07 Afghanistan Herat 1 0 The Taliban kidnap a civilian and cut off his head.
5/23/07 Iraq Ramadi 5 0 Five Iraqis are kidnapped, tortured and murdered by the Mujahideen.
5/23/07 Iraq Albo Obaid 17 0 A 17-year-old suicide bomber murders men, women and children inside a family home.
5/23/07 Saudi Arabia Riyadh 1 0 Saudi religious police handcuff a man and then beat him to death for selling alcohol.
5/23/07 Ingushetia Nazran 7 0 Seven people are killed by a suspected suicide bomber.
5/23/07 Iraq Baghdad 34 3 Jihadis kill three children in a mortar attack and gun down thirty others execution style.
5/22/07 Iraq Baghdad 25 60 Freedom Fighters bomb an open-air market, slaughtering two-dozen shoppers, including women and children.
5/22/07 Iraq Jalawla 6 0 Six young men gathered in front of a home are brutally murdered by Sunni gunmen.
5/22/07 India Reasi 1 0 The body of a murdered civilian surfaces. He had been kidnapped by Muslim militants.
5/22/07 Thailand Yala 4 0 A family of four, including two children, are slaughtered in their home by Muslim militants who then set fire to it.
5/22/07 Iraq Baqubah 6 0 Islamic gunmen spray the inside of a family car with gunfire, killing six members, included four children.
5/22/07 Iraq Baghdad 12 30 Twelve university students are killed in two separate attacks by Islamic radicals on their campus and bus.
5/22/07 Sudan Liba 2 18 Government militias attack a village, killing at least two residents.
5/22/07 Thailand Yala 1 4 Muslims murder a Buddhist man and burn his body.
5/21/07 Iraq Baghdad 26 12 Random sectarian violence within the Religion of Peace leaves over two dozen dead.
5/21/07 Yemen Sanaa 1 1 A bomb hidden in a box kills a young child.
5/21/07 Afghanistan Nangarhar 3 7 Religious extremists kill three Afghans with a remote-controlled bomb.
5/21/07 Israel Sderot 1 1 Palestinians kill a 35-year-old Israeli woman with a rocket.
5/21/07 Lebanon al-Qalamoun 3 3 Three Lebanese soldiers are killed in an attack by Fatah al-Islam.
5/21/07 Pakistan Johar 2 0 In an honor killing, a man kills his sister and her lover over their relationship.
5/21/07 Iraq Hibhib 7 4 Women and children are among the casualties when Islamic gunmen fire on a minibus and then set it ablaze.
5/20/07 Iraq Baghdad 26 10 Jihadis kill over two-dozen Iraqis in various attacks.
5/20/07 Afghanistan Gardez 14 31 A suicide bomber blows himself up at a market, slaughtering over a dozen others.
5/20/07 Somalia Mogadishu 2 2 Islamic militias kill two civilians in a roadside attack.
5/20/07 Lebanon al-Qalamoun 17 45 al-Qaeda linked militants calling themselves 'Fatah al-Islam' kill thirteen Lebanese soldiers and four civilians.
5/20/07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A villager is murdered by Islamic terrorists.
5/20/07 Thailand Yala 1 1 Muslims open fire on a Buddhist woman and her son, killing the teenage boy.
5/20/07 Iraq Ramadi 11 52 Eleven people are killed when Sunni terrorists detonate a chlorine bomb on a city street.
5/20/07 Iraq Tikrit 14 0 Fourteen victims of sectarian violence are found here and in Kut.
5/20/07 Afghanistan Helmand 11 0 Eleven Afghan policemen are brutally slain in a Taliban ambush.
5/20/07 Lebanon Beirut 1 10 A 63-year-old woman is killed in a bomb attack on a Christian neighborhood.
5/20/07 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A Buddhist construction worker is killed by Muslim radicals, who then burn his body.
5/19/07 Afghanistan Kunduz 9 14 Six civilians are among nine killed by a suicide bomber along a crowded city street.
5/19/07 Afghanistan Shinwar 2 3 Two Afghans are killed in a Taliban terror bombing.
5/19/07 Iraq Mandali 15 0 Fifteen Kurdish villagers are shot to death by Sunni terrorists.
5/19/07 Thailand Yala 1 0 A 33-year-old Buddhist is shot to death by Muslim terrorists while working his rubber plantation.
5/19/07 Iraq Baghdad 31 20 A market is car-bombed, adding to the toll from random Jihad attacks that leave thirty-one Iraqis dead.
5/19/07 India Baramulla 1 1 The Hizb-ul-Mujahideen opens fire on a security patrol, killing one member.
5/19/07 Thailand Yala 1 0 Islamists gun down a villager in a drive-by attack.
5/19/07 Thailand Yala 1 0 A Buddhist motorcycle mechanic is shot to death by Muslim radicals.
5/19/07 Iraq Basra 15 0 Seven janitors are among fifteen innocents kidnapped and tortured by suspected Shia radicals.
5/18/07 Iraq Baghdad 31 10 Two ABC journalists are among thirty-one Iraqis cut down in various Jihad attacks.
5/18/07 India Hyderabad 11 35 A pipe-bombing in the washing area of a mosque leaves eleven worshippers dead.
5/18/07 Iraq Kirkuk 3 0 A 7-year-old boy is among three people dragged from a car and shot to death by Freedom Fighters.
5/18/07 Iraq Kut 5 0 A 12-year-old child is among five people executed by sectarian Jihadis.
5/18/07 Iraq Baqoubah 9 0 Nine people are killed by Muslim terrorists.
5/18/07 Philippines Cotabato 3 20 An Islamic terror group is suspected in a bombing at a bus terminal that kills a 5-year-old boy and two others.
5/18/07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Muslim radicals gun down a cop.
5/17/07 Iraq Kirkuk 8 0 Eight innocents are blown to bits by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
5/17/07 Afghanistan Kandahar 2 4 A suicide attack by religious extremists leaves two civilians dead.
