the u.s. is the only country ever to have dropped atomic bombs on living people. horrible, isn't it?
2017-02-24 01:35:28 UTC
and don't give me the old "it was the only way to win the war" garbage either. why not drop the bomb on a military target instead of helpless civilians? twice! i'm sure japan would have surrendered just as quickly if we'd detonated a few NEAR them, to display the power, and thousands of poor bastards just trying to live like the rest of us would have been saved instead of wasted.
39 answers:
2017-02-26 02:26:53 UTC
The Japanese almost didn't surrender after we dropped the two bombs and the Japanese military even attempted a coup to keep the war going when they found out the Emperor was going to surrender. Look up the Kyūjō incident.

With that in mind, what makes you think detonating them elsewhere harmlessly would have made them surrender?
Linda R
2017-02-27 20:19:57 UTC
Oh and dropping bombs on a Sunday morning, with sleeping military is ok?
2017-02-26 00:38:42 UTC
We had to do what we had to do to win.
daniel g
2017-02-25 12:39:28 UTC
You may not like it, but you do have to live with it.

When you consider it literally brought one of the bloodiest wars to an end almost overnight, it was worth it.

Wait till you see live footage of the Pearl harbor attack, now that was horrible.
2017-02-24 09:04:48 UTC
Another snowflake, Get a job shitbum.
2017-02-24 02:09:53 UTC
No I don't goddamned agree Japan had it coming. Nobody told the Japs to bomb Pearl Harbor or commit horrendous Warcrimes in Asia against military and civilian populations. As we fought closer to Japan the resistance got more radical. Okinawa the bloodiest battle of the Pacific was used as a gauge if we invaded the mainland. Basically add four more years to the War and multiply the savagery by 50! because the U.S. would have gotten ZERO Commonwealth support had we not dropped the A Bombs. Let that sink in shythead.
2017-02-24 01:52:21 UTC
What military target? We had been bombing military targets for months and they were still not willing to surrender. And how is using a single nuke any different than using 1000 bombers at a time to hit London or Berlin or Dresden? Do you have any doubts if it was going the other way they would not have done the same thing? Grow up, this is why we should avoid war and not let presidents singlet handedly get us into wars. Like Korea, Vietnam, Panama, Grenada, Gulf War, Iraq War, Afghanistan War, Serbia and Syria.
2017-02-24 01:48:42 UTC
conservatives never give details for their accusations.
2017-02-24 01:39:52 UTC
Check your history. Both Nagasaki and Hiroshima were military/industrial areas. Prime targets.
2017-02-24 01:38:07 UTC
You have a point, but the people of the country didn't vote on whether to drop the bombs, you know. The decision was made by Truman, his advisors and the generals. MANY Americans were just as unhappy about it at the time as you are.
2017-03-01 21:22:47 UTC
you fistula butts are like dog **** in paris parks,,,everywhere
2017-02-27 20:49:42 UTC
You care to count up the military atrocities committed by Japan, going back centuries?

China, Korea, the Phillipines, what was the Death toll for all of it?

You don't need atom bombs to kill millions. Just ask Stalin or Hitler.
2017-02-27 16:03:31 UTC
fvck off

Japanese troops bayonetted 300 thousand Chinese, mostly women and children, in Nanking.

That's more than were killed in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, combined. And they had to work at it for a month.

Horrible? Perhaps just horrible enough.

War is supposed to be horrible.
2017-02-27 06:35:55 UTC
the Horrible Japanese were experimenting with Humans Unit 731

the Evil Japanese were eating Australian troops whilst they were still alive

and Japanese Officer had 8 year old Girls in their Comfort Houses

all they needed to do was Surrender Before the First Bomb when asked it took 3 weeks after the second Bomb before we Got any replay the USA Canada and the UK did the Right Thing in approving of the Bombing of Japan
2017-02-27 05:25:48 UTC
The fact that so many people are defending these atrocities makes me sick. There's always another way. Nuking is never an acceptable option.
2017-02-26 13:44:20 UTC
The heavy bombing of German cities causing fire storms was just as bad.
2017-02-26 10:33:38 UTC
The Only thing MORE Horrible than the "A-Bombing" was the way "Imperial Japan" Made it 'Necessary'.

They Boast of Having an "Enlightened Culture" that is Thousands of Years Old, but Do You Think that Japanese Kids are Told of the Atrocities the same way German Kids are?

The Atrocities Committed By the 'Imperial Japanese' are Too Numerous to List Here but it's Safe to say that they Made the "Nazis" Look 'Civilized' by Comparison.

Not to Mention the Consummate Fact that 'They' would NEVER Have Surrendered to Just a "Demonstration".

Considering the the Incredible 'Evil' that this "Ancient Enlightened" Culture Perpetrated Just '75' Years ago, Who would Believe for a Second that they would Have stopped at "Just Two" Had 'They' invented "The Bomb" First?

