38 answers:
2006-08-04 15:53:31 UTC
i agree..bring them home. i wish you and your husband all the best. i hope he comes home to you safely, and everyone else.
2006-08-04 17:22:34 UTC
This is the reason the saying goes "If the Army wanted you to have a wife they would have issued you one". Army wives get too much attention... Are they doing a good job by standing by their man? Some are yes, but then you get some like this one that get up on the soapbox and start talking about "bring my man back!" Does she realize that the men and women over there might be reading this? Probably not. Does she know what affect this might have on her husband or even other soldiers? Defiantly not or she would have kept her mouth shut.
I saw a question posted here asking about weather or not there is a "Baghdad Betty" (like Hanoi Hanah or Tokyo Rose in WWII) the answer is yes there is a Baghdad Betty and it is all the disgruntled wives that get in front of a camera or have an Internet connection.
Sgt. Rob
2006-08-04 16:01:35 UTC
As a millitary wife I want the war over for all the children, wives, family and friends--- the war is just dragging on and i think its true or so called true reason for its begining has been lost among all the B###sh*t we are fed by press and the goverment- in the start i was for the war to take out terrorism now though i think we have been made fools of......
wars for the right reason if there ever is a right reason to kill others i have no problem with but wars that should have ended a long time ago i am not------
I support our troops but i do not support the missuse of them by our goverment - which i think is happening
bring our troops home-----in a manner which does not look like or can be twisted by sick minded individuals as a retreat or us running away.........
2006-08-04 15:56:57 UTC
As a person who has experience having a family member at war i've heard them time and time again say that they knew what they were getting into when they entered the military. Many soldiers out there fighting for our sake especially for their families are very prideful and have no problem being over there protecting there country. I know what it feels like being at end in the fact that you don't know whats gonna happen to our soldiers over their, but people just gotta stop complaining and protesting so much because the soldiers over there aren't doing that. We are already to involved in the war to pull out now, we have to finish what they started. I do agree though that at some point we could have pulled our soldiers out sooner and we probably wouldn't be in this mass situation right now but at some point someone didn't make the right decision and now we have to deal with it and hope for the best. There fighting for their lives over there as well as for the lives of their fellow Americans and to insure the safety of this country so that no situation like 9/11 should occur again in the future.
Shawn B
2006-08-04 16:03:37 UTC
I would first like to thank your husband and convey my deepest respect. It is because of people like your husband that we have the freedoms that we do today. Unfortunately, it just isn't that simple. As someone elsed already stated by another member, if we leave now, all those that have given their lives will have done so in vain. As much as I would like all our boys to come home today it would be a slap in the face to all those that have lost loved ones to this campaign. We must see this thing to the end or we will be so much worse off for having left without completing the job.
2006-08-04 16:01:29 UTC
I'm afraid the country has already spoken on this issue when the people re-elected Bush in 2004.
Bush will never pull out of Iraq because he's a lame duck. He just doesn't care about our opinions. There's a lot of money to be made in this war, and he will not waste this opportunity.
I'm truly sorry, but if you want to blame anyone then blame those who voted for Bush.
2006-08-04 17:09:59 UTC
I believe. that after iraq is stable both the UK and US should make a more compact defense structure to make it clear on when our freedom is under threat. i think that N.korea is a bigger threat then iraq ever was and this was stated just before the invasion of iraq. due to the fact there is no oil in korea.....action wasnt taken.
when my nation is under threat and i mean fighting for survival they can give me a gun and ill set in my home and defend me and mine. because in recent times the goverment has made everyone believe that defending our mothers, wifes and children means going all the way to iraq to find WMD that havnt been found. as a nation we havnt been attacked on our own soil or even threatened since 1945 yet how many wars have we been in since then? i cant blame anyone who feels passionate enough to die for a country but i value life more then that and if i lose my life in a war i want it to be a war of survival and persoanl threat rather then for oil, personal gain or revenge.
2006-08-04 15:58:10 UTC
Bringing them home now, and leaving Iraq and the rest of the Middle East in turmoil will only further strengthen the terrorist hold on the region and weaken our own national security. Pulling out before the job is done will ensure that the men you have die valiantly thus far have died in vain. We can honor their memory by finishing the job they were willing to give their lives for.
2006-08-04 15:57:44 UTC
Thank you and God Bless your husband . I support those guys 100% If their weren't troops over there defending our country from the idiots coming over here bombing our states , where would we be ? I know it's hard and you miss him , my daughter was in the Gulf , and i missed her to , but every time I talked to her and I wrote to her , I let her know how proud I was of her and how I supported her and the rest of the troops , The more you say , or let him know you need him there , the more you make him feel guilty of doing his job , protecting our country , which includes his family . God Bless You !
2006-08-04 15:56:13 UTC
We are all with you and this one...But the job has yet to be done, All i can say it keep up the good work taking care of the home front. I wonder when they are gonna start looking at the spouses left at home as the real care takers of the men and women over seas...Yous are the reason why we always wanna come home.
2006-08-04 15:55:27 UTC
What are they going to do here....nothing...I served and I know. They need to finish the job, and they are doing a good job too, but the media doesn't show the truth anymore...they focus on a few bad instances. They are more important in Iraq building stuff and training the Iraqis to defend their constitution.