5/17/07 Afghanistan Kandahar 7 4 The Taliban kill seven Afghans with separate blasts, including those who rushed to the aid of victims from the first.
5/17/07 Iraq Baghdad 13 0 Thirteen people are kidnapped and tortured to death by Islamic terrorists.
5/16/07 Somalia Mogadishu 5 5 Five Ugandan peacekeepers are murdered in a roadside bombing attack.
5/16/07 Pal. Auth. Gaza 1 0 A nurse traveling in an ambulance is shot in the head by unknown Muslim gunmen.
5/16/07 Pakistan Tank 5 12 Five civilians waiting for a bus are cut down in a rocket attack by religious extremists.
5/16/07 Pal. Auth. Gaza 6 0 Hamas militants storm a home, line up six men against a wall and shoot them to death.
5/16/07 Pal. Auth. Gaza 8 0 Hamas gunmen fire on a vehicle carrying prisoners, killing seven persons.
5/16/07 Iraq Abu Saida 45 60 Freedom fighters detonate a chlorine gas bomb in a town, killing at least forty-five Iraqis.
5/16/07 Somalia Shabelle 8 6 At least two journalists are among eight killed when Islamic militias riddle their vehicle with automatic weapons.
5/16/07 Iraq Fallujah 7 0 Seven tribesman are murdered by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
5/16/07 Iraq Kirkuk 3 2 Jihadis stop a truck hauling concrete and shoot three occupants to death.
5/16/07 Algeria Constantine 1 2 A police officer is killed in a bombing attack by Islamic fundamentalists.
5/15/07 Pal. Auth. Karni 8 0 Eight Palestinian police are killed in cold blood by Hamas terrorists.
5/15/07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A village chief is shot to death by Islamic radicals while sitting in his car.
5/15/07 Pakistan Peshawar 25 46 A suicide bomber massacres over two dozen people, mostly Afghan refugees, at a hotel. These include women and children.
5/15/07 Somalia Bardere 5 15 Islamic fundamentalists toss a grenade into a packed theatre, killing two children and three adults watching a movie.
5/15/07 Iraq Baghdad 28 23 Muslim terrorists rack up nearly thirty dead Iraqis in various attacks.
5/15/07 Iraq Abu Saida 12 22 A suicidal Sunni blows a dozen innocents to Allah.
5/14/07 India Kupwara 1 0 A teacher is shot to death by the Mujahideen.
5/14/07 Iraq Baghdad 14 18 Jihadis net fourteen civilian deaths in two bombing attacks.
5/14/07 Thailand Pattani 2 1 A Buddhist married couple are killed, with the father beheaded in front of their 3-year-old daughter by the Religion of Peace.
5/14/07 Thailand Yala 2 0 Two plantation laborers are shot to death by Muslim militants.
5/14/07 Afghanistan Panjwaii 1 1 The Taliban kill an Afghan interpretor in a rocket attack.
5/14/07 Pakistan Tank 1 2 A government soldier is killed when terrorists toss a grenade at his vehicle.
5/14/07 Iraq Mosul 26 7 Two dozen victims of sectarian violence within Islam are found here and in the capital.
5/13/07 Iraq Baghdad 22 0 Twenty-two victims of sectarian hatred within the Religion of Peace are found murdered.
5/13/07 Iraq Baghdad 17 46 Sunni terrorists bomb a restaurant, killing seventeen.
5/13/07 Afghanistan Nangarhar 1 2 An Afghan is killed in a roadside bomb attack by Islamic fundamentalists.
5/13/07 Pal. Auth. Beit Lahiya 2 0 Two Palestinians are killed when Hamas gunmen open fire on their car.
5/13/07 Iraq Mahmur 32 115 A suicide truck bomber murders dozens of Iraqis in an attack on a Kurdish government building.
5/13/07 Algeria Skikda 3 3 Three Algerians are killed when fundamentalists bomb their vehicle.
5/13/07 Somalia Bakara 1 0 Islamic militias are suspected in the assassination of a government official at a market.
5/13/07 Iraq Baqubah 16 9 A spasm of religious violence leaves a trail of dead women and headless bodies in multiple attacks.
5/13/07 Iraq Eweiraj 5 4 Islamic gunmen murder five workers at a flour mill.
5/13/07 Thailand Yala 2 0 A husband and wife working at a rubber plantation are shot to death by radical Muslims.
5/12/07 Somalia Mogadishu 4 3 Four people are killed when Islamic militias bomb a vehicle.
5/12/07 Afghanistan Kandahar 8 0 Eight policemen are murdered in a Taliban ambush.
5/12/07 Thailand Yala 1 0 Islamists shoot a man to death at a wedding party.
5/12/07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Muslims gun down a Buddhist civilian in a drive-by attack.
5/12/07 Thailand Yala 3 0 Three rubber-tappers are brutally shot to death by Islamic terrorists.
5/12/07 Iraq Baghdad 19 1 Nineteen people are killed by Islamic terrorists in sectarian violence.
5/11/07 Algeria Jijel 1 2 Fundamentalists bomb a police checkpoint, killing one Algerian.
5/11/07 Iraq Baghdad 23 57 Freedom Fighters bomb two bridges, killing two dozen Iraqi commuters and guards.
5/11/07 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 Islamists murder two police officers, then set fire to the bodies.
5/11/07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 2 A Buddhist villager is shot to death by Muslim radicals.
5/11/07 Iraq Mosul 3 0 Three captured Iraqi soldiers are forced to kneel and call on others to join the terrorists, before being brutally executed to shouts of 'Allah Akbar.'
5/11/07 Iraq Fallujah 24 0 Two dozen victims of sectarian hatred within the Religion of Peace are found in two locations.
5/11/07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 An elderly villager is gunned down by militant Muslims in front of a food shop.
5/11/07 India Kupwara 3 0 Three soldiers succumb to injuries suffered in an earlier attack by the Mujahideen.
