Yeah, why don't you get off your soap box and lets reevaluate the sailor shall we. YOU volunteered for the Navy, knowing you were going to be on a ship. This isn't 1940, you knew very well the likelihood of you seeing combat on a ship or even in the Navy is overall slim to zero. Now, since you conveniently did not mention your rate, (however I'm sensing your a SWCC failure who was placed in aviation) this cannot be determined. Lets face it, your problems right now are all because of yourself and you're pathetically attempting to blame the Navy.
Now, this relaxation of the Navy as you call it, provides you opportunity. You have the opportunity to be the one who shows up to PT, who grabs the bull by the horns and get that Early Promote. Be the one who is asked to quality check other peoples work because you're on the up and up.
Other services are just as bad by the way, trust me I've had the honored to serve with them. And if you think the Navy is bad, join the Air Force and you stand the chance of being addressed by your first name by all ranks. That leaves you with the Army and the Marines, and it will take you a while to get rid of all the idiots in the Army. Leaving you with the Marines, who my buddy is reporting they got soft too with the weak economy. Bunch of straight A softies, perfectly qualified joined and were a bunch of pansies.
So after serving at a Joint Command and with NATO, I'm seeing a problem with you the sailor. See your CCC about changing rates since you seem disgruntled in your own, changing services, or in your case, may want to consider getting out.
(And oh by the way, everyone does field day. Even on the battlefield, I've seen Colonels pick up mop and broom, and assist in cleaning)