Why is President George W Bush so hell bent on War with Iran? You call yourself a Christian nation?
2007-08-31 20:17:31 UTC
Bush has discarded habeas corpus and the Geneva Conventions, justified torture and secret trials, damned critics as anti-American, and is responsible, according to Information Clearing House, for over one million deaths of Iraqi civilians, which puts Bush high on the list of mass murderers of all time. The vast majority of "kills" by the US military in Iraq and Afghanistan are civilians.Now Bush wants to murder more. We have to kill Iranians "over there," Bush says, "before they come over here." There is no possibility that Iranians or any Muslims who have no air force, no navy, no modern military technology are going to "come over here," and no indication that they plan to do so. The Muslims are disunited and have been for centuries. That is what makes them vulnerable to colonial rule. If Muslims were united, the US would already have lost its army in Iraq. Indeed, it would not have been able to put an army in Iraq.
23 answers:
2007-08-31 20:37:36 UTC
Gee - like you think you are going to get accurate information from

The really sad thing is that the Bush-haters never bothered to even learn what President Bush's policy towards Iran even is.

Even sadder is the fact that you probably do not even care.
2007-08-31 20:52:06 UTC
Oh so they can't get "over here" well what did you call the 93 WTC attack and 9-11. What Bush has done is nothing compared to what FDR did. Would you want to see him tried as a "war criminal". Habeas corpus has not been "discarded" its still in force for American citizens. The Geneva convention does not cover terrorists, only uniformed soldiers of a Country. Far as I can see there have been no trials, except for that one and it was about as public as it could be. And as far as "information clearing house" its a left wing group with a political agenda, but you have one too.Even the Iraqis say that figure is too high and the majority of Iraqi dying are doing that at the hands of Muslim terrorists.

Oh, and no where have i heard Bush say anything aboutt killing Iranians. On the contrary we have been using every avenue of diplomacy possible.

You sir are a fool and I don't suffer you gladly.
Prof. Dave
2007-08-31 20:53:01 UTC
Well as for me I do not want a nation that it's leaders are so full of hate for us to get an atomic weapon. Most of the Iranian people I have met feel the Iranian government is full of murderers and thieves. This is what I have been told my actual Iranian people about their own government. While there have been a lot of civilians killed the far majority of them have been killed by suicide bombers from within their own nation or sent over there by Iran, who is also smuggling weapons and arms to the very people who have oppressed and abused the vast majority of Iraqis and Afghanis in the past. I find Iranian people for the most part very nice, polite and kind. The government of that nation is far from that. Habeas Corpus as far as American constitution goes is still applied. Our court system makes sure of that. The thing is during a time of war, if you are not in a military uniform you are considered a spy and you may be shot. That rule still applies. So the very fact that the US is trying to make sure these are real insurgents with trials is far. The US just wants Iraq and Afghanistan to be independent nations. Free from religious oppression or political oppression like they have both been for far to long. While I think they should have their own laws and so on, they should not be allowed to mistreat people due to their race, religion, or sex. These nations in the past have done that, Iran does that to some degree though I must say not half as bad as Iraq and Afghanistan had done under the rule of the Taliban or Saddam Hussein. Bush is not that bad, while I do wish we were out of that area of the world we should fight for the rights of all people. The fact that just because someone is Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Jewish, or Buddhist does not give any group the right to kill them or oppress them. The same goes for any nation that does that based on whether or not you are a man or a woman. To do that is wrong, that is the reasons we are over their. The other is due to state supported terrorism. Any nation that allows a person like Osama to run free needs to be removed from the earth. I do hope that we do not ever have to go to war with Iran. I think that the majority of Iranians are good, honest people. It is only the government that is in control of Iran that needs to be removed, due to the amount of hate and willingness to support terrorism that it has. The reason so many poor civilians are being killed is due to the amount of suicide bombings and things like that, that the insurgents are doing.
2007-08-31 21:14:09 UTC
First, you would be surprised at how organized the terrorists (Not Muslims, Not Iranians, but terrorists, there is a difference) actually are. They are not just some ragtag group with guns. They have been fighting for generations over there, and they know the territory. Moreover, dont even group Mahmood Ahmedinijad (Prez of Iran) in with the other terrorist groups. He is crazy, but he has one heck of a military. If we do invade Iran now, we will lose. And remember, before 9/11 no one would have believed that anyone could come into the US and drive a plane into a building, so they very well could try it again.

