Why are our troops still in Iraq if Obama is a British hating idiot?
2012-03-15 13:27:53 UTC
Call me a troll if you must, but I've noticed a lot of dark sides to Obama.
Here are the WORST things he has done to us, Britain.

- Insult our queen. To give a queen something as cheap as an iPod and then to FILL it up COMPLETELY with useless speeches of yourself is pure vanity. Arrogance and vanity.
- Insult our Prime Minister, okay, so this is old. But giving the prime minister of your only trustworthy allie DVDs that won't even play in England? That's a whole new kind of low.
- Insult Britain and view it as it was 200 years ago. He still blames his hatred for us because of Kenya and the slave trade, wake up call Obama. America was involved in the slave trade for longer and they did it more!
- He has sided with France, the only country in the west that hates America more than anyone, is France, why the hell has he joined them?!
- Chucking out the Churchill bust. If I were there when he did that, I'd give him a taste of the back of my hand. For over 29 years, no president has ever done these and this was the FIRST thing he did when he was elected.
- Refused to talk to any of our Prime Ministers. This is a huge blow, as it shows his hatred for us.
- Selling all our nuclear government secrets to Russia, he should be ******* shot for that, I don't know why we took that sitting down!
- Calling us 'weak' 'useless' and claiming we don't do anything for the good of others.
Bloody hell, so much to respond to with that last one...

America only joined WW2 because they finally drained enough money from Britain and Britain was already crumbled.
Britain entered because its allies we're attacked. Clearly Obama doesn't know what an allie is unless it has a knife sticking out of its back.
America is always influenced by oil. Notice how they didn't respond so fast to Syria as they did for Lybia?....

so, my question to you, Americans and Brits. Why are we Brits still siding with America? I'm sure we do not need them.
Even if we don't leave them, if I had my way, after being insured like this by Obama I'd pull all the troops from Iraq, Afghanistan and flip the bird to America! This is a large insult and I'm wondering why nobody has done anything about it?

Rant over.

But yeah, any info would be good.
Thirteen answers:
John U
2012-03-15 13:35:18 UTC
Iraq....Afghanistan......either one, send this to the White House. we have no control over anything anymore if you haven't noticed as we are now the "sit down and shut up and let the Liberals F up everything and we dont want your input anymore" society.

There ya go.
2012-03-15 20:40:33 UTC
Well, I will answer as much as I can, after a while it got a little too much

You are essentially right about Obama, he has insulted the British quite a bit, he also insulted Netanyahu and yet he had a State Dinner for the Chinese head guy. As far as WW2, America was attacked by the Japanese, so you do not have that right.

I don't understand your point about Syria and Libya. USA gets very little oil from Libya so that did not affect us.

I agree that Britain should pull their troops from Afghanistan.

By the way, the Obama Administration just had a very big, expensive state dinner for Cameron, guess who was invited, Branson, Clooney and all his big contributors. I bet if Cameron spent this amount in Britain there would be hell to pay.

As far as oil goes, we have as much here as Saudi Arabia, problem is Obama has shut down drilling on public lands. Right now most of the drilling takes place on private lands.

I hope you feel a little better.

ADD: The majority of Americans are very loyal to their allies, and the British are our closest allies. Don[t take the word of the biased news (BBC) as gospel. The BBC used to be respected, but now they are just like the mainstream media here, they are definitely supporting the left.

ADD: The British Empire had run its course, as all empires have to eventually. You really are taking out your wrath in the wrong place. You are relying on hindsight (20/20), if you want to do this then you can blame Chamberlain, the appeaser. What are you talking about "charging their ally every last penny" I think you have that a little skewed. Did you know that some English regiments were training with broomsticks because they did not have enough weapons?

Look, it was a truly allied effort and we have respect for both Britain and the US. I had a brother killed in Gernany, I was 4 years old, born and raised in Scotland and I am quite grateful that the US came in, even though they had no choice since they were attacked. Also, for your edification the US did not want to engage in WW2 until they were forced to retaliate for being attacked. Perhaps you need a little more research.

