my opinion is that, I would copy Costa Rica, they did away with there army in 1949, they spent there money on Hospitals, Schools, and developing there national forests, they rebooted there Police force, in order to handle this change and it seems to work well for them, they seem to love there country`s resources and take care of them well, instead of wasting money on , WHAT IF,
to me the only reason why we have an army, is if the people get fed up with the rich man taking from the poor and hoarding all this
money, that we mite Wake Up, and have a revolution, the army is there to kill us, and thats all they are there for, I would prefer this money to be spent on our Accident and emergency, my friend spent 8 hours in Tallaght Hospital, with her 6 year old little girl, to be told her injury was too bad she had to go to Crumlin and wait 5 hours, we should have more Nurse`s and Doctors, not sargent majors, shouting at some unfortunate soldier, training him to go to Syria, to kill unfortunate people there, so the rich can get richer, I would rather train our children to be Nurse, Wake Up People, did you no that the UN army killed over 1 million people in Iraq, 570,000 were children, and the rich get richer, I have been a tax payer in Ireland since 1979, and the only thing that the defence forces have done for me was drove some oil tankers,in 1980`s when the guys were on strike,so I could get petrol,yipee, I think it would have been better if the rich oil company had of sorted there own dispute, not the tax payers. If any country tried to attack our country, our little army would have no chance against most other nations, so it would be up to the people to deal with it. and we would, no one will attack us any way, we just sold our country to the imf, so they won't send the UN to bomb us, and the rich get richer. as for other nations stealing our fish, you will find that its the big companies that decide who takes what, in Costa Rica this is part of the Police force, so this would still be Policed, as for the Drugs coming in and out of our Country, well simply end the stupid war on Drugs, as Portugal did in 2001, they treat there Heroin and cocaine addicts as a medical issue so they help them, not punish them, as for medical Cannabis, its up to the person to decide on what he puts into his body, as long as he is not harming any one or anything else, the way it should be, especially from a nation of smokers,drinkers and i see the new killer in town obesity from there processed foods, so the Police in Portugal actually work on real crime instead of wasting money on the stupid war on drugs.
myself and other parents do work at our childrens school, painting, paving , while I enjoy this, it would be better if the Government would give the schools enough money to do these things but they dont, its crazy, we are wasting so much money on the army/ navy/ air force, and the Drug squad, please Google, Costa Rica, in south America, and Portugal 2001, they have proven that there system works great for the People, and for there Countries resources. so thats my opinion.