2006-08-04 16:44:32 UTC
I was an Army wife for 20 yrs,my husband was a POW in the Viet Nam war,for 15 months,I died every day of those husband came home to me a different man but our love and the doctors brought him back to me. Your job my dear is to keep everything here at home safe and in order until your husband comes home. In a perfect world there would be no wars......But you must stop whining and be strong for your man . I don't support this unwinnable war but we are there and hes doing his job so you do yours,wait ,do not betray him and as you said....... pray.....
2006-08-04 16:03:55 UTC
To say it is a soldiers job to go to war and put their life on the line is true.
But to send a soldier to cover up a political mess with their life is a crime!
I'M from the UK I have Friends out there.
I have no idea what you are feeling right now.
God speed his safe return!!
2006-08-04 22:52:21 UTC
How would bringing them all home and giving up fighting against Communism and Terrorists help?? It would not change the opinion of those liberals. We have a chance to change the world and help those in need, that is where we need to be.
2006-08-04 17:39:25 UTC
I feel so badly for our soldiers, not to mention all the other innocents. I read some essays in a recent New Yorker from our servicemen and women. It's absolutely heartbreaking. I wiill never allow my children to join the service. NEVER. Now, I have a question. Here's a link to it:
2006-08-04 16:00:51 UTC
well, it seems to me its gonna be the other way round honey, it is far easier for you to join your husband and live with him in Iraq, rather than for him to come back home,along with the rest of the troops,because we have a long way to go over there,and the job is far from being accomplished.
2006-08-04 15:54:23 UTC
I agree with you 100%, but we can't just pull out. We started something there, and abandoning it would just cause even more problems. As much as the situation sucks we need to finish what we started.
I hope your husband comes home safely. My brother is going over for the third time this fall. =[
2006-08-04 15:55:17 UTC
I am so sorry for you and all the soldiers and their families. I want them home in the loving arms of their families, the dads and moms, the wives and husbands, the sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, and friends who love them and want them back. God bless you.
2006-08-04 15:59:47 UTC
I am a veteran of the 82nd Airborne Div., and I totally agree. Let the rest of the world kill itself and use our troops to strengthen the borders and defend what is ours.
Don M
2006-08-04 15:55:15 UTC
It would be a shame to end up in a war we actually NEEDED to fight and have folks spread out all over hell and creation defending the IDEA of freedom instead of actually defending the country.
Do the math ... why aren't all those people in afghanistan actually looking for OBL instead of "nation building" -- something GWB said he would NEVER do?
Sigh. but what do I know.
Kim B
2006-08-04 15:54:58 UTC
Speak up, write your congressman and the White House. I am a veteran and the truth is our GIs are war fighters not police. The Iraqis don't want us there. Itt's time to go.
2006-08-04 15:56:15 UTC
Hey sister, I totally agree with you. At this point what is it proving by keeping them there and sending more over. I have to many friends and relatives I worry about daily and miss with all my heart.
Its time to bring them back. Now!
2006-08-04 15:54:47 UTC
It's getting worse daily, and I agree, it's time to bring our men and women home, as soon as possible.
Get them out of harms way, and leave a cadre to train the Iraqies, to defend themselves.
Miss D
2006-08-04 15:54:17 UTC
It would be nice if it were that simple, but unfortunately, it's not. I think we shouldn't be in Iraq to begin with, but if we leave NOW, after thousands of US soldiers have died, without really accomplishing anything...I think it means they all died in vain. We started a mission, and I think we need to complete it.
2006-08-04 15:56:11 UTC
Shouldn't we formally surrender to the Islamofacists first before we "bring the troops home"?
Michael D
2006-08-04 15:52:46 UTC
As a high-ranking member of Halliburton, I have to say, no. We need the war to keep going. We haven't made enough money yet.
2006-08-04 15:55:54 UTC
I understand your wanting your husband home. Thank God for men and woman that will fight for our country. God Bless Them All. Send them home safely.
Phil S
2006-08-04 15:54:32 UTC
Bush cares more about profits of corporations like Haliburton than the lives of servicemen. Have you seen their stock chart?
isaac a
2006-08-04 15:57:59 UTC
I want them home to, my wife is a contractor over there. But we both agree that fighting terrorists on there own ground further eliminates the possibility of having to fight them on our soil.God Bless our boys, lord please keep them safe.
2006-08-04 15:55:34 UTC
Bring them home, dear lady, bring them home. They don't deserve to die painfully nor to kill others. Get others on your side and march up to the White House with the message: I don't want my husband or any loved one to die! I don't want any one to die by my husband's hand or any one else's!
Tommy D
2006-08-04 15:55:59 UTC
I agree, they have served their country fine. Let's get them home to a safer place.
2006-08-04 16:24:24 UTC
yes my relative is too!bring our love ones home
2006-08-04 15:56:42 UTC
why? did they join the army for a free ride then? let them do what they get paid to do!!!
2006-08-04 15:56:29 UTC
He's well needed both places! Wish you and him all the best ! May he have a safe and swift return to you! Tell him thank you for me please!!!
2006-08-04 15:53:02 UTC
We can't leave a job unfinished.
2006-08-04 17:40:13 UTC
Yes, they should go home.
2006-08-04 15:53:55 UTC
I agree all the way.
pickle head
2006-08-04 15:53:46 UTC
I agree with you.
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