Maybe you could be wrong?!?
TEHRAN, (Reuters) - A senior Iranian army commander warned the United States and other Western powers not to make any "stupid move" over Tehran's nuclear programme and said they would be surprised by the military response to any such action.
The comments by the commander-in-chief of the regular army, reported by newspapers on Saturday, were the latest in a series of defiant statements by Iran's leadership as the United Nations prepares to vote on new sanctions against the country.
A total of 14 air bases are currently operational: Ahvaz, Bandar Abbas, Bushehr, Chan Bahar, Dezful, Doshan Tapeh (Tehran), Ghaleh Morghi (Tehran), Hamadan, Isfahan, Mashhad, Mehrabad (Tehran), Shiraz, Tabriz and Zahedan. Soviet-made aircraft are distributed throughout the country to fufill mission roles of ground attack, transport, training and interception. Bandar Abbas, Bushehr, Dezful, Hamadan, Tabriz and Mehrabad are the centers for ground attack squadrons. Shiraz is the home of the interceptor squadron. It also provides training along with, Mehrabad, Doshan Tapeh and Isfahan. Shiraz also houses the transport squadron
An Iranian uptodate PT boat named "Joshan" served the navy on Wednesday morning, local Fars news agency reported.
According to the report, the home-made boat "enjoys special capabilities" and is one of the most advanced PT boats in the world.
"The boat enjoys the world latest technology, specially with regard to its military, electronic systems, frame and chassis, and it has the capabilities required for launching powerful missiles," Iran's navy commander Admiral Kouchaki told reporters.
Admiral Kouchaki continued that "Joshan" has a speed of over 45 sea knots which makes it even faster than the same generation of PT boats manufactured by other countries.
"The vessel is capable of using various missiles and rockets with a range beyond 100 km, high maneuverability power that helps it to escape torpedoes," he added.
In addition, Admiral Kouchaki said the boat "enjoys the most advanced sea shell of the world" and his country was the third country to get hold of technology for building it, just after the United States and Italy.