My sister got pregnant last march and married her boyfriend who is in the air force. He refuses to give her a dime, not even for groceries. My grandparents pick up the food bill, while the military takes care of their housing, water, electricity, ect., and my mom still takes care of my sisters car payments and insurance. After going over the budget with my sister, the only things they actually have to pay for would be his car payments/insurance and their phone bills (no cable or internet btw). My sister attempted to get a job, however it did not work so well due to her pregnancy, and as of a week ago, her new baby boy. Now my grandparents are withdrawing their help, as my sister's husband uses my sister to mooch money from them. My mom is also getting frustrated and is begining to threaten withdrawl. They are hoping that it will force my sister to corner her husband into finally giving some money or access to money for groceries or leave him. While I agree with this, seeing as her husband is not very....trustworthy (a bit of an understatment..unfaithful...), I am now getting concerned due to her husbands up coming deployment. Without him around at all, my sister will have absolutely no cash. Another very big problem is that she is not her husband's benificiary (if something happens to him). I am now getting concerned and want to find a way to help my sister without just handing over money. I want her to be taken care of the right way.
I am also married to a guy in the Air Force (the exact opposite) and have spoken to a few other military spouses who claim that if my sister talks to her husbands commanding officer, that they can help her out by "manning up" her husband. Does anyone know if that would actually work? Can a commander influence personal life if it is needed? If so what can I do to help my sister, and If not, does anyone have any good advice as to what I should do?
I love my sister dearly but I feel that this is getting way out of hand.
Oh and please be respectful with comments :)