why are marines so arrogant?
2013-02-26 19:09:01 UTC
i know this has been asked before, but most people are talking about actual marines. i mean people who want to become marines, or are marine enthusiasts or whatever. they always do stuff like post a question saying green beret vs marine. then in the additional info section they say wait don't answer i know its the marines. the compare typical marine infantry to special ops, and one guy even said the marines were the ones who killed osama. no disrespect to marines, they are good, but not this good
Eight answers:
2013-02-26 19:11:56 UTC
Only idiots ask those "whose tougher" questions mate.
2016-03-08 09:16:46 UTC
"There are only two kinds of people who understand Marines: Marines and the enemy. Everyone else has a secondhand opinion." - Gen. W. Thorinson, U.S. Army "Freedom isn't free, but the U.S. Marine Corps will pay most of your share." - Ned Dolan "The safest place in Korea was right behind a platoon of Marines - Lord how they can fight!" - MGen. F. E. Lowe, U.S. Army "Why the hell can't the Army do it if the Marines can? They are the same kind of men, why can't they be like the Marines?" - Gen. John "Black Jack" Pershing, U. S. Army "I have just returned from visiting the Marines at the front, and there is not a finer fighting organization anywhere in the world." -Gen. Douglas MacArthur, U. S. Army "The Marines I have seen around the world have the cleanest bodies, the filthiest minds, the highest morale and the lowest morals of any group of animals I have ever seen. Thank God for the U. S. Marine Corps!" -Former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt "Don't forget that you're the First Marines - not all the communists in hell could overrun you!" - (Col.) Lewis B. "Chesty" Puller, U.S.M.C. One of my personal favorites, "I came in peace, I didn't bring artillery. But I am pleading with you, with tears in my eyes, if you f*** with me, I will kill you all" - Gen. J. Mattis, U.S.M.C. addressing Iraqi tribal leaders So, to answer you're question, I'll leave you with one more which states better than anything the answer to your question, "You cannot exaggerate about the Marines. They are convinced to the point of arrogance that they are the most ferocious fighters on earth - and the amusing thing about it is that they are." - Father K. Keaney, U.S.N. Chaplain Corps
2014-03-05 20:42:00 UTC
Not afraid of the unknown....they may know a religion or not...but have faith

Not afraid to inflict harm or eventually kill a person....Gods job to sort them out

Safety is for the common market place or a green screen Hollywood production...all others take a number and post your objections.

Semper Fi, Marine GySgt retired....Somolia and the Gulf is strong and well...God is Great!

and may America continue to enjoy the peace of the Lord!
2013-02-27 00:46:45 UTC
Marines are trained harder, tougher, and longer than any other branch. We have an amazing history and honor behind the name. However, as much of you have said... it is unnecessary to be so arrogant and most of them are young marines from my guess. I am a Marine and I feel like I chose the tougher branch.. but I respect all branches equally. Each play an important role. Through my experience, I have learned that the Marines cannot do EVERYTHING on our own. We rely on the Navy for transpo and the Army for support. Army has all the nice sh** and its good to have around. + marines dont have heavy armor like the Army does.

Alexander- If you haven't lived it, then what opinion do you think you have a right to. Marines are arragant because we know we can make a snot nosed brat like you eat your f***ing words. If you dont know what marines do, maybe you should man up and go find out... instead of hiding behind your keyboard and talking crap about things your childish mind will never understand. Its people like you who have no respect for those who continue to risk their lives in Afganastan. I've lost 4 close friends this past year alone. Why don't you put your computer away and go play your little Call of Duty games and call yourself important. In other words... shut your mouth and stop being such a little BI***.

And FYI, the basic marine is more prepared for COMBAT than any other branch straight from boot camp. Specialty forces are "specialty forces". Everyone has their own brand; Marsoc, Seals, Recon, Delta... And each of them have respect for the "special duties" they are expected to perform. Either way... it does'nt really matter... a bullet is a bullet, a bomb is a bomb and will kill anyone just the same (they doent discriminate) ... so have some respect and compassion for human life. In case you havent noticed, its mostly kids dying in Afgtanastan (18-23 years old). People who chose to be there at their own will, Army, Marine, Navy alike. All it really comes down to is how much you can depend on the man to your left and right, who really cares which branch it is.
2013-02-27 00:21:52 UTC
There are Arrogant SOB'S in all walks of life. Not all Marines are quite so arrogant. We all (every branch)serve under the same flag and all complete our main mission together of defending America.


2013-02-26 21:13:29 UTC
Like The person above me said ( Riley) they know/ are the Best of the Best that is why they are The few the proud MARINES!!!!
alexander m
2013-02-27 04:34:11 UTC
2 reasons:

1: are/were the cheerleaders from your high school annoying little brats who would claim your football team is on par with the NFL teams? Same deal here.

2: the marines have the best PR campaign in the military. their survival depends on people who don't know better thinking that they are elite, that their infantry is as well trained as special operations, that their cooks are performing as infantry, that they killed UBL and assaulted the beach at Normandy. The army handles ground warfare, the navy handles the seas, the air force handles the skies, but the marines...? they're not a branch necessary for national security, they we're almost completely cut because of that, and the only way to ensure their survival was to win public opinion.
2013-02-26 21:03:13 UTC
Because They Are The Best!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.