In order to make My answer/opinions have more meaning, those who read this would benefit by these FACTS... I Served in The U.S. Army from 1968-1974. I have NEVER Signed to, Nor have been Affiliated with ANY Political "Party", Religious Group or Cult, No Agency, No Union ex. Job Related, Teamsters-Grocery Clerk Union, I'm Neither a Liberal or NeoCon or any such thing in between... When Joining/Induction into Army in '68, I Took an OATH, I SWORE to HONOR, DEFEND, and PRESERVE The CONSTITUTION of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA. So, if "Labeled" I would be a PATRIOTIC CONSTITUTIONAL AMERICAN.. with that said/established, My Words are Not Clouded by some Religious order, "Party" Agenda, etc.. I answer To NO MAN, only to The US Const, The 10 Commandments, and Obey ALL Fed. State, and Civil Laws. FIRST Order of Business, one MUST Realize - Establish Who The REAL Terrorists Are. i.e. Those who are the Most Dangerous to America(ns). The BushRegime has Declared "A War on Terrorism" (Brilliantly Concieved by the Rove - PNAC type "Think Tanks") because "Terrorism" is a TACTIC.. thus The Enemy is ??? Un-Identified, Invisible thus cannot Be Defeated.. THATS The POINT, an ENDLESS War against an UnSeen, UnKnown Enemy, which if one was to incorporate LOGICAL Thought, They would see how Absolutely ABSURD this Is... This Administration, has Followed this Proven Tactic, most Notably used, and Successful by Adolph Hitler, as a Rise To Power circa1933. The ole' FALSE FLAG Trick. Do you Realize Hitler was a Mere Puppet ? working with Zionists, to Name, Execute "UnDesireables" including Jews?? (Only thru Your INDIVIDUAL Thought, Self Study and RESEARCH will You Find The TRUTH) Do You Realize 80% of U.S. Mass Media is OWNED & CONTROLLED by Israeli-Zionist-Jews(or"Fake"Jews) ? The FedResrv & and International Banking CONTROLLED by I-Z-J's ?? WAKE UP FOLKS. !! Look into the MAJORITY of U.S. Govt. All Serving PNAC, AIPAC, JINSA, FEMA, NWO, CFR, Wolfowitz, Perle, Zelikow(who after 440DAYS, HAND-Picked by WHYte Haus as The 9/11 Commission"DIRECTOR of COVER-UP) The Pentagon Attack a Legitimate Act of War?? I would Definately AGREE.. with 41 Video Cameras atop Pentagon, how about Releasing ONE Film to PROVE flight 77 Hit the Wall?? The Boeing? crossed nearby Freeway, which Dept. of Hwys.? has 24/7VideoCams Recording Traffic/Lanes BOTH Directions. Where is The PROOF.?? The Gas Station, Hotel Security Cams Must Surely Filmed the Hijacked Plane. WHERE is The FILM.?? WTC1 Hit at 8:46am. Pent. hit at 10:41?? WHERE T F is Our 800 BILLION $ AIR Defense System?? Oh, thats right, F-16's 9 miles from pentagon, WAITING for Orders.. in Almost TWO hrs. and NOT a SHOT FIRED.?? Why did DICK Order a STAND-DOWN..?? Why did MonkeyPuppet, who said he SAW the 1st Plane Strike WTC1 at 8:46am. & Still go into Booker Elem. Classroom?? Why didnt his Secret Service get him the hell outa there, rather than STAND around inside classroom playing PocketPool.?? Why did Bushe Just SIT THERE until 9:22?? with a DAZED, STUPID LOOK on his Face??? I DO NOT Approve of Murderous Attacks, Terrorist tactics or Otherwise. A Person who is a FREE Thinker, can use Alternate Ways to Consider Motives, The Reasons this behavior Occurs.. When the Questione was asked to Me, it Made Me THINK.. someone asked Me: How about if say Russia, or China Attacked the U.S. ? Knocking out Major Cities Communications, Elec/Power Stations, Water/Food Supplies, Military Defenses, and 10's of 1000's of Innocent, UnArmed U.S. Citizens incl. Women and Children.?? Well, If You Love your Family/Country, the Answer is OBVIOUS.. Will You and I be called a TERRORIST. ?? if We Fight Back at The INVADING FORCES..?? or are you just gonna let them keep Blowin' up Our Stuff.?? Good Luck to ALL. If H.R. 1955 passes the Senate, Life in Amer. as you know it, will Be History. ..