While I respect your opinion, I don't think that you completely have the whole story. I would like to know where you saw that our soldiers "shot up a whole f**king town". Please provide a link.
Funny, my husband (who is US Army) and I have many friends over there, and we hear all kinds of good stuff. Like how the Iraqis are glad we're there. Like how they are happy to have an unstable democracy, rather than a stable dictatorship. Sure, they're scared, they don't know what's going to happen, but they'd rather have that because at least they know that they are MORE free now. This is straight from the mouths of the Iraqis, not from the "fascist news" or from our government.
I don't trust the news media, at least, not just one source. I watch/read as much as I can from as many of the networks as I can find, and discard the news that completely clashes with other reports.
You ask in another question why people attack you. It's the way you presented your question. First of all, you're hostile. Second, you accuse. Third, you're not really even asking a question; you're making a statement. Perhaps it would have been better if you had simply asked "Are we doing anything good in Iraq?"
Hostility begets hostility, Jada. I would suggest you keep that in mind next time you want to ask a question, especially one about such a volatile subject.
I am curious though, how you know what's going on in Iraq, if you don't watch the news, and you don't mention that you know anyone there, or even that you've been there yourself.