Do you admire the Insurgents? Even a little ?
2006-09-26 12:28:31 UTC
Look at the Insurgents. Just look at them. They are only a rag tag group of people but they are kicking the United States rear end everyday. We are so powerful and they are so weak but they have a good reason to fight the USA. ( What would you do if tanks from another country rolled down your streets? ) The Rag Tag insurgents are taking on the USA and are hurting/killing the troops who fight for Bush and his ideas. Soon my nephew will be over there fighting for Mr Bush and his illegal war. ( He is out of Boot camp 2nd week of Oct ) If my nephew dies at least I tried to tell him the truth.
28 answers:
2006-09-26 12:40:30 UTC
I don't admire them. I admire our troops. But i don't admire the wars. And i certainly don't admire Bush.

JBean B, this asker is not misinformed. You are. Did you read the recent CIA reports that explain that the wars are creating more terrorists and making us less safe?
2006-09-26 13:22:15 UTC
No, not a little bit. In fact I think they are not very intelligent. They are manipulated daily by people who in the end are only interested in money and power. And they - the insurgents themselves don't even see that. In fact they act a bit like mercenaries.

Furthermore - they kill and destroy innocents, civilians. This is really bad and stupid.

So - those are the most awful creatures. Having no moral and no conscious and being stupid enough to believe they are doing something rigth.

More important - they do not fight against Bush or his ideas. I hope you do not even think that really. They don't even know a lot about Bush or his ideas. They are getting pieces and snippets but from their superiors, the ones who pay for all that, who have different goals. To gain the power of the region and get the oil money. Not much different perhaps from Bush's goals (Oil and influence over the region).

If they would really want to get rid of the US troops then they would just be nice and quiet and the troops would have withdrawn already. Don't you think?

But the US troops in the region there are a very good "marketing" tool for the enemies of the US. And they make heavy use of that. And they fuel that regularly. They really do not want to have the US troops leave. You see - this is a real dirty game there.

It is unfortunate that soldiers in whatever army (insurgents or US army or whatever) are always the ones who bite the dust. It is never the ones high above who suffer.

I am sorry for your nephew. But if this is what he had chosen then this is his decision. He is brave and admirable. And he has his reasons.

And you should feel at least a little bit ashamed for your question.
2006-09-26 12:56:15 UTC
If a group of people have a problem with another group of people, there are places to air grievances, such as the United Nations, the World Court or even through the media. There is no excuse for anyone to blow up innocent men, women and children who have done no wrong and have no power to change things. The insurgents, of whom you speak, are for the most part either foreign fighters in Iraq or members of the Baath Party that was in control of Iraq under Saddam Husein. They were part of a reign of terror. There are mass graves and the testamony of thousands of people who endured the excesses of the regime. Those insurgents and suicide bombers have killed and maimed more Muslims than coalition forces. What may have started out as a political force has beome a death cult. They want to eliminate their enemies, including the people of Europe and the United States, by any means possible.

Your use of the term, "illegal war" comes right out of somebody's political talking points, but is not founded in truth. If you go back and check your facts you will see that Iraq violated the terms of the cease fire signed by Saddam Husein at the end of the first Gulf War. That violation was met with sanctions and resolutions by the United Nations. The United States did not just invade, they went through a long and difficult process of making their case diplomatically to the UN.

Would it have been responsible for the world to stand by and allow the rapes, murders and torture go on, or for the world ignore the fact that the regime in Iraq was paying families of suicide bombers in other countries?

We may not be conducting the perfect war. There may be no such thing. It could be an impossible goal, but our country is making a very big effort. Your nephew deserves your support, not your criticism. If he can bring peace to the Middle East, he will worthy of the name, "Hero."

History will judge the parties to this conflict.
2006-09-26 12:44:14 UTC
(1) You seem to regard the insurgency as a monolithic group, along the lines of the VC. It isn't.

(2) You have evidently never set foot there or actually looked at the wealth of data from either Afghanistan or Iraq on both the composition of various insurgent groups and their motivations. As such, you cannot differentiate between the Badr Corps and some criminal gang specializing in kidnapping for profit. You don't have to be working in some S-2 or G-2 slot to determine who and what the players are. Evidently that sort of work is too hard for you.

(3) The majority of combat over there is actually between the various paramilitaries themselves fighting for gain, or from those who regard the Iraqi military and police as a great impediment on their control of their various personal fiefdoms. While Americans troops are involved, they are nowhere near as heavily engaged as the local nationals, regardless of affiliation. The casualty figures bear witness to this.