I know the 'guys' like to shoot the breeze on a Friday night at the local pub. Their argument is "the US did not come in until the war was more than half over" Did they ever stop to think that it would not have been over had the US not entered. I don't know if you are basing all this pent-up rage because of the present Administration, if so then that is sad.
2012-03-19 17:44:17 UTC
Hey Reese -- I saw this was your question too. Don't have much to say about this one. Obama doesn't hate the UK - the Queen insult thing was more bad preparation on the part of his protocol department, I hope someone got fired over that, -- we were all a bit embarrassed about that.

All this being said -- I saw that you also asked this question "Why are some Americans convinced they crushed Britain in the revolution?" -- totally fine that you feel that way, I'm all about the free speech, just a heads up if you really are moving to America, you may want to just take a deep breath on the Fourth of July. Most Brits who live here have developed a sense of humor about how we celebrate in dramatic form our violent separation and Independence from Great Britain -- you may just have to let us believe 'we crushed Britain' on the Fourth, its the day we all drink the Kool Aid.

That's all -- I'm not stalking. Just saw your question.
2012-03-15 21:13:10 UTC
Before I get started, please do not take anything I say as support for President Obama. I did not vote for him either time, and I am not a fan of his attitude nor his policies. That being said.

1) He probably did not see giving an Ipod to the Queen as being an insult, rather more of a farce as in "What to give the person who literally has everything? I know, an Ipod". It would also be his advisor's and staff that would actually go about choosing something like that.

2) Most people in the United States do not know that DVD's are regional based upon where they are purchased in the world. Europeans take it for granted that they are different. In North America, they are all the same.

3) He is trying to get France BACK on our side. Albeit pissin everyone else (including the US public) off in the process. I figure let the frogs go to hell if they don't at the very least appreciate us.

4) I actually have no idea if this is true or not. The bust of WC is not something I have any knowledge of.

5) He actually has talked to your PM numerous times. Your PM even has come to the White House to talk a few times. Seen it on CSPAN.

6) There are no such thing as Nuclear Secrets when it comes to Russia and the west. Since the Berlin Wall fell, and the initiation of the first START treatises, We have full access to Russian Nuclear tech and facilities, and they have the same for ours. This was initiated decades ago, long before President Obama. It is done to increase trust and and decrease the possibility of Nuclear Conflict.

7) Please cite any legitimate source that shows President Obama calling the British people weak or useless. I am calling BS on this one.

8) We entered WW2 after we were attacked. Prior to that, we were a NEUTRAL country with only loose allied ties from WW1. No one in the United States wanted war until Pearl was Bombed in 1941. Before that, we were sending aid in the form of food, and war supplies (vehicles, guns, planes etc) to support you overtly. None of which was paid for until AFTER the war. Without all of which you would have been overran by the German military. We even had an entire squadron of US pilots flying under British colors to help you out. And how ANY of this has to do with the current president is beyond me.

9) We are NOT influenced by oil. The United States does not get any oil from Libya either before or after the Libyan Civil War. We have never once attacked a country for their oil reserves. We did not help Syria, because there was no support or funding for it. NATO authorized the action in Libya, we TRIED to get them to authorize action in Syria, but it was declined. Do not blame us when our allies balk.

10) The British actually DO need us. Not only do we share a history and are linked both culturally and often genetically, but we are the UK's largest defender and trading partner. If the British were to get into a full scale war, the US has more military power than the entire British Commonwealth combined.

We might be the black sheep of the former British Empire. But this sheep is huge and we have horns.

The UK pulled completely out of Iraq in 2009. They have a relatively small force currently in Afghanistan. The US pulled out of Iraq in 2011. We make up nearly 95% of the forces in Afghanistan.
2012-03-18 00:04:47 UTC
As an American I can say that your argument has some good points and others I find offensive.

The gifts were stupid, yes. But Americans have no control over that. Obama only made himself look stupid there.

America joined WWII because Japan attacked us. Yes, we should have joined earlier and helped our allies out.

