How is it wrong for terrorists to kill soldiers?
2008-01-21 07:21:04 UTC
The entire premise of military action is killing is justified in warfare. They did declare war -- a holy war -- but a war nonetheless. We kill them, they kill us. They declare war on us and we declare war on them. So what's the difference? Sure, it is wrong they kill civilians. But that's missing the point of this question.

The media condemns terrorists for killing soldiers. For beheadings, torture, or attacking the Pentagon. It is my honest conviction that the attack on the Pentagon was infact a legitimate act of war, or at least no less legitimate than the attack on the British Navy staged by American terrorists in 1776.

That's the point. What makes someone a terrorist? Every government in history has declared insurgents to be terrorists because it's a convenient word. Is it right because our government says it is? Because Bush says so?

Bull. I don't buy it. Your lives have no more or less value than so-called terrorists. It's no tragedy, you knew what you were signing up for.
Sixteen answers:
2008-01-21 07:35:04 UTC
If the pentagon attack was a "legitimate act of war" then you have forgotten something. That attack was only a part of the attacks on the WTC and a hole in the ground in PA. So you are legitimizing the entire attack.

Which of course makes your entire rant WRONG.

And by the way, it is wrong for terrorists to attack and kill our soldiers because our soldiers can fight back and kill them. And that just shouldn't be fair in your eyes. Right?

Update: you are one sick puppy, please seek professional help.
2008-01-25 08:01:03 UTC
In order to make My answer/opinions have more meaning, those who read this would benefit by these FACTS... I Served in The U.S. Army from 1968-1974. I have NEVER Signed to, Nor have been Affiliated with ANY Political "Party", Religious Group or Cult, No Agency, No Union ex. Job Related, Teamsters-Grocery Clerk Union, I'm Neither a Liberal or NeoCon or any such thing in between... When Joining/Induction into Army in '68, I Took an OATH, I SWORE to HONOR, DEFEND, and PRESERVE The CONSTITUTION of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA. So, if "Labeled" I would be a PATRIOTIC CONSTITUTIONAL AMERICAN.. with that said/established, My Words are Not Clouded by some Religious order, "Party" Agenda, etc.. I answer To NO MAN, only to The US Const, The 10 Commandments, and Obey ALL Fed. State, and Civil Laws. FIRST Order of Business, one MUST Realize - Establish Who The REAL Terrorists Are. i.e. Those who are the Most Dangerous to America(ns). The BushRegime has Declared "A War on Terrorism" (Brilliantly Concieved by the Rove - PNAC type "Think Tanks") because "Terrorism" is a TACTIC.. thus The Enemy is ??? Un-Identified, Invisible thus cannot Be Defeated.. THATS The POINT, an ENDLESS War against an UnSeen, UnKnown Enemy, which if one was to incorporate LOGICAL Thought, They would see how Absolutely ABSURD this Is... This Administration, has Followed this Proven Tactic, most Notably used, and Successful by Adolph Hitler, as a Rise To Power circa1933. The ole' FALSE FLAG Trick. Do you Realize Hitler was a Mere Puppet ? working with Zionists, to Name, Execute "UnDesireables" including Jews?? (Only thru Your INDIVIDUAL Thought, Self Study and RESEARCH will You Find The TRUTH) Do You Realize 80% of U.S. Mass Media is OWNED & CONTROLLED by Israeli-Zionist-Jews(or"Fake"Jews) ? The FedResrv & and International Banking CONTROLLED by I-Z-J's ?? WAKE UP FOLKS. !! Look into the MAJORITY of U.S. Govt. All Serving PNAC, AIPAC, JINSA, FEMA, NWO, CFR, Wolfowitz, Perle, Zelikow(who after 440DAYS, HAND-Picked by WHYte Haus as The 9/11 Commission"DIRECTOR of COVER-UP) The Pentagon Attack a Legitimate Act of War?? I would Definately AGREE.. with 41 Video Cameras atop Pentagon, how about Releasing ONE Film to PROVE flight 77 Hit the Wall?? The Boeing? crossed nearby Freeway, which Dept. of Hwys.? has 24/7VideoCams Recording Traffic/Lanes BOTH Directions. Where is The PROOF.?? The Gas Station, Hotel Security Cams Must Surely Filmed the Hijacked Plane. WHERE is The FILM.?? WTC1 Hit at 8:46am. Pent. hit at 10:41?? WHERE T F is Our 800 BILLION $ AIR Defense System?? Oh, thats right, F-16's 9 miles from pentagon, WAITING for Orders.. in Almost TWO hrs. and NOT a SHOT FIRED.?? Why did DICK Order a STAND-DOWN..?? Why did MonkeyPuppet, who said he SAW the 1st Plane Strike WTC1 at 8:46am. & Still go into Booker Elem. Classroom?? Why didnt his Secret Service get him the hell outa there, rather than STAND around inside classroom playing PocketPool.?? Why did Bushe Just SIT THERE until 9:22?? with a DAZED, STUPID LOOK on his Face??? I DO NOT Approve of Murderous Attacks, Terrorist tactics or Otherwise. A Person who is a FREE Thinker, can use Alternate Ways to Consider Motives, The Reasons this behavior Occurs.. When the Questione was asked to Me, it Made Me THINK.. someone asked Me: How about if say Russia, or China Attacked the U.S. ? Knocking out Major Cities Communications, Elec/Power Stations, Water/Food Supplies, Military Defenses, and 10's of 1000's of Innocent, UnArmed U.S. Citizens incl. Women and Children.?? Well, If You Love your Family/Country, the Answer is OBVIOUS.. Will You and I be called a TERRORIST. ?? if We Fight Back at The INVADING FORCES..?? or are you just gonna let them keep Blowin' up Our Stuff.?? Good Luck to ALL. If H.R. 1955 passes the Senate, Life in Amer. as you know it, will Be History. ..
2008-01-21 16:00:34 UTC
I agree something pissed them off way before the Pentagon attacks and they made their point. There is jsut no negotiating with a terrorist which by my defintion is a person or group of angry people at a disagreement with their government. We all live by some order and if one side loses then so be it. You just cant go around killing everyone because you are personally pissed that things arent going your way. Thats not the way social order works. I'm mad at these particular terrorists because there is no end to their disagreements religiously. Just like one dude in texas brain washed all those people in Waco, these people hold their religion to that extreme and cowardness to seduce their own people to do these acts. As an American we cant comprehend a holy war, thats why I feel bad Bush even sent them up there. Its retarded. Just as they fought before we got there, they will fight long after we are gone. Thats just all they have to live for.
RTO Trainer
2008-01-21 15:59:29 UTC
I agree, as far as the statement that attacks on military targets are legitimate acts of war goes.