(4) No insurgent group has faced an American unit of platoon strength or higher and survived intact, much less victorious. Even with the sort of foreign aid and support some of the insurgent groups receive and the experience and sophistication of some of these armed factions (former Republican Guard, Kurdish peshmerga, etc), those armed groups that do take on the American military do so by resorting to indirect means (IEDs, VBIEDs) than coming out in force.

(5) Most of the various insurgent groups are just criminals freed by Saddam in his infamous amnesty of 2002. There is nothing to admire about cowards. If they fought as the VC fought, there would be something to admire, but the majority are woefully inept in combat. Granted, there are individual fighters whose tenacity is to be respected, but very few are both skilled and resilient. I have yet to be truly, truly impressed by any of the enemy I have faced in the Middle East as worthy foes.

You've done your best to troll for reactions, but all you do is display your own abject ignorance. You certainly do have a high threshold for humiliation, since any normal human being would have died for shame long ago.
john s
2006-09-26 12:41:09 UTC
you are one sick guy. the insurgents kill innocent children and people each day. HOW IS THAT ADMIRABLE? NOT EVEN A LITTLE!!! sure i know bush might not be the brightest bulb on the tree and we went into iraq for God knows what reason. but we now have a responsibility to clean up our mistakes (bush's mistake) and help our troops out. fighting along side with them or supporting them against these sick people who bomb themselves in front of 4 and 5 years olds recieving candy from soldiers.
The Angry Stick Man
2006-09-26 12:44:53 UTC
I admire the tactics. The British thought we ( the USA ) were a bunch of cowards for using what we call today 'guerrilla warfare' in our revolution. They thought we were despicable since we didn't line up on a battle field and fight them but we had to do what we had to do and we won. The insurgents are using different tactics and they are working. They haven't killed a lot of soldiers or taken any major offenses but they are using everything they have and using it in small attacks just aiming to take out 2-3 US soldiers at a time. They are getting more and more moral support from their own and wearing down the fire in us Americans, its sad but its true, its hard for me to believe that a soldier who is on his 3rd tour and doesn't know when he is going to go home has the same level or morale as he did in 2004. The Art of War. They know it.
2006-09-26 12:44:39 UTC
No erudite I do not admire them, not even a little bit. They are angry over having lost power when Saddam was toppled, the avarage Iraqi on the streets would just love to do nothing more than get on with a pleasant life going to work and fixing up the shack on weekends. It is a small minority who are so violently opposed to US involvement that they blow each other up on a regular basis. Kind of like those morons in LA after the Rodney King trial, burning down their own neighborhoods.

Just out of curiosity do you even read the responses you get or just shoot your mouth off in ways calculated to inflame?
2006-09-26 12:33:10 UTC
Sounds to me like you want your nephew to die just to justify your illogical position. Let me clear some things up for you. The insurgents are not kicking our butts they are kicking Iraqis' butts. If anything is stopping us from destroying the insurgents it is not the insurgents, it is the left. You have tied our hands. The media is waging a war against the United States. If we were allowed to fight we would not be losing anyone.
2016-11-25 01:41:02 UTC
a million. Inflation 2. Unsustainable debt load 3. Steepening Yield Curve 4. more beneficial expenses of residing 5. a lot less pastime possibilities 6. overseas international locations looks getting lower than pressure - Iran, N. Korea, China 7. Obama claims the debt is unsustainable and keeps to spend we would have done extra ideal. the present administration ought to study from California. this variety of spending only ends up in a unmarried end. anybody will pay for this -- if no longer explicitly, implicitly with the diminished procuring power of the dollar, the more beneficial expenses of residing and the shortcoming of ability to maintain an income. i'd delight in having a lager w/ Obama, yet i don't think of i'd placed him in can charge of my finance branch, no longer to instruct recommend his Presidency. My problem is for my youthful toddlers...i will cope with the swing.
2006-09-26 17:15:40 UTC
The "insurgents" are legitimate Resistance to illegal foreign occupation. They are morally identical to the Resistance that fought Nazis in WWII.

