The Only thing MORE Horrible than the "A-Bombing" was the way "Imperial Japan" Made it 'Necessary'.
They Boast of Having an "Enlightened Culture" that is Thousands of Years Old, but Do You Think that Japanese Kids are Told of the Atrocities the same way German Kids are?
The Atrocities Committed By the 'Imperial Japanese' are Too Numerous to List Here but it's Safe to say that they Made the "Nazis" Look 'Civilized' by Comparison.
Not to Mention the Consummate Fact that 'They' would NEVER Have Surrendered to Just a "Demonstration".
Considering the the Incredible 'Evil' that this "Ancient Enlightened" Culture Perpetrated Just '75' Years ago, Who would Believe for a Second that they would Have stopped at "Just Two" Had 'They' invented "The Bomb" First?
OR,, That They Have even 'Changed' That Much in Less than a Century?
If you Think that 'Americans' are such a Bigoted & Brutal Bunch,, Go to Japan & Hang around for a while!
They Don't just Have Special Prices for Foreigners,, They Openly Have Special "Names" for them depending on Race. And Their Immigration Policies are NOT Exactly as Generous as 'America's' ever was at the Worst of times.
Should America Apologize? NOPE! ,, quite the Contrary, Japan should just Say "Thank You" for Stopping at only "Two" & for the Fact that they are Not speaking "Chinese'.
Will America Ever Do it again?
I Don't Think so.
Frankly I think some Pansy-Liberal President is Probably going to Let Somebody "Hit the U.S. First".
And if you Survive, will That make you Feel any Better?