Had the 9/11 attacks been confined to the Pentagon, you'd have a point. But they weren't and the other attacks, designed expressly to target civilains, completely invalidates the legitimacy of the other related events.

Similarly, the attack on the USS Cole might be considered legitmate, except that this was an organization that had already attacked the World Trade Center once before, a civilian target, and indicriminately killed civilians at the US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. This organization has targeted mosques full of worshipers, hotels, nightclubs, synagogues, commuter trains, and business offices. The fact that they also, occassionally, go after a military target does not transform them back into guerrila warriors.

Your grasp of history is tenuous at best. You refer to an attack by "American terrorists " on the British Navy, but you'll have to better identify this event, as I know of no such thing.

What makes someone a terrorist? When someone deliberately targets civilains in order to achieve a political goal through intimidation of the rest of the population. That's terrorism.
2008-01-21 15:42:19 UTC
It is not so much "wrong" to kill soldiers, no more than when a foreign power engaged in war would try to do to us. The confusion here and the "wrong" involved in the killings is that we are not "at war" (in my opinion) with terrorists. The wars in Afganistan and Iraq (OEF, OIF) are wars against states who both harbour and support terrorist organizations, which, at least in Afganistan, was a threat to national security. We were not screaming the same way when we lost men and women of the armed forces because of conflict with taliban forces. No, the negative connotation comes from the fact that these people, these terrorists do not have a "state" they are not a governement sanctioned "military" they are men and women who have devoted themselves to an ideal. And they are fiercly devoted to that. They fight not for a land, or for freeedom but simply to "kill westerners" That to me is why it is so bad, they aim to hurt simply because of where and how we live, despite the fact that some here even sypathize (although not support) their ideals.
2008-01-21 18:28:42 UTC
The Hirabah (terrorists) want to kill you. They want to kill me. They don't care how you feel, what you believe or whether you want to cut a deal with them. They look upon any concession to them as an act of weakness. Under the heretical doctrine of "Takfir" they will even kill fellow Muslims.

If you don't believe that, consider the words of the leader of Al Queda, Usama Bin Laden at Kandahar Afghanistan in November 2001:

"When people see a strong horse and a weak horse, by nature they will like the strong horse".

They are carrying out their actions of terrorism to achieve Dar-Al-Islam (a single Islamic world under a single caliphate). To do that they are engaged in terrorist acts within Dar-Al-Harb (the world at war). Their reaction to your appeasing them will be to enter the conference room and shoot people in the head. If you want to know what makes someone a terrorist, get a copy of the book in the source box below and read it. It's in English and only 160 pages long. It is to the Hirabah what "Mein Kampf" was to the Nazis.