Americans really have no power over what our government does anymore. Most American citizens are thankful for our allies, and wish we did more for them. We appreciate everything Britain does for us, and we do see you as our friend. Over the past few years our government has ruined our relationships with other countries and most people here want it to stop.

Don't blame America as a country, blame our government. The media makes it seem like we don't care, but that's not the truth. I hope this helped at least a little bit. Now you can know that Britain is really appreciated!
2012-03-16 23:24:54 UTC
I personally don't care for politics. I am out on the ground for the soldiers there doing the job, not foe Obama or anybody else sat safe in their Office.

And too John above, When I first went to Helmand in 2006 the British had around combat 2000 troops, while Sangin alone has around 30,000 residents with a reported 20,000 insurgents who could constantly re-supply and regroup from Pakistan. Camp Bastion was not completed and most of us were in remote outposts under constant wave after wave of attacks with no cleared or safe routes yet there and with little armour, air support or resupply due to lack of helicopters and the danger of them being shot down.

Now that same area is a lot safer now, the bridges are accessible and even shops and schools are back operating in some areas. But still this area needs to be manned by around 20,000 US troops. where we had around 2000 combat troops for a wider area and at a worse time. We were held back due to Government not spending the money or supplying enough troops and i'm sure with 20,000 troops, camp Bastion, air support, Armour and cleared bridges and routes that the US now have there now our job would have been a lot easier.

Not saying British are any greater than anybody else at all, but i highly doubt 2000 troops from America or anywhere else with the same resources would have done any better. Cut us a little slack jeez.
2012-03-15 20:47:27 UTC
Politics is a rather confused and often dangerous game. Most especially when it comes to doing deals with the British.

These next links may help explain the real Britain - and it's cunning politics and so forth.

Let's just leave it there for now before we get a headache.

Before ending, let me just say this, no one is ever a true ally of England save Portugal.

But to know why and how, you'll have to check out the world's longest surviving diplomatic agreement and treaty -not with the French, not with the Germans and certainly not with the Americans. No, with Portugal.
21st century Foxy
2012-03-15 20:38:10 UTC
I don't have any respect for Obama either, but one can see that very soon, we might be dealing with a nice president that actually shows us some respect like in the good old days. Ronnie Raygun was my favourite, at least he was humerous and showed some bloody respect, unlike the rest of the rabid rats have since. Obama's time is short, and he won't be at the head of the American empire much longer.
2012-03-15 21:22:59 UTC
I often wonder this as well. The Americans sure as hell don't need you for your exaggerated military prowess. You Brits have such an exaggerated view of your importance in these wars. You're in the back seat. You're a supporting force. No one on here will admit it but the British mission was a major failure in both wars. The US military has flat out said this in once classified reports.

Insurgents kicked the British military out of Basra in Iraq. No denying this. The British military RETREATED.

Who had to defeat the Iraqi Military and defeat the insurgency? The US and the Iraqis. Where the hell were you guys when things got bad?

Then you guys again flat out FAIL in Helmand province in Afghanistan. Specifically in Sangin where you failed to improve security in the slightest. Even Canadian troops put you guys to shame when it comes to making progress on the ground. You had to turn Sangin over to the USMC. Residents immediately admitted that security was much better with the US running the show.

For a country that brags so much about their elite military you guys get very little done on the ground. The British military has been in way over its head in both wars.
2012-03-15 22:44:02 UTC
Don't blame all of America for Obama. I didn't vote for him and won't this time around either. We get the major majority of our oil from Canada.
2012-03-15 20:30:23 UTC
NATO troops left Iraq last year.

Perhaps you're confusing it with Afghanistan?

Google news is your friend. It will help you keep up to date with events. :)
2012-03-15 20:32:09 UTC
Obama does not 'hate' the people of the UK, like any 'democratic' leader he has to submit to various media outlets.

The fact is the UK has been the US's lap dog.
2012-03-15 20:32:15 UTC
Fine. Next please.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.