5/11/07 Egypt Behma 0 10 Ten Christians are injured as a Muslim mob rampages through their neighborhood, enraged over the construction of a church.
5/11/07 Iraq Balad 3 2 Muslim gunmen shoot three women to death, as they are riding in a car.
5/10/07 Somalia Mogadishu 2 1 Two civilians are killed when Islamists detonate a roadside bomb.
5/10/07 Iraq Baghdad 23 0 Twenty-three victims of sectarian hatred are found, including several women from the same family.
5/10/07 Iraq Baghdad 9 0 The 'Islamic Army in Iraq' captures nine Iraqi policemen, forces them to kneel, then shoots each in the back of the head while yelling 'Allah Akbar.'
5/10/07 Afghanistan Paktika 3 7 Three Afghan civilians are killed by a suicide bomber.
5/9/07 Iraq Irbil 19 80 A suicidal Sunni takes out nineteen innocent people at an oil ministry building in the name of Allah.
5/9/07 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A hospital worker is killed by Islamic terrorists.
5/9/07 Thailand Yala 1 1 A father is murdered, and his 12-year-old son injured, by Muslim radicals.
5/9/07 Thailand Narathiwat 7 0 Seven Thai soldiers are ambushed with a roadside bomb. Islamists then shoot the wounded in the head.
5/9/07 Iraq al-Jeblah 13 0 Ten women, two children, and one bus driver are massacred by Freedom Fighters up close and personal.
5/9/07 Iraq Baghdad 32 0 Four beheaded bodies are among over thirty victims of sectarian hatred found around the country.
5/9/07 Somalia Mogadishu 1 1 A woman is killed when Islamic militants hurl a grenade into a market.
5/9/07 India Sopore 1 0 A 30-year-old shopkeeper is shot to death by the Mujahideen.
5/9/07 Iraq Kirkuk 4 0 Four Iraqi journalists are dragged from their car and brutally tortured to death by holy warriors.
5/8/07 Iraq Baghdad 28 9 Twenty-eight Iraqis are liberated by Freedom Fighters in various attacks.
5/8/07 Afghanistan Kandahar 1 0 A 38-year-old Afghan is murdered by Islamic extremists on his way to work.
5/8/07 Philippines Tacurong 8 23 Jemaah Islamiyah bombers suspected in blast at a crowded market. Eight are killed instantly or succumb to wounds.
5/8/07 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A Buddhist man is shot to death by Muslims as he is on his way to work.
5/8/07 Pal. Auth. Rafah 1 0 A man shoots his 35-year-old sister in the head to preserve 'family honor.'
5/8/07 Iraq Diyala 2 0 A married couple are shot to death by Islamic terrorists at the school where they work.
5/8/07 Iraq Khanaqin 9 23 A suicide bomber kills two people, as seven more Jihad victims are found elsewhere.
5/8/07 India Kupwara 1 2 An Indian security force member is shot to death by infiltrating terrorists.
5/8/07 Iraq Kufa 45 80 Up to forty-five Iraqis are blown to bits by a Fedayeen suicide bomber at an open-air market near a school.
5/7/07 Somalia Mogadishu 2 7 Two children die and seven people are wounded when Islamic militias detonate a bomb in the street.
5/7/07 Thailand Yala 2 1 A 70-year-old Buddhist man is among two rubber tappers murdered by Islamic radicals.
5/7/07 Iraq Ramadi 25 40 Two suicide car bombers massacre over two dozen Iraqis, including those who came to help victims of the first blast.
5/7/07 Afghanistan Kabul 1 5 A young boy is among the casualities when Islamic extremists fire a rocket into a public building.
5/7/07 Thailand Yala 1 0 A Buddhist plantation worker is shot and set on fire by militant Muslims.
5/7/07 Iraq Mandili 4 2 Terrorists open up on a bus with automatic weapons, killing four civilians.
5/7/07 Iraq Khalis 4 0 A woodcarver and his three sons are brutally slain inside their shop by Islamic terrorists.
5/7/07 Iraq Baghdad 36 4 Sectarian hatred within the Religion of Peace accounts for three dozen deaths in at least three attacks.
5/6/07 Iraq Baghdad 42 70 Sunnis car bomb a crowded market, slaughtering over forty Iraqis.
5/6/07 Afghanistan Ghazni 5 2 Religious extremists target a road construction crew with a roadside bomb, killing five members.
5/6/07 Pal. Auth Rafah 1 4 Islamic fundamentalists attack a school that "mixes" girls and boys in class, killing at least one person.
5/6/07 Iraq Baghdad 28 11 Jihadis rack up twenty-eight dead Iraqis in various attacks.
5/6/07 Iraq Samarra 12 11 A suicide bomber blows a dozen souls to Allah.
5/6/07 Chechnya Vedeno 4 3 Four policemen are killed by Jihad militants.
5/6/07 Iraq Karma 28 12 A brutal attack on a wedding party in which twenty-eight people are kidnapped and either beheaded or burned to death.
5/6/07 Afghanistan Kabul 2 2 Two American prison guards are killed by a militant in an Afghan army uniform.
5/6/07 Pakistan Punjab 2 1 Sunnis shoot two Shia clerics to death inside a home.
5/5/07 Afghanistan Farah 8 2 Taliban fighters attack a small town, killing at least eight Afghans defending it.
5/5/07 Thailand Yala 1 1 Islamists bomb a public school, killing a guard.
5/5/07 Thailand Yala 3 0 A 2-year-old girl is among three people killed by an Islamic bombing.
5/5/07 Thailand Yala 1 0 A man is gunned down by Muslim extremists in a drive-by shooting.
5/5/07 Iraq Baghdad 3 0 Terrorists mortar a soccer field, killing three children.
5/5/07 Iraq Baghdad 16 21 A suicide bomber targets young police recruits, murdering at least sixteen.
5/5/07 Iraq Kannan 4 0 Four members of one family are shot to death by Islamic gunmen.
