Marines are trained harder, tougher, and longer than any other branch. We have an amazing history and honor behind the name. However, as much of you have said... it is unnecessary to be so arrogant and most of them are young marines from my guess. I am a Marine and I feel like I chose the tougher branch.. but I respect all branches equally. Each play an important role. Through my experience, I have learned that the Marines cannot do EVERYTHING on our own. We rely on the Navy for transpo and the Army for support. Army has all the nice sh** and its good to have around. + marines dont have heavy armor like the Army does.
Alexander- If you haven't lived it, then what opinion do you think you have a right to. Marines are arragant because we know we can make a snot nosed brat like you eat your f***ing words. If you dont know what marines do, maybe you should man up and go find out... instead of hiding behind your keyboard and talking crap about things your childish mind will never understand. Its people like you who have no respect for those who continue to risk their lives in Afganastan. I've lost 4 close friends this past year alone. Why don't you put your computer away and go play your little Call of Duty games and call yourself important. In other words... shut your mouth and stop being such a little BI***.
And FYI, the basic marine is more prepared for COMBAT than any other branch straight from boot camp. Specialty forces are "specialty forces". Everyone has their own brand; Marsoc, Seals, Recon, Delta... And each of them have respect for the "special duties" they are expected to perform. Either way... it does'nt really matter... a bullet is a bullet, a bomb is a bomb and will kill anyone just the same (they doent discriminate) ... so have some respect and compassion for human life. In case you havent noticed, its mostly kids dying in Afgtanastan (18-23 years old). People who chose to be there at their own will, Army, Marine, Navy alike. All it really comes down to is how much you can depend on the man to your left and right, who really cares which branch it is.