Only a liar would claim that Americans would not do EXACTLY the same things the Iraqis do if a foreign power invaded America. I know I better believe I'd blow up invaders.
2006-09-26 12:41:39 UTC
Yes, I do. One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter! I don't condone violence in any scenario but hey, the Americans invaded someone else's country in the most violent way imaginable, so they shouldn't be surprised when the Iraqis and Afghans retaliate in the only way they know how. As usual, though, it's civilians who are suffering the most, that's the tragedy of war. I hope your nephew survives and I hope he also never has to kill an innocent person in cold blood.
2006-09-27 12:36:37 UTC
I look at insurgents as animals. They are nothing but cowards hiding from the people who are better and higher on the food chain. I say anybody can believe in anything they want but lets not be stupid. I swear that the muslim community is lacking many things but i would say common sence is what they are lacking the most. The muslims also are the most hippocritical group of people i have encountered they say kill kill kill but we take out thir family they ask why i say kill them all and let allah sort them out
2006-09-26 12:37:09 UTC
First of all, it's obvious that your nephew is braver, and smarter than you are. Next, you're misinformed, because those rag tag heads aren't kicking our troops butts, and common sense, when you look at how the Iraqis now have free elections, and have voted in many free elections for the first time in 30 years tells us that. Not to mention, they now have their own government... Those "insurgents", most ARE NOT Iraqis, and do not represent those Iraqis that came out in DROVES to vote in the face of Zarqawi, and his thug buddies threatening their families. As for soldiers dying, well, it's war, and in war people die. You're a disgrace to your nephew, buddy.
2006-09-27 03:06:16 UTC
Your trying to make the insurgents look like Robin Hood which really shows you never made it over there during your military. They are more like the mafia. I never have admired them. After treating the survivors and collect the dead of the school house they hit with 4 RPGs because they let girls go to school. Nope not something I admire. Seeing the body of the father who was beheaded because he wouldn't let them "recruit" his son (13) into their army. Now I ask. Do you admire them? It sounds like it.
2006-09-26 16:53:16 UTC
I do not negotiate with scum.

I do not negotiate with traitors.

Admire... their face alone makes me want to puke... the only thing I would admire is the bomb that's gonna turn their sorry a*s into glass.

And you choose them over your own nephew... your family, own fellow citizen??? You are a piece of traitorous scum.

No country... not even the Iraqis will ever want you for a citizen.
2006-09-26 12:52:03 UTC
Maybe you should support your nephew for going there to defend stupid asses rights, like yourself, to say such things. You make me sick. "I admire the insurgents for killing our American Marines/Soldiers," is basically what you're saying. American would be a better place without the likes of you, so do everyone a favor, and keep your liberal bullshit opinions to yourself.
2006-09-26 13:58:35 UTC
It is not an illegal war! Congress voted and approved it! So when you told you nephew that it was illegal you lied to him. You need to tell him the truth. If you really care.

NO I do not admire the terrorist that behead people, strap a bomb to their body to kill children or their mothers, and say that they are doing so in the name of their god.

I do not agree with those who say that god told them it was his will for them to bomb abortion clinics either!
2006-09-26 12:32:37 UTC
of course the dems idolize the throatcutters and bus bombers. Then they label Bush the real terrorist. Liberalism is a mental disorder. If bush really were a terrorist, then the liberals would be bending over backwards to appease him, not obstruct him and call him names.

Atleast you support the enemy over your own nephew you dirtbag.

I bet you were one of those libs that said "Dont question my patriotism". They used to shoot traitors, that was before the commies in the ACLU changed things, If I were a traitor I would support the ACLU also.
Perry L
2006-09-26 12:32:43 UTC
They are closer to the Continental army of 1776 than the terrorists of 2001 if you ask me. If I were in Iraq I would be doing the same thing...killing the Imperial invaders.
2006-09-26 12:38:56 UTC
Why does everything have to be 'left' and 'right' with you guys, I'm starting to think the whole Iraq war war started just to appease gun happy republicans!
2006-09-26 15:19:18 UTC
Still here with the stupid hate. I hope you and your whole family gets HIV and dies. I really do mean that.
2006-09-26 12:31:49 UTC
I don't admire you anymore.....I hope one of our hero's find you in a back alley, and treat you just the same way insurgents treat our troops.
2006-09-27 05:13:52 UTC
Admire Insurgents?are u serious?No ahhhhhh noooooooooo!!!!!!!!!
2006-09-26 12:57:20 UTC
I admire you!

You have the nice quality of put yourself on somebody else's shoes , even if he is your enemy.
2006-09-26 12:35:22 UTC
i don,t admire insurgents!
Caleb's Mom
2006-09-26 12:33:53 UTC
No, not even a little.
Stand 4 somthing Please!
2006-09-26 12:30:48 UTC
No not even a little.
2006-09-26 13:21:39 UTC

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