5/5/07 Afghanistan Helmand 2 0 A suicide bomber rams into a police vehicle, killing two Afghans.
5/5/07 Pakistan Dera Ismail Khan 1 0 A civilian is gunned down in a sectarian attack.
5/4/07 Iraq Suwayra 8 0 Eight people are kidnapped and executed by the Mujahideen.
5/4/07 Iraq Hilla 5 35 Sunnis bomb a Shia mosque, killing at least five.
5/4/07 Iraq Fallujah 9 0 Nine people, including four brothers, are kidnapped and executed by the Mujahideen.
5/4/07 Pakistan Miran Shah 1 0 Islamists open fire on a car, killing the driver.
5/4/07 Thailand Yala 1 0 A man is hacked to death by Islamists in public view at a market.
5/4/07 Thailand Yala 3 0 A 7-year-old boy and an 11-year-old girl are shot to death along with their father by Islamic 'rebels.'
5/4/07 Iraq Baghdad 22 2 Two guards at a rival mosque are among twenty-two people killed by sectarian terrorists.
5/4/07 Thailand Yala 1 0 Muslim radicals shoot a man to death and throw his body in a river.
5/3/07 Iraq Baghdad 9 0 In a brutal attack, Muslim gunmen storm a home and slaughter a family of nine.
5/3/07 Afghanistan Kabul 1 29 Religious extremists hide a bomb in a fruit cart, killing at least one innocent at a market.
5/3/07 Afghanistan Oruzgan 1 0 A suicide bomber kills at least one Afghan national.
5/3/07 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Muslims gun down a policeman guarding a school.
5/3/07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A villager is shot to death by Muslim radicals.
5/3/07 Afghanistan Helmand 1 0 A British soldier is shot to death by Taliban terrorists while manning a checkpoint.
5/3/07 Iraq Baghdad 29 0 Four Filipinos are among twenty-nine people killed by Muslim terrorists in separate attacks.
5/3/07 Iraq Baiji 6 0 Sunnis kidnap and murder six Iraqi policemen.
5/3/07 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 35-year-old Buddhist succumbs to injuries suffered from a bomb attack days earlier.
5/2/07 Chechnya Grozny 2 0 Islamic militants set off a remote-controlled bomb, killing two policemen.
5/2/07 Iraq Baghdad 30 0 Thirty bodies are found dumped following their execution at the hands of sectarian terrorists.
5/2/07 India Handwara 1 0 A cop is gunned down by the Mujahideen.
5/2/07 Afghanistan Paktia 5 2 Five Afghan troops are killed when Taliban ambush a Czech diplomat's vehicle.
5/2/07 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 A lawmaker is shot to death outside his home.
5/2/07 Pakistan Goorwak 1 0 al-Qaeda-backed militants kidnap a man, then cut off his head.
5/2/07 Iraq Mahmoudiya 11 1 Jihadis kill eleven people near a minibus with an explosive.
5/2/07 Iraq Baghdad 4 35 A suicidal Sunni takes out four Shia civilians in a blast.
5/1/07 Thailand Pattani 1 26 Four children are among the injured when Muslim bombers detonate explosives outside a market.
5/1/07 Iraq Baqubah 10 0 Ten victims of Islamic terrorists are found shot to death.
5/1/07 Iraq Baghdad 19 6 Nineteen Iraqis are killed in sectarian attacks.
5/1/07 Thailand Yala 1 4 A man is gunned down by Muslim militants at a gas station. His wife and young daughter are injured in the attack.
5/1/07 Iraq Iskandariyah 14 8 Sunni gunmen fire on Shia vehicles from a highway overpass, killing at least fourteen innocents, including women and children.
4/30/07 Afghanistan Kandahar 1 3 A suicide bomber kills an Afghan citizen in a highway attack.
4/30/07 Iraq Ramadi 6 10 Freedom fighters murder six Iraqis with a chlorine bomb.
4/30/07 Pakistan Jandola 2 0 al-Qaeda militants abduct and behead two civilians.
4/30/07 Iraq Baghdad 37 50 Nearly forty people are killed in various sectarian attacks within the Religion of Peace.
4/30/07 Ethiopia Jijiga 2 3 Two Christians are killed when Muslims bomb a tent gathering.
4/30/07 Iraq Khalis 32 52 A suicidal Sunni takes out thirty-two mourners at a Shia funeral with an explosives vest.
4/29/07 Iraq Baqubah 12 5 A disembodied head and a shooting ambush on a minibus carrying female university students are part of a dozen deaths at the hands of Muslim terrorists.
4/29/07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 1 Muslim gunmen take out a 3-year-old boy riding in a truck.
4/29/07 India Srinagar 1 25 A Mujahideen grenade attack on a bus stand leaves a woman dead.
4/29/07 Iraq Kut 1 9 A 9-year-old boy is killed when Jihadis bomb a house.
4/29/07 Pakistan Naray Dhoke 1 0 A militant attack on a security post leaves one officer dead.
4/29/07 Thailand Pattani 2 0 Two Buddhists, including a 14-year-old boy, are murdered by militant Muslims. One is beheaded and both bodies are burned.
4/29/07 India Kulgam 1 0 A civilian is shot to death by the Mujahideen.
4/29/07 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 60-year-old cattleman is murdered by Islamic gunmen.
4/29/07 Afghanistan Herat 2 1 A Taliban roadside attack kills two Afghan soldiers.
4/29/07 Iraq Baghdad 17 8 Three street sweepers are among seventeen people murdered by Islamic radicals in separate attacks.
4/28/07 Iraq Zafaraniyah 4 3 Four Iraqi humanitarian workers are taken down by Islamic gunmen.
4/28/07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 45-year-old man is killed by Muslim gunmen in a drive-by.
4/28/07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 37-year-old civilian is ambushed and killed by radical Muslims.
4/28/07 Pakistan Peshawar 28 35 A suicidal religious extremist blows twenty-eight souls to Allah in an assassination attempt on a government minister.
