The State OCS (Officer Candidate School) option (Traditional Course) is a 16- to 18-month course of instruction conducted from March to August of the following year. Upon commissioning, each officer must attend an Officer Basic Course within 18 months (one six-month extension may be granted) in the branch to which he or she is assigned.
One weekend drill will be held each month in March, April, May, and June, conducted at State Regional Training Institute (RTI). Administrative in-processing is conducted to ensure all applicants meet the minimum enrollment criteria by a written examination and board evaluation. Drill and ceremony, physical fitness, and land navigation training are conducted to prepare the applicants for Phase I. Applicants must pass an Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT) during this phase prior to being accepted into the program. Applicants are on a SUTA status until accepted into the program. Unit of assignment will receive a SUTA certificate from the State Regional Training Institute (RTI) following drill weekend. Each individual will be enrolled and promoted to E-6 when all enrollment criteria are met.
A two-week annual training will normally be held in June or July, with personnel reporting to one of seven Regional OCS Battalions. The training will focus on leadership, teamwork, and basic military skills. Candidates will receive land navigation training, training management, and testing conducted at the regional OCS training facility.
(Traditional) IDT weekends will usually take place from July to June of the following year. Candidates are attached to their State Regional Training Institute (RTI) OCS Company and will perfect the skills previously learned. In addition, they will concentrate on military subjects such as ethics, military justice, physical fitness, logistics, communications, personnel administration, NBC, tactics, and patrolling.
A two-week annual training is normally held in July or August. Candidates will report to their State Regional Training Institute (RTI) and be transported either to Ft. Benning, GA; Ft. McClellan, AL; or Ft. Lewis, WA; where they will be evaluated on tactics, patrolling, and leadership skills through squad and platoon level. Upon completion, candidates may be commissioned pending federal recognition.