In my opinion, the war on terror was a ruse just to put military bases in Afghanistan/Iraq, which are on opposite sides of Iran. The government knows that there will eventually be a war with Iran, and it is already setting up for it. Fret not, however, as Bush will not attack Iran now, or before he leaves office, because he will further shame the Republicans and himself with the dismal loss
2007-08-31 20:45:14 UTC
I'm guessing your not an American by you stupidity in our affairs and our president. The USA used very precise and advanced weapons in the war against Iraq and almost all of the civilians killed were killed by the insane fanatics running around with bombs on their 12 year old kids. Well if you don't consider the possiblity of nuclear capabilitys in just a couple of years modern military technology I would like to see the weapons your country has. We can not allow a nation that hates us with such a passion that they would be insane enough to use nukes against us to aquire them. We would lose a couple of million (our main concern) but Iran would become the worlds largest parking lot after we were done with our counterattack (second but not so important concern). If the muslims were united it would be a few million men running at the most powerful army in the world. Trust me the US army would still be there but they would have new jobs as gravediggers for the couple of million that would try and dislodge them. Plus if Muslims united they would first try and take out Israel but lucky for Israel we gave them a couple of things called thermonuclear warheads. Let's just say Israel isn't afraid of using them.
St. Bastard
2007-08-31 21:00:01 UTC
War with Iran is impossible right now.

We have 160,000+ troops in Iraq right now with a further 127,000+ contractors. As of yet, there has been no withdrawl plans, so lets assume those troops are going to stay put in Iraq. Then if that is the case, who are we going to send into Iran? The Army is having a hard enough time keeping the manpower necessary to occupy Iraq. Furthermore, congress would never approve funding for it. It's a Democratic congress.

Iran's government is rather stable also. If you take out a stable government, it's gonna be a mess, a bit like Iraq is now.
2007-08-31 20:41:09 UTC
Kiwi, where the hell do you get your info? First of all there are countries that never sided with us in the past over any issues that have joined in against Iran. Iran has become a very serious threat, especially with the Mullahs controlling most of the strategic portions of their military. and of course a vast portion of civilians are being killed in Iraq. It is your extremist brothers which have no regard for human life, where while I served over there, I saw extraordinary acts of US servicemen and women putting themselves between the civilians and gunmen and bombers. Get your head out of your ass
2007-08-31 20:37:30 UTC
Maybe you could be wrong?!?

TEHRAN, (Reuters) - A senior Iranian army commander warned the United States and other Western powers not to make any "stupid move" over Tehran's nuclear programme and said they would be surprised by the military response to any such action.

The comments by the commander-in-chief of the regular army, reported by newspapers on Saturday, were the latest in a series of defiant statements by Iran's leadership as the United Nations prepares to vote on new sanctions against the country.

A total of 14 air bases are currently operational: Ahvaz, Bandar Abbas, Bushehr, Chan Bahar, Dezful, Doshan Tapeh (Tehran), Ghaleh Morghi (Tehran), Hamadan, Isfahan, Mashhad, Mehrabad (Tehran), Shiraz, Tabriz and Zahedan. Soviet-made aircraft are distributed throughout the country to fufill mission roles of ground attack, transport, training and interception. Bandar Abbas, Bushehr, Dezful, Hamadan, Tabriz and Mehrabad are the centers for ground attack squadrons. Shiraz is the home of the interceptor squadron. It also provides training along with, Mehrabad, Doshan Tapeh and Isfahan. Shiraz also houses the transport squadron

An Iranian uptodate PT boat named "Joshan" served the navy on Wednesday morning, local Fars news agency reported.

According to the report, the home-made boat "enjoys special capabilities" and is one of the most advanced PT boats in the world.

"The boat enjoys the world latest technology, specially with regard to its military, electronic systems, frame and chassis, and it has the capabilities required for launching powerful missiles," Iran's navy commander Admiral Kouchaki told reporters.

Admiral Kouchaki continued that "Joshan" has a speed of over 45 sea knots which makes it even faster than the same generation of PT boats manufactured by other countries.

"The vessel is capable of using various missiles and rockets with a range beyond 100 km, high maneuverability power that helps it to escape torpedoes," he added.