4/28/07 Iraq Baghdad 4 1 Freedom fighters massacre four Iraqi humanitarian workers.
4/28/07 Iraq Karbala 60 170 Freedom fighters car-bomb a Shia shrine, killing sixty innocent people.
4/28/07 Iraq Baghdad 22 22 Twenty-two people are killed in Muslim sectarian attacks.
4/28/07 Iraq Baqubah 27 0 Twenty-seven victims of Islamic terrorism are discovered in two locations, handcuffed and tortured.
4/28/07 Iraq Mosul 17 0 Seventeen bodies are found of kidnapped and murdered victims of the Religion of Peace.
4/27/07 Iraq Kirkuk 1 0 A human rights activist is successfully assassinated by the Religion of Peace.
4/27/07 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 70-year-old Buddhist man is shot off of his motorcycle by Islamic 'rebels.'
4/27/07 Iraq Hit 10 20 A suicide truck bomber takes out ten Iraqis.
4/27/07 Pakistan North Waziristan 4 0 Four people are killed when explosives level a house in the middle of the night.
4/27/07 Sudan Gnaya 4 5 Four Christians, including a boy, are shot to death by radical Muslims after showing a 'Jesus' film in a village.
4/27/07 Chechnya Shatoi 17 0 Islamic fundamentalists shoot down a Russian helicopter, killing all seventeen aboard.
4/26/07 Afghanistan Barmal 1 1 A rocket attack by religious extremists leaves at least one civilian dead.
4/26/07 Lebanon Sidon 2 0 A 12-year-old is among two people kidnapped and murdered in ugly fashion by sectarian rivals.
4/26/07 Afghanistan Barmal 2 0 Two civilians are shot to death by suspected Islamic militants.
4/26/07 Iraq Mosul 3 59 Islamic militants set off several bombs, killing at least three civilians.
4/26/07 Pakistan Dera Ismail Khan 2 0 Two men are gunned down by Islamic militants at an Internet café.
4/26/07 Afghanistan Ghazni 2 0 The Taliban murder two government officials.
4/26/07 Afghanistan Mihtarlam 1 0 A civilian is killed in a Taliban bombing.
4/26/07 Iraq Baghdad 35 19 Jihadis bomb a university, killing eight people, and murder twenty-seven others in sectarian attacks.
4/25/07 Iraq Mosul 2 2 Fundamentalists attack a bakery, killing the owner and an assistant.
4/25/07 Iraq Balad Ruz 9 16 Nine Iraqis are murdered by a suicide bomber.
4/25/07 Iraq Baghdad 24 10 A Jihad bombing and several sectarian attacks leave two dozen dead.
4/25/07 Afghanistan Paktika 7 1 Seven Afghan soldiers are killed when the Taliban use a roadside bomb against their vehicle.
4/25/07 Somalia Mogadishu 7 0 Somali Islamists set off a car bomb near a hotel, killing seven innocents.
4/25/07 Pakistan Dera Ismail Khan 3 0 Two Shia brothers are among three killed in a vicious attack by Sunnis.
4/24/07 Iraq Baghdad 19 0 Nineteen victims of sectarian hatred within the Religion of Peace are found throughout the city.
4/24/07 Afghanistan Herat 4 2 Four Afghans are killed when religious extremists ambush their vehicle.
4/24/07 Iraq Baqubah 8 17 Eight people are killed by Islamic terrorists.
4/24/07 Iraq Ramadi 25 44 A suicide truck bomber punches his own ticket to Allah - and that of twenty-five others.
4/23/07 Iraq Baghdad 23 14 A suicidal Sunni attacks a restaurant, blasting eight civilians to death. Fifteen victims of sectarian violence are found elsewhere.
4/23/07 Iraq Diyala 9 20 A Fedayeen suicide bomber attacks an American convoy, killing nine soldiers.
4/23/07 Somalia Mogadishu 4 1 A woman is among the dead, and a baby among the wounded, as Somali Islamists continue to pour on the misery.
4/23/07 Thailand Yala 1 0 Islamists shoot and attempt to behead a 40-year-old Buddhist man.
4/23/07 Iraq Mosul 10 20 A suicide bomber rams his car into the offices of a political party, slaughtering ten civilians.
4/23/07 Iraq Baqubah 10 23 A suicide bomber kills ten Iraqi policemen and injures two dozen more.
4/23/07 Iraq Ramadi 19 30 Coordinated car bombs take out nineteen innocent lives in the name of Allah.
4/22/07 Iraq Iskandariya 2 0 A young girl is among two targets taken out by Islamic gunmen.
4/22/07 Thailand Pattani 1 1 Radical Muslims gun down a husband and injure his wife.
4/22/07 Pakistan Mastung 3 0 Three children, agest 2, 5 and 12, are killed when Muslim terrorists throw explosives into a home.
4/22/07 Afghanistan Khost 10 40 Ten civilians are murdered by a suicide bomber at a market.
4/22/07 Iraq Baghdad 13 95 Fedayeen suicide bombers kill 13 people, mostly civilians.
4/22/07 Iraq Saidiya 7 42 Jihadis blast seven Iraqi civilians to Allah with a car bomb.
4/22/07 Iraq Bashika 23 0 Twenty-three members of a minority religious sect are kidnapped on a bus, taken to a wall and shot to death by the Religion of Peace.
4/22/07 Afghanistan Ghazni 1 0 An Afghan intelligence officer is invited into a home, then kidnapped and beheaded by Islamic extremists.
4/22/07 Afghanistan Zabul 2 5 Religious extremists bomb a vehicle, killing two Afghan police.
4/22/07 India Doda 3 0 Lashkar-e-Toiba militants attack and kill three Hizb-ul-Mujahideen who were planning to surrender.
4/21/07 Iraq Kirkuk 4 0 Holy Warriors storm a family home and murder two children and their parents.
4/21/07 Iraq Khalis 8 0 Eight tortured bodies are found, four of who are beheaded in the Islamic tradition.