OR,, That They Have even 'Changed' That Much in Less than a Century?

If you Think that 'Americans' are such a Bigoted & Brutal Bunch,, Go to Japan & Hang around for a while!

They Don't just Have Special Prices for Foreigners,, They Openly Have Special "Names" for them depending on Race. And Their Immigration Policies are NOT Exactly as Generous as 'America's' ever was at the Worst of times.

Should America Apologize? NOPE! ,, quite the Contrary, Japan should just Say "Thank You" for Stopping at only "Two" & for the Fact that they are Not speaking "Chinese'.

Will America Ever Do it again?

I Don't Think so.

Frankly I think some Pansy-Liberal President is Probably going to Let Somebody "Hit the U.S. First".

And if you Survive, will That make you Feel any Better?
2017-02-26 06:49:54 UTC
Stand-up philosopher. It's good to be the King
2017-02-25 19:41:49 UTC
WHY do all that hate this leave out the fact that the middle of Hiroshima was full of military support offices. Even the Geneva Conventions do not ban bombing military targets within residential area's it simply states that efforts should be made to reduce collateral damage. Don't tell me what you think the Conventions state. READ them and copy and paste where it states that anything is a banned target.....a Mosque with a shooter in the tower removes it's protected status, housing troops or military equipment at a medical facility make it a valid target, same with a school. I have also read many times that many "think" that we cannot fire on humans with a Heavy Machine Gun .50 caliber or more....BS the guns on US gun birds are .50 Cal, 20mm, 30mm. Arty is 155mm, M1A1 main gun is 120mm. They Hague Conventions define what rounds to use or not use. Look that up and copy and paste any ban on size.

I am here to type this as Dad was released the day after the surrender of Japan. Having been held over in Germany he did not get out til Sep 45. All those combat Vets were being held as replacements for the invasion of Japan.
2017-02-25 06:22:25 UTC
Yes know why it came to it? Know we gave them another chance to change there mind and they wouldn't and its why we dropped the 2nd one.

Know that we went over there to rebuild the country afterwards

Know its why we never want to drop another one

Know if we ever do it won't be like the first time we will get nuked back
2017-02-25 05:44:44 UTC
It couldn't have been to horrible because we were doing "the Happy Dance.............:"
2017-02-24 22:47:26 UTC
Not as horrible as you are, slug.
2017-02-24 22:09:04 UTC
you really need to learn more about that war before you go second-guessing our actions.

clearly, you haven't even done basic research on the subject.
2017-02-24 20:24:53 UTC
Whether you like it or not!


You are clearly a silly person who has not done any reading or research in to the War in the far East.

Nor any thing about the Japanese peoples mentality of that period.

That was the nly way they would surrender.

The Japanese people would have ought to the last person for their Emperor .

Before the Second World War they worshipped him and his ancestors as Gods.

Any thought of Capitulation would have been unthinkable.

Plus you need to read up on the resech they carried out on Prisoners of War and Civilians of the Countries that had invaded.

The so called Scientific experiments went well beyond those the Nazis inflicted on the Jews and other German concentration camp prisoners.

And the German Experiments were horrific enough.

So if your stupid enough to believe dropping those two atomic bombs which saved millions of allied and even Japanese lives were not best in the long run then your more of an idiot than I think you are.
Will B
2017-02-24 14:11:07 UTC
While your at it, why don't you look up what Japan did to countries they conquered.

BTW: Both cities were military and Industrial targets
2017-02-24 05:58:41 UTC
You actually have no Clue,what the mindset was during that Time.Japan Came to pearl and murdered Hundreds of civilian lives, and almost wiped out the Seventh Fleet,Prior to the Big boy and Small boy being dropped we had been bombing all the major cities,This had been going on for months,Dropping the Bombs, was a political Statement, To show the world, We are the dominate Power Don,t screw with us.
The Donald
2017-02-24 03:14:33 UTC
We won't be the only one.
2017-02-24 02:35:34 UTC
Oh gosh, another apologetic liberal too afraid to hurt someone's feelings. Shame on you!
2017-02-24 02:15:20 UTC
We warned both the government of Japan, and even the populations to leave before we dropped the bomb. Then warned them the second time, if they stayed, it is their own fault. The population of Japan left NO EMPTY AREAS TO DROP A BOMB WITH NO HARM DONE. We had to end the war, as they refused to surrender before the bombs. I was living at the time, so I know all about why, and we had valid reasons.
2017-02-24 01:44:05 UTC
You might want to do a little more research on WWII.

We bombed the hell out of every major German city and practically burned Tokyo to the ground. Hiroshima and Nagasaki weren't any different by the standards of the day, except instead of dropping massive amounts of poorly aimed conventional bombs all over the place, we did it with two bombs.

