2012-03-15 13:27:53 UTC
Here are the WORST things he has done to us, Britain.
- Insult our queen. To give a queen something as cheap as an iPod and then to FILL it up COMPLETELY with useless speeches of yourself is pure vanity. Arrogance and vanity.
- Insult our Prime Minister, okay, so this is old. But giving the prime minister of your only trustworthy allie DVDs that won't even play in England? That's a whole new kind of low.
- Insult Britain and view it as it was 200 years ago. He still blames his hatred for us because of Kenya and the slave trade, wake up call Obama. America was involved in the slave trade for longer and they did it more!
- He has sided with France, the only country in the west that hates America more than anyone, is France, why the hell has he joined them?!
- Chucking out the Churchill bust. If I were there when he did that, I'd give him a taste of the back of my hand. For over 29 years, no president has ever done these and this was the FIRST thing he did when he was elected.
- Refused to talk to any of our Prime Ministers. This is a huge blow, as it shows his hatred for us.
- Selling all our nuclear government secrets to Russia, he should be ******* shot for that, I don't know why we took that sitting down!
- Calling us 'weak' 'useless' and claiming we don't do anything for the good of others.
Bloody hell, so much to respond to with that last one...
America only joined WW2 because they finally drained enough money from Britain and Britain was already crumbled.
Britain entered because its allies we're attacked. Clearly Obama doesn't know what an allie is unless it has a knife sticking out of its back.
America is always influenced by oil. Notice how they didn't respond so fast to Syria as they did for Lybia?....
so, my question to you, Americans and Brits. Why are we Brits still siding with America? I'm sure we do not need them.
Even if we don't leave them, if I had my way, after being insured like this by Obama I'd pull all the troops from Iraq, Afghanistan and flip the bird to America! This is a large insult and I'm wondering why nobody has done anything about it?
Rant over.
But yeah, any info would be good.