4/21/07 Iraq Baghdad 13 5 A bomb on a bus is among at least two Mujahideen attacks that leave thirteen civilians dead.
4/21/07 Thailand Pattani 3 1 Three Thai soldiers are killed when local religious extremists set off a bomb.
4/20/07 Iraq Baghdad 25 27 Two children are among two dozen Iraqis killed by sectarian Jihadis in various attacks.
4/20/07 India Rajouri 2 0 Islamic terrorists kidnap and behead two Hindu civilians collecting firewood.
4/19/07 Iraq Shirqat 4 0 Islamic terrorists set a car on fire, with four people inside.
4/19/07 Somalia Mogadishu 10 71 At least ten people, mostly civilians are killed when a Muslim sucide bomber detonates his truck near an Ethiopian army base.
4/19/07 Philippines Parang 7 0 Seven Christian laborers are kidnapped and beheaded by Moro Islamists.
4/19/07 Iraq Baghdad 26 4 Three Jihad attacks leave twenty-six bodies, nearly all civilians, including a teenage girl.
4/19/07 Somalia Mogadishu 12 20 Islamic militias mortar a crowded market, killing a dozen civilians.
4/19/07 Iraq Baghdad 11 34 A Fedayeen suicide bomber drives his truck into a fuel tanker at a gas station, killing eleven innocent people.
4/19/07 India Baramulla 1 0 The Mujahideen force their way into a home and then shoot a civilian resident to death.
4/19/07 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 Two Buddhist teeanage girls are shot to death by Islamists.
4/18/07 Thailand Yala 1 0 A 44-year-old civilian is shot off of his motorcycle by Muslim radicals.
4/18/07 Iraq Baghdad 192 239 Sunnis slaughter nearly two-hundred Iraqi civilians, mostly Shia women and children in multiple bombing attacks. Some victims were burned alive in vehicles.
4/18/07 Turkey Malatya 3 3 Three Christians working at a Bible distribution company are brutally tortured and murdered by local Islamists. All three had their throats cut.
4/18/07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Islamic terrorists shoot a 52-year-old civilian to death.
4/18/07 Iraq Baghdad 22 0 Twenty-two bodies are found here and elsewhere, some of which were beheaded by Islamic radicals.
4/18/07 Somalia Mogadishu 3 6 Islamic militias rain down mortars over a residential area, killing three civilians.
4/17/07 Iraq Hawija 3 4 Jihadis car-bomb a gas station, killing three patrons.
4/17/07 Nigeria Kano 13 0 A woman is among thirteen people torn apart by Muslim fundamentalists in a mob attack.
4/17/07 Afghanistan Kandahar 5 0 The Taliban bomb a UN vehicle, killing five occupants.
4/17/07 Afghanistan Heart 4 3 Four children are killed by a bomb planted by religious extremists at their school.
4/17/07 Iraq Ramadi 17 0 Seventeen people are kidnapped and brutally executed by Islamic terrorists.
4/17/07 Iraq Abu Saida 2 5 Muslim gunmen attack a displaced family, killing two members.
4/17/07 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 Muslim radicals kill two Buddhist plantation workers with a shotgun, then cut the head off of one.
4/17/07 Sudan Sires Umm al-Qura 73 12 Government troops of the Islamic republic massacre over seventy African villagers in at least eleven separate attacks over three days.
4/17/07 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A Buddhist police officer is gunned down by Muslim radicals.
4/17/07 Iraq Baghdad 15 16 A university professor is among fifteen people gunned down in at least three Jihad attacks.
4/16/07 Thailand Yala 1 0 Islamists murder a civilian in a drive-by attack ouside a tea shop.
4/16/07 Iraq Baghdad 14 7 A female university student is among fourteen people murdered in separate Jihad attacks.
4/16/07 Pakistan Kohat-Peshawar 1 2 A man is shot to death by Islamic terrorists in an attack on a highway.
4/16/07 Thailand Yala 1 0 A town mayor is gunned down in a Muslim terror attack outside his home.
4/16/07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 3 Ten Islamic militants open fire on a Thai army base, killing one soldier.
4/16/07 Afghanistan Kunduz 10 32 A Fedayeen suicide bomber kills ten Afghans and injures another thirty.
4/16/07 Iraq Diyala 1 1 Fundamentalists kill a barber in his shop.
4/16/07 Pakistan Badh Beer 3 4 Three children are killed, and four others injured when militants toss a grenade into a family home.
4/16/07 India Doda 1 1 Two civilians are abducted by the Mujahideen, who kill one in captivity.
4/16/07 Iraq Mosul 23 4 Two college professors and a 17-year-old boy are two dozen Iraqis murdered in four separate attacks
4/16/07 India Pulwama 1 0 Lashkar-e-Toiba militants kill a guard near a railway track.
4/15/07 Iraq Mosul 4 16 Four people are killed when suicidal Sunnis drive bomb-laden trucks into a building.
4/15/07 Iraq Baghdad 15 50 A coordinated bomb attack on a market leave about fifteen patrons dead and another fifty in agony.
4/15/07 Iraq Baghdad 44 43 Several attacks by Jihadis, including three car bombings, leave over forty Iraqi civilians dead.
4/15/07 India Munawajji 2 1 Two civilians are murdered in a shooting attack on their vehicle by the Mujahideen.
4/15/07 Afghanistan Spin Boldak 4 1 A suicide bomber kills several Afghans in an attack on a highway.
4/15/07 India Pulwama 1 0 A Christian church worker is kidnapped, brutally tortured and then beheaded by the Mujahideen.
4/15/07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 70-year-old Buddhist man is shot three times in the torso by Muslim radicals, who then set fire to his body.
4/15/07 Algeria Ait Mahmoud 2 0 Two Berber civilians are shot to death by five Islamic militants.
