Friendly Fire is lawyer speak for describing the US Military on the battle field.
Historically the Yanks shoot first and ask questions later, as much later as possible or never usually.
The most famous [or should that be infamous] incidents of so called friendly fire from the Yanks, happened on D-Day when the USAAF bombed the advancing Canadians whom they thought must be the Krauts.
It just gets worse and there is seldom an apology.
What we get are weasel words from the American administration, such as, "It happens", "Fog of War".
My dad, now gone, a veteran of WW-2 always said the last people he wanted anywhere near him in the front line was the Yanks.
Friendly fire - Wikipedia, A friendly fire incident (fratricide), is when friendly forces or ... The second classification is murder where friendly fire incidents are premeditated. ...
CBC News Indepth: Friendly FireHarry Schmidt, one of the pilots involved in the "friendly fire" incident that killed four Canadians in Afghanistan, was found guilty of dereliction of duty ...
Friendly Fire Notebook military incidents during wartime that took or impaired the lives of our fellow countrymen and women. Statistics on Friendly-Fire incidents ...
BBC NEWS | UK | Troops' anger over US 'friendly fire'The so-called friendly fire incident, 40 kilometres (24.8 miles) north of Basra, left one soldier missing, presumed dead, and another in intensive care on ...
We deserve better from US in 'friendly fire' case - TelegraphIt seems to me that British friendly fire incidents always get played down but as soon as .... My father was in the 6th Airborne Division at D Day in 1945; ...
Friendly Fire Some of the worst friendly fire incidents occurred later with the Army in ... The Normandy Invasion suffered 9000 casualties of 130000 men landed on D-Day. ...
The fact is that most Americans just hate our guts. They think they're still fighting the war of independence and that we're the enemy.
Looks like we soon will be if they keep this up.
Old soldier British Army 1957-1965