In addition, Admiral Kouchaki said the boat "enjoys the most advanced sea shell of the world" and his country was the third country to get hold of technology for building it, just after the United States and Italy.
Richard B
2007-08-31 21:52:14 UTC
The question is why isn't the war with Iran over. Iranians have been attacking and killing our troops for years. It's time for pay back.
2016-10-17 12:49:36 UTC
Please, The U.S. replaced into using international kin with Iraq for years and all it produced replaced into the oil for food scandel,over a hundred,000 ineffective Iraqis,and terrorists being knowledgeable in Iraq. the actuality of the difficulty is you are able to not have international kin with dictators. Saddam replaced into "singled" out by using fact of consistent to produce weapons of mass destruction (do not tell me there have been none,tell me the place in Syria,or Iran are they hidden after over a three hundred and sixty 5 days of "international kin")additionally paying homicide bombers,endured assaults on U.S. planes in the "no fly zone"and a great form of alternative motives i don't prefer to get into to boot torture,rape and homicide. If this so referred to as pacification is a failure,what could you call a fulfillment. Iraq has had 3 democratic elections,written a shape,geared up 1000's of faculties are rebuilding their usa and infastructure and not further and further palaces for saddam and his demon spawn sons. The President would be held in charge by using fact the president who finally had the will and the braveness to shield the midsection east mess that the worst president in U.S. historic previous,jimmy carter tremendously plenty began on his very own.i'm nevertheless ill over the actuality that jimmy is the 1st Presidental vote I had ever forged.President George Bush would be recognized by using fact the president Who stored the united statesfrom infinite greater assaults by using "BUSH DOCTRINE", you're for us or against us.Please teach your self by having recommended of the actual info approximately this conflict on terror.All of our little ones futures be counted on it.I pray which you sometime get the ways,needless to say Saddam says he wanted to proceed international kin.That way he could desire to nevertheless be paying off god is conscious what number united usa participants to maintain him in ability and to proceed filling his palaces and swiss economic enterprise debts with oil for food money on a similar time as hundreds of Iraqis died of starvation or an attack of nerve gasoline. Oh, thats suited, He ddint have any WMD'S, did he.
2007-09-02 03:19:25 UTC
Simple, Bush wants a bigger war so he can suspend the next election and stay in office.
2007-08-31 20:33:33 UTC
Why is Iran so hell bent on denying the Holocaust and "wiping Israel of the face of the earth"?
2007-08-31 20:28:07 UTC
So sad, you actually read from Informationclearinghouse? its lucky its not printed as it would line birdcages worldwide for the inaccuracies inherent in its publication.

Master Chief, Gave you a Thumbs Up for G.P.
2007-08-31 20:25:46 UTC
Bush is hell bent on war with Iran??? Where do you get that idea??? That crazy loon over there is the problem not Bush. There is no way we (the rest of the civilized world) can allow them to obtain nuclear weapons. Do you even know what would happen if they had them? It would be unspeakable....
John C
2007-08-31 20:31:27 UTC
He''s not and yes. Answered both questions and the rest is a rant.
2007-08-31 20:41:26 UTC
Just as not all Muslims are terrorists, not all Christians in the US support Bush's war policies. Please do not insult us by confusing the two.
2007-08-31 21:09:35 UTC
Ahh yanks, always afraid of the boogieman. Haven't won a war in decades but keep looking for new ones.
Natalie O
2007-08-31 20:38:08 UTC
No, I don't call the United States a Christian nation and, yes, I'm American. We have the freedom of religion and, unfortunately, the ones who speak the loudest are getting the most attention. They are not the majority though. I think the things you speak of are the way most Americans feel also. This whole Bush tragedy cannot end soon enough.
2007-08-31 20:59:36 UTC
Hell no I don't call us a Christian nation. What a bunch of crap.
2007-08-31 20:40:15 UTC
when a man says to you, I will never stop hunting your children until they are all dead, do you kiss his gludious maximus or do you defend your family to the death,

Man or Mouse?
2007-08-31 20:30:04 UTC
It's all about one thing - control of the oil supplies in the middle east. It's not about finding weapons of mass destruction or finding Osama bin Laden or fighting terrorism. None of that crap matters. It's all a front. All the US is concerned about is oil - and it's sad to say that our government will do whatever it takes to get it.
2007-08-31 20:25:09 UTC
bush knows best. seriously
2007-08-31 20:28:30 UTC
Very true indeed. He's just stupid and thinks he's "protecting" America and "improving" Iran and Iraq by killing all the civilians there, while Jesus taught to turn the other cheek.

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