4/14/07 Afghanistan Khost 8 6 Eight Afghan police are murdered by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
4/14/07 Iraq Karbala 47 224 Sixteen children are among 47 Shias slaughtered by a suicidal Sunni bomber at a bus station near a crowded market.
4/14/07 Philippines Panamao 3 10 A child is among three killed when Moro Islamic Front terrorists attack a military camp.
4/14/07 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 Islamic terrorists gun down two civilians riding a motorcycle.
4/14/07 Iraq Baghdad 29 19 Twenty-nine people are murdered by sectarian Jihadis in at least three attacks around the country.
4/14/07 Algeria Boumerdes 4 2 Four Algerian security are killed in an ambush by Islamic fundamentalists.
4/14/07 Iraq Baghdad 35 50 A suicide car bomber kills thirty-five Iraqi commuters on a downtown bridge.
4/13/07 India Batmalu 1 1 Hizb-ul-Mujahideen opens fire on a policeman in a brutal attack that also injures a young girl.
4/13/07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 19-year-old boy is shot to death by Muslim radicals.
4/12/07 Philippines Indanan 2 10 Abu Sayyaf gunmen kill two Filipino soldiers.
4/12/07 Pakistan Chardiwar 5 6 Sunni gunmen raid a Shia village, killing five civilians.
4/12/07 Somalia Mogadishu 2 0 Two civilians are killed from stray bullets as Islamic militias ambush government troops.
4/12/07 Iraq Baghdad 8 23 A Fedayeen suicide bomber detonates in a parliament building, killing eight fellow Iraqis.
4/12/07 Iraq Baghdad 10 30 Jihadis bomb a bridge, killing ten Iraqi commuters.
4/12/07 Iraq Kirkuk 6 19 Holy warriors bomb a minibus, killing six passengers.
4/12/07 Iraq Baghdad 19 9 Sectarian violence claims the lives of nearly twenty people around the capital.
4/12/07 Pakistan Miranshah 1 3 One civilian is killed when militants fire a rocket into a house.
4/12/07 Somalia Mogadishu 52 165 Islamic militias shoot rockets and mortars into populated areas in a running battle against the government.
4/11/07 Iraq Baghdad 34 8 A teacher is among thirty-four people murderd by Islamic terrorists in at least five attacks around the country.
4/11/07 Somalia Mogadishu 3 0 Three people riding a minibus are shot full of holes in an attack by Islamic gunmen.
4/11/07 Afghanistan Kandahar 2 9 Nine civilians are wounded by a suicide bomber. Two Canadians are killed in a separate bombing.
4/11/07 Thailand Yala 1 0 A 26-year-old Buddhist woman is burned alive by the Religion of Peace.
4/11/07 Thailand Yala 2 0 A 19-year-old Buddhist man and his mother are gunned down by radical Muslims.
4/11/07 Pakistan Sadda 27 30 Sectarian clashes between Sunni and Shia leave at least twenty-seven dead.
4/11/07 Algeria Algiers 33 222 Thirty-three people are killed by Islamic fundamentalists in three separate suicide bombings.
4/11/07 Bangladesh Jhalakathi 1 0 Jama'atul Mujahideen is suspected to be behind the assassination of a prosecutor.
4/11/07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 50-year-old man is murdered by Muslim gunmen.
4/11/07 Iraq Mosul 2 0 A woman journalist and her husband are kidnapped and brutally murdered. Their bodies are set on fire.
4/11/07 Sudan Abujogh Market 40 25 Arab militias massacre forty African villagers in an attack with heavy machine-guns.
4/11/07 Pakistan Kurram 3 11 Separate missile attacks on three villages by Islamic radicals kill at least three civilians.
4/10/07 India Srinagar 1 10 A shopkeeper is killed when Mujahideen terrorists toss a grenade into his store.
4/10/07 Iraq Muqdadiyah 21 33 A woman with explosives hidden beneath her abaya wades into a crowd of police recruits and slaughters sixteen. A second bombing kills five more.
4/10/07 Iraq Baghdad 6 11 Six people are murdered when Sunni radicals set off a bomb near a university.
4/10/07 Iraq Baghdad 1 17 One 6-year-old boy is killed and seventeen other children and teachers injured when Jihadis send a rocket into a basketball court.
4/10/07 Iraq Hilla 2 4 Islamic terrorists plant a bomb in a home, netting six casualties from the same family.
4/10/07 Iraq Fallujah 10 1 Five victims of sectarian violence are found here, and five others elsewhere.
4/10/07 Pakistan Balishtkhel 3 0 Fighting between Sunnis and shi leaves three people dead.
4/10/07 Pakistan Pir Qayyum 3 0 Three people lose their lives in sectarian violence.
4/10/07 Pakistan Ibrahimzai 1 0 A man is killed in fighting between sectarian factions.
4/10/07 Pakistan Shingak 1 0 Sectarian violence within the Religion of Peace claims another life.
4/10/07 Morocco Casablanca 1 1 A police officer is killed by a suicide bomber.
4/9/07 Iraq Baghdad 17 The bodies of seventeen victims of sectarian violence within the Religion of Peace are found.
4/9/07 Thailand Yala 1 0 A Buddhist ice cream vendor is gunned down by Muslim terrorists.
4/9/07 Thailand Yala 1 0 A 34-year-old Buddhist man is killed in a drive-by shooting by Islamic radicals.
4/9/07 Thailand Yala 1 0 A 55-year-old truck driver's body is ripped in half by a Muslim bomb.
4/9/07 Afghanistan Khakraiz 1 0 A civilian is killed in a Taliban attack.
4/9/07 Afghanistan Zabul 4 19 Religious extremists ambush a military convoy, killing four Afghan soldiers.
4/9/07 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Muslims gun down a Buddhist civilian in a drive-by.
4/8/07 Iraq Baghdad 24 21 A suicide car bomber is one of several Jihad attacks that leave two-dozen Iraqis dead.
4/8/07 Thailand Yala 1 0 A rubber plantation worker is shot to death by Islamists.