Those two bombs saved untold numbers of Allied and Japanese lives by preventing a conventional invasion of the home islands. The fact that they didn't surrender after the first bomb should be enough to tell you that dropping one in the middle of no where would have done nothing to get them to surrender.
2017-02-27 16:07:50 UTC
Both cities were military targets,if we were unable to use these bombs for any number of resons,it would mean a amphibious landing on the scale of 3-4 times the size of Normandy.The Japanese were prepared to battle it out until the last soldier or civilian were killed,they retained nearly 5000 warplanes,hundreds of tanks and thousands of troops,including millions of civilians to make the Allied landing so bloody that the Allies would call a cease fire and the Japanese would have taken that as a victory.Allied casualties would have been 500,000 dead and one million wounded or close to.The nuclear bombs were necessary but if the Japanese were to have not surrenderd,the Allies may have had to invade,there were no more nuclear bombs ready for deployment.
2017-02-27 13:49:34 UTC
nope and you are a little snow flake.
2017-02-26 06:50:18 UTC
The two atomic bombs dropped on Japan were on cities with no significant military targets. I had family on both sides of WWII and lost family on both sides. Dropping the atomic bombs took a lot of consideration from the government back then and decided that it was the only option they had to avoid large scale death invading, both to the US and to Japanese civilians. If it had to be done, then I agree with you, why not a legitimate target? Pearl Harbor was a military target attack by "surprise". The Japanese officials who were to deliver the notice of war that morning were delayed in a US waiting room and were not able to deliver the notice prior to the attack. War history is written by the victors, so it was a surprise. To rally America into war, the President called it a surprise in his radio address. I ask any of you to take a trip to Hiroshima and visit the museum. My mother's family was on the other side of the mountain range from Nagasaki and that is what saved them, but they did witness the cloud, had some affect of the fire, and saw the destruction when they went to help. Japan's research at the time determined that the bomb was not possible with the technology available, so they did not believe the US's claim they had it. Japan was negotiating for surrender after the first but the US want unconditional, so dropped the second. I understand the decision to drop, just not the target.

PaulHalloway-I do disagree with you on the legitemacy of Hiroshima and Nagasaki being military targets. May 1945 the target committee listed Hiroshima as a class AA target using year old inteligence. The depot had been moved in Oct 1944. Nagasaki was never on the Target committee's list. The only other reason for Hiroshima to be targeted was the terrain and larger city. Mountains around Hiroshima would increase the affects of the blast and the size of the city would allow that if the bomb was off target, would still cause mass distruction and casualties. It was also in the original plan recommendation to follow the bombing by an incendiary bombing of the city. Also the orders from Gen Spaatz on July 1945, identified the city as the target, not any military base, contrary to Truman's direction to Sec. of War Stimson.
Connor Anderson
2017-02-25 16:37:52 UTC
Wow we dropped two bombs to end a world war and Germany kills millions to start one but we are the bad ones?

Hmmm do sleep with a hitler poster hanging above you?
2017-02-24 01:45:37 UTC
You obviously have an opinion without facts. You might want to check out the fire bombing of Tokyo a few months before the atomic bombs.
2017-02-24 01:55:18 UTC
yeah, been done,

now mov on
2017-02-24 02:17:27 UTC
So a military headquarters, major industry major ports, major military depots, military staging areas, naval yards, steel refineries and factories, munition factories, arms factories, aeroplane manufactures are NOT military targets? Because that's what Hiroshima and Nagasaki were.

If you want debate the ethics and morality of the bombing by all means do so but stick to facts.
2017-02-24 16:54:38 UTC
You realize that more people were killed in the conventional bombings of Tokyo than in both nuclear bombings combined right? No, of course you don't..... The only reason the casualty rates were as high as they were is because nobody (including us) understood how nuclear warfare and radiation worked yet. Nobody bothered to evacuate afterwards.

And of course Hiroshima and Nagasaki both were military targets..... Hiroshima was the headquarters of not one but two entire Army groups.... Where the defense of all of southern Japan was directed from. It was also an Army supply depot and home to construction plants that built planes, guns, ammo, etc for the army.

Nagasaki was one of the main seaports. The majority of ships built for the Jap Navy were built in....Nagasaki. Anyone who thinks either of those cities wasn't a military target can only be ignorant of the facts or an idiot.
2017-02-24 17:02:23 UTC
Both Hiroshima and Nagasaki were locations of military bases... A N D .... were manufacturing centers of military materials.

BTW, if you were truly concerned about casualties then you would have aimed at the methods that produced the largest number of casualties. The fire bombing raids of Japanese cities produced far, far, more casualties than did the nuclear bombs.


Major, Sqdn Cmdr, USAF, 1960-74

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.