And, if you can't recognize that reality, there is no hope for you. Convert to Islam now and be prepared to live under Sharia.
2008-01-21 15:43:52 UTC
Is it fair for terrorists to attack unarmed civilians? Was it fair for Iran to tell young children to run over mine fields? Is it right for suicide bombers to kill 2 to 3 family's just to hurt one American?

Edit:ok I will dumb it down for you. If this truly is a "war" then why does only one side have uniforms? Why do the "freedom fighters" hide among civilians then attack. No its wrong they reside on the strategy of the weak, using innocents as shields to carry out attacks on soldiers while they themselves are nothing more than petty criminals.
2008-01-21 16:32:54 UTC
the problem is that the terrorists do not use the distinguishing items, i.e. uniforms, or at least a badge that would tell their affiliance. that means they are untraceable unless they open fire att the soldiers.

This in principle enables them to hide among civilians, which it return brings these civilians into a position of human shield.

if the "terrorists" were fighting in the uniforms, there would be nothing LEGALLY wrong with them killing the enemy soldiers.
2008-01-21 15:33:30 UTC
People are declared terrorists b/c they attack and kill people of a common belief for not believing in something they do. It's a matter of disagreement.

The difference between terrorists and soldiers is that soldiers defend something, terrorists use violence and persecution to make someone do or believe something.

There's a huge difference there, my friend.

Human life is very valuable, no matter who you are, and, yes, soldiers know they have a risk of dying if they sign up, but they don't go in MAKING someone believe what they want by violence and persecution. If they do - they are terrorists.

Hey, lemme ask you this - If you believe this, and I disagree with you, and I go to your house and burn your house down and kill your family to MAKE you agree with me, does that make me a terrorist, or just a soldier?

Good luck.
only p
2008-01-21 15:26:23 UTC
The Pentagon attack happened before we declared war. Those in the Pentagon were civilians. By your own admission it is wrong to kill civilians.
2008-01-21 15:59:01 UTC
We could pull all of our troops out of the middle east and the terrorist would just come here to kill us.They don't care where they kill us as long as they kill us.Yes That is WRONG.Why would be want to fight them on our streets after they get a boost by us pulling out.A large boost of people and supplies to use here.It's so easy for them to come across the Mexican Border with their weapons.They have found several tunnels that could handle whatever weapons they have with them.Do you think the drug lords or someone who is bringing illegals across the border would say no to someone who is offering larger amounts of money to get them through.
2008-01-21 16:02:30 UTC
As far as I am concerned the terrorists declared war back in the 1970s when they took American hostages and held them for over a year. It is just now we are finally understanding we have to kill them if we are to get rid of them. I am sick and tired of seeing people stand up for terrorists. We shouldn't kill them, we shouldn't torture them for information, we should let them be. They are just "misunderstood" and it is "insensitive" we are doin what we are to them because after all "different culture different ways".

There is your bull!

It is sad for over 30 some odd years, actually more, but 30 direct attacked years. These terrorists, either legitimately or indirectly, but still in the name of Allah, al-Qaeda and in the form of trying to convert of in the name of Islam, they gotten away with bombing our Marine bases, bombing our United States embassies, bombing the US Cole, their first bombing of the WTC, hijacking plane after plane in the name of their religion to be recognized and sending a message out, and attacking our allies even to either try to get them to cut connections with us or in the same name of their attacks directed towards us. But it took a huge hit on 9/11 that took thousands of innocent lives for us to finally wake up and understand who the enemy is. Now we are getting back into that numb state where are losing sight of who the enemy is and next time they attack us will be by far larger than 9/11 and it may be little late to do what we did after 9/11 for being so deep into a hole.

Not to mention the acts of violence the terrorists do in their own countries! You are justifying the act of a terrorist teaching their children to strap bombs on themselves to go out and kill as many Jews, Americans, or whatever race, creed in the name of Allah? Or justifying car bombs to kill as many people to send a message that Allah is on his way to claim his land back or to take the world by storm and push Islam onto others? Covert to Islam or die as it says in the Quran.
2008-01-21 17:28:34 UTC
It's not..the manner in which they do it is wrong. If they think they have the balls to take us on they need to stop sending their children to fight and hiding behind their wives skirts. They are nothing short of cowards and murderers.
Mike O Dea
2008-01-21 15:29:01 UTC
terriosts don't have a army they go out to hurt people and kill them !!

soliders are there for a reason to take away the treat of more inocent people dieing !:)
2008-01-21 15:38:35 UTC
It's not. The problem is, the anti-US, anti-war, anti-military Liberals have made it illegal to kill terrorists.
2008-01-21 15:26:49 UTC
no wrong at all.

War is war.

source:dick cheney and donald rumsfeld

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.