4/8/07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Islamic radicals shoot and kill a civilian outside his home.
4/8/07 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 The Taliban beheads a kidnapped Afghan journalist.
4/8/07 Iraq Mahmoudiyah 18 23 Freedom fighters bomb a hospital, killing eighteen Iraqis.
4/8/07 Pakistan Chardiwar 2 0 Two Shias are gunned down by Sunni terrorists.
4/8/07 Pakistan Mallikhel 2 0 Sunnis murder two Shias in a sectarian attack.
4/8/07 Pakistan Karman 1 0 A Shia civilian is shot to death by Sunnis.
4/8/07 Pakistan Boshera 5 0 Three women and two children are killed in sectarian violence.
4/8/07 Pakistan Sadda 2 0 Two Sunnis are killed by radical Shia gunmen.
4/8/07 Pakistan Wana 2 0 A tribal leader and his deputy are shot to death by al-Qaeda backed militants.
4/8/07 Pakistan Pewer 4 0 Four Shias are shot to death by radical Sunnis.
4/8/07 Afghanistan Kandahar 6 0 Six Canadians are killed by Taliban extremists in a roadside blast.
4/7/07 Iraq Karbala 6 0 Six shepherds are murdered by Islamic terrorists.
4/7/07 Pakistan Parachinar 10 83 Sunni gunmen open up on a crowd of Shias leaving a mosque. Ten people are killed in the ensuing firefight.
4/7/07 Iraq Baqubah 27 2 Twenty-seven victims of sectarian violence within the Religion of Peace are found around the city.
4/7/07 Algeria Zaccar Forest 9 7 Nine Algerian soldiers are ambushed and killed by Islamic fundamentalists.
4/7/07 Afghanistan Farah 7 4 The Taliban murder seven Afghans trying to clear land mines.
4/7/07 Philippines Parang 10 2 Ten people, including a civilian, are killed in an ambush by suspected Abu Sayyaf terrorists.
4/7/07 India Baramulla 1 0 A civilian is abducted and murdered by the Mujahideen.
4/7/07 Iraq Baghdad 15 5 Shootings and bombings leave at least fifteen dead.
4/6/07 Saudi Arabia Medina 1 2 A police officer is killed in an attack by an al-Qaeda suspect.
4/6/07 Iraq Tal Afar 19 5 A child is among nineteen people found dead here and in the capital following sectarian terror attacks.
4/6/07 Iraq Ramadi 25 30 Freedom fighters use a chlorine truck bomb to kill twenty-five Iraqis, mostly civilians.
4/6/07 Yemen Amran 0 30 Radicals rampage through a rival mosque, spraying gasoline and setting people on fire.
4/6/07 Afghanistan Kabul 6 4 A suicide bomber takes out five civilians and the police officer who tried to stop him.
4/5/07 Afghanistan Kandahar 1 7 An Afghan police officer is killed when the Taliban bomb his vehicle.
4/5/07 Thailand Yala 0 16 Radical Muslims bomb a rival mosque, injuring sixteen people.
4/5/07 Iraq Basra 5 1 Iran is suspected to be behind the death of four British soldiers and a civilian in a bomb attack.
4/5/07 Afghanistan Zabul 5 0 Religious extremists kill five Afghans guarding a road.
4/5/07 Afghanistan Khost 1 3 Religious extremists shoot an Afghan interpretor to death.
4/5/07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 1 A 51-year-old man is ambushed and killed by Islamic terrorists.
4/5/07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Islamic extremists murder a 52-year-old man inside his home.
4/5/07 Iraq Baghdad 13 0 Gunmen kill thirteen civilians, including a child, in separate attacks.
4/5/07 Iraq Diyala 22 0 At least two women are among twenty-two people kidnapped and either shot to death or beheaded by the Religion of Peace.
4/5/07 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 Two civilians are shot to death by Muslim radicals as they are traveling in a car.
4/5/07 Iraq Baghdad 1 0 A mother of three is kidnapped and shot to death by Sunni terrorists.
4/4/07 Algeria Biskra 3 7 An al-Qaeda attack leaves three Algerian soldiers dead and seven more injured.
4/4/07 India Tral 1 0 A woman succumbs to injuries following a Mujahideen attack.
4/4/07 Iraq Hilla 3 0 Two people are beheaded and a prostitute is stabbed to death by religious fundamentalists.
4/4/07 Iraq Kirkuk 11 0 Freedom fighters murder eleven power plant workers.
4/4/07 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 Islamic radicals open up with automatic weapons on two men leaving a tea shop.
4/3/07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 1 Islamists shoot at two men riding a motorcycle, killing one.
4/3/07 Thailand Pattani 3 0 Muslim radicals ambush and kill three Thai policemen.
4/3/07 Iraq Baqubah 17 0 Jihadis kill seventeen people in attacks in three different cities.
4/3/07 Iraq Baghdad 15 2 Sectarian attacks at a university and elsewhere leave fifteen Iraqis dead.
4/2/07 Iraq Sab al-Bor 1 0 An 11-year-old boy has his throat slit by al-Qaeda.
4/2/07 Pakistan Shalobar 2 9 Two people, including a student, are killed by gunfire during a sectarian clash.
4/2/07 Iraq Baghdad 20 15 At least three separate Jihad attacks leave twenty people dead.
4/2/07 Iraq Khalis 3 20 A suicide bomber targets a restaurant, killing at least three patrons.
4/2/07 Iraq Baqubah 21 0 Twenty-one people are abducted and murdered by Jihadis.
4/2/07 Iraq Kirkuk 13 167 Radical Sunnis bomb a school, killing thirteen, including eight schoolgirls and a baby. Nearly two-hundred others are wounded.
4/2/07 Pakistan Shin Warsak 2 0 Foreign militants storm a local residence, killing a man and a 15-year-old boy.
4/2/07 Afghanistan Kandahar 3 2 Religious extremists attack a police checkpoint, killing three